629 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Ordinary Kriging Pada Pendugaan Kadar No2 Di Udara (Studi Kasus: Pencemaran Udara Di Kota Semarang)

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    Air pollution must be addressed. Nitrogen Dioxide is one of the important factors in air pollution. To determine concentration level of the pollutant “Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kota Semarang” already take measurements at several points. However, because of blocked considerable cost, is not much point to do measurements. In this study, will be used Ordinary Kriging method to estimate at some points in Semarang. In this methode will compare the value of the eksperimental semivariogram with some theoretical semivariogram models (spherical, eksponensial, and gaussian) to get the best model that will be used in the estimation. In this study, estimate the concentration of Nitrogen Dioxide in the air in a number of village in Semarang. Based on analysis we found the best model is spherical model with Nitrogen Dioxide produces estimates is the highest in Sub Gebangsari and Nitrogen Dioxide lowest in Sub Patemon

    Reducing urban traffic congestion due to localized routing decisions

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    Balancing traffic flow by influencing drivers' route choices to alleviate congestion is becoming increasingly more appealing in urban traffic planning. Here, we introduce a discrete dynamical model comprising users who make their own routing choices on the basis of local information and those who consider routing advice based on localized inducement. We identify the formation of traffic patterns, develop a scalable optimization method for identifying control values used for user guidance, and test the effectiveness of these measures on synthetic and real-world road networks

    Stability and Control Analysis of the F-15B Quiet SpikeTM Aircraft

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    The primary purpose of the Quiet Spike(TradeMark) flight research program was to analyze the aerodynamic, structural, and mechanical proof-of-concept of a large multi-stage telescoping nose spike installed on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Dryden Flight Research Center (Edwards, California) F-15B airplane. This report describes the preflight stability and control analysis performed to assess the effect of the spike on the stability, controllability, and handling qualities of the airplane; and to develop an envelope expansion approach to maintain safety of flight. The overall flight test objective was to collect flight data to validate the spike structural dynamics and loads model up to Mach 1.8. Other objectives included validating the mechanical feasibility of a morphing fuselage at operational conditions and determining the near-field shock wave characterization. The two main issues relevant to the stability and control objectives were the effects of the spike-influenced aerodynamics on the F-15B airplane flight dynamics, and the air data and angle-of-attack sensors. The analysis covered the sensitivity of the stability margins, and the handling qualities due to aerodynamic variation and the maneuvering limitations of the F-15B Quiet Spike configuration. The results of the analysis and the implications for the flight test program are also presented

    Robust Stability of Multi-Hop Networks

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    We propose formal models for analyzing robustness of multi-hop control networks, where data from sensors to controllers and from controllers to actuators is sent through a multi-hop communication network subject to disruptions. When communication disruptions are long, compared to the speed of the control system, we propose to model them as permanent link failures. We show that the complexity of analyzing such failures is NP-hard, and discuss a way to overcome this limitation for practical cases using compositional analysis. For typical packet transmission errors (errors with short time span), we propose a transient error model where links fail for one time slot independently of the past and of other links. We provide sufficient conditions for almost sure stability (stability with probability one) in presence of transient link failures, and give efficient decision procedures. The last part of the paper deals with errors that have random time span. We show that, under some conditions, the permanent failure model can be used as a reliable abstraction

    Associations between Proprioceptive Neural Pathway Structural Connectivity and Balance in People with Multiple Sclerosis

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    Mobility and balance impairments are a hallmark of multiple sclerosis (MS), affecting nearly half of patients at presentation and resulting in decreased activity and participation, falls, injuries, and reduced quality of life. A growing body of work suggests that balance impairments in people with mild MS are primarily the result of deficits in proprioception, the ability to determine body position in space in the absence of vision. A better understanding of the pathophysiology of balance disturbances in MS is needed to develop evidence-based rehabilitation approaches. The purpose of the current study was to (1) map the cortical proprioceptive pathway in vivo using diffusion-weighted imaging and (2) assess associations between proprioceptive pathway white matter microstructural integrity and performance on clinical and behavioral balance tasks. We hypothesized that people with MS (PwMS) would have reduced integrity of cerebral proprioceptive pathways, and that reduced white matter microstructure within these tracts would be strongly related to proprioceptive-based balance deficits. We found poorer balance control on proprioceptive-based tasks and reduced white matter microstructural integrity of the cortical proprioceptive tracts in PwMS compared with age-matched healthy controls (HC). Microstructural integrity of this pathway in the right hemisphere was also strongly associated with proprioceptive-based balance control in PwMS and controls. Conversely, while white matter integrity of the right hemisphere’s proprioceptive pathway was significantly correlated with overall balance performance in HC, there was no such relationship in PwMS. These results augment existing literature suggesting that balance control in PwMS may become more dependent upon (1) cerebellar-regulated proprioceptive control, (2) the vestibular system, and/or (3) the visual system
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