173 research outputs found

    Emerging concepts and therapies for mucoobstructive lung disease

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    A spectrum of intrapulmonary airway diseases, for example, cigarette smoke-induced bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia, and non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, can be categorized as "mucoobstructive" airway diseases. A common theme for these diseases appears to be the failure to properly regulate mucus concentration, producing mucus hyperconcentration that slows mucus transport and, importantly, generates plaque/plug adhesion to airway surfaces. These mucus plaques/plugs generate long diffusion distances for oxygen, producing hypoxic niches within adherent airway mucus and subjacent epithelia. Data suggest that concentrated mucus plaques/plugs are proinflammatory, in part mediated by release of IL-1a from hypoxic cells. The infectious component of mucoobstructive diseases may be initiated by anaerobic bacteria that proliferate within the nutrient-rich hypoxic mucus environment. Anaerobes ultimately may condition mucus to provide the environment for a succession to classic airway pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, and ultimately Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Novel therapies to treat mucoobstructive diseases focus on restoring mucus concentration. Strategies to rehydrate mucus range from the inhalation of osmotically active solutes, designed to draw water into airway surfaces, to strategies designed to manipulate the relative rates of sodium absorption versus chloride secretion to endogenously restore epithelial hydration. Similarly, strategies designed to reduce the mucin burden in the airways, either by reducing mucin production/secretion or by clearing accumulated mucus (e.g., reducing agents), are under development. Thus, the new insights into a unifying process, that is, mucus hyperconcentration, that drives a significant component of the pathogenesis of mucoobstructive diseases promise multiple new therapeutic strategies to aid patients with this syndrome

    Fatally Flawed? : Discursive Evidence from the Movement to Establish Lesbian Studies Programs

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    While related areas such as Queer Studies and Sexuality Studies have become established as disciplinary formations in North American and British universities, Lesbian Studies has not. This article reports on an analysis of key publications by critics and advocates of Lesbian Studies to explore the possibility that Lesbian Studies was flawed in ways that account for its non-emergence. Charges against Lesbian Studies include naĂŻve essentialism, white middle-classness, separatism, and paranoia. Discourse analysis of books by Lesbian Studies advocates examines evidence of each of these qualities and concludes that Lesbian Studies was above all too lesbian to be successfully integrated into the enduringly heteropatriarchal institution of universities.University of Winnipeghttp://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/095935351037018

    Expansion of Human Airway Basal Stem Cells and Their Differentiation as 3D Tracheospheres

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    Although basal cells function as human airway epithelial stem cells, analysis of these cells is limited by in vitro culture techniques that permit only minimal cell growth and differentiation. Here, we report a protocol that dramatically increases the long-term expansion of primary human airway basal cells while maintaining their genomic stability using 3T3-J2 fibroblast coculture and ROCK inhibition. We also describe techniques for the differentiation and imaging of these expanded airway stem cells as three-dimensional tracheospheres containing basal, ciliated, and mucosecretory cells. These procedures allow investigation of the airway epithelium under more physiologically relevant conditions than those found in undifferentiated monolayer cultures. Together these methods represent a novel platform for improved airway stem cell growth and differentiation that is compatible with high-throughput, high-content translational lung research as well as human airway tissue engineering and clinical cellular therapy

    TMEM16A Potentiation: A Novel Therapeutic Approach for the Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis

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    Rationale: Enhancing non–CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator)-mediated anion secretion is an attractive therapeutic approach for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) and other mucoobstructive diseases. Objectives: To determine the effects of TMEM16A potentiation on epithelial fluid secretion and mucociliary clearance. Methods: The effects of a novel low-molecular-weight TMEM16A potentiator (ETX001) were evaluated in human cell and animal models of airway epithelial function and mucus transport. Measurements and Main Results: Potentiating the activity of TMEM16A with ETX001 increased the Ca21-activated Cl2 channel activity and anion secretion in human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells from patients with CF without impacting calcium signaling. ETX001 rapidly increased fluid secretion and airway surface liquid height in CF-HBE cells under both static conditions and conditions designed to mimic the shear stress associated with tidal breathing. In ovine models of mucus clearance (tracheal mucus velocity and mucociliary clearance), inhaled ETX001 was able to accelerate clearance both when CFTR function was reduced by administration of a pharmacological blocker and when CFTR was fully functional. Conclusions: Enhancing the activity of TMEM16A increases epithelial fluid secretion and enhances mucus clearance independent of CFTR function. TMEM16A potentiation is a novel approach for the treatment of patients with CF and non-CF mucoobstructive diseases

    A key role for STIM1 in store operated calcium channel activation in airway smooth muscle

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    BACKGROUND: Control of cytosolic calcium plays a key role in airway myocyte function. Changes in intracellular Ca(2+ )stores can modulate contractile responses, modulate proliferation and regulate synthetic activity. Influx of Ca(2+ )in non excitable smooth muscle is believed to be predominantly through store operated channels (SOC) or receptor operated channels (ROC). Whereas agonists can activate both SOC and ROC in a range of smooth muscle types, the specific trigger for SOC activation is depletion of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+ )stores. The mechanism underlying SOC activation following depletion of intracellular Ca(2+ )stores in smooth muscle has not been identified. METHODS: To investigate the roles of the STIM homologues in SOC activation in airway myocytes, specific siRNA sequences were utilised to target and selectively suppress both STIM1 and STIM2. Quantitative real time PCR was employed to assess the efficiency and the specificity of the siRNA mediated knockdown of mRNA. Activation of SOC was investigated by both whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology and a fluorescence based calcium assay. RESULTS: Transfection of 20 nM siRNA specific for STIM1 or 2 resulted in robust decreases (>70%) of the relevant mRNA. siRNA targeted at STIM1 resulted in a reduction of SOC associated Ca(2+ )influx in response to store depletion by cyclopiazonic acid (60%) or histamine but not bradykinin. siRNA to STIM2 had no effect on these responses. In addition STIM1 suppression resulted in a more or less complete abrogation of SOC associated inward currents assessed by whole cell patch clamp. CONCLUSION: Here we show that STIM1 acts as a key signal for SOC activation following intracellular Ca(2+ )store depletion or following agonist stimulation with histamine in human airway myocytes. These are the first data demonstrating a role for STIM1 in a physiologically relevant, non-transformed endogenous expression cell model

    'Working out’ identity: distance runners and the management of disrupted identity

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    This article contributes fresh perspectives to the empirical literature on the sociology of the body, and of leisure and identity, by analysing the impact of long-term injury on the identities of two amateur but serious middle/long-distance runners. Employing a symbolic interactionist framework,and utilising data derived from a collaborative autoethnographic project, it explores the role of ‘identity work’ in providing continuity of identity during the liminality of long-term injury and rehabilitation, which poses a fundamental challenge to athletic identity. Specifically, the analysis applies Snow and Anderson’s (1995) and Perinbanayagam’s (2000) theoretical conceptualisations in order to examine the various forms of identity work undertaken by the injured participants, along the dimensions of materialistic, associative and vocabularic identifications. Such identity work was found to be crucial in sustaining a credible sporting identity in the face of disruption to the running self, and in generating momentum towards the goal of restitution to full running fitness and reengagement with a cherished form of leisure. KEYWORDS: identity work, symbolic interactionism, distance running, disrupted identit

    Ciliated Epithelial Cell Differentiation at Air-Liquid Interface Using Commercially Available Culture Media

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    The human nasal epithelium contains basal stem/progenitor cells that produce differentiated multiciliated and mucosecretory progeny. Basal epithelial cells can be expanded in cell culture and instructed to differentiate at an air-liquid interface using transwell membranes and differentiation media. For basal cell expansion, we have used 3T3-J2 co-culture in epithelial culture medium containing EGF, insulin, and a RHO-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, Y-27632 (3T3 + Y). Here we describe our protocols for ciliated differentiation of these cultures at air-liquid interface and compare four commercially available differentiation media, across nine donor cell cultures (six healthy, two patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and one with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD)). Bright-field and immunofluorescence imaging suggested broad similarity between differentiation protocols. Subtle differences were seen in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER), ciliary beat frequency, mucus production, and the extent to which basal cells are retained in differentiated cultures. Overall, the specific differentiation medium used in our air-liquid interface culture protocol was not a major determinant of ciliation, and our data suggest that the differentiation potential of basal cells at the outset is a more critical factor in air-liquid interface culture outcome. Detailed information on the constituents of the differentiation media was only available from one of the four manufacturers, a factor that may have profound implications in the interpretation of some research studies

    Seeing the way: visual sociology and the distance runner's perspective

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    Employing visual and autoethnographic data from a two‐year research project on distance runners, this article seeks to examine the activity of seeing in relation to the activity of distance running. One of its methodological aims is to develop the linkage between visual and autoethnographic data in combining an observation‐based narrative and sociological analysis with photographs. This combination aims to convey to the reader not only some of the specific subcultural knowledge and particular ways of seeing, but also something of the runner's embodied feelings and experience of momentum en route. Via the combination of narrative and photographs we seek a more effective way of communicating just how distance runners see and experience their training terrain. The importance of subjecting mundane everyday practices to detailed sociological analysis has been highlighted by many sociologists, including those of an ethnomethodological perspective. Indeed, without the competence of social actors in accomplishing these mundane, routine understandings and practices, it is argued, there would in fact be no social order
