46 research outputs found
Labour Market Effects of the Polytechnic Education Reform: The Finnish Experience
This paper evaluates the labour market effects of the introduction of the polytechnic education system in Finland. The polytechnic reform gradually transformed former vocational colleges into polytechnics. Since the timing of the reform differed across schools, we can compare the performance of polytechnic graduates to the performance of vocational college graduates controlling for both the year and the school effects. The results are somewhat sensitive to how the selectivity issues are treated but generally suggest that both the earnings and the employment levels of post-reform graduates are higher in the field of business and administration. The effects are much smaller and usually insignificant in other fields.school reform, polytechnic education, vocational education, return to education
Nuorten tulojen ja toimeentulon palapeli
Ulla Hämäläinen arvioi tutkimuksessaan eläkeuudistuksen vaikutuksia nuorten kannalta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ensin 16–32-vuotiaiden työmarkkina-asemaa, tuloja ja toimeentuloa työssäkäyntitilaston tietojen avulla. Tutkimuksessa luodaan kokonaiskuva nuorten asemaan työmarkkinoilla, heidän tuloihinsa ja asemaansa tulonjaossa.
Tulosten mukaan ansioilla on suurempi merkitys nuorten tulonmuodostuksessa kuin yleensä ajatellaan. Opiskelijat käyvät yleensä työssä opiskelun ohessa. Myöskään nuorten työtömyysjaksot eivät ole kovin pitkiä. Nuorista köyhyysrajan alapuolelle jäivät aikaisempaa useammin nuoret lapsiperheet, opiskelijat ja työttömät. Erityisesti yksinhuoltajien asema on vaikeutunut.
Eläkeuudistuksessa eläkettä alkaa karttua nykyistä varhemmin. Tutkimuksen mukaan 18–22-vuotiaana karttuneella eläkkeellä ei ole suurta vaikutusta tulevaan eläkkeeseen. Sen sijaan opiskelijoiden kokonaiseläkekarttuma, eli ansiotuloista ja suoritetusta tutkinnosta karttunut eläke, nousee lähelle keskimääräisen ei-opiskelevan nuoren eläkekarttumaa.
Vanhempainraha-ajalta ja kotihoidontukiajalta karttuvan eläkkeen piiriin tulee suuri määrä pienten lasten äitejä. Vuoden kotihoidontukiajalta karttuva etuus on noin neljännes synnytysikäisten kokopäivätyössä olevien naisten vuosikarttumasta
Labour market effects of the polytechnic education reform: the Finnish experience
This paper evaluates the labour market effects of the introduction of the polytechnic education system in Finland. The polytechnic reform gradually transformed former vocational colleges into polytechnics. Since the timing of the reform differed across schools, we can compare the performance of polytechnic graduates to the performance of vocational college graduates controlling for both the year and the school effects. The results are somewhat sensitive to how the selectivity issues are treated but generally suggest that both the earnings and the employment levels of post-reform graduates are higher in the field of business and administration. The effects are much smaller and usually insignificant in other fields
Economics of a Nordic paper mill–case study.
Purpose – The aim of this case study is to reveal the development of prices, costs and logistics in the case mill and how do these variables correlate with profits and finally to give suggestions for improvements.
Design/methodology/approach – We selected a typical Finnish paper mill as the basis for the case study. The mill data contains complete years from 2001 to 2007 on a monthly level. The data was obtained from the mill’s economic system and transferred to Excel. Statistica 4.1 was used to run the statistical correlation analyses. The results can be generalized with certain limitations to paper manufacturing located far from its customers.
Findings – This paper reveals an important insight on the economics of the Finnish paper industry. From theory building point of view, our empirical process data brings out, that the variation in the production lines were minimal, but there are big variations in paper deliveries, There are a lot to gain in the logistics processes. Larger volumes of the delivered tons also tend to increase profits. From the mill to the consignees, fluctuations in the process and paper sales grow substantially, which indicate longer storage times.
Research limitations/implications – The results of the case study are based on the data of one large integrated paper mill in Finland covering the years 2001-2007, so the results cannot be directly generalised to all Nordic paper mills. In May 2005, there was an industrial blackout, which affected considerably the production and deliveries from all the Finnish paper mills during that year.
Practical implications – The competitive advantages of the Finnish paper industry are weakened by the low paper prices and costly logistics. The mill managers should focus more on the overcapacity and cost issues and also deliver volumes, which all could contribute higher profits.
Originality/value – In this paper we study the Finnish paper industry together with time series, economic geography and statistical tools. This approach is a novel method and gives new insight for this research object. We study the mill’s economic variables as paper prices, profits and logistics and manufacturing costs and the characteristics of these issues in the spatial context. Purpose – The aim of this case study is to reveal the development of prices, costs and logistics in the case mill and how do these variables correlate with profits and finally to give suggestions for improvements.
Design/methodology/approach – We selected a typical Finnish paper mill as the basis for the case study. The mill data contains complete years from 2001 to 2007 on a monthly level. The data was obtained from the mill’s economic system and transferred to Excel. Statistica 4.1 was used to run the statistical correlation analyses. The results can be generalized with certain limitations to paper manufacturing located far from its customers.
Findings – This paper reveals an important insight on the economics of the Finnish paper industry. From theory building point of view, our empirical process data brings out, that the variation in the production lines were minimal, but there are big variations in paper deliveries, There are a lot to gain in the logistics processes. Larger volumes of the delivered tons also tend to increase profits. From the mill to the consignees, fluctuations in the process and paper sales grow substantially, which indicate longer storage times.
Research limitations/implications – The results of the case study are based on the data of one large integrated paper mill in Finland covering the years 2001-2007, so the results cannot be directly generalised to all Nordic paper mills. In May 2005, there was an industrial blackout, which affected considerably the production and deliveries from all the Finnish paper mills during that year.
Practical implications – The competitive advantages of the Finnish paper industry are weakened by the low paper prices and costly logistics. The mill managers should focus more on the overcapacity and cost issues and also deliver volumes, which all could contribute higher profits.
Originality/value – In this paper we study the Finnish paper industry together with time series, economic geography and statistical tools. This approach is a novel method and gives new insight for this research object. We study the mill’s economic variables as paper prices, profits and logistics and manufacturing costs and the characteristics of these issues in the spatial context. </p
Labour Market Effects of Polytechnic Education Reform: The Finnish Experience
This paper evaluates the labour market effects of the introduction of the polytechnic education system in Finland. The reform transformed former vocational colleges gradually into polytechnics. Since the timing of the reform differed across schools, we can control for macroeconomic changes by comparing the performance of the polytechnic graduates to the performance of vocational college graduates who graduated at the same time, and to control for both time and the school fixed effects at the same time. We discover that both employment levels and earnings of post-reform graduates are significantly higher when compared to pre-reform graduates from the same schools. The effects of the polytechnic reform differ between the three largest fields. In the field of business and administration the effects from the reform have been overwhelmingly positive. This is in accordance with the fact that the polytechnic reform extended the length of education mostly in this field
Mikä vernakulaari?
Tämän teemanumeron aihe on vernakulaarin käsite. Numeron neljässä artikkelissa vernakulaaria lähestytään käsitehistoriallisesta ja tapaustutkimusten näkökulmasta. Artikkeleissa tarkastellaan ensinnäkin sitä, minkälaisia merkityksiä vernakulaarin käsitteellä on ollut eri aikoina. Toiseksi niissä eritellään, minkälainen asema vernakulaarin käsitteellä sekä sille annetuilla merkityksillä on ollut eri tieteenaloilla ja niiden tutkimuskohteiden määrittelyssä. Kolmanneksi teemanumeron artikkeleissa analysoidaan useita tapaustutkimuksia vernakulaarin käsitteen ja sen tarjoamien näkökulmien kautta samalla käsitettä pohtien. Teemanumeron tavoitteena on tuoda monipuolisesti esiin, miten vernakulaarin käsitettä on tutkimuksessa käytetty, ja mikä sen anti on perinteen- ja kulttuurien tutkimukselle.
Tässä johdannossa esittelemme teemanumeron koostavien artikkeleiden lisäksi vernakulaarin käsitteen taustoja. Käymme läpi myös vernakulaarin käyttöä erityisesti folkloristiikan näkökulmasta, käsitteeseen kytkeytyviä ongelmia ja sen analyyttistä potentiaalia
Labour Market Effects of Polytechnic Education Reform: The Finnish Experience
This paper evaluates the labour market effects of the introduction of the polytechnic education system in Finland. The reform transformed former vocational colleges gradually into polytechnics. Since the timing of the reform differed across schools, we can control for macroeconomic changes by comparing the performance of the polytechnic graduates to the performance of vocational college graduates who graduated at the same time, and to control for both time and the school fixed effects at the same time. We discover that both employment levels and earnings of post-reform graduates are significantly higher when compared to pre-reform graduates from the same schools. The effects of the polytechnic reform differ between the three largest fields. In the field of business and administration the effects from the reform have been overwhelmingly positive. This is in accordance with the fact that the polytechnic reform extended the length of education mostly in this field
Long-term follow up of families with pathogenic NFKB1 variants reveals incomplete penetrance and frequent inflammatory sequelae
Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsNuclear factor κ light-chain enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) family of evolutionarily conserved transcription factors are involved in key cellular signaling pathways. Previously, hypogammaglobulinemia and common variable immunodeficiency (CVID)-like phenotypes have been associated with NFKB1 variants and loss-of-function NFKB1 variants have been reported as the most common monogenic cause for CVID among Europeans. Here, we describe a Finnish cohort of NFKB1 carriers consisting of 31 living subjects in six different families carrying five distinct heterozygous variants. In contrast to previous reports, the clinical penetrance was not complete even with advancing age and the prevalence of CVID/hypogammaglobulinemia was significantly lower, whereas (auto)inflammatory manifestations were more common (42% of the total cohort). At current stage of knowledge, routine genetic screening of asymptomatic individuals is not recommended, but counseling of potential adult carriers seems necessary.Peer reviewe