178 research outputs found

    Discrete element simulation of rapeseed shear test

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    ArticleSuiTable equipment are required for storage and transportation of rapeseed which are developed according to rules for bulk matters. It is one of reasons where bulk matter properties are important to the design. Bulk matter properties are important to known as angle of repose, internal friction, external friction, adhesivity force and other bulk properties. Experimental values of bulk properties are added to mathematical models. The model should be calibrated with adequate experiment. The shear test is one of popular calibration test for bulk matters so that be able done experiment and numerical model in one. The aim of this paper is simulation of rapeseed bulk properties during shear strain and flow and its evaluation and calibration with experimental tests. RockyDEM software was used for numerical simulation of rapeseed. Shear test, angle of repose, static and dynamic friction test were used to calibration of the numerical rapeseed model. Sensitivity of numerical model is discussed on the bulk properties

    CF Registry in Slovakia

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    Metastatic MHC class I-negative mouse cells derived by transformation with human papillomavirus type 16

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    In the endeavour to develop a model for studying gene therapy of cancers associated with human papillomaviruses (HPVs), mouse cells were transformed with the HPV type 16 (HPV16) and activated H-ras oncogenes. This was done by contransfection of plasmid p16HHMo, carrying the HPV16 E6/E7 oncogenes, and plasmid pEJ6.6, carrying the gene coding for human H-ras oncoprotein activated by G12V mutation, into secondary C57BL/6 mouse kidney cells. An oncogenic cell line, designated MK16/1/IIIABC, was derived. The epithelial origin of the cells was confirmed by their expression of cytokeratins. No MHC class I and class II molecules were detected on the surface of MK16/1/IIIABC cells. Spontaneous metastases were observed in lymphatic nodes and lungs after prolonged growth of MK16/1/IIIABC-induced subcutaneous tumours. Lethally irradiated MK16/1/IIIABC cells induced protection against challenge with 105homologous cells, but not against a higher cell dose (5 × 105). Plasmids p16HHMo and pEJ6.6 were also used for preventive immunization of mice. In comparison with a control group injected with pBR322, they exhibited moderate protection, in terms of prolonged survival, against MK16/1/IIIABC challenge (P< 0.03). These data suggest that MK16/1/IIIABC cells may serve as a model for studying immune reactions against HPV16-associated human tumours. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Contrasting behavior of covalent and molecular carbon allotropes exposed to extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray free-electron laser radiation

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    All carbon materials, e.g., amorphous carbon (a-C) coatings and C60 fullerene thin films, play an important role in short-wavelength free-electron laser (FEL) research motivated by FEL optics development and prospective nanotechnology applications. Responses of a-C and C60 layers to the extreme ultraviolet (SPring-8 Compact SASE Source in Japan) and soft x-ray (free-electron laser in Hamburg) free-electron laser radiation are investigated by Raman spectroscopy, differential interference contrast, and atomic force microscopy. A remarkable difference in the behavior of covalent (a-C) and molecular (C60) carbonaceous solids is demonstrated under these irradiation conditions. Low thresholds for ablation of a fullerene crystal (estimated to be around 0.15 eV/atom for C60 vs 0.9 eV/atom for a-C in terms of the absorbed dose) are caused by a low cohesive energy of fullerene crystals. An efficient mechanism of the removal of intact C60 molecules from the irradiated crystal due to Coulomb repulsion of fullerene-cage cation radicals formed by the ionizing radiation is revealed by a detailed modeling

    γ-Tubulin 2 Nucleates Microtubules and Is Downregulated in Mouse Early Embryogenesis

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    γ-Tubulin is the key protein for microtubule nucleation. Duplication of the γ-tubulin gene occurred several times during evolution, and in mammals γ-tubulin genes encode proteins which share ∼97% sequence identity. Previous analysis of Tubg1 and Tubg2 knock-out mice has suggested that γ-tubulins are not functionally equivalent. Tubg1 knock-out mice died at the blastocyst stage, whereas Tubg2 knock-out mice developed normally and were fertile. It was proposed that γ-tubulin 1 represents ubiquitous γ-tubulin, while γ-tubulin 2 may have some specific functions and cannot substitute for γ-tubulin 1 deficiency in blastocysts. The molecular basis of the suggested functional difference between γ-tubulins remains unknown. Here we show that exogenous γ-tubulin 2 is targeted to centrosomes and interacts with γ-tubulin complex proteins 2 and 4. Depletion of γ-tubulin 1 by RNAi in U2OS cells causes impaired microtubule nucleation and metaphase arrest. Wild-type phenotype in γ-tubulin 1-depleted cells is restored by expression of exogenous mouse or human γ-tubulin 2. Further, we show at both mRNA and protein levels using RT-qPCR and 2D-PAGE, respectively, that in contrast to Tubg1, the Tubg2 expression is dramatically reduced in mouse blastocysts. This indicates that γ-tubulin 2 cannot rescue γ-tubulin 1 deficiency in knock-out blastocysts, owing to its very low amount. The combined data suggest that γ-tubulin 2 is able to nucleate microtubules and substitute for γ-tubulin 1. We propose that mammalian γ-tubulins are functionally redundant with respect to the nucleation activity

    Ion emission from plasmas produced by femtosecond pulses of short-wavelength free-electron laser radiation focused on massive targets: an overview and comparison with long-wavelength laser ablation

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    We report on ion emission from plasma produced on thick targets irradiated with nanosecond and femtosecond pulses delivered by mid-ultraviolet and soft x-ray lasers, respectively. To distinguish between different ion acceleration mechanisms, the maximum kinetic energy of ions produced under different interaction conditions is plotted versus laser fluence. The transformation of the time-of-flight detector signal into ion charge density distance-of-flight spectra makes it possible to determine the mean kinetic energy of the fastest ion groups based on the influence of the acoustic velocity of ion expansion. This allows obtaining additional characteristics of the ion production. The final energy of the group of fast ions determined using the ion sound velocity model is an order of magnitude larger in the fs-XFEL interaction than in the ns-UV one. On the contrary, the ablation yield of ions in our experiment is seven orders of magnitude greater when applying ns-UV laser pulses, not only due to higher energies of UV laser pulses, but also due to a significant difference in interaction and ion formation mechanisms