649 research outputs found

    Blood Transfusions--Strict Liability?

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    Connectivity-enhanced diffusion analysis reveals white matter density disruptions in first episode and chronic schizophrenia.

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    Reduced fractional anisotropy (FA) is a well-established correlate of schizophrenia, but it remains unclear whether these tensor-based differences are the result of axon damage and/or organizational changes and whether the changes are progressive in the adult course of illness. Diffusion MRI data were collected in 81 schizophrenia patients (54 first episode and 27 chronic) and 64 controls. Analysis of FA was combined with "fixel-based" analysis, the latter of which leverages connectivity and crossing-fiber information to assess both fiber bundle density and organizational complexity (i.e., presence and magnitude of off-axis diffusion signal). Compared with controls, patients with schizophrenia displayed clusters of significantly lower FA in the bilateral frontal lobes, right dorsal centrum semiovale, and the left anterior limb of the internal capsule. All FA-based group differences overlapped substantially with regions containing complex fiber architecture. FA within these clusters was positively correlated with principal axis fiber density, but inversely correlated with both secondary/tertiary axis fiber density and voxel-wise fiber complexity. Crossing fiber complexity had the strongest (inverse) association with FA (r = -0.82). When crossing fiber structure was modeled in the MRtrix fixel-based analysis pipeline, patients exhibited significantly lower fiber density compared to controls in the dorsal and posterior corpus callosum (central, postcentral, and forceps major). Findings of lower FA in patients with schizophrenia likely reflect two inversely related signals: reduced density of principal axis fiber tracts and increased off-axis diffusion sources. Whereas the former confirms at least some regions where myelin and or/axon count are lower in schizophrenia, the latter indicates that the FA signal from principal axis fiber coherence is broadly contaminated by macrostructural complexity, and therefore does not necessarily reflect microstructural group differences. These results underline the need to move beyond tensor-based models in favor of acquisition and analysis techniques that can help disambiguate different sources of white matter disruptions associated with schizophrenia

    Memory systems in schizophrenia: Modularity is preserved but deficits are generalized

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    OBJECTIVE: Schizophrenia patients exhibit impaired working and episodic memory, but this may represent generalized impairment across memory modalities or performance deficits restricted to particular memory systems in subgroups of patients. Furthermore, it is unclear whether deficits are unique from those associated with other disorders. METHOD: Healthy controls (n=1101) and patients with schizophrenia (n=58), bipolar disorder (n=49) and attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder (n=46) performed 18 tasks addressing primarily verbal and spatial episodic and working memory. Effect sizes for group contrasts were compared across tasks and the consistency of subjects\u27 distributional positions across memory domains was measured. RESULTS: Schizophrenia patients performed poorly relative to the other groups on every test. While low to moderate correlation was found between memory domains (r=.320), supporting modularity of these systems, there was limited agreement between measures regarding each individual\u27s task performance (ICC=.292) and in identifying those individuals falling into the lowest quintile (kappa=0.259). A general ability factor accounted for nearly all of the group differences in performance and agreement across measures in classifying low performers. CONCLUSIONS: Pathophysiological processes involved in schizophrenia appear to act primarily on general abilities required in all tasks rather than on specific abilities within different memory domains and modalities. These effects represent a general shift in the overall distribution of general ability (i.e., each case functioning at a lower level than they would have if not for the illness), rather than presence of a generally low-performing subgroup of patients. There is little evidence that memory impairments in schizophrenia are shared with bipolar disorder and ADHD

    Association of Thalamic Dysconnectivity and Conversion to Psychosis in Youth and Young Adults at Elevated Clinical Risk

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    IMPORTANCE: Severe neuropsychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia, affect distributed neural computations. One candidate system profoundly altered in chronic schizophrenia involves the thalamocortical networks. It is widely acknowledged that schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental disorder that likely affects the brain before onset of clinical symptoms. However, no investigation has tested whether thalamocortical connectivity is altered in individuals at risk for psychosis or whether this pattern is more severe in individuals who later develop full-blown illness. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether baseline thalamocortical connectivity differs between individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis and healthy controls, whether this pattern is more severe in those who later convert to full-blown illness, and whether magnitude of thalamocortical dysconnectivity is associated with baseline prodromal symptom severity. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: In this multicenter, 2-year follow-up, case-control study, we examined 397 participants aged 12-35 years of age (243 individuals at clinical high risk of psychosis, of whom 21 converted to full-blown illness, and 154 healthy controls). The baseline scan dates were January 15, 2010, to April 30, 2012. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Whole-brain thalamic functional connectivity maps were generated using individuals\u27 anatomically defined thalamic seeds, measured using resting-state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging. RESULTS: Using baseline magnetic resonance images, we identified thalamocortical dysconnectivity in the 243 individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis, which was particularly pronounced in the 21 participants who converted to full-blown illness. The pattern involved widespread hypoconnectivity between the thalamus and prefrontal and cerebellar areas, which was more prominent in those who converted to full-blown illness (t(173) = 3.77, P \u3c .001, Hedge g = 0.88). Conversely, there was marked thalamic hyperconnectivity with sensory motor areas, again most pronounced in those who converted to full-blown illness (t(173) = 2.85, P \u3c .001, Hedge g = 0.66). Both patterns were significantly correlated with concurrent prodromal symptom severity (r = 0.27, P \u3c 3.6 x 10(-8), Spearman rho = 0.27, P \u3c 4.75 x 10(-5), 2-tailed). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Thalamic dysconnectivity, resembling that seen in schizophrenia, was evident in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis and more prominently in those who later converted to psychosis. Dysconnectivity correlated with symptom severity, supporting the idea that thalamic connectivity may have prognostic implications for risk of conversion to full-blown illness

    Analysing vagus nerve spontaneous activity using finite element modelling

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    Objective. Finite element modelling has been widely used to understand the effect of stimulation on the nerve fibres. Yet the literature on analysis of spontaneous nerve activity is much scarcer. In this study, we introduce a method based on a finite element model, to analyse spontaneous nerve activity with a typical bipolar electrode recording setup, enabling the identification of spontaneously active fibres. We applied our method to the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in refractory epilepsy. Approach. We developed a 3D model including dynamic action potential propagation, based on the vagus nerve geometry. The impact of key recording parameters – inter-electrode distance and temperature – and uncontrolled parameters – fibre size and position in the nerve – on the ability to discriminate active fibres were quantified. A specific algorithm was implemented to detect and classify action potentials from recordings and tested on six rats in vivo vagus nerve recordings. Main results. Fibre diameters can be discriminated if they are below 3 µm and 7 µm, respectively for inter-electrode distances of 2 mm and 4 mm. The impact of the position of the fibre inside the nerve on fibre diameter discrimination, is limited. The range of active fibres identified by modelling in the vagus nerve of rats is in agreement with ranges found at histology. Significance. The nerve fibre diameter, directly proportional to the action potential propagation velocity, is related to a specific physiological function. Estimating the source fibre diameter is thus essential to interpret neural recordings. Among many possible applications, the present method was developed in the context of a project to improve vagus nerve stimulation therapy for epilepsy

    Annexin V disruption impairs mechanically induced calcium signaling in osteoblastic cells

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    Abstract The mechanical environment of the skeleton plays an important role in the establishment and maintenance of structurally competent bone. Biophysical signals induced by mechanical loading elicit a variety of cellular responses in bone cells, however, little is known about the underlying mechanotransduction mechanism. We hypothesized that bone cells detect and transduce biophysical signals into biological responses via a mechanism requiring annexin V (AnxV). AnxV, a calcium-dependent phospholipid binding protein, has several attributes, which suggest it is ideally suited for a role as a mechanosensor, possibly a mechanosensitive ion channel. These include the ability to function as a Ca 2+ selective ion channel, and the ability to interact with both extracellular matrix proteins and cytoskeletal elements. To test the hypothesis that AnxV has a role in mechanosensing, we studied the response of osteoblastic cells to oscillating fluid flow, a physiologically relevant physical signal in bone, in the presence and absence of AnxV inhibitors. In addition, we investigated the effects of oscillating flow on the cellular location of AnxV. Oscillating fluid flow increased both [Ca 2+ ] i levels and c-fos protein levels in osteoblasts. Disruption of AnxV with blocking antibodies or a pharmacological inhibitor, K201 (JTV-519), significantly inhibited both responses. Additionally, our data show that the cellular location of AnxV was modulated by oscillating fluid flow. Exposure to oscillating fluid flow resulted in a significant increase in AnxV at both the cell and nuclear membranes. In summary, our data suggest that AnxV mediates flow-induced Ca 2+ signaling in osteoblastic cells. These data support the idea of AnxV as a Ca 2+ channel, or a component of the signaling pathway, in the mechanism by which mechanical signals are transduced into cellular responses in the osteoblast. Furthermore, the presence of a highly mobile pool of AnxV may provide cells with a powerful mechanism by which cellular responses to mechanical loading might be amplified and regulated.