662 research outputs found

    Branes with Background Fields in Boundary State Formalism

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    Interaction of branes in presence of internal gauge fields is considered by using the boundary state formalism. This approach enables us to consider the problems that are not easily accessible to the canonical approach via open strings. The effects of compactification of some of the dimensions on tori are also discussed. Also we study the massless state contribution on this interaction.Comment: 12 pp. No figure

    Picosecond fluctuating protein energy landscape mapped by pressure–temperature molecular dynamics simulation

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    Microscopic statistical pressure fluctuations can, in principle, lead to corresponding fluctuations in the shape of a protein energy landscape. To examine this, nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations of lysozyme are performed covering a range of temperatures and pressures. The well known dynamical transition with temperature is found to be pressure-independent, indicating that the effective energy barriers separating conformational substates are not significantly influenced by pressure. In contrast, vibrations within substates stiffen with pressure, due to increased curvature of the local harmonic potential in which the atoms vibrate. The application of pressure is also shown to selectively increase the damping of the anharmonic, low-frequency collective modes in the protein, leaving the more local modes relatively unaffected. The critical damping frequency, i.e., the frequency at which energy is most efficiently dissipated, increases linearly with pressure. The results suggest that an invariant description of protein energy landscapes should be subsumed by a fluctuating picture and that this may have repercussions in, for example, mechanisms of energy dissipation accompanying functional, structural, and chemical relaxation

    Mixed Branes Interaction in Compact Spacetime

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    We present a general description of two mixed branes interactions. For this we consider two mixed branes with dimensions p_1 and p_2, in external field B_{\mu\nu} and arbitrary gauge fields A^1_{\alpha_1} and A^2_{\alpha_2} on the world volume of them, in spacetime in which some of its directions are compactified on circles with different radii. Some examples are considered to clear these general interactions. Finally contribution of the massless states on the interactions is extracted. Closed string with mixed boundary conditions and boundary state formalism, provide useful tools for calculation of these interactions.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Vibrational energy relaxation in proteins

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    An overview of theories related to vibrational energy relaxation (VER) in proteins is presented. VER of a selected mode in cytochrome c is studied using two theoretical approaches. One is the equilibrium simulation approach with quantum correction factors, and the other is the reduced model approach which describes the protein as an ensemble of normal modes interacting through nonlinear coupling elements. Both methods result in estimates of the VER time (sub ps) for a CD stretching mode in the protein at room temperature. The theoretical predictions are in accord with the experimental data of Romesberg's group. A perspective on future directions for the detailed study of time scales and mechanisms for VER in proteins is presented.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PNA

    Antiferromagnetic Order and Superconductivity in Sr4(Mg0.5-xTi0.5+x)2O6Fe2As2 with Electron Doping: 75As-NMR Study

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    We report an 75As-NMR study on iron (Fe)-based superconductors with thick perovskitetype blocking layers Sr4(Mg0.5-xTi0.5+x)2O6Fe2As2 with x=0 and 0.2. We have found that antiferromagnetic (AFM) order takes place when x=0, and superconductivity (SC) emerges below Tc=36 K when x=0.2. These results reveal that the Fe-pnictides with thick perovskitetype blocks also undergo an evolution from the AFM order to the SC by doping electron carriers into FeAs planes through the chemical substitution of Ti+4 ions for Mg+2 ions, analogous to the F-substitution in LaFeAsO compound. The reason why the Tc=36 K when x=0.2 being higher than the optimally electron-doped LaFeAsO with Tc=27 K relates to the fact that the local tetrahedron structure of FeAs4 is optimized for the onset of SC.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Detection of Diatomic Molecules in the Dust Forming Nova V2676 Oph

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    Novae are generally considered to be hot astronomical objects and show effective temperatures up to 10,000 K or higher at their visual maximum. But, it is theoretically predicted that the outer envelope of the nova outflow can become cool enough to form molecules that would be dissociated at high temperatures. We detected strong absorption bands of C2 and CN radicals in the optical spectrum of Nova V2676 Oph, a very slow nova with dust formation. This is the first report of the detection of C2 and the second one of CN in novae during outburst. Although such simple molecules are predicted to form in the envelope of the outflow based on previous studies, there are few reports of their detection. In the case of V2676 Oph, the presence of the molecular envelope is considered to be very transient, lasting several days only

    Renormalization group approach to vibrational energy transfer in protein

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    Renormalization group method is applied to the study of vibrational energy transfer in protein molecule. An effective Lagrangian and associated equations of motion to describe the resonant energy transfer are analyzed in terms of the first-order perturbative renormalization group theory that has been developed as a unified tool for global asymptotic analysis. After the elimination of singular terms associated with the Fermi resonance, amplitude equations to describe the slow dynamics of vibrational energy transfer are derived, which recover the result obtained by a technique developed in nonlinear optics [S.J. Lade, Y.S. Kivshar, Phys. Lett. A 372 (2008) 1077].Comment: 11 page

    Development of Time- and Energy-Resolved Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Mössbauer Spectroscopy

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    14th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2021) 28.03.2022 - 01.04.2022 OnlineSynchrotron-radiation based Mössbauer spectroscopy has become a useful technique capable for investigating various Mössbauer isotopes. For a typical experimental setup, the information associated with the pulse height (that is, energy) in an avalanche photodiode (APD) detector has not been used effectively. By using a system for simultaneous measurement system of time and energy associated with the APD signal, a system for the time- and energy-resolved Mössbauer spectroscopy has been developed. In this system, the pulse height information was converted to the time information through an amplitude-to-time converter applied to one of the divided signals from the APD. The corresponding time information was processed separately from another one of the divided signals. Both signals are recorded by a multi-channel scaler in an event-by-event data acquisition process. The velocity information from the Mössbauer transducer was also recorded as a tag for each signal event. Thus, the Mössbauer spectra with any time- and energy-window can be reconstructed after the data collection process. This system can be used for many purposes in time- and energy-resolved Mössbauer spectroscopy, and shows significant promise for use with other fast detectors and for various types of experiments

    Average Structures of a Single Knotted Ring Polymer

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    Two types of average structures of a single knotted ring polymer are studied by Brownian dynamics simulations. For a ring polymer with N segments, its structure is represented by a 3N -dimensional conformation vector consisting of the Cartesian coordinates of the segment positions relative to the center of mass of the ring polymer. The average structure is given by the average conformation vector, which is self-consistently defined as the average of the conformation vectors obtained from a simulation each of which is rotated to minimize its distance from the average conformation vector. From each conformation vector sampled in a simulation, 2N conformation vectors are generated by changing the numbering of the segments. Among the 2N conformation vectors, the one closest to the average conformation vector is used for one type of the average structure. The other type of the averages structure uses all the conformation vectors generated from those sampled in a simulation. In thecase of the former average structure, the knotted part of the average structure is delocalized for small N and becomes localized as N is increased. In the case of the latter average structure, the average structure changes from a double loop structure for small N to a single loop structure for large N, which indicates the localization-delocalization transition of the knotted part.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures, uses jpsj2.cl

    Paramagnetic Phase of a Heavy-Fermion Compound, CeFePO, Probed by 57Fe M\"{o}ssbauer Spectroscopy

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    57Fe M\"{o}ssbauer spectroscopy was applied to an iron-based layered compound CeFePO. At temperatures from 9.4 to 293 K, no magnetic splitting was observed in the M\"ossbauer spectra of CeFePO indicating a paramagnetic phase of the Fe magnetic sublattice. All the spectra were fitted with a small quadrupole splitting, and the Debye temperature of CeFePO was found to be \sim448 K. The isomer shift at room temperature, 0.32 mm/s, was almost equal to those of LnFeAsO (Ln = La, Ce, Sm). Comparing s-electron density using the isomer shifts and unit cell volumes, it was found that the Fe of CeFePO has a similar valence state to other layered iron-based quaternary oxypnictides except LaFePO