24 research outputs found

    The morphology and evolution of the female postabdomen of Holometabola (Insecta)

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    In the present article homology issues, character evolution and phylogenetic implications related to the female postabdomen of the holometabolan insects are discussed, based on an earlier analysis of a comprehensive morphological data set. Hymenoptera, the sistergroup of the remaining Holometabola, are the only group where the females have retained a fully developed primary ovipositor of the lepismatid type. There are no characters of the female abdomen supporting a clade Coleopterida + Neuropterida. The invagination of the terminal segments is an autapomorphy of Coleoptera. The ovipositor is substantially modified in Raphidioptera and distinctly reduced in Megaloptera and Neuroptera. The entire female abdomen is extremely simplified in Strepsiptera. The postabdomen is tapering posteriorly in Mecopterida and retractile in a telescopic manner (oviscapt). The paired ventral sclerites of segments VIII and IX are preserved, but valvifers and valvulae are not distinguishable. In Amphiesmenoptera sclerotizations derived from the ventral appendages VIII are fused ventromedially, forming a solid plate, and the appendages IX are reduced. The terminal segments are fused and form a terminal unit which bears the genital opening subapically. The presence of two pairs of apophyses and the related protraction of the terminal unit by muscle force are additional autapomorphies, as is the fusion of the rectum with the posterior part of the genital chamber (cloaca). Antliophora are supported by the presence of a transverse muscle between the ventral sclerites of segment VIII. Secondary egg laying tubes have evolved independently within Boreidae (absent in Caurinus) and in Tipulomorpha. The loss of two muscle associated with the genital chamber are likely autapomorphies of Diptera. The secondary loss of the telescopic retractability of the postabdomen is one of many autapomorphies of Siphonaptera

    The male postabdomen of the "ancestral" archostematan beetle Tetraphalerus bruchi Heller, 1913 (Ommatidae) and its phylogenetic significance

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    External and internal features of the male postabdomen of Tetraphalerus bruchi were examined with a broad spectrum of morphological techniques and are described in detail. The conditions found in males of Tetraphalerus are compared to those in other archostematan beetles and members of other coleopteran suborders. The far-reaching reduction of the sternite I, structural modifications of sternite II, the retracted condition of the terminal segments, and ventromedially fused apodemes arising from the anterior margin of tergite IX are likely autapomorphies of Coleoptera. The male postabdomen of Tetraphalerus is less derived than in most other groups of Coleoptera. The sclerotized elements are symmetrical. In contrast to earlier statements on the archostematan male genital apparatus a distinctly developed, sclerotized basal piece is present. The aedeagus is trilobed and all elements of the copulatory apparatus are distinct. The muscular equipment is simple and moderately developed. All muscles (except the transverse muscles 61 and 62) occur pairwise and symmetrically. The distinct increase of the number of postabdominal muscles in representatives of the higher lineages of Coleoptera is likely linked with a torsion of the copulatory apparatus, which also results in asymmetries of the sclerotised parts. The testes of Tetraphalerus are long, multi-coiled tubes like in other archostematans, Myxophaga (Torridincola) and Adephaga. The presence of a deep notch on the parameres is a synapomorphy of Tetraphalerus and Omma. Curved parameres, a shortened distal portion, and a distinctly shortented penis are potential synapomorphies of Omma rutherfordi and Omma mastersi. The large size of the sclerotized part of the phallobase ('basal piece') and the division of the sclerotization of sternum IX are potential groundplan autapomorphies of Archostemata, with secondary modification of the latter feature in Cupedidae. The reduced condition of the sclerotization of sternum VIII is an apomorphic condition which has likely evolved independently in Tetraphalerus and Paracupes. Further anatomical investigation of the male genital apparatus of Coleoptera and holometabolous insects in general is required for a reliable morphological and phylogenetic interpretation. Concerning the presence or absence of particular sclerotizations (e.g., 'basal piece' of phallobase) histological section series and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy can add more precise information to what can be observed using permanent preparations of macerated specimens.Fil: Hünefeld, Frank. Universitat Jena; AlemaniaFil: Marvaldi, Adriana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; ArgentinaFil: Müller, Bianca. Universitat Jena; AlemaniaFil: Lawrence, John F.. No especifica;Fil: Beutel, Rolf Georg. Universitat Jena; Alemani

    Divergent mating patterns and a unique mode of external sperm transfer in Zoraptera: an enigmatic group of pterygote insects

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    A remarkable external sperm transfer is described for the first time in a species of a group of winged insects (Pterygota), the enigmatic Zoraptera. Mating and sperm transfer of two species of the order were examined in detail, documented, and compared with each other and with patterns described for other species belonging to the order. The behavior differs strikingly in Zorotypus impolitus and Zorotypus magnicaudelli. A copula is performed by males and females of the latter, as it is also the case in other zorapteran species and generally in pterygote insects. In striking contrast to this, males of Z. impolitus do not copulate but deposit small (100 μm in diameter) spermatophores externally on the abdomen of the female. Each spermatophore contains only one giant spermatozoon (3 mm long and 3 μm wide), a unique feature in the entire Hexapoda. External sperm transfer in Pterygota is a highly unusual case of evolutionary reversal. The very small relict group Zoraptera displays a uniform general morphology but exhibits very different reproductive structures and patterns of mating behavior. This may be an extreme form of a more general situation in insects, with a specific form of selection resulting in an accelerated rate of evolution in the reproductive system. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg