2,375 research outputs found

    Processing of laser formed SiC powder

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    Superior SiC characteristics can be achieved through the use of ideal constituent powders and careful post-synthesis processing steps. High purity SiC powders of approx. 1000 A uniform diameter, nonagglomerated and spherical were produced. This required major revision of the particle formation and growth model from one based on classical nucleation and growth to one based on collision and coalescence of Si particles followed by their carburization. Dispersions based on pure organic solvents as well as steric stabilization were investigated. Although stable dispersions were formed by both, subsequent part fabrication emphasized the pure solvents since fewer problems with drying and residuals of the high purity particles were anticipated. Test parts were made by the colloidal pressing technique; both liquid filtration and consolidation (rearrangement) stages were modeled. Green densities corresponding to a random close packed structure (approx. 63%) were achieved; this highly perfect structure has a high, uniform coordination number (greater than 11) approaching the quality of an ordered structure without introducing domain boundary effects. After drying, parts were densified at temperatures ranging from 1800 to 2100 C. Optimum densification temperatures will probably be in the 1900 to 2000 C range based on these preliminary results which showed that 2050 C samples had experienced substantial grain growth. Although overfired, the 2050 C samples exhibited excellent mechanical properties. Biaxial tensile strengths up to 714 MPa and Vickers hardness values of 2430 kg/sq mm 2 were both more typical of hot pressed than sintered SiC. Both result from the absence of large defects and the confinement of residual porosity (less than 2.5%) to small diameter, uniformly distributed pores

    Processing of laser formed SiC powder

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    Processing research was undertaken to demonstrate that superior SiC characteristics could be achieved through the use of ideal constituent powders and careful post-synthesis processing steps. Initial research developed the means to produce approximately 1000 A uniform diameter, nonagglomerated, spherical, high purity SiC powders. Accomplishing this goal required major revision of the particle formation and growth model from one based on classical nucleation and growth to one based on collision and coalescence of Si particles followed by their carburization. Dispersions based on pure organic solvents as well as steric stabilization were investigated. Test parts were made by the colloidal pressing technique; both liquid filtration and consolidation (rearrangement) stages were modeled. Green densities corresponding to a random close packed structure were achieved. After drying, parts were densified at temperatures ranging from 1800 to 2100 C. This research program accomplished all of its major objectives. Superior microstructures and properties were attained by using powders having ideal characteristics and special post-synthesis processing procedures

    Ombudsmen For American Government? Edited By Stanley V. Anderson

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    Energy transfer, pressure tensor and heating of kinetic plasma

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    Kinetic plasma turbulence cascade spans multiple scales ranging from macroscopic fluid flow to sub-electron scales. Mechanisms that dissipate large scale energy, terminate the inertial range cascade and convert kinetic energy into heat are hotly debated. Here we revisit these puzzles using fully kinetic simulation. By performing scale-dependent spatial filtering on the Vlasov equation, we extract information at prescribed scales and introduce several energy transfer functions. This approach allows highly inhomogeneous energy cascade to be quantified as it proceeds down to kinetic scales. The pressure work, āˆ’(Pā‹…āˆ‡)ā‹…u-\left( \boldsymbol{P} \cdot \nabla \right) \cdot \boldsymbol{u}, can trigger a channel of the energy conversion between fluid flow and random motions, which is a collision-free generalization of the viscous dissipation in collisional fluid. Both the energy transfer and the pressure work are strongly correlated with velocity gradients.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure


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    In this twentieth century, we are privileged to witness the first steps toward realization of an age-old dream: the exploration of space. Already, in the first few years of the Space Age, man has been able to penetrate the layer of atmosphere which surrounds his planet and to venture briefly into space. Scores of man-made objects have been thrust into space, some of them to roam the solar system forever. Behind each space mission are years of patient research, thousands of man-hours of labor, and large sums of money. Because the sums involved are so enormous, the question is frequently asked, "Is it worth it?" Many people want to know what return this huge investment will bring to mankind. The return on the investment is knowledge. The accumulation of knowledge over the centuries has made possible our advanced way of life. As we unlock more and more of the secrets of the universe through space exploration, we add new volumes to the encyclopedia of man's knowledge. This will be applied to the benefit of mankind. For the practical-minded, there are concrete benefits to our way of life. Although we are still in the Stone Age of space exploration, a number of immediate applications of space technology are already apparent. For instance, imagine the benefits of an absolutely perfect system of predicting the weather. Or, going a step further, even changing the weather. And wouldn't it be fascinating to watch the next Olympic games, telecast from Tokyo, on your TV set? These are just a few of the practical benefits made possible by space technology

    Transition from ion-coupled to electron-only reconnection: Basic physics and implications for plasma turbulence

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    Using kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, we simulate reconnection conditions appropriate for the magnetosheath and solar wind, i.e., plasma beta (ratio of gas pressure to magnetic pressure) greater than 1 and low magnetic shear (strong guide field). Changing the simulation domain size, we find that the ion response varies greatly. For reconnecting regions with scales comparable to the ion Larmor radius, the ions do not respond to the reconnection dynamics leading to ''electron-only'' reconnection with very large quasi-steady reconnection rates. The transition to more traditional ''ion-coupled'' reconnection is gradual as the reconnection domain size increases, with the ions becoming frozen-in in the exhaust when the magnetic island width in the normal direction reaches many ion inertial lengths. During this transition, the quasi-steady reconnection rate decreases until the ions are fully coupled, ultimately reaching an asymptotic value. The scaling of the ion outflow velocity with exhaust width during this electron-only to ion-coupled transition is found to be consistent with a theoretical model of a newly reconnected field line. In order to have a fully frozen-in ion exhaust with ion flows comparable to the reconnection Alfv\'en speed, an exhaust width of at least several ion inertial lengths is needed. In turbulent systems with reconnection occurring between magnetic bubbles associated with fluctuations, using geometric arguments we estimate that fully ion-coupled reconnection requires magnetic bubble length scales of at least several tens of ion inertial lengths

    Jets Produced in Ļ€^-, Ļ€^+, and Proton Interactions at 200 GeV on Hydrogen and Aluminum Targets

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    This paper presents results from an experiment on the production of jets (groups of particles) with high p_āŠ„ produced in 200-GeV/c interactions. Results are presented on the comparison of jet cross sections on aluminum and hydrogen targets. The jet fragmentation distributions are also examined. Both the cross section and the jet structure are found to depend strongly on the beam and target types
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