15 research outputs found

    Improving insect conservation management through insect monitoring and stakeholder involvement

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    In recent years, the decline of insect biodiversity and the imminent loss of provided ecosystem functions and services has received public attention and raised the demand for political action. The complex, multi-causal contributors to insect decline require a broad interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach that addresses ecological and social aspects to find sustainable solutions. The project Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas (DINA) assesses insect communities in 21 nature reserves in Germany, and considers interactions with plant diversity, pesticide exposure, spatial and climatic factors. The nature reserves border on agricultural land, to investigate impacts on insect diversity. Part of the project is to obtain scientific data from Malaise traps and their surroundings, while another part involves relevant stakeholders to identify opportunities and obstacles to insect diversity conservation. Our results indicate a positive association between insect richness and biomass. Insect richness was negatively related to the number of stationary pesticides (soil and vegetation), pesticides measured in ethanol, the amount of area in agricultural production, and precipitation. Our qualitative survey along with stakeholder interviews show that there is general support for insect conservation, while at the same time the stakeholders expressed the need for more information and data on insect biodiversity, as well as flexible policy options. We conclude that conservation management for insects in protected areas should consider a wider landscape. Local targets of conservation management will have to integrate different stakeholder perspectives. Scientifically informed stakeholder dialogues can mediate conflicts of interests, knowledge, and values to develop mutual conservation scenarios

    The potential of metabarcoding plant components of Malaise trap samples to enhance knowledge of plant-insect interactions

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    The worldwide rapid declines in insect and plant abundance and diversity that have occurred in the past decades have gained public attention and demand for political actions to counteract these declines are growing. Rapid large-scale biomonitoring can aid in observing these changes and provide information for decisions for land management and species protection. Malaise traps have long been used for insect sampling and when insects are captured in these traps, they carry traces of plants they have visited on the body surface or as digested food material in the gut contents. Metabarcoding offers a promising method for identifying these plant traces, providing insight into the plants with which insects are directly interacting at a given time. To test the efficacy of DNA metabarcoding with these sample types, 79 samples from 21 sites across Germany were analysed with the ITS2 barcode. This study, to our knowledge, is the first examination of metabarcoding plant DNA traces from Malaise trap samples. Here, we report on the feasibility of sequencing these sample types, analysis of the resulting taxa, the usage of cultivated plants by insects near nature conservancy areas and the detection of rare and neophyte species. Due to the frequency of contamination and false positive reads, isolation and PCR negative controls should be used in every reaction. Metabarcoding has advantages in efficiency and resolution over microscopic identification of pollen and is the only possible identification method for the other plant traces from Malaise traps and could provide a broad utility for future studies of plant-insect interactions

    More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas

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    Global declines in insects have sparked wide interest among scientists, politicians, and the general public. Loss of insect diversity and abundance is expected to provoke cascading effects on food webs and to jeopardize ecosystem services. Our understanding of the extent and underlying causes of this decline is based on the abundance of single species or taxonomic groups only, rather than changes in insect biomass which is more relevant for ecological functioning. Here, we used a standardized protocol to measure total insect biomass using Malaise traps, deployed over 27 years in 63 nature protection areas in Germany (96 unique location-year combinations) to infer on the status and trend of local entomofauna. Our analysis estimates a seasonal decline of 76%, and mid-summer decline of 82% in flying insect biomass over the 27 years of study. We show that this decline is apparent regardless of habitat type, while changes in weather, land use, and habitat characteristics cannot explain this overall decline. This yet unrecognized loss of insect biomass must be taken into account in evaluating declines in abundance of species depending on insects as a food source, and ecosystem functioning in the European landscape

    It's raining species: Rainwash eDNA metabarcoding as a minimally invasive method to assess tree canopy invertebrate diversity

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    Abstract Forest canopies are highly diverse ecosystems, but despite several decades of intense research, there remain substantial gaps in our knowledge of their biodiversity and ecological interactions. One fundamental challenge in canopy research is the limited accessibility of the ecosystem. Consequently, previous studies have relied on the application of either highly invasive methods such as chemical knockdown, or on time‐consuming and expensive setups such as canopy walkways or cranes. Therefore, time‐ and cost‐efficient, ideally minimally invasive yet comprehensive applications are required to help close this knowledge gap. High‐throughput metabarcoding of environmental DNA (eDNA) collected from water, soil, or air provides a minimally invasive method for biodiversity assessment, yet its potential for canopy biodiversity monitoring has not been explored. Herein, we conducted metabarcoding of eDNA washed off the canopy via rainwater to explore its potential for biodiversity monitoring and ecological research. We placed four 1 m2 rain samplers beneath the canopies of four different trees (beech, oak, larch, and pine) prior to a major rain event, filtered eDNA from the collected rainwater, and performed cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene metabarcoding to profile the invertebrate community. Additionally, we collected and identified all specimens present in the rainwater to assess if eDNA only came from specimens physically present in the rainwater. We detected 50 invertebrate species by eDNA metabarcoding, of which 43 were not physically present in the water sample, thus likely representing true canopy biodiversity signals. Furthermore, we observed distinct species occurrence patterns corresponding to the four trees, suggesting that ecological patterns such as host specificity can potentially be assessed using the method. In conclusion, our study provides a proof of principle that rainwash eDNA metabarcoding offers a minimally invasive and comprehensive method for biodiversity monitoring in tree canopies

    Pooling size sorted Malaise trap fractions to maximize taxon recovery with metabarcoding

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    Background Small and rare specimens can remain undetected when metabarcoding is applied on bulk samples with a high specimen size heterogeneity. This is especially critical for Malaise trap samples, where most of the biodiversity is contributed by small taxa with low biomass. The separation of samples in different size fractions for downstream analysis is one possibility to increase detection of small and rare taxa. However, experiments systematically testing different size sorting approaches and subsequent proportional pooling of fractions are lacking, but would provide important information for the optimization of metabarcoding protocols. We set out to find a size sorting strategy for Malaise trap samples that maximizes taxonomic recovery but remains scalable and time efficient. Methods Three Malaise trap samples were sorted into four size classes using dry sieving. Each fraction was homogenized and lysed. The corresponding lysates were pooled to simulate unsorted samples. Pooling was additionally conducted in equal proportions and in four different proportions enriching the small size fraction of samples. DNA from the individual size classes as well as the pooled fractions was extracted and metabarcoded using the FwhF2 and Fol-degen-rev primer set. Additionally, alternative wet sieving strategies were explored. Results The small size fractions harboured the highest diversity and were best represented when pooling in favour of small specimens. Metabarcoding of unsorted samples decreases taxon recovery compared to size sorted samples. A size separation into only two fractions (below 4 mm and above) can double taxon recovery compared to not size sorting. However, increasing the sequencing depth 3- to 4-fold can also increase taxon recovery to levels comparable with size sorting, but remains biased towards biomass rich taxa in the sample. Conclusion We demonstrate that size fractionation of Malaise trap bulk samples can increase taxon recovery. While results show distinct patterns, the lack of statistical support due to the limited number of samples processed is a limitation. Due to increased speed and lower risk of cross-contamination as well as specimen damage we recommend wet sieving and proportional pooling of the lysates in favour of the small size fraction (80–90% volume). However, for large-scale projects with time constraints, increasing sequencing depth is an alternative solution

    Recommendations for effective insect conservation in nature protected areas based on a transdisciplinary project in Germany

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    The decline of insect abundance and richness has been documented for decades and has received increased attention in recent years. In 2017, a study by Hallmann and colleagues on insect biomasses in German nature protected areas received a great deal of attention and provided the impetus for the creation of the project Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas (DINA). The aim of DINA was to investigate possible causes for the decline of insects in nature protected areas throughout Germany and to develop strategies for managing the problem. A major issue for the protection of insects is the lack of insect-specific regulations for nature protected areas and the lack of a risk assessment and verification of the measures applied. Most nature protected areas border on or enclose agricultural land and are structured in a mosaic, resulting in an abundance of small and narrow areas. This leads to fragmentation or even loss of endangered habitats and thus threaten biodiversity. In addition, the impact of agricultural practices, especially pesticides and fertilisers, leads to the degradation of biodiversity at the boundaries of nature protected areas, reducing their effective size. All affected stakeholders need to be involved in solving these threats by working on joint solutions. Furthermore, agriculture in and around nature protected areas must act to promote biodiversity and utilise and develop methods that reverse the current trend. This also requires subsidies from the state to ensure economic sustainability and promote biodiversity-promoting practices

    Temporal distribution of insect biomass at selected locations.

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    <p>(A) Daily biomass (mean ±1 se) across 26 locations sampled in multiple years (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0185809#pone.0185809.s009" target="_blank">S4 Fig</a> for seasonal distributions). (B) Distribution of mean annual rate of decline as estimated based on plot specific log-linear models (annual trend coefficient = −0.053, sd = 0.002, i.e. 5.2% annual decline).</p

    Marginal effects of temporal changes in considered covariates on insect biomass.

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    <p>Each bar represents the rate of change in total insect biomass, as the combined effect of the relevant coefficient (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0185809#pone.0185809.t004" target="_blank">Table 4</a>) and the temporal development of each covariate independently (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0185809#pone.0185809.s007" target="_blank">S2</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0185809#pone.0185809.s008" target="_blank">S3</a> Figs).</p