1,589 research outputs found

    Response calculations based on an independent particle system with the exact one-particle density matrix: polarizabilities

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    Recently, we have demonstrated that the problems finding a suitable adiabatic approximation in time-dependent one-body reduced density matrix functional theory can be remedied by introducing an additional degree of freedom to describe the system: the phase of the natural orbitals [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 013002 (2010), J. Chem. Phys. 133, 174119 (2010)]. In this article we will show in detail how the frequency-dependent response equations give the proper static limit (ω→0\omega\to0), including the perturbation in the chemical potential, which is required in static response theory to ensure the correct number of particles. Additionally we show results for the polarizability for H2_2 and compare the performance of two different two-electron functionals: the phase-including L\"owdin-Shull functional and the density matrix form of the L\"owdin-Shull functional.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The Translation of Indonesian Cultural Lexicons in the Novel Saman

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    Article was aimed to explore and identity the manners used by the translator in translating the Indonesian cultural lexicon in the novel Saman into English, and to find out which manners that contained the least semantic shifts concerning the problems of meaning related to cultural differences. Method applied was descriptive qualitative research by collecting and analyzing both the Indonesian and English versions of the novel. The samples were classified by Newmark four categories: loan words, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, and addition. It can be concluded that there are only seven manners found from the collected data but only four manners used in the analysis, they are loan word, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, and addition


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    The purpose of this research was conducted to prove whether “translation shiftâ€Â  is still relevant to convey messages in translation with this strategy to procedure relatively accurate translation, and what types and shift categories can help researchers convey messages from the source language to the target language. This research uses descriptive qualitative research by collecting and analyzing Indonesian and English subtitles from Alice in Wonderland movie by Tim Burton using J.C Catford's theory of translation shift. This paper produced 462 data. which were analyzed qualitatively to determine the types of translation shifts employed. There are 48% structure shifts, 5% class shifts, 35% unit shifts, and 12% intra-system. Based on the data analyzed, the most dominant shift that occurs is the structure shift. Keywords:  Movie; Translation Shift; Translation Quality Assessment; Subtitl


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    The objective of this research is to identify the types of figurative language and the translation procedures applied in the translation as well as to find out the translation quality assessment based on Newmark’s and Nababan et al’s theories. Descriptive qualitative research is the method used in this study. The result shows that there are 100 sentences that have figurative language, they are :metaphor 21%, hyperbole 25%, simile 34%, personification 18%, and idiom 2%. The translation procedures includes compensation 18%, expansion 8%, through-translation 39%, naturalization 1%, transference 8%, synonymy 9%, and transposition 17%. Finally, the outcome of the translation quality assessment indicate that 1 data is less accurate, less acceptable. Whilst, 2 less readable. The rest of the translation are accurate, acceptable, and readable.  Keywords:  Figurative Language, Translations, Newmark, Translation Quality Assessmen

    Equity Yields

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    We study a new data set of prices of traded dividends with maturities up to 10 years across three world regions: the US, Europe, and Japan. We use these asset prices to construct equity yields, analogous to bond yields. We decompose these yields to obtain a term structure of expected dividend growth rates and a term structure of risk premia, which allows us to decompose the equity risk premium by maturity. We find that both expected dividend growth rates and risk premia exhibit substantial variation over time, particularly for short maturities. In addition to predicting dividend growth, equity yields help predict other measures of economic growth such as consumption growth. We relate the dynamics of growth expectations to recent events such as the financial crisis and the earthquake in Japan.


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    This study investigates the translation methods used to translate figurative languages in the novel from English to Indonesian and the translation quality assessment. The main theory used to help find the answers in the process of analyzing are Newmark and Nababan et al., along with other supporting theories. Qualitative descriptive and focus group discussion are used as a research method. The results showed that the most frequent translation method is literal translation (51.47%), free translation (23.53%), idiomatic translation (18.38%), and word-for-word translation (6.62%). In terms of translation quality assessment, overall data implies high accuracy level, high acceptability level, and high readability level. Keywords:  Figurative Language, Translation Method, Translation Quality Assessmen


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    This study aims to determine the degree to which machine translations, specifically Google Translate, DeepL, and Microsoft Bing Translator, in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability, focusing on the translation of parts of lexical elements, namely collocations, idioms, and fixed expressions in the novel “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. In order to analyze the data, a descriptive-qualitative method with purposive sampling technique was utilized. The main theories used are Translation Methods and Procedures by Newmark and Translation Shifts by Catford as the supporting theory. To achieve greater accuracy in the results, the linguistic structure is also thoroughly examined in this research to ascertain the equivalency of the source and target languages. Out of a number of phrases that were examined and sifted on the basis of lexical element categories, (37) collocations, (49) idioms, and (24) fixed expressions were identified along with their corresponding translation quality parameters and scores. The data analysis revealed that the most accurate translation method was human translation (TL), with a weighted average score of 2.74. Google Translate (GT), Microsoft Bing Translator (MT) (with a score of 2.66), and DeepL (DL) (with a score of 2.33)

    Biological effects on serpentinite weathering

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    Serpentinites, perhaps more than any other rock type, control the composition and evolution of the development of the surrounding ecosystems. The bulk chemistry of serpentinite rocks, high in Mg and trace elements, and low in nutrients such as Ca, K, P, and N, causes an extreme and stressful environment for ecosystems. However, the role that those serpentine ecosystems play in development of serpentine soils has not been examined. Due to the unusual chemistry of serpentine soils, serpentine ecosystems have deeper and better-developed root systems than other ecosystems. The rhizosphere of serpentine systems, documented to produce abundant organic acids and siderophores, is also likely to impact serpentine soils. In order to test the effects of biological impacts on serpentine soil formation, soil pore waters were analyzed for organic acids. Furthermore, Fe-oxidizing bacteria have been detected using Biological Activity Reaction Tests (BARTs) and such bacteria were investigated by enrichment cultures. In addition to directly measuring the biological factors including organic acids, siderophores, and Fe-oxidizing bacteria, the impact of such weathering on soils and rock was examined using XRF, XRD, and SEM
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