8 research outputs found

    Preliminary investigation on temperature, chemistry and isotopes of mine water pumped in Bytom geological basin (USCB,Southern Poland) as a potential geothermal energy source

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    Mine water from both operating and abandoned mines can be used for individual space heating projects, district heating/cooling systems or for preheating air for mine ventilation. Examples of such applications are already known from Canada, US, Netherlands, UK, and Spain. The Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) in Poland, where 34 of 65 hard coal mines have been abandoned since 1989, represents a potentially large opportunity for mine water heating schemes. This paper describes the mines from Bytom (northern USCB) as a potential location for ground source heat extraction projects. Hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical studies of pumped waters have been carried out in order to better understand the potential of the Bytom heat resource. The monitoring program is still ongoing, but initial results compare favorably with existing mine water geothermal source systems where water temperatures are comparable or lower than those found at Bytom. Initial hydrochemical and isotope data demonstrate stability in water composition at most of the monitoring points. These data elucidate the hydrogeological cycle during active dewatering and provide a baseline for understanding the geothermal behavior of the system, which is crucial for optimizing heat extraction. Preliminary results also reveal very stable mine water temperatures in the pumped, and hydrologically connected, Szombierki system and suggest remarkable stability in the characteristics of the main hydrothermal reservoirs

    Low-carbon after-life : Sustainable use of flooded coal mine voids as a thermal energy source : a baseline activity for minimising post-closure environmental risks (LoCAL) : final report

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    The LoCAL project aimed at facilitating wider use of thermal energy from mine water for both heating and cooling purposes. In order to achieve that, LoCAL project have developed new technical tools and have tested them on pilot implementations in 3 countries. In particular, the project have provided bespoke tools for investigating flow and heat transfer in flooded mine workings. New tools for quantifying and modelling heat transfer in networks of flooded mine workings have been also developed . Another aspect of LoCAL project was to overcome the hydrochemical barriers to effective heat transfer from raw and treated mine waters. Ochre clogging is a well-known phenomenon which affects a lot of mine water heating and cooling systems. LoCAL project not only covered technical and engineering issues, but also provided economic and management models for efficient energy extraction and distribution. Technical, legal, managerial and cost-benefit analyses of various types of decentralised and centralised heat pump systems have been carried out. Project activities were simultaneously undertaken in mining areas of UK, Spain and Poland by research organizations in partnership with industrial enterprises. University of Glasgow in partnership with Alkane Energy Ltd. have implemented pilot applications in UK: Caphouse Colliery, Overton, near Wakefield, Yorkshire and Markham Colliery, Bolsover, Derbyshire. In Spain University of Oviedo and industrial partner HUNOSA have performed pilot implementation at Barredo shaft in Mieres, Asturias, while in Poland Central Mining Institute in partnership with Armada Development have performed pilot application in former Szombierki mine at Bytom, Upper Silesian Coal Basin

    Wpływ składowisk Zakładów Chemicznych "Tarnowskie Góry" na stan chemiczny wód podziemnych w ich rejonie rozprawa doktorska /

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    Tyt. z ekranu tytułowego.Praca doktorska. Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków), 2007.Zawiera bibliogr.Dostępna także w wersji drukowanej.Tryb dostępu: Internet.System elektroenergetyczny jako obiekt pomiarów, pomiary, zjawiska zachodzące w systemie, ich odzwierciedlenie w sygnałach, dynamika zjawisk zachodzących w systemie elektroenergetycznym, niestacjonarność sygnałów systemu elektroenergetycznego, parametry sygnałów sieci elektroenergetycznej, zakresy wartości napięć, prądów, częstotliwość, odkształcenie, zaburzenia niskoczęstotliwościowe, dolnopasmowe, aktualne badania, metody analizy zaburzeń niskoczęstotliwościowych, inne zastosowania transformacji Hilberta w elektrotechnice, metody estymacji składowych ortogonalnych, proponowane miary zmienności sygnałów, podstawy teoretyczne proponowanych miar, miary oparte na funkcjonale wahania, wektorowe, wymiar fizyczny zaproponowanych miar, okres wyznaczania miar, stacjonarność badanych sygnałów, właściwości, badania modelowe, algorytm detekcji obwiedni zespolonej, transformacja Hilberta, sygnał analityczny, realizacje dyskretne transformaty Hilberta, proponowany algorytm detekcji obwiedni, opis algorytmu, filtr wejściowy, decymacja, wyznaczanie sygnału analitycznego, estymacja fazy chwilowej, częstotliwości systemu, implementacja algorytmu detekcji obwiedni zespolonej, w procesorze sygnałowym, w systemie PXI, analiza sygnałów zarejestrowanych w rozdzielni wysokiego napięcia, porównanie z innymi algorytmami, algorytmy estymacji składowych ortogonalnych, analiza zaburzeń niskoczęstotliwościowych, estymacja impedancji zastępczych systemu, modele oparte na impedancji, model Thevenina, identyfikacja, wykorzystanie obwiedni zespolonej do identyfikacji modelu Thevenina, algorytm estymacji impedancji źródłaCharakterystyka rejonu badań, położenie geograficzne, budowa geologiczna, warunki hydrogeologiczne, piętro wodonośne czwartorzędu, triasu, charakterystyka składowisk byłych Zakładów Chemicznych Tarnowskie Góry jako ogniska zanieczyszczenia wód podziemnych, składowiska odpadów powstałe do 1995 roku, centralne składowisko odpadów, monitoring wód podziemnych w rejonie, charakterystyczne fazy rozwoju sieci LMWP, reprezentatywność sieci, reprezentatywność przestrzenna, wyznaczenie wskaźnika reprezentatywności, geostatystyczna analiza istotności punktów sieci, optymalizacja gęstości punktów monitoringowych tworzących sieć, minimalna zalecana częstotliwość opróbowania zapewniająca reprezentatywność czasową, ocena precyzji oznaczeń składników chemicznych, analiza wariancji, charakterystyka zmienności zanieczyszczeń w wodach podziemnych w rejonie składowisk byłych ZCh, zmienność przestrzenna wybranych wskaźników zanieczyszczeń, zmienność czasowa, charakterystyka tła hydrogeochemicznego, ocena stanu chemicznego wód podziemnych, ocena punktowa, obszarowa, modele krążenia wód podziemnych w rejonie Tarnowskich Gór, model koncepcyjny, matematyczny subregionalny, granice, obszar modelu, warunki brzegowe, parametry, kalibracja, model matematyczny lokalny, zasięg przestrzenny strefy odpływu wód podziemnych z rejonu składowisk, modelowanie transportu zanieczyszcze


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    Abstract For removal of radium from saline waters in Upper Silesian mines, several methods of purification have been developed. The most efficient one is based on application of barium chloride, which was implemented in full technical scale in two Polish coal mines several years ago. Very good results of purification have been achieved-the removal efficiency exceeding 95 % of the initial activity. Another possibility for the removal of different ions from salty waters and brines is the application of zeolites. We found that technique as a very promising method for removal of not only radium isotopes from mine waters but also other ions (barium, iron, manganese). Treatment of several various water samples has been done to assess the removal efficiency for natural radionuclides. Preliminary results show very good effects for radium isotopes as well as for barium ions. In the paper, a short description of laboratory results of the purification of mine waters with application of synthetic zeolites is presented

    Low Carbon After-Life – overview and first results of project LoCAL

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    The LoCAL Project “Sustainable Use of Flooded Coal Mine Voids as a Thermal Energy Source - a Baseline Activity for Minimising Post-Closure Environmental Risks” aims at providing bespoke tools for investigating flow and heat transfer in flooded mine workings. New tools for quantifying and modelling heat transfer in networks of flooded mine workings are under development Another aim of the LoCAL project is to overcome the hydrochemical barriers to effective heat transfer from raw and treated mine waters. Ochre clogging is a well-known phenomenon which affects a lot of mine water heating and cooling systems. The LoCAL project not only covers technical and engineering issues, but also provides economic and management models for efficient energy extraction and distribution. Technical, legal, managerial and cost-benefit analyses of various types of decentralised and centralised heat pump systems are being carried out. Project activities are being simultaneously undertaken in mining areas of the UK by research organizations in partnership with industrial enterprises (University of Glasgow in partnership with Alkane Energy Ltd.), Spain (University of Oviedo, with HUNOSA as the industrial partner) as well as in Poland (Central Mining Institute, in partnership with Armada Development). The current paper describes first project outcomes of the three areas mentioned above

    Low Carbon After-Life – overview and first results of project LoCAL

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    The LoCAL Project “Sustainable Use of Flooded Coal Mine Voids as a Thermal Energy Source - a Baseline Activity for Minimising Post-Closure Environmental Risks” aims at providing bespoke tools for investigating flow and heat transfer in flooded mine workings. New tools for quantifying and modelling heat transfer in networks of flooded mine workings are under development Another aim of the LoCAL project is to overcome the hydrochemical barriers to effective heat transfer from raw and treated mine waters. Ochre clogging is a well-known phenomenon which affects a lot of mine water heating and cooling systems. The LoCAL project not only covers technical and engineering issues, but also provides economic and management models for efficient energy extraction and distribution. Technical, legal, managerial and cost-benefit analyses of various types of decentralised and centralised heat pump systems are being carried out. Project activities are being simultaneously undertaken in mining areas of the UK by research organizations in partnership with industrial enterprises (University of Glasgow in partnership with Alkane Energy Ltd.), Spain (University of Oviedo, with HUNOSA as the industrial partner) as well as in Poland (Central Mining Institute, in partnership with Armada Development). The current paper describes first project outcomes of the three areas mentioned above

    An Overview of Priority Pollutants in Selected Coal Mine Discharges in Europe

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    Coal mine discharges in several European countries were investigated as part of the European Commission’s MANAGER project. The emphasis of the project was identification of priority pollutants and potential remedial approaches. The main identified priority pollutants were sulphate (all countries) and iron (all countries except Greece). High concentrations of chloride (particularly in Germany and Poland) were associated with discharge of saline mine waters linked to the presence of fossil sea water; these mine waters also had high boron concentrations, in contrast to chloride-rich waters in UK that are linked to recent sea water inflow. Concentrations of trace metals vary among countries, but radium is an important contaminant in barium-rich waters with low sulphate concentrations, essentially in Poland. Concentrations of trace metals and metalloids were generally low because of their relative scarcity in coal strata and adsorption onto ferric oxides and hydroxides, but they still often exceeded the environmental quality thresholds