376 research outputs found

    Otras infancias. Entre el niño emblema y el niño abandonable

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    The article has the purpose of reviewing elements that can be founders to support the research line on Childhood and Family, specific to doctoral research programs in the institution where the authors are enrolled, but which is also at the service of inquiry on the subject at different levels of training in the city and regional context. The methodological approach is made from a hermeneutic perspective with comprehensive reach through a documentary review of classic and contemporary authors, through which a discursive network emerges that contains and supports the research line and the categories it groups. In conclusion, this research work allows theoretical space to other types of childhoods, which have been historically made invisible because they do not fit into the paradigm of childhood as the emblem of the future. We are referring here to children's groups cataloged as non-futurizable, children who can be forsaken/abandoned.   Keywords: history of childhood, Latin America, biopolitics, post-structuralism, other childhoods.El artículo tiene el propósito de revisar elementos que pueden ser fundantes para sustentar la línea de investigación sobre Infancia y Familia, propia de programas de investigación doctoral en la institución donde se inscriben los autores, pero que está también al servicio de la indagación sobre el tema en diferentes niveles de formación en la ciudad y en el contexto regional. El abordaje metodológico se hace desde una perspectiva hermenéutica con alcances comprensivos, mediante una revisión documental de autores clásicos y contemporáneos a través de los cuales emerge un entramado discursivo que contiene y da sustento a la línea en mención y las categorías que agrupa. A manera de conclusión este trabajo le da espacio teórico a otro tipo de infancias, aquellas que han sido históricamente invisibilizadas porque no caben en el paradigma de la niñez en tanto emblema del futuro; nos referimos aquí a los cuerpos infantiles catalogados como no futurizables, niños que pueden ser abandonables.   Palabras clave: historia de la infancia, Latinoamérica, biopolítica, posestructuralismo, otras infancias

    Performance of Anoxic-Oxic Sequencing Batch Reactor for Nitrification and Aerobic Denitrification

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    The biological nitrogen removal (BNR) involves two processes: nitrification and denitrification. Denitrification occurs almost exclusively under facultative anaerobic or microaerophilic conditions; however, aerobic denitrification can occur in aerated reactors. In this chapter, the feasibility of achieving nitrogen removal using a lab-scale biological sequencing batch reactor (SBR) exposed to anoxic/oxic (AN/OX) phases is described in order to attain aerobic denitrification. The SBR was fed with acetate and ammonium sulfate. Nitrite generation was controlled in order to avoid the N2O production by nitrifier denitrification. Experiments under four different operating conditions were carried out: low and high aeration, each one with low and high organic loads. For all the tested conditions, a complete COD removal was achieved. The highest inorganic N removal close to 80% was obtained at pH = 7.5, high organic load (880 mg COD/(L day)) and high aeration given by 12 h cycle, AN/OX ratio = 0.5:1.0, and dissolved oxygen concentration higher than 4.0 mg O2/L. Nitrification followed by high-rate aerobic denitrification took place during the aerobic phase. Denitrification took place mainly from the intracellular reserves of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) during the aerobic phase. The proposed AN/OX system constitutes a simple and potentially eco-friendly process for biological nitrogen removal, providing N2 as the end product and decreasing the formation of N2O, a powerful greenhouse gas

    Ser170 of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab δ-endotoxin becomes anchored in a hydrophobic moiety upon insertion of this protein into Manduca sexta brush border membranes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Three spin-labeled mutant proteins, mutated at the beginning, middle, and end of α-helix 5 of the <it>Bacillus thuringiensis </it>Cry1Ab δ-endotoxin, were used to study the involvement of these specific amino acid residues in ion transport and to determine conformational changes in the vicinity of these residues when the protein was translocated into a biological membrane.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Amino acid residue leucine 157, located in the N-terminal portion of α-helix 5, showed no involvement in ion transport, and the environment that surrounds the residue did not show any change when transferred into the biological membrane. Serine 170, located in the middle of the α-helix, showed no involvement in ion transport, but our findings indicate that in the membrane-bound state this residue faces an environment that makes the spin less mobile, as opposed to the mobility observed in an aqueous environment. Serine 176, located in the C-terminal end of the α-helix 5 is shown to be involved in ion transport activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ion transport data for L157, S170, and S176, along with the mobility of the spin-labels, structural characterization of the resulting proteins, and toxicity assays against a target insect, suggest that the toxin undergoes conformational changes upon protein translocation into the midgut membrane. These conformational changes result in the midregion of the α-helix 5 being exposed to a hydrophobic-like environment. The location of these three residues in the toxin suggests that the entire α-helix becomes inserted in the insect midgut membrane.</p

    Kernel Spectral Clustering and applications

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    In this chapter we review the main literature related to kernel spectral clustering (KSC), an approach to clustering cast within a kernel-based optimization setting. KSC represents a least-squares support vector machine based formulation of spectral clustering described by a weighted kernel PCA objective. Just as in the classifier case, the binary clustering model is expressed by a hyperplane in a high dimensional space induced by a kernel. In addition, the multi-way clustering can be obtained by combining a set of binary decision functions via an Error Correcting Output Codes (ECOC) encoding scheme. Because of its model-based nature, the KSC method encompasses three main steps: training, validation, testing. In the validation stage model selection is performed to obtain tuning parameters, like the number of clusters present in the data. This is a major advantage compared to classical spectral clustering where the determination of the clustering parameters is unclear and relies on heuristics. Once a KSC model is trained on a small subset of the entire data, it is able to generalize well to unseen test points. Beyond the basic formulation, sparse KSC algorithms based on the Incomplete Cholesky Decomposition (ICD) and L0L_0, L1,L0+L1L_1, L_0 + L_1, Group Lasso regularization are reviewed. In that respect, we show how it is possible to handle large scale data. Also, two possible ways to perform hierarchical clustering and a soft clustering method are presented. Finally, real-world applications such as image segmentation, power load time-series clustering, document clustering and big data learning are considered.Comment: chapter contribution to the book "Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

    Blocking binding of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Aa to Bombyx mori cadherin receptor results in only a minor reduction of toxicity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Bacillus thuringiensis </it>Cry1Aa insecticidal protein is the most active known <it>B. thuringiensis </it>toxin against the forest insect pest <it>Lymantria dispar </it>(gypsy moth), unfortunately it is also highly toxic against the non-target insect <it>Bombyx mori </it>(silk worm).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Surface exposed hydrophobic residues over domains II and III were targeted for site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution of a phenylalanine residue (F328) by alanine reduced binding to the <it>Bombyx mori </it>cadherin by 23-fold, reduced biological activity against <it>B. mori </it>by 4-fold, while retaining activity against <it>Lymantria dispar</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results identify a novel receptor-binding epitope and demonstrate that virtual elimination of binding to cadherin BR-175 does not completely remove toxicity in the case of <it>B. mori</it>.</p

    Clasificación clínica y comportamiento de las poblaciones linfocitarias en VIH positivos

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    T, B, T CD4 and T CD8 lymphocyte typifying, using the immunochemical technique of complex alkaline phosphatase-alkaline antiphosphatase (APAAP) in thin smears, was carried out on 155 HIV positive individuals from the Social Security lnstitute in Cali (Colombia) to determine the behaviour of different lymphocyte populations throughout the different clinical stages of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as established by the CDC. In stage II, T, 6, and CD4 patient's lymphocytes were found within the norms for the general population, while those of CD8 were increased. In stage III, the behaviour of the lymphocyte populations was similar except for as light increase in B lymphocytes. These stages only differed clinically because of the presence of adenopathies. In stage IV, a marked depletion of al1 the lymphocyte populations studied was observed. Dueto the early increase of CD8 in stages II and III, the relationship CD4lCD8 presents alterations and is less than 1 .O, even though the CD4 count is normal. However, when general depletion occurs in stage IV, its usefulness is limited and it is the CD4 count alone which is the most useful indicator of the illness's progression. Considering that the majority of prophylactic behaviour and treatment which is adopted for HIV positive patients is based on CD4 and the CD8 lymphocyte counts, it is of vital importance to make this methodology more accessible to patients as well as to implement other immunity evaluating tests, to be indicators of the illness's progression.Con el fin de determinar el comportamiento de las diferente poblaciones linfocitarias, a través de los diferentes estadios clínicos de la infección por e lvirus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) establecidos por el CDC, se realizaron tipificaciones de linfocitos T, B, T CD4 y T CD8 en 155 individuos VIH positivos del ISS en Cali, utilizando la técnica de inmunocitoquimica de los complejos fosfatasa alcalina-antifosfatasa alcalina (APAAP) en extendidos de sangre periférica. En los pacientes del estadio II, los linfocitos T, B y CD4 se encontraron dentro de los valores normales para la población general, mientras que los CD8 estaban aumentados. En el estadio III, el comportamiento de las poblaciones de linfocitos fue similar salvo un ligero aumento de los linfocitos B. Estos estadios sólo se diferenciaron clínicamente por la presencia de adenopatias. En el estadio IV se observó una marcada depleción detodas las poblaciones linfocitarias estudiadas. En virtud al aumento temprano de CD8 en los estadios II y III, la relación CD41CD8 presenta alteraciones y es menor de 1 ,O aunque el recuento de CD4 en estos estadios sea normal. Sin embargo, cuando ocurre la depleción general en el estadio IV, su utilidad es limitada y el recuento absoluto de CD4 es el indicador más útil en la progresión de la enfermedad. En virtud a que el recuento de linfocitos CD4 y CD8 constituye un pilar y en él se orientan la mayoría de las conductas profilácticas y de tratamiento que se adoptan en los VIH positivos, se hace necesario conducir los esfuerzos para hacer más asequible esta metodología a los pacientes, así como plantear la implementación de otras pruebas evaluadoras de la inmunidad, útiles como indicadores de la progresión de la enfermedad

    Prueba de conductividad eléctrica en la evaluación de la calidad fisiológica de semillas en berenjena (Solanum melongena L.)

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    El objetivo fue evaluar el número de semillas y tiempo de imbibición a través de la conductividad eléctrica, para conocer el potencial fisiológico de semillas de berenjena. Se utilizó el diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2x2x5 (variedades CO015 y CO029), (cantidades de semillas de 50 y 100) y (tiempos de imbibición de 2, 4, 6, 8 y 10 horas); con cuatro repeticiones. La calidad fisiológica de las semillas para las condiciones iniciales arrojó porcentajes de germinación del 81,20 y 98,30 para siete y 14 días e índices de velocidad de emergencia con valores de 15,76 y 16,64 para los cultivares CO029 y CO015. En lo pertinente a la conductividad eléctrica, 100 semillas con seis horas es lo ideal para su aplicación. El análisis de regresión arrojó respuesta lineal para el cultivar CO029 con liberaciones de electrólitos de 0,32 y 0,48 μS cm-1 g-1 por hora, respectivamente para 50 y 100 semillas; en tanto que el cultivar CO015, respuesta cúbica con respuesta lineal de 3,40 y 4,25 μS cm-1 g-1 por hora y reducciones de -0,55 y -0,62 μS cm-1 g-1 por hora, como reflejo del mayor deterioro de las semillas a cantidades de 50 y 100, respectivamente