236 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Automated Predictive Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Machine

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    Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is one of the non-traditional methods, that produce high quality condition of surface roughness (Ra) and is primarily controlled by magnetic field. This process can remove materials depending on magnetic energy.The aims of this research have been made to design and implement MA automated predictive machine, which plays an important role to the values of parameters (voltage of electromagnetic, magnetic pole velocity, working gap, and working time) to obtain the desired values for Ra.The microcontroller (Arduino Mega) was used for controlling the four parameters, and can predict the working time from regression model using optimum values parameters.  The automated machine can be programmed to control the electromagnetic voltage, the poles rotation, working gap, turn on and off the rotation of workpiece, and working time.The results indicated that the optimum parameters for the surface roughness are calculated according to Taguchi method and the S/N ratio, and the optimum values before automated the machine are voltage (7V), the working time (7min), poles speed (30r.p.m) and the working gap (1mm) for Ra. The results also indicated that the predict values for Ra is  nearly equal to the values from the automated machine about 95% for  Ra, that mean the automated predictive MA machine are very efficient. Keywords: Automated Machine, MAF Method, Arduino, Surface Roughness

    Free transportation and the related liability in United Arab Emirates

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    The transport of persons for a fare creates a contract that obliges a transporter to transport passengers to their agreed destinations safely. Where a passenger suffers harm during transportation, the transporter would be assumed to have breached this obligation. Therefore, it would be contractually liable to compensate that passenger, unless intervention by an external cause is proven. This article dwells on a different type of transportation. It examines cases where a passenger is transported without the payment of a fare to the transporter. The article focuses primarily on free transportation, as an example of such contracts, but also examines other cases such as secret transportation, curious transportation, driving school contracts and staying aboard a vehicle after the expiration of a transportation contract. The problem posed to both the law and the courts is whether these types of transportation also create contracts, the breach of which would render transporters contractually liable. This article seeks to determine the type of liability faced by such transporters where passengers are harmed during transportation, or its disruption, including the timeframe for such liability. Based on the analysis of legal opinions, relevant legislation and case law, it can be surmised that, in these cases, the transporter may be subject to either tortious liability or presumed liability rules, and, very rarely, to contractual liability rules

    Survival estimation for singly type one censored sample based on generalized Rayleigh distribution

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    This paper interest to estimation the unknown parameters for generalized Rayleigh distribution model based on censored samples of singly type one . In this paper the probability density function for generalized Rayleigh is defined with its properties . The maximum likelihood estimator method is used to derive the point estimation for all unknown parameters based on iterative method , as Newton – Raphson method , then derive confidence interval estimation which based on Fisher information matrix . Finally , testing whether the current model ( GRD ) fits to a set of real data , then compute the survival function and hazard function for this real data

    Survey of occurrence of bacteria Vibrio cholera in the two provinces Baghdad and Babel

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    The present study was branched into two lines ,the first line aim to study Tigris River within Baghdad city  and Euphrates  River within Babel city to assess physical ,chemical and biological factors of  rivers water that Affect  the quality of water . the second line is isolating and diagnosis of  Vibrio  cholera bacteria from clinical and environmental sources in the two provinces and study of its  sensitivity against (13) antibiotic also conducting a molecular study to detect  the presence of plasmids and the toxin genes in All  isolated bacteria . the study area included three stations on Tigris river in Baghdad city and three stations on Euphrates river in Babel city , monthly samples were collected from October 2015 to September 2016 in addition to samples were collected from patients in three Hospitals  by using sterile containers . Keywords : Choleragen , Primers , DNA agarose gel electrophoresi


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    Olea europea L. is a typical tree of the Mediterranean area where are concentrated 98% of the plantations and 90% of the world olive-growing production [6]. In Algeria, Olea europea L, arboricole species most significant following the surface occupies [14], which is 2,3% of the total surface of Algeria. Algerian oleiculture is divided into 3 zones: West, center and East. For his multiplication we used at olive- tree, two types of methods: in first the traditional methods (woody layering, division of the stocks, grafting) thus the vegetative way which is practised there or olivetree cultivates in an extensive way being intended for auto consumption and in second by modern methods carried out in seedbeds (layer herbaceous, sowing, grafting, culture in vitro) which is delicate but of prospect [6,8,9]. The modern methods of obtention of the improved plants and a good quality envisages utilisation of the cores to the reproduction. Out the cores of olive tree are reached by the phenomenon of dormancy, phenomenon which prevents obtention of the good results to the multiplication, reason for which the study of different the concentration from Gibberelic acid (GA3) on germination from the seeds of olive-tree, Chemlal variety, answered in Algeria was started. The results obtained are encouraging and deserve to be used in practice

    Effect of HNTs addition in the injection moulded thermoplastic polyurethane matrix on the mechanical and thermal properties

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    The additions of nanofillers are able to enhance the mechanical properties of neat polymer matrix. There were few researchers reported on the mechanical properties of halloysite nanotubes reinforced thermoplastic polyurethane (HNTs-TPU) nanocomposites formed through casting and compression moulding. However, fewer researchers also reported study on HNTs-TPU formed through injection molding. The main objective of this paper was to study the effect of HNTs addition of TPU matrix on mechanical and physical properties. HNTs were mixed in TPU matrix using a brabender mixer with concentration ranging from 0.5 to 7 wt. % HNT loading (at specific mixing speed, mixing time and mixing temperature). Injection moulding was carried out to form tensile bar shaped specimens with specific moulding parameters (injection temperature, injection time and injection pressure). Increment around 35% of tensile strength of the specimen was found at 1 wt. % HNT loading concentration which exhibited the value of 24.3 MPa, compared to neat TPU; the best mixing. The Young’s modulus was increased with increasing HNTs loading. The elongation decreased with increasing HNTs loading. The FESEM results showed that HNTs were dispersed in TPU matrix. The TGA results showed that the addition of 1 wt. % HNTs enhanced the thermal properties. It can be concluded that HNTs-TPU has improved tensile and physical properties compared with neat TPU due to the addition of nanofiller

    The Effects of Blades Number, Blade Thickness, Blade Tip Angle, and Twist Angle on the Performance of the Rotor Wind Turbines

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     تعتبر محركات الرياح واحدة من المصادر المهمة في توليد الطاقة الكهربائية. ذلك لان تعتبر من مصادر الطاقة المتجددة. كما انها في مقدمة المصادر الصديقة للبيئة.هذا البحث يتناول كيفية زيادة كفاءة هذه المحركات من خلال تسليط الضوء على العوامل الموثرة الرئيسية في في سلوك هذه المحركات. كما يتضمن البحث تقييم عن مدى اعتمادية معامل القدرة لهذه المحركات على معدل سرعة الرياح الخاص بامكان تنصيب هذه المحركات. يستخدم هذا البحث ايضا احد برامج المحاكات لدراسة سلوك المحركات مع تغيير عدد الريش وكذلك زوايها. The paper gives an experimental study on the performance on the wind turbine rotors with several numbers of blades as well as twist angle. The main goal of this study is to demonstrate the effect blades number, tip angles as well as the twist angle of the blades on the power coefficient (Cp) of the rotor. Moreover, this result represents a simple evaluation about the range of depending power coefficient on the average wind speed. Also, this paper studies the performance of wind turbines which are tested by carrying out 2-dimensional dynamic using ANSYS-Fluent

    Prevalence of Dermatophytes Skin Infections in Babylon Province

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    Background: Dermatophytosis is an infection produced by dermatophytic fungi in the keratinized tissues. Dermatophytes are fungi that infect skin, hair and nails of both humans and animals, they are the primary causative agent of dermatophytosis. Objective :   Detecting the types and the frequencies of the dermatophytes infections in Babylon Province. Methods:   In this study, 254 specimens  of dermatophytic patients are collected in Babylon province. Collection of Specimens include: skin Scrapings, hair fragments and nail clippings  . The specimens were diagnosed by direct microscopic examination and culture. Results : 213 (83.86%) specimens of dermatophytes infection were positive in direct microscopic examination and culture , and used in phenotypic diagnosis .Tinea  corporis was the predominant infection in 106 (41.73%)   patients, Ttichophyton  rubrum showed the highest frequency of dermatophytes isolates 36 (16.90%) , Ttichophyton mentagrophytes 31 (14.55%)  and Microsporum canis 30 (14.08%). The invasion of  hair was ectothrix type, forming masses of arthroconidia on the outside of the hair shaft  in 57 (78.08%) specimens, while the invasion of hair was endothrix type, and abundant sporulation inside the hair shaft causes breakage of the hair near the surface of the scalp in 16 (21.92%) specimens. Conclusion: Tinea corporis was the predominant infection. T. rubrum , T. mentagrophytes and M.  canis showed the highest frequency of dermatophytes isolates. Positive direct microscopic  examination and culture isolates could be  used in phenotypic diagnosis. Key words : Dermatophytosis, T. rubrum , T. mentagrophytes and M.  cani

    Clinical and Histopathological Study on Dermatophytes Infections Caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes Using Animal Model

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    Background: dermatophytes are parasitic fungi that infect skin, hair and nails of both humans and animals, they are the primary causative agent of dermatophytosis, a major public health concern in some geographic regions. Objective : To study the pathogenesis of dermatophytes infections and the antifungal activity of essential oil extract of  Lavandula  intermedia. Methods: Zoophilic strain of Ttichophyton mentagrophytes isolated from  dermatophytic patients infected with tinea corporis inoculated in the back of the rabbits using the abrasion (non-occlusion) method. Results: Twenty animals were categorized into two groups as follows: control groups involved 10 animals, 5 animals were subjected to  abrasion only, and other 5 animals were subjected to infection (after abrasion).While the other ten animals represented by study groups which involved 5 animals were exposed to infection and treated in 10th day of infection with 1% terbinafine and the other 5 animals  were treated with 10% lavender essential oil extract(it gave 5%and 10% MIC and MFC respectively). The treated animals showed healing in 12-14 day, while not treated animals showed spontaneous healing in 35-40 day. Conclusion: Rabbit model was found to be useful in the primary screening and evaluation of the anti-dermatophytic efficacy of topical formulations of antifungal agents. T. mentagrophytes produced infection in rabbit's skin in 2X106 cells /ml. Lavender essential oil could be used as alternative antifungal agents in treatment of dermatophytosis in chronic diseases ,immunocompromised and immunosuppressed drugs therapy patients. Key words : Dermatophytosis, T. mentagrophytes animal mode