71 research outputs found

    Comunicación móvil: actores y producción de contenidos en Cataluña

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    El presente artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada durante el año 2008 donde se describen los actores y contenidos de la comunicación móvil producidos en Cataluña. La comunicación móvil, además de ser uno de los sectores más dinámicos de la economía global, está transformando diferentes aspectos de la vida social, desde las formas de relacionarse hasta los procesos de producción, distribución y analiconsumo cultural. La investigación traza un primer mapa de la situación, propone una serie de categorías de análisis y sienta las bases para futuros estudios más específicos sobre la comunicación móvil en Cataluña.This article presents the findings of a research carried out in 2008 to identify the actors and contents of mobile communication produced in Catalonia. Mobile communication, one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy, is changing different aspects of social life, from relationship models to cultural production, distribution and consumer processes. The research draws a situation map, proposes a series of analytical categories and opens the field for more specific analysis of mobile communication in Catalonia in the future

    BADERI: an online database to coordinate handsearching activities of controlled clinical trials for their potential inclusion in systematic reviews

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    Background: Systematic reviews provide the best evidence on the effect of health care interventions. They rely on comprehensive access to the available scientific literature. Electronic search strategies alone may not suffice, requiring the implementation of a handsearching approach. We have developed a database to provide an Internet-based platform from which handsearching activities can be coordinated, including a procedure to streamline the submission of these references into CENTRAL, the Cochrane Collaboration Central Register of Controlled Trials. Methods: We developed a database and a descriptive analysis. Through brainstorming and discussion among stakeholders involved in handsearching projects, we designed a database that met identified needs that had to be addressed in order to ensure the viability of handsearching activities. Three handsearching teams pilot tested the proposed database. Once the final version of the database was approved, we proceeded to train the staff involved in handsearching. Results: The proposed database is called BADERI (Database of Iberoamerican Clinical Trials and Journals, by its initials in Spanish). BADERI was officially launched in October 2015, and it can be accessed at www.baderi.com/login.php free of cost. BADERI has an administration subsection, from which the roles of users are managed; a references subsection, where information associated to identified controlled clinical trials (CCTs) can be entered; a reports subsection, from which reports can be generated to track and analyse the results of handsearching activities; and a built-in free text search engine. BADERI allows all references to be exported in ProCite files that can be directly uploaded into CENTRAL. To date, 6284 references to CCTs have been uploaded to BADERI and sent to CENTRAL. The identified CCTs were published in a total of 420 journals related to 46 medical specialties. The year of publication ranged between 1957 and 2016. Conclusions: BADERI allows the efficient management of handsearching activities across different countries and institutions. References to all CCTs available in BADERI can be readily submitted to CENTRAL for their potential inclusion in systematic reviews

    The Effect of Supplementation with Betaine and Zinc on In Vitro Large Intestinal Fermentation in Iberian Pigs under Heat Stress

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    [EN] We investigated the effects of betaine and zinc on the in vitro fermentation of pigs under heat stress (HS). Twenty-four Iberian pigs (43.4 ± 1.2 kg) under HS (30 °C) were assigned to treatments for 4 weeks: control (unsupplemented), betaine (5 g/kg), and zinc (0.120 g/kg) supplemented diet. Rectal content was used as the inoculum in 24-hincubations with pure substrates (starch, pectin, inulin, cellulose). Total gas, short-chain fatty acid (SCFA), and methane production and ammonia concentration were measured. The abundance of total bacteria and several bacterial groups was assessed. Betaine increased the acetate production with pectin and inulin, butyrate production with starch and inulin, and ammonia concentration, and decreased propionate production with pectin and inulin. The abundance of Bifidobacterium and two groups of Clostridium decreased with betaine supplementation. Zinc decreased the production of SCFA and gas with starch and inulin, associated with diminished bacterial activity. Propionate production decreased with starch, pectin, and inulin while butyrate production increased with inulin, and isoacid production increased with cellulose and inulin in pigs supplemented with zinc. The ammonia concentration increased for all substrates. The Clostridium cluster XIV abundance decreased in pigs fed zinc supplemented diets. The results reported were dependent on the substrate fermented, but the augmented butyrate production with both betaine and zinc could be of benefit for the hostSIThis research was funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. grant AGL 2016-80231. Zaira Pardo received a scholarship FPI from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, reference BES-2017-081448

    Código proyecto: ID2012/031

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    Memoria ID12-0031. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2012-2013.El proyecto se planteó como un medio de ampliar, mejorar y completar los recursos didácticos puestos a disposición de los alumnos desde hace años en la plataforma virtual Studium en la asignatura “Historia de la filosofía contemporánea”

    Simplified method based on an intelligent model to obtain the extinction angle of the current for a single-phase half wave controlled rectifier with resistive and inductive load

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    With the aim of calculating the extinction angle of the current of a single-phase half wave controlled rectifier with resistive and inductive load, present work shows a method to obtain a regression model based on intelligent methods. This type of circuit is a typical non-linear case of study that requires a hard work to solve it by hand. To create the intelligent model, a dataset has been obtained with a computational method for the working range of the circuit. Then, with the dataset, to achieve the final solution, several methods of regression were tested from traditional to intelligent types. The model was verified empirically with electronic circuit software simulation, analytical methods and with a practical implementation. The advantage of the proposed method is its low computational cost. Then, the final solution is very appropriate for applications where high computational requirements are not possible, like low-performance microcontrollers or web applications

    Combined special issue SOCO 2012-2013: Recent advancements in soft computing and its application in industrial and environmental problems

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    The seven papers included in this special issue represent a selection of extended contributions presented at the 7th and 8th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, held in Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 5th–7th, 2012, and Salamanca, Spain, 11th–13th September 2013, both editions organized by the BISITE and the GICAP research groups

    Social isolation and energy metabolism in rat hippocampus

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    El aislamiento social puede entenderse como una forma de deprivación sensorial. Se sabe que ambientes enriquecidos o complejos estimularmente afectan al SNC tanto a un nivel anatómico como fisiológico. En nuestro estudio, se usaron dos grupos de ratas, uno formado por animales aislados durante 30 días desde el final de la lactancia y un grupo control, que permaneció en grupos de tres animales durante el mismo período. Se analizó en los animales el metabolismo oxidativo cerebral del hipocampo (areas CA1, CA3 y giro dentado) mediante histoquímica para la citocromo c oxidasa (CO). Los resultados muestran un incremento significativo de la actividad CO en todas las regiones estudiadas en el grupo aislado, con diferencias entre las areas hipocampales en ambos grupos. Se discute la sensibilidad de la histoquímica de la CO en el estudio del posible papel activador del estrés en los animales aislado

    Resultados de la capacitación a cuidadores de Adultos Mayores en el Departamento de Risaralda 2011 (Colombia)

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    Revista Indexada en categoría A2 por Colciencias.Se presentan los resultados de la capacitación realizada a los cuidadores de adultos mayores en el departamento de Risaralda 2011