563 research outputs found

    A Study of The Administration and Organization of The High School Band In Western Kansas

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    This study is a scientific investigation to determine the educational values of band instruction as a part of the curriculum as well as the accepted methods of procedure, organization and administration of the high school band in Western Kansas. It is obvious that in such an extensive survey as this, it is necessary that the factors involved be limited to certain particular phases of the problem. For this reason and since the greatest outward appearance of advance in the band movement has been made in the past decade in Western Kansas the present survey will present the situation as found at the present time

    (M-theory-)Killing spinors on symmetric spaces

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    We show how the theory of invariant principal bundle connections for reductive homogeneous spaces can be applied to determine the holonomy of generalised Killing spinor covariant derivatives of the form D=+ΩD= \nabla + \Omega in a purely algebraic and algorithmic way, where Ω:TMΛ(TM)\Omega : TM \rightarrow \Lambda^*(TM) is a left-invariant homomorphism. Specialising this to the case of symmetric M-theory backgrounds (i.e. (M,g,F)(M,g,F) with (M,g)(M,g) a symmetric space and FF an invariant closed 4-form), we derive several criteria for such a background to preserve some supersymmetry and consequently find all supersymmetric symmetric M-theory backgrounds.Comment: Updated abstract for clarity. Added missing geometries to section 6. Main result stand

    Dispositional gratitude moderates the association between socioeconomic status and interleukin-6

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    Measurement of thrombin generation in whole blood:The effect of heparin and aspirin

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    A technique has been developed to monitor the development of thrombin in freshly collected whole blood in the absence of anticoagulants. It is based on the centrifugal separation of the cellular components from subsamples of blood drawn from non-anticoagulated clotting whole blood which are diluted in buffer containing a chromogenic substrate.It is shown that the burst of thrombin generation after triggering coagulation with trace amounts of tissue thromboplastin occurs sooner in non-anticoagulated whole blood than in citrated whole blood. Heparin is shown to prolong the lag-time of thrombin generation more in native blood than in recalcified citrated blood.It is also demonstrated that intake of 500 mg of aspirin significantly delays and inhibits thrombin generation in non-anticoagulated, thromboplastin triggered whole blood, whereas it has no effect on the coagulation in citrated plasma. The effect of aspirin intake on thrombin generation in blood is roughly equal to that of 0.03 U/ml of unfractionated heparin. This demonstrates that platelet reactions and the coagulation system are closely linked processes. It further lends support to the hypothesis that inhibition of thrombin generation is a common denominator of antithrombotic therapy

    Penyuluhan Hukum Pidana Penyalahgunaan Media Sosial di Desa Dalihan Natolu Kecamatan Silaen Kabupaten Toba Sumatera Utara

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    Penyalahgunaan media sosial selama masa pandemi covid-19 rentang waktu 2020-2021 sangat marak di berbagai media sosial, karena banyak masyarakat dari berbagai usia yang menggunakan media sosial sebagai sarana di dalam pertukaran informasi, tanpa menyadari tindakan mengklik tersbut dilarang oleh peraturan perundang-undangan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) di Desa Dalihan Natolu, Kecamatan Silaen, Kabupaten Toba, Sumatera Utara dilakukan sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Indonesia dalam rangka program pemberdayaan masyarakat serta meningkatkan solidaritas dan kepedulian kepada kondisi masyarakat, khususnya yang membutuhkan bantuan hukum, khususnya di masyarakat Desa yang berada jauh dari kota besar. FH UKI melakukan penyuluhan hukum tentang sanksi pidana bagi penyalahgunaan media sosial. PKM dilaksanakan dengan cara ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab serta dilakukan evaluasi melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada peserta. Pengabdian dilaksanakan oleh tim dosen FH UKI yang berkompeten di bidang hukum pidana dan telematika. Hasil dari PKM penyuluhan hukum penyalahgunaan media sosial memberikan hasil sebagai meningkatnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman warga di Desa Dalihan Natolu, Kecamatan Silaen, Kabupaten Toba, Sumatera Utara yang dialami mereka.   Kata Kunci: penyalahgunaan medias sosial, media sosial, ancaman pidana media sosial &nbsp

    Executive Officer FROM:

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    now called the “California Wetlands Portal ” (CWP), as a condition in many water quality certifications to track losses and gains of wetlands and streams 2. This third annual report summarizes impacts and compensatory mitigation to wetlands and streams for projects certified in 2009

    Putting adversity in perspective: Purpose in life moderates the link between childhood emotional abuse and neglect and adulthood depressive symptoms

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    Background: Childhood emotional abuse and neglect is linked with a host of adverse outcomes later in life, including depression. However, potential psychological resources that may mitigate the adverse outcomes of childhood emotional abuse and neglect are not well-understood. Aims: Drawing from the insight that having a sense of purpose can help individuals deal with setbacks and difficulties better, we propose that purpose in life can also help sufferers of childhood maltreatment cope more effectively and reduce the onset of depressive symptoms. Methods: Participants were drawn from two large, nationally representative studies comprising a total of 3664 respondents. Purpose in life, childhood emotional abuse and neglect, and depressive symptoms were measured with validated scales. Results: We found convergent evidence that purpose in life attenuates the effect of childhood emotional abuse and neglect on subsequent depressive symptoms across a range of measures of mood and depression. Conclusions: The current study highlights the important role played by purpose in life in building resilience, coping against adverse life events, and psychological well-being

    Effects of maleimide-polyethylene glycol-modified human hemoglobin (MP4) on tissue necrosis in SKH1-hr hairless mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>Tissue hypoxia after blood loss, replantation and flap reperfusion remains a challenging task in surgery. Normovolemic hemodilution improves hemorheologic properties without increasing oxygen carrying capacity. Red blood cell transfusion is the current standard of treatment with its attendant risks. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of the chemically modified hemoglobin, MP4, to reduce skin flap necrosis and its effect on selected blood markers and kidneys.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Tissue ischemia was induced in the ear of hairless mice (n = 26). Hemodilution was performed by replacing one third of blood volume with the similar amount of MP4, dextran, or blood. The extent of non-perfused tissue was assessed by intravital fluorescent microscopy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of all groups, MP4 showed the smallest area of no perfusion (in percentage of the ear ± SEM: 16.3% ± 2.4), the control group the largest (22.4% ± 3.5). Leukocytes showed a significant increase in the MP4 and dextran group (from 8.7 to 13.6 respectively 15.4*10<sup>9</sup>/l). On histology no changes of the kidneys could be observed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MP4 causes an increase of leukocytes, improves the oxygen supply of the tissue and shows no evidence of renal impairment.</p