529 research outputs found


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    Further studies have consistently found problems with efficient market hypothesis by Fama. Underpriced stocks based on some form(s) of fundamental analysis can produce abnormal return in the major capital market in the world. This phenomenon called market anomalies. This research aim to determine whether value portfolio outperform glamour portfolio and to evaluate risk-adjusted performance between value and glamour stocks. Sample of this study used companies listed on LQ 45 during 2009-2013 periode. The portofolio formation based on consistent earner strategy (Elze, 2010) which is combination between PER & ROE and DY & ROE. After portfolio formation on 0MO, 3M0, 6MO, and 12MO, ANOVA test will be performed to determine the difference in returns and risk-adjusted performance for each portfolio formation. The results on this study found that there is no difference return and risk-adjusted performance between value and glamour portofolio during 2009-2013 at Indonesia Stocks Exchange

    The probiotic Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917 (EcN) stops acute diarrhoea in infants and toddlers

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    In most cases, acute diarrhoea will become self-limiting during the first few days after onset. For young children, however, health risks may develop when the disease lasts longer than 3 days. The purpose of the present trial was to determine whether the stool frequency of infants and toddlers suffering from acute diarrhoea could be normalised more quickly by administering the probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) solution than by administering a placebo. The safety of EcN were also assessed. A total of 113 children (aged 2–47 months) with acute diarrhoea (> three watery or loose stools in 24 h) were randomised to either a group receiving the probiotic EcN suspension (n = 55) or a group receiving the placebo suspension (n = 58) in a confirmative, double-blind clinical trial. Depending on the age of patients, 1–3 ml per day of verum suspension (10(8) viable EcN cells per millilitre) or placebo were administered orally. The causes of the diarrhoea were viral rather than bacterial, but they were mainly unspecific infections. The median onset of treatment response (reduction of daily stool frequency to ≤ three watery or loose stools over at least 2 consecutive days) occurred more rapidly in the children receiving the EcN solution (2.5 days) than in those receiving the placebo (4.8 days), a significant difference (2.3 days; p = 0.0007). The number of patients showing a response was clearly higher (p < 0.0001) in the EcN group (52/55; 94.5%) than in the placebo group (39/58; 67.2%). EcN was found to be safe and well-tolerated, and it showed a significant superiority compared to the placebo in the treatment of acute diarrhoea in infants and toddlers. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00431-007-0419-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    New records and distribution extension of Hyphessobrycon itaparicensis Lima & Costa, 2001 (Characiformes: Characidae) in coastal drainages of Sergipe state, northeastern Brazil

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    The present study reports the first record of the small characid fish Hyphessobrycon itaparicensis Lima and Costa, 2001 in two coastal drainages of Sergipe State, Brazil. This species was collected in three sampling sites from Piauí and Sergipe river basins, both in the hydrographic ecoregion of Northeastern Mata Atlantica. Aspects of habitat, diet composition, phenotypic variation, molecular identification and distribution of H. itaparicensis are herein discussed

    Influência do horário de colheita, temperatura e tempo de secagem no óleo essencial de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L.)

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    Ocimum basilicum L. essential oil with high concentration of linalool is valuable in international business. O. basilicum essential oil is widely used as seasoning and in cosmetic industry. To assure proper essential oil yield and quality, it is crucial to determine which environmental and processing factors are affecting its composition. The goal of our work is to evaluate the effects of harvesting time, temperature, and drying period on the yield and chemical composition of O. basilicum essential oil. Harvestings were performed 40 and 93 days after seedling transplantation. Harvesting performed at 8:00 h and 12:00 h provided higher essential oil yield. After five days drying, the concentration of linalool raised from 45.18% to 86.80%. O. basilicum should be harvested during morning and the biomass dried at 40ºC for five days to obtain linalool rich essential oil._________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMO: Óleo essencial de Ocimum basilicum L. com alta concentração de linalol é valorizado no mercado internacional e amplamente usado na indústria de condimentos e cosméticos. Para garantir excelente qualidade e rendimento de óleo essencial é crucial a determinação do efeito dos fatores ambientais e de processamento na sua composição. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do horário de colheita, da temperatura e do tempo de secagem no teor e na composição química do óleo essencial de O. basilicum. Colheitas foram realizadas aos 40 e 93 dias após transplantio das mudas. Colheitas realizadas às 8:00 h e 12:00 h proporcionaram os maiores rendimentos de óleo essencial. Ao quinto dia de secagem o teor de linalol no óleo essencial subiu de 45,18% para 86,80%. O. basilicum deve ser colhido pela manhã e a biomassa deve ser seca a 40 ºC por um período de cinco dias para obter óleo essencial rico em linalol

    Morphometric study of the mental foramen correlating with sex / Estudo morfométrico do forame mentual correlacionando com o sexo

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    Introduction: The mental foramen (MF) is located in the anterolateral region of the mandible body and through it passes the mental nerve and vessels. Its precise location is important in dental and anesthetic surgical procedures to avoid damage to the neurovascular structures that pass through it. However, due to the presence of variations in the incidence, shape, position and multiplicity of this foramen, controversies arise among authors regarding its exact location. Our study aimed to study the morphometric variations of the mental foramen correlating with sex. Materials and methods: A total of 252 human dry mandibles present in the Laboratory of Anatomy of the Department of Morphology of the Federal University of Sergipe were analyzed. The distance from the MF to the mental protuberance (MF-MP), the vertical distance from the MF to the inferior margin of the mandible (MF-IMM), the distance from the MF to the margin of the inferior alveolar process (MF-IAP), the width and the height of the MF and the multiplicity of the MF, as well as its position in relation to the lower molars and premolars. Results: The height of the MF showed no significant difference between genders on the right side (p=0.137), the same occurring on the left side (p=0.030). The width was similar in males and females on the right (p=0.241) and left (p=0.269).  The most common position found for MF was in line with the second premolar, with no significant difference being found on the right (p=0.265) and left (p=0.435) sides. Sixty (11.9%) accessory mental foramens (AMF) were verified and there was no association between the occurrence of AMF and gender on the right (p=0.786) and left (p=0.748) sides. Male mandibles showed higher values of MF-IMM and MF-IAP than females on both sides. The MF-MP values were similar between the two sexes on the right and left sides. Conclusion: It is concluded that there was no correlation between the morphometric variables of MF and gender

    Wellington : a novel method for the accurate identification of digital genomic footprints from DNase-seq data

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    The expression of eukaryotic genes is regulated by cis-regulatory elements such as promoters and enhancers, which bind sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. One of the great challenges in the gene regulation field is to characterise these elements. This involves the identification of transcription factor (TF) binding sites within regulatory elements that are occupied in a defined regulatory context. Digestion with DNase and the subsequent analysis of regions protected from cleavage (DNase footprinting) has for many years been used to identify specific binding sites occupied by TFs at individual cis-elements with high resolution. This methodology has recently been adapted for high-throughput sequencing (DNase-seq). In this study, we describe an imbalance in the DNA strand-specific alignment information of DNase-seq data surrounding protein–DNA interactions that allows accurate prediction of occupied TF binding sites. Our study introduces a novel algorithm, Wellington, which considers the imbalance in this strand-specific information to efficiently identify DNA footprints. This algorithm significantly enhances specificity by reducing the proportion of false positives and requires significantly fewer predictions than previously reported methods to recapitulate an equal amount of ChIP-seq data. We also provide an open-source software package, pyDNase, which implements the Wellington algorithm to interface with DNase-seq data and expedite analyses