534 research outputs found

    Universal Scaling Laws for Shear Induced Dilation in Frictional Granular Media

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    Compressed frictional granular matter cannot flow without dilation. Upon forced shearing to generate flow, the amount of dilation may depend on the initial preparation and a host of material variables. On the basis of both experiments and numerical simulations we show that as a result of training by repeated compression-decompression cycles the amount of dilation induced by shearing the system depends only on the shear rate and on the (pre-shearing) packing fraction. Relating the rheological response to structural properties allows us to derive a scaling law for the amount of dilation after nn cycles of compression-decompression. The resulting scaling law has a universal exponent that for trained systems is independent of the inter-granules force laws, friction parameters and strain rate. The amplitude of the scaling law is analytically computable, and it depends only on the shear rate and the asymptotic packing fraction.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, Published Versio

    Heat conduction in the disordered harmonic chain revisited

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    A general formulation is developed to study heat conduction in disordered harmonic chains with arbitrary heat baths that satisfy the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. A simple formal expression for the heat current J is obtained, from which its asymptotic system-size (N) dependence is extracted. It is shown that the ``thermal conductivity'' depends not just on the system itself but also on the spectral properties of the fluctuation and noise used to model the heat baths. As special cases of our heat baths we recover earlier results which reported that for fixed boundaries J1/N3/2J \sim 1/N^{3/2}, while for free boundaries J1/N1/2J \sim 1/N^{1/2}. For other choices we find that one can get other power laws including the ``Fourier behaviour'' J1/NJ \sim 1/N.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins in Murine Embryonic and Postnatal Cortical Neural Progenitors

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    BACKGROUND: The central nervous system (CNS) develops from a heterogeneous pool of neural stem and progenitor cells (NSPC), the underlying differences among which are poorly understood. The study of NSPC would be greatly facilitated by the identification of additional proteins that mediate their function and that would distinguish amongst different progenitor populations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To identify membrane and membrane-associated proteins expressed by NSPC, we used a proteomics approach to profile NSPC cultured as neurospheres (NS) isolated from the murine cortex during a period of neurogenesis (embryonic day 11.5, E11.5), as compared to NSPC isolated at a peak of gliogenesis (postnatal day 1, P0) and to differentiated E11.5 NS. 54 proteins were identified with high expression in E11.5 NS, including the TrkC receptor, several heterotrimeric G proteins, and the Neogenin receptor. 24 proteins were identified with similar expression in E11.5 and P0 NS over differentiated E11.5 NS, and 13 proteins were identified with high expression specifically in P0 NS compared to E11.5 NS. To illustrate the potential relevance of these identified proteins to neural stem cell biology, the function of Neogenin was further studied. Using Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) analysis, expression of Neogenin was associated with a self-renewing population present in both E11.5 and adult subventricular zone (SVZ) NS but not in P0 NS. E11.5 NS expressed a putative Neogenin ligand, RGMa, and underwent apoptosis when exposed to a ligand-blocking antibody. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: There are fundamental differences between the continuously self-renewing and more limited progenitors of the developing cortex. We identified a subset of differentially expressed proteins that serve not only as a set of functionally important proteins, but as a useful set of markers for the subsequent analysis of NSPC. Neogenin is associated with the continuously self-renewing and neurogenic cells present in E11.5 cortical and adult SVZ NS, and the Neogenin/RGMa receptor/ligand pair may regulate cell survival during development

    Sialometaplasia Necrotizante: Presentación de cinco casos clínicos.

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    La sialometaplasia necrotizante (SN) es una afección inflamatoria, autoresolutiva, que afecta a las glándulas salivales, más frecuentemente a las menores. Si bien su etiopatogenia permanece aún desconocida, diversos autores sugieren que una agresión fisico-química o biológica sobre los vasos sanguíneos produciría isquemia, la cual conduciría al infarto de la glándula y su posterior necrosis. Su aspecto clínico e histológico tiene apariencias de malignidad. Clínicamente puede presentarse como una úlcera de bordes irregulares, ligeramente elevados y lecho necrótico, mientras que histopatológicamente se caracteriza por presentar metaplasia escamosa de conductos y acinos e hiperplasia pseudoepiteliomatosa del epitelio mucoso, características éstas que pueden inducir a un diagnóstico incorrecto de neoplasia maligna anexial. Es fundamental realizar un correcto diagnóstico a los efectos de evitar tratamientos quirúrgicos mutilantes, debido a que se trata de una patología autoresolutiva. En el presente trabajo se describen cinco casos de (SN) en pacientes de sexo femenino, ubicados en glándulas salivales menores del paladar.publishedVersio

    Can disorder induce a finite thermal conductivity in 1D lattices?

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    We study heat conduction in one dimensional mass disordered harmonic and anharmonic lattices. It is found that the thermal conductivity κ\kappa of the disordered anharmonic lattice is finite at low temperature, whereas it diverges as κN0.43\kappa \sim N^{0.43} at high temperature. Moreover, we demonstrate that a unique nonequilibrium stationary state in the disordered harmonic lattice does not exist at all.Comment: 4 pages with 4 eps figure

    Controlling the energy flow in nonlinear lattices: a model for a thermal rectifier

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    We address the problem of heat conduction in 1-D nonlinear chains; we show that, acting on the parameter which controls the strength of the on site potential inside a segment of the chain, we induce a transition from conducting to insulating behavior in the whole system. Quite remarkably, the same transition can be observed by increasing the temperatures of the thermal baths at both ends of the chain by the same amount. The control of heat conduction by nonlinearity opens the possibility to propose new devices such as a thermal rectifier.Comment: 4 pages with figures included. Phys. Rev. Lett., to be published (Ref. [10] corrected

    Persistent expression of Ia antigen and viral genome in visna-maedi virus-induced inflammatory cells. Possible role of lentivirus-induced interferon.

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    In this study we investigated the pathogenesis of the lymphoproliferative response in the chronic-active visna maedi virus-induced inflammatory lesions. Viral RNA expression was confined to macrophages, but only in tissues showing inflammatory lesions. A persistent and high level of Ia antigen expression was seen in macrophage-like cells in the inflammatory lesions, and the amounts of viral RNA and Ia expression were closely correlated. A small subpopulation of macrophages contained both viral RNA and Ia antigen, and these were found in greatest number in the lung. In vitro experiments showed that a lentivirus-induced interferon (LV-IFN) could induce Ia antigens in normal sheep spleen and lymph node cells as well as in a transformed sheep macrophage cell line. Ia antigen expression in macrophages was transient in the absence of a continuing IFN stimulus and persisted for at least 2 wk in the presence of LV-IFN. LV-IFN also restricted viral replication in macrophages. It is suggested that LV-IFN induced by the inflammatory cells in visna-maedi lesions may induce Ia antigen expression in macrophages, thereby indirectly causing the lymphoproliferative response and restricted virus replication

    Finite thermal conductivity in 1D models having zero Lyapunov exponents

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    Heat conduction in three types of 1D channels are studied. The channels consist of two parallel walls, right triangles as scattering obstacles, and noninteracting particles. The triangles are placed along the walls in three different ways: (a) periodic, (b) disordered in height, and (c) disordered in position. The Lyapunov exponents in all three models are zero because of the flatness of triangle sides. It is found numerically that the temperature gradient can be formed in all three channels, but the Fourier heat law is observed only in two disordered ones. The results show that there might be no direct connection between chaos (in the sense of positive Lyapunov exponent) and the normal thermal conduction.Comment: 4 PRL page

    Simulation of heat transport in low-dimensional oscillator lattices

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    The study of heat transport in low-dimensional oscillator lattices presents a formidable challenge. Theoretical efforts have been made trying to reveal the underlying mechanism of diversified heat transport behaviors. In lack of a unified rigorous treatment, approximate theories often may embody controversial predictions. It is therefore of ultimate importance that one can rely on numerical simulations in the investigation of heat transfer processes in low-dimensional lattices. The simulation of heat transport using the non-equilibrium heat bath method and the Green-Kubo method will be introduced. It is found that one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) momentum-conserving nonlinear lattices display power-law divergent, logarithmic divergent and constant thermal conductivities, respectively. Next, a novel diffusion method is also introduced. The heat diffusion theory connects the energy diffusion and heat conduction in a straightforward manner. This enables one to use the diffusion method to investigate the objective of heat transport. In addition, it contains fundamental information about the heat transport process which cannot readily be gathered otherwise.Comment: Article published in: Thermal transport in low dimensions: From statistical physics to nanoscale heat transfer, S. Lepri, ed. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 921, pp. 239 - 274, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2016