126 research outputs found

    Another characterization of warped product submanifolds of nearly cosymplectic manifolds

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    In this paper, we study warped product pseudo-slant submanifolds of nearly cosymplectic manifolds. First, we derive the integrability conditions of the distributions and then, we investigate the geometry of the leaves of both distributions. Also, we prove a characterization theorem for a pseudo-slant submanifold to be locally a warped product manifold

    State of research quality and knowledge transfer and translation and capacity strengthening strategies for sound health policy decision-making in Palestine

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    Objectives: Over the last 2 decades, the World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed a global strategy and initiatives to establish a Health Research System (HRS) focusing on Health Research Quality and Standardization (HRQS), Health Research Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination (HRKTD), and Health Research Translation and Utilization into Health Care Decisions and Policies (HRTUDP). Despite the increase in health research productivity over the past several decades, HRS Capacity (HRSC) in Palestine and in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has rarely been objectively evaluated. This study aims at eliciting the perceptions of HRS performers in Palestine in order to understand the status of HRSC, identify gaps, and generate policies and solutions capable of strengthening HRSC in Palestine. Methods: Key informants from three sectors, namely government, academia, and local and international organizations, were selected purposively based on different sampling methods: criterion, critical case, snowball, and homogeneous sampling. Fifty-two in-depth interviews with key informants and a total of fifty-two individuals, participating in six focus groups, were conducted by the principal investigator in Palestine. Data were analyzed by using MAXQDA 12. Results: The overall pattern of the Palestinian HRSC is relatively weak. The key findings revealed that while HR productivity in Palestine is improving, HRQS is at an average level and quality guidelines are not followed due to paucity of understanding, policies, and resources. HRKTD is a central challenge with both a dearth of conceptualization of translational science and inadequate implementation. The factors related to inadequate HRKTD include lack of awareness on the part of the researchers, inadequate regulatory frameworks and mechanisms for both communication and collaboration between and among researchers and policy-makers and clinicians, and lack of availability of, and credibility in, systematized and reliable HR data. Despite the limited knowledge translation, in general, HRTUDP is not considered an essential decision-making methodology mainly due to the lack of interface between knowledge producers (researchers) and users (policymakers), understanding level, HR credibility and availability of applied research, and governance, resources, and political fluctuations. Recommendations to strengthen HRS in Palestine include: a consolidated research regulatory framework and an effective capacity strengthening strategy overseen by Palestinian authorities; the promotion of HRQS and concepts and practices of translational science; and, most importantly, the use of findings for evidence-based policies and practice. Conclusion: Strengthening HRSC is both an imperative step and an opportunity to improve the Palestinian health system and ensure it is based on research evidence and knowledge. Building a successful HRS characterized by capacities of high-quality research and well-disseminated and translated knowledge is a prerequisite to effective health systems and services. This can be achieved by political commitment to support such strengthening, a consolidated leadership and governance structure, and a strong operational capacity strengthening strategy

    Targeting PI3K/Akt/mTOR in AML: Rationale and Clinical Evidence.

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a highly heterogeneous hematopoietic malignancy characterized by excessive proliferation and accumulation of immature myeloid blasts in the bone marrow. AML has a very poor 5-year survival rate of just 16% in the UK; hence, more efficacious, tolerable, and targeted therapy is required. Persistent leukemia stem cell (LSC) populations underlie patient relapse and development of resistance to therapy. Identification of critical oncogenic signaling pathways in AML LSC may provide new avenues for novel therapeutic strategies. The phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway, is often hyperactivated in AML, required to sustain the oncogenic potential of LSCs. Growing evidence suggests that targeting key components of this pathway may represent an effective treatment to kill AML LSCs. Despite this, accruing significant body of scientific knowledge, PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors have not translated into clinical practice. In this article, we review the laboratory-based evidence of the critical role of PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in AML, and outcomes from current clinical studies using PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors. Based on these results, we discuss the putative mechanisms of resistance to PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibition, offering rationale for potential candidate combination therapies incorporating PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors for precision medicine in AML

    7. Long term results of quadrangular autologous pericardial patch reconstruction of the pulmonary artery during arterial switch operation on post-

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    The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate the technique of Quadrangular Fresh Autologous Pericardial Patch for the reconstruction of the pulmonary artery in Arterial Switch Operation (ASO) to prevent the post-operative pulmonary artery stenosis (PAS). A total of 287 consecutive infants with transposition of great arteries were treated with ASO in our center between January 2000 and September 2014. The mean age was (7.76days) and mean weight was (3.67kg). The new pulmonary arterial root was reconstructed with a fresh quadrangular autologous patch. The technique includes extensive mobilization of both pulmonary artery branches and direct suturing of the parch to 2/3 of the annulus of the new pulmonary artery trunk first, and then reconstruction finish by the re-suspension of the posterior commissure of the new pulmonary valve inside the patch. Patients were examined using trans-thoracic echocardiography consecutively at discharge form the hospital, and at 3–6 months and yearly after discharge. The mean follow up time was 78 months. The early mortality was 5.19% (17 patients), and there were no late mortality. The highest mortality was reported during the beginning of the pediatric surgical program. The mortality for the last 100 patients was 1%. The pressure gradient across the pulmonary valve in 249 patients (87%, was less than 20mmHg. Mild pulmonary stenosis (pressure gradient of 20–40mmHg) was present in 32 patients (11.14%) and moderate pulmonary stenosis with gradient 40–60mmHg was manifested in 4 patients (1.39%). Reconstruction of the new Pulmonary artery during the ASO, using the quadrangular autologous fresh pericardial patch, is effective and reproducible in reducing the incidence of post-operative pulmonary stenosis

    Rethinking and strengthening the Global Health Diplomacy through triangulated nexus between policy makers, scientists and the community in light of COVID-19 global crisis

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is considerably the biggest global health challenge of this modern era. Spreading across all regions of the world, this corona virus disease has disrupted even some of the most advanced economies and healthcare systems. With an increasing global death toll and no near end in sight, questions on the efficacy of global response mechanisms, including the role and relevancy of global health institutions, have emerged. Using a reflexive content analytic approach, this study sheds light on some of these questions, underscoring the disconnect between science, policymaking, and society. Global health funding approaches; politicization of the pandemic, including political blame gaming; mistrust of government and other institutions; and a lack of robust accountability measures are some of the pandemic response obstacles. However, COVID-19 has also presented an opportunity for a collaboration that may potentially solidify global solidarity. A pandemic response built on strategic global health diplomacy, vaccine diplomacy, and science diplomacy can spur both political and economic benefits, advancing development, health security, and justice. The virus thrives and flourishes in face of political divisions and lack of cooperation. While the current global crisis has exacerbated the existing social injustices in societies, national unity and global solidarity is essential to winning the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

    Zermelo's navigation problem for some special surfaces of rotation

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    In this paper, we investigate Zermelo's navigation problem for some special rotation surfaces. In this respect, we find some Randers-type metrics for these rotation surfaces. Furthermore, we get the H-distortion for the metric induced by surfaces

    Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome at Tertiary Care Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2014

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    During March–May 2014, a Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) outbreak occurred in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, that included many persons who worked or received medical treatment at King Fahd General Hospital. We investigated 78 persons who had laboratory-confirmed MERS during March 2–May 10 and documented contact at this hospital. The 78 persons with MERS comprised 53 patients, 16 healthcare workers, and 9 visitors. Among the 53 patients, the most probable sites of acquisition were the emergency department (22 patients), inpatient areas (17), dialysis unit (11), and outpatient areas (3). Infection control deficiencies included limited separation of suspected MERS patients, patient crowding, and inconsistent use of infection control precautions; aggressive improvements in these deficiencies preceded a decline in cases. MERS coronavirus transmission probably was multifocal, occurring in multiple hospital settings. Continued vigilance and strict application of infection control precautions are necessary to prevent future MERS outbreaks
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