45 research outputs found

    Cultural-linguistic practices in Palembangnese humour and directives in Indonesia : a discourse analysis

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    This study analyses the cultural-linguistic practices of Palembangnese (a Palembang Malay language in Indonesia). In particular, it identifies and analyses the use of humour and directives as a cultural artefact-practice, seeking commonalities across three popular data sets. These three data sets comprise: (1) 10 Kelakar Bethook Palembangnese humour (KB data sets); (2) 10 Ceramah Islamic speech (IS data sets); and (3) 10 Cerito Mang Juhai Uncle Juhai stories (JS data sets). KB and IS data sets are examples of verbal humour, while the JS data sets are textual humour. All data were downloaded, transcribed, translated into English, and examined via data notations and cultural explanations. The study used mixed-methods and discourse analysis. For quantitative analysis, the data were analysed focusing on the frequency, distribution and cross-tabulation of the key characteristics, types of humour and directives, and discourse features. For qualitative analysis, the Palembangnese humour and directives were grouped based on their features. Explanations are offered as to how the humour and directives rely on local cultural knowledge for Palembangnese interlocutors. The study revealed that Palembangnese humour and directives are found in all three data sets. Jokes appear with the highest frequency in each data genre (KB, IS and JS), followed by puns and teasing. The features of Palembangnese can be maintained through translation, although this requires extensive cultural explanatory information. The use of Palembangnese directives in the three data sets shows that the role of directives in Palembangnese humour is culturally accepted and expected by the participants/speakers in the scripts/topics. Across the three genres, commands, advice and requests are the most common forms of Palembangnese directives and they function as elements of Palembangnese humour. This indicates that there exists a mutual agreement between the interlocutor and/or audience which establishes rapport, and that this rapport is contingent upon a combination of face-threatening acts, humour, and directives. Overall, it was found that Palembangnese humour and directives are, based on their respective characteristics, salient. This research, as the first to make a significant contribution to the study of humour in the Palembangnese language/culture, will help promote and preserve the distinctive nature of Islamic Malay society, and raise general awareness of Palembangnese culture. This study further shows that the tradition of joking in Palembang culture continues in contemporary Palembang society

    Uji Waktu Aplikasi Kascing untuk Menekan Intensitas Serangan Rhizoctonia Solani Kùhn di Pesemaian Tembakau

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    . Damping off disease caused by R. solani is a major tobacco seedling disease. Vermicompost has been studied extensively and proven its ability to suppress damping off disease intensity caused by the pathogen. The research was aimed to determine the optimum of application time of vermicompost to reduce the disease intensity on tobacco (N. tabacum). The experiment was conducted at plant field experiment of agriculture faculty from May to November 2010. The experiment was arranged in the randomized complete block design using 4 treatments and 6 replications. The treatments consist of vermicompost application of 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks before seedling. The result showed that vermicompost application time had no effect on disease intensity of R. solani on tobacco seedling

    ISLAMIC BEAUTY: Socio-Semiotic Analysis of Facial Foam and Body Lotion Advertisement

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    This paper attempts to answer how Islamic Women define the concept of beauty in Ponds advertisement white beauty facial foam and body lotion on television. This study uses a socio-semiotic approach described through three aspects of social context, namely field, tenor, and mode. It argues that Ponds\u27 definition of a beauty only refers to physical standards, that is, women who have white skin and use both Ponds White Beauty Facial Foam and Foam Body Lotion. Further, television through Ponds advertising is considered as a commercial institution that supports the main idea of capitalism. However, Islamic women consider beautiful physically and spiritually. It suggests that the beautiful women are those who obey and surrender to Allah SWT. In short, Islamic women do not agree with the meaning of beauty resulted from Ponds White Beauty Facial Foam and Ponds Body Lotion advertisement. Rather, beauty consists of both body and, more importantly, soul

    Illuminating distinctive cultural-linguistic practices in Palembangnese humour and directives in Indonesia

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    This paper explores distinctive cultural-linguistic practices in Palembangnese humour and directives. It reports on one aspect of a larger study that explores Palembangnese humour, culture, community, and institution in Indonesia. Palembangnese is a language spoken in Palembang city, South Sumatera, Indonesia that often includes ‘berkelakar’ (make a joke) in daily life. Kelakar is a noun in Palembangnese, interpreted as a joke and defined as words that are funny to make people laugh or happy. This paper argues that Palembangnese directives and humour are commonly misunderstood because non-Palembangnese people do not understand the cultural background and the context of the utterances. Palembangnese humour and the role of directives are founded in the combination of indigenous and Islamic cultures. This mixed-method study uses discourse analysis of electronic and print media in the city of Palembang, specifically Kelakar Bethook Palembangnese humour (KB data sets), Ceramah Islamic speeches (IS data sets) and Cerito Mang Juhai Uncle Juhai stories (JS data sets) to explore Palembangnese humour and directives. In doing so, it promotes wider awareness of how Palembangnese humour builds community and extends the limited research on the Palembang speech community

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching Learning terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPA pada Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Karangtawang 02 Cilacap

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    Abstrack: The purpose of this research is to know the influence of contextual teaching learning approach to learning achievement of IPA in SDN Karangtawang 02 Cilacap Lesson Year 2017/2018. The research is an experimental research with Experiment Quasi type Noquivalent Control Group type. Data collection techniques in this study include documentation techniques and test techniques. The result of descriptive research showed that the average score of science achievement that was taught by using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach was 20,000 included in high category and the average score of science achievement taught with the conventional approach was 14,176 included in medium category. In t-test obtained tcount = 2.954 with p = 0.006 which means the hypothesis accepted and very significant

    Pengaruh Rangsangan Pemasaran Terhadap Perilaku Ibu Rumah Tangga dalam Membeli Susu Bubuk untuk Konsumsi Balita di Kota Jambi

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    The research aimed was to reveal the effect of marketing response such as product, promotion, milk brand on housewife’s behaviour in purchasing milk flour for children under five years old (balita) in Jambi   City. The method used in this research was survey method which was done up to inferential stage. Sampling was done by using multi stage cluster random sampling, where as the samples were detemined by iterative method. Collected data were analysed by path analysis. The results showed that marketing response such as product and the brand of milk flour affected the housewife’s behaviour in purchasing milk flour for balita consumption. However marketing response such as promotion was not determine housewife’s behaviour. It could be concluded that product and the brand of milk flour affecting the housewife’s behaviour in purchasing milk flour for balita consumption in Jambi City

    Hubungan Perilaku Komunikasi Ibu Rumah Tangga Dengan Pengambilan Keputusan Inovasi Penggemukan Sapi Potong Di Kecamatan Danau Teluk Kota Jambi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku komunikasi ibu rumah tangga dan mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku komunikasi ibu rumah tangga dengan pengambilan keputusan inovasi penggemukan sapi potong. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara survey. Penentuan lokasi dan responden dilakukan secara sensus. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku komunikasi dengan pengambilan keputusan digunakan metode Korelasi Jenjang Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku komunikasi ibu rumah tangga di Kecamatan Danau Teluk tergolong kategori cukup (64,23 %). Ini berarti ibu rumah tangga sering berkomuniksi meskipun mereka kurang kosmopolit, dan kurang dalam memanfaatkan media massa. Tingkat adaptasi ibu rumah tangga terhadap inovasi penggemukan sapi potong cukup tinggi, dimana mereka pada umumnya mengambil sikap untuk mencoba melaksanakan inovasi (83,33 %). Dari hasil penelitian diketahui terdapat hubungan nyata antara partisipasi komunikasi dan kekosmopolitan dengan pengambilan keputusan, sedangkan antara pemanfaatan media dengan pengambilan keputusan berhubungan tidak nyata