69 research outputs found

    Relación familia-escuela desde la corresponsabilidad

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    The family and the school united in the joint responsibility of their parts, through cooperation and a good understanding of them, allows to facilitate the educational processes of children and students, finding happiness and at the same time the sense of their fulfillment, in this sense, family and school united for the well-being of their children for better results. Objective: To transform the family-school relationship from the co-responsibility of parents, teachers and sixth grade students (6) of the Simón Bolívar headquarters of the IEDT Francisco de Paula Santander of Fundación Magdalena. Methodology: This research has a qualitative approach and given its nature, we opted for Action Research. The data was collected through surveys, semi-structured interviews, group discussion and their analysis. Conclusions: The main results of this research object serve as the foundation for making more correct decisions by the teaching directors, teachers and parents regarding how to transform the family-school relationship, which must responsibly assume the commitment to prevail by the importance of this relationship, consolidating the parents' school as an instrument to train and educate in co-responsibility, among other issues, and not as a wasted space or in this case, even forgotten, that contributes to the development of the student's training process and its projection as part of a society that generates significant changes.La familia y la escuela unidas en la corresponsabilidad de sus partes, a través de la cooperación y el buen entendimiento de las mismas, permite facilitar los procesos educativos de los hijos y estudiantes encontrando felicidad y al mismo tiempo el sentido de su realización, en este sentido, familia y escuela unidos por el bienestar de sus hijos en pro de mejores resultados. Objetivo: Transformar la relación familia-escuela desde la corresponsabilidad de los padres de familia, docentes y estudiantes del grado sexto (6) de la sede Simón Bolívar de la IEDT Francisco de Paula Santander de Fundación Magdalena. Metodología: La presente investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo y dada la naturaleza de esta, optamos por la Investigación Acción. Los datos se recogieron a través de encuestas, entrevistas semiestructuradas, grupo de discusión y el análisis de estos. Conclusiones: Los principales resultados de este objeto de investigación sirven de cimientos para tomar decisiones más acertadas por parte de los directivos docentes, docentes y padres de familia en cuanto a cómo transformar la relación familia-escuela, los cuales deben asumir responsablemente el compromiso de preponderar por la importancia de esta relación, consolidando la escuela de padres como un instrumento para formarse y formar en la corresponsabilidad, entre otros temáticas y no como un espacio desaprovechado o en este caso, hasta olvidado, que tribute en el desarrollo del proceso formativo del educando y su proyección como parte de una sociedad generadora de cambios significativos

    Development and Implementation of Virtual Instrumentation for the Measurement of Operating Parameters of an Engine Using Diesel-Biodiesel Mixtures

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    Through a reaction of alkaline transesterification of soybean oil using sodium methoxide, biodiesel denominated as B100 was obtained, with which four mixtures of diesel-biodiesel B2, B5, B10, and B20 were prepared. Kinematic viscosity and high heating value of the four blends, B100, and diesel were determined. The blends, B100, and diesel were used in a motor of four cylinders in-line engine, air intake at atmospheric pressure with a power of 250 hp and 6000 cm3, operating at a constant rate of 850 ± 50 rpm, a temperature of 25°C, and a relative humidity of 50%. To monitor the emissions, rpm, fuel consumption, and temperature in the engine’s exhaust manifold, which operates with diesel-biodiesel mixtures, an integral instrument that uses the virtual instrumentation technology was developed in the programming platforms LabVIEW 2010 and ARDUINO. The development and implementation of the virtual instrument allow monitoring in real time the parameters of internal combustion engines and presents the versatility, flexibility, scalability, and capacity to function in equipment that operates with different liquid fuels at a lower cost than the one that conventional systems offered. These characteristics represent a significant benefit in comparison with the measurement and monitoring systems in the present market

    Utility of geriatric assessment to predict mortality in the oldest old: the Octabaix Study 3-year follow-up

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    Objective: Few studies have prospectively evaluated the utility of geriatric assessment tools as predictors of mortality in the oldest population. We investigated predictors of death in an oldest-old cohort after 3 years of follow-up. Methods: The Octabaix study is a prospective, community-based study with a follow-up period of 3 years involving 328 subjects aged 85 at baseline. Data were collected on functional and cognitive status, co-morbidity, nutritional and falls risk, quality of life, social risk, and long-term drug prescription. Vital status for the total cohort was evaluated after 3 years of follow-up. Results: Mortality after 3 years was 17.3%. Patients who did not survive had significantly poorer baseline functional status for basic and instrumental activities of daily living (Barthel and Lawton Index), higher co-morbidity (Charlson), higher nutritional risk (Mini Nutritional Assessment), higher risk of falls (Tinetti Gait Scale), poor quality of life (visual analog scale of the Quality of Life Test), and higher number of chronic drugs prescribed. Cox regression analysis identified the Lawton Index (hazard ratio [HR] 0.82, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.73-0.89) and the number of chronic drugs prescribed (HR 1.09, 95% CI 1.01-1.18) as independent predictors of mortality at 3 years. Conclusions: Among the variables studied, the ability to perform instrumental activities of daily living and using few drugs on a chronic basis at baseline are the best predictors of which oldest-old community-dwelling subjects survive after a 3-year follow-up period

    Influence of vermicompost humic acid on chlorophyll content and acclimatization in banana clone, Enano Guantanamero

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    Vermicompost humic acids (VHA) promote plants’ growth because they have similar effects with auxins. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of VHA in some physiological indicators in the micropropagation and acclimatization phase of banana clone Enano Guantanamero. Six concentrations were used (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mg L-1) to evaluate in vitro the number of leaves, total chlorophyll content and chlorophyll a-b; also in the acclimatization phase, the plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves at three different times (transplant, 25 days and at the end of this phase- 50 days) were determined. Root length and roots dry weight were evaluated at the end of the acclimatization. VHA applied improved total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a-b at concentrations of 20 and 50 mg L-1, but not the number of leaves. In the acclimatization stage, plants height at the end of this period (50 days) were higher with 10 mg L-1 (T1) VHA, the number of leaves increased at 40 mg L-1 (T4) and the stem diameter was higher at both concentrations. In the evaluation of roots length, there were no significant differences, but the number of leaves was higher at 10 and 40 mg L-1 (T1 and T4) and it decreased at 50 mg L-1 (T5); roots dry weight increased at 40 mg L-1 (T4). VHA promoted chlorophyll content under in vitro conditions, it reduced the period of acclimatization of banana clone Enano Guantanamero, led to a better growth of plants, and it saved time and resources.Key words: Acclimatization, humic acid, in vitro crop, Musa sp

    Wheat Straw Open Burning: Emissions and Impact on Climate Change

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    The state of Baja California, Mexico, is the second national wheat producer. Mexicali, the capital of Baja California, is the primary wheat producer, and it represents the most significant crop in the valley, with 90,609 ha of a cultivated surface by 2015; it leads to a wheat production of 585,334 t and a generation of 661,446 t of wheat straw as agricultural residue. The 15% of this waste has various uses. The 85% of wheat straw is open burnt in situ to prepare the farmland for the next agricultural cycle. Through the development of an emissions and energy model on iThink®, the emissions of 6,185 t of PM, 35,983 t of CO, and 1,125 t of CH4 considering a headfire burning or 3,373 t of PM, 30,360 t of CO, and 731 t of CH4 by backfire burning were estimated. Also, the wheat straw wasted energy was estimated at 8.15 PJ by 2015, with a lower heating value of 14.50 MJ/kg determined experimentally. The results highlight that for each hectare of harvested wheat, 6.205 t of wheat straw are generated and burnt. It represents the emission of pollutants and 89,972.50 MJ of wasted energy

    Development of a Tabletop Setup for the Transient Current Technique Using Two-Photon Absorption in Silicon Particle Detectors

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    The transient current technique (TCT) is widely used in the field of silicon particle detector development. So far, only laser wavelengths with a photon energy larger than or similar to the silicon bandgap (single photon absorption) were used. Recently, measurements using two-photon absorption (TPA) for silicon detector testing have been carried out for the first time. Excess carriers are only created at the focal point of the laser beam and thus resolution in all three spatial directions could be achieved. The resolution perpendicular to the incident laser beam could be increased roughly by a factor of 10. First measurements using this new method were performed at the Singular Laser Facility of Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV)/Euskal Herriko Unibertzitatea (EHU). Following the initial success of the method, a compact TPA-TCT setup is under development. A first description of the setup and laser system is presented in this articleThis work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under Grant FPA2013-48387-C6-1-P and in part by the Wolfgang Gentner Programme of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under Grant 05E15CH

    Bullying and social exclusion in Spanish secondary schools: National trends from 1999 to 2006

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    Despite the interest in determining the severity of peer victimization in schools, resulting in many survey studies, few have explored the issue through representative samples in a country, and even fewer longitudinal studies have been carried out. In 1999, the first survey at a national-scale on school bullying was developed in Spain. The results provided detailed data of the forms of victimization experienced, done or witnessed by students, and their different incidence among boys and girls; along the different grade-years azand the type of school (state/private). A second study was carried out in 2006 in order to explore the possible changes in the incidence of bullying. The results presented here point to a decrease in the percentage of self-recognised victims and aggressors of certain types of bullying, while others remain in similar percentages after seven years. Immigrant students identify themselves more as victims compared to their autochthon schoolmates. Results are discussed in relation to the efforts to improve relationships in educational settings

    ‘Mindful eating’ for reducing emotional eating in patients with overweight or obesity in primary care settings: A randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: The primary aim of this study was to analyse the efficacy of a ‘mindful eating’ programme for reducing emotional eating in patients with overweight or obesity. Method: A cluster randomized controlled trial (reg. NCT03927534) was conducted with 76 participants with overweight/obesity who were assigned to ‘mindful eating’ (7 weeks) + treatment as usual (TAU), or to TAU alone. They were assessed at baseline, posttreatment and 12‐month follow‐up. The main outcome was ‘emotional eating’ (Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire, DEBQ); other eating behaviours were also assessed along with psychological and physiological variables. Results: ‘Mindful eating’ + TAU reduced emotional eating both at posttreatment (B = −0.27; p = 0.006; d = 0.35) and follow‐up (B = −0.53; p < 0.001; d = 0.69) compared to the control group (TAU alone). ‘External eating’ (DEBQ) was also significantly improved by the intervention at both timepoints. Significant effects at follow‐up were observed for some secondary outcomes related to bulimic behaviours, mindful eating, mindfulness, and self‐compassion. Weight and other physiological parameters were not significantly affected by ‘mindful eating’ + TAU

    Changes in peripheral immune cells after intraoperative radiation therapy in low-risk breast cancer

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    A detailed understanding of the interactions and the best dose-fractionation scheme of radiation to maximize antitumor immunity have not been fully established. In this study, the effect on the host immune system of a single dose of 20 Gy through intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) on the surgical bed in low-risk breast cancer patients undergoing conserving breast cancer has been assessed. Peripheral blood samples from 13 patients were collected preoperatively and at 48 h and 3 and 10 weeks after the administration of radiation. We performed a flow cytometry analysis for lymphocyte subpopulations, natural killer cells (NK), regulatory T cells (Treg) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). We observed that the subpopulation of NK CD56+high CD16+ increased significantly at 3 weeks after IORT (0.30-0.42%, P < 0.001), while no changes were found in immunosuppressive profile, CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Helios+ Treg cells, granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSCs) and monocytic MDSCs (Mo-MDSCs). A single dose of IORT may be an effective approach to improve antitumor immunity based on the increase in NK cells and the non-stimulation of immunosuppressive cells involved in immune escape. These findings support future combinations of IORT with immunotherapy, if they are confirmed in a large cohort of breast cancer patients