1,391 research outputs found

    Semi-Supervised Data Summarization: Using Spectral Libraries to Improve Hyperspectral Clustering

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    Hyperspectral imagers produce very large images, with each pixel recorded at hundreds or thousands of different wavelengths. The ability to automatically generate summaries of these data sets enables several important applications, such as quickly browsing through a large image repository or determining the best use of a limited bandwidth link (e.g., determining which images are most critical for full transmission). Clustering algorithms can be used to generate these summaries, but traditional clustering methods make decisions based only on the information contained in the data set. In contrast, we present a new method that additionally leverages existing spectral libraries to identify materials that are likely to be present in the image target area. We find that this approach simultaneously reduces runtime and produces summaries that are more relevant to science goals

    Uma viagem pelo tempo e pelo conhecimento: Entrevista biográfica a Jorge Correia Jesuino

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    A realização da entrevista ao Professor Jorge Correia Jesuino (JCJ) foi um processo colorido por várias nuances e por vários estados de espírito. Inicialmente, quando nos foi perguntado se estaríamos interessados em realizar esta entrevista, ficámos eufóricos. Afinal de contas, o professor é, para nós, jovens psicólogos sociais, uma referência, e esta oportunidade representava um momento único. Poderíamos fazer todas as perguntas, tirar todas as dúvidas, enfim, poderíamos aprender coisas novas com um dos primeiros e grandes psicólogos sociais portugueses. E aqui começaram a surgir as dúvidas e os nervosismos. As nossas questões remetiam-nos para o conteúdo da entrevista. Face a uma pessoa como JCJ, com uma carreira tão brilhante, o que pretendíamos saber? Por onde deveríamos começar? Mas, o nosso nervosismo dissipou-se quando o professor nos acolheu no seu pequeno, mas aconchegante gabinete, no ISCTE. Aquele que parecia tão distante, aos olhos dos mais novos, acabou por se revelar uma pessoa aberta, simples, bem-humorada e muito acessível, tendo em conta todo o seu percurso de vida e sabedoria. Fomos verdadeiramente surpreendidos. A “conversa” acabou por ser uma bela viagem pelo tempo, recheada de grandes memórias desde a sua infância até à actualidade, e contribuiu para aumentar, ainda mais, a nossa admiração pelo Professor JCJ.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Bone mineral density and chronic lung disease mortality: the Rotterdam study

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    Context: Low bone mineral density (BMD) has been associated with increased all-cause mortality. Cause-specific mortality studies have been controversial. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate associations between BMD and all-cause mortality and in-depth cause-specific mortality. Design and Setting: We studied two cohorts from the prospective Rotterdam Study (RS), initiated in 1990 (RS-I) and 2000 (RS-II) with average follow-up of 17.1 (RS-I) and 10.2 (RS-II) years until January 2011. Baseline femoral neck BMD was analyzed in SD values. Deaths were classified according to International Classification of Diseases into seven groups: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, infections, external, dementia, chronic lung diseases, and other causes. Gender-stratified Cox and competing-risks models were adjusted for age, body mass index, and smoking. Participants: The study included 5779 subjects from RS-I and 2055 from RS-II. Main Outcome Measurements: We measured all-cause and cause-specific mortality. Results: A significant inverse association between BMD and all-cause mortality was found in males [expressed as hazard ratio (95% confidence interval)]: RS-I, 1.07 (1.01-1.13), P = .020; RS-II, 1.31 (1.12-1.55), P = .001); but it was not found in females: RS-I, 1.05 (0.99-1.11), P = .098; RS-II, 0.91 (0.74-1.12), P = .362. An inverse association with chronic lung disease mortality was found in males [RS-I, 1.75 (1.34-2.29), P < .001; RS-II, 2.15 (1.05-4.42), P = .037] and in RS-I in females [1.72 (1.16-2.57); P = .008], persisting after multiple adjustments and excluding prevalent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A positive association between BMD and cancer mortality was detected in females in RS-I [0.89 (0.80-0.99); P = .043]. No association was found with cardiovascular mortality. Conclusions: BMD is inversely associated with mortality. The strong association of BMD with chronic lung disease mortality is a novel finding that needs further analysis to clarify underlying mechanisms

    Sheath parameters for non-Debye plasmas: simulations and arc damage

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    This paper describes the surface environment of the dense plasma arcs that damage rf accelerators, tokamaks and other high gradient structures. We simulate the dense, non-ideal plasma sheath near a metallic surface using Molecular Dynamics (MD) to evaluate sheaths in the non-Debye region for high density, low temperature plasmas. We use direct two-component MD simulations where the interactions between all electrons and ions are computed explicitly. We find that the non-Debye sheath can be extrapolated from the Debye sheath parameters with small corrections. We find that these parameters are roughly consistent with previous PIC code estimates, pointing to densities in the range 10241025m310^{24} - 10^{25}\mathrm{m}^{-3}. The high surface fields implied by these results could produce field emission that would short the sheath and cause an instability in the time evolution of the arc, and this mechanism could limit the maximum density and surface field in the arc. These results also provide a way of understanding how the "burn voltage" of an arc is generated, and the relation between self sputtering and the burn voltage, while not well understood, seems to be closely correlated. Using these results, and equating surface tension and plasma pressure, it is possible to infer a range of plasma densities and sheath potentials from SEM images of arc damage. We find that the high density plasma these results imply and the level of plasma pressure they would produce is consistent with arc damage on a scale 100 nm or less, in examples where the liquid metal would cool before this structure would be lost. We find that the sub-micron component of arc damage, the burn voltage, and fluctuations in the visible light production of arcs may be the most direct indicators of the parameters of the dense plasma arc, and the most useful diagnostics of the mechanisms limiting gradients in accelerators.Comment: 8 pages, 16 figure

    A method for colocating satellite X_(CO₂) data to ground-based data and its application to ACOS-GOSAT and TCCON

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    Satellite measurements are often compared with higher-precision ground-based measurements as part of validation efforts. The satellite soundings are rarely perfectly coincident in space and time with the ground-based measurements, so a colocation methodology is needed to aggregate "nearby" soundings into what the instrument would have seen at the location and time of interest. We are particularly interested in validation efforts for satellite-retrieved total column carbon dioxide (X_(CO₂)), where X_(CO₂) data from Greenhouse Gas Observing Satellite (GOSAT) retrievals (ACOS, NIES, RemoteC, PPDF, etc.) or SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) are often colocated and compared to ground-based column X_(CO₂) measurement from Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). Current colocation methodologies for comparing satellite measurements of total column dry-air mole fractions of CO₂ (X_(CO₂)) with ground-based measurements typically involve locating and averaging the satellite measurements within a latitudinal, longitudinal, and temporal window. We examine a geostatistical colocation methodology that takes a weighted average of satellite observations depending on the "distance" of each observation from a ground-based location of interest. The "distance" function that we use is a modified Euclidian distance with respect to latitude, longitude, time, and midtropospheric temperature at 700 hPa. We apply this methodology to X_(CO₂) retrieved from GOSAT spectra by the ACOS team, cross-validate the results to TCCON X_(CO₂) ground-based data, and present some comparisons between our methodology and standard existing colocation methods showing that, in general, geostatistical colocation produces smaller mean-squared error

    Theme Identification in RDF Graphs

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    Minimal Gaugino Mediation

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    We propose Minimal Gaugino Mediation as the simplest known solution to the supersymmetric flavor and CP problems. The framework predicts a very minimal structure for the soft parameters at ultra-high energies: gaugino masses are unified and non-vanishing whereas all other soft supersymmetry breaking parameters vanish. We show that this boundary condition naturally arises from a small extra dimension and present a complete model which includes a new extra-dimensional solution to the mu problem. We briefly discuss the predicted superpartner spectrum as a function of the two parameters of the model. The commonly ignored renormalization group evolution above the GUT scale is crucial to the viability of Minimal Gaugino Mediation but does not introduce new model dependence.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, 4 figures, running of the bottom and tau Yukawas included, plots revise

    Lepton Flavor Violation in Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Models

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    The study for lepton flavor violation combined with the neutrino oscillation may provide more information about the lepton flavor structure of the grand unified theory. In this paper, we study two lepton flavor violation processes, τμγ\tau\to \mu\gamma and ZτμZ\to \tau\mu, in the context of supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified models. We find the two processes are both of phenomenological interest. In particular the latter may be important in some supersymmetric parameter space where the former is suppressed. Thus, Z-dacay may offer another chance for looking for lepton flavor violation.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure