7 research outputs found

    Exponential separations between classical and quantum learners

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    Despite significant effort, the quantum machine learning community has only demonstrated quantum learning advantages for artificial cryptography-inspired datasets when dealing with classical data. In this paper we address the challenge of finding learning problems where quantum learning algorithms can achieve a provable exponential speedup over classical learning algorithms. We reflect on computational learning theory concepts related to this question and discuss how subtle differences in definitions can result in significantly different requirements and tasks for the learner to meet and solve. We examine existing learning problems with provable quantum speedups and find that they largely rely on the classical hardness of evaluating the function that generates the data, rather than identifying it. To address this, we present two new learning separations where the classical difficulty primarily lies in identifying the function generating the data. Furthermore, we explore computational hardness assumptions that can be leveraged to prove quantum speedups in scenarios where data is quantum-generated, which implies likely quantum advantages in a plethora of more natural settings (e.g., in condensed matter and high energy physics). We also discuss the limitations of the classical shadow paradigm in the context of learning separations, and how physically-motivated settings such as characterizing phases of matter and Hamiltonian learning fit in the computational learning framework.Comment: this article supersedes arXiv:2208.0633

    Towards quantum advantage via topological data analysis

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    Even after decades of quantum computing development, examples of generally useful quantum algorithms with exponential speedups over classical counterparts are scarce. Recent progress in quantum algorithms for linear-algebra positioned quantum machine learning (QML) as a potential source of such useful exponential improvements. Yet, in an unexpected development, a recent series of "dequantization" results has equally rapidly removed the promise of exponential speedups for several QML algorithms. This raises the critical question whether exponential speedups of other linear-algebraic QML algorithms persist. In this paper, we study the quantum-algorithmic methods behind the algorithm for topological data analysis of Lloyd, Garnerone and Zanardi through this lens. We provide evidence that the problem solved by this algorithm is classically intractable by showing that its natural generalization is as hard as simulating the one clean qubit model -- which is widely believed to require superpolynomial time on a classical computer -- and is thus very likely immune to dequantizations. Based on this result, we provide a number of new quantum algorithms for problems such as rank estimation and complex network analysis, along with complexity-theoretic evidence for their classical intractability. Furthermore, we analyze the suitability of the proposed quantum algorithms for near-term implementations. Our results provide a number of useful applications for full-blown, and restricted quantum computers with a guaranteed exponential speedup over classical methods, recovering some of the potential for linear-algebraic QML to become one of quantum computing's killer applications.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures. New results added and improved expositio

    Shadows of quantum machine learning

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    Quantum machine learning is often highlighted as one of the most promising uses for a quantum computer to solve practical problems. However, a major obstacle to the widespread use of quantum machine learning models in practice is that these models, even once trained, still require access to a quantum computer in order to be evaluated on new data. To solve this issue, we suggest that following the training phase of a quantum model, a quantum computer could be used to generate what we call a classical shadow of this model, i.e., a classically computable approximation of the learned function. While recent works already explore this idea and suggest approaches to construct such shadow models, they also raise the possibility that a completely classical model could be trained instead, thus circumventing the need for a quantum computer in the first place. In this work, we take a novel approach to define shadow models based on the frameworks of quantum linear models and classical shadow tomography. This approach allows us to show that there exist shadow models which can solve certain learning tasks that are intractable for fully classical models, based on widely-believed cryptography assumptions. We also discuss the (un)likeliness that all quantum models could be shadowfiable, based on common assumptions in complexity theory.Comment: 7 + 16 pages, 5 figure

    Shadows of quantum machine learning

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    Quantum machine learning is often highlighted as one of the most promising practical applications for which quantum computers could provide a computational advantage. However, a major obstacle to the widespread use of quantum machine learning models in practice is that these models, even once trained, still require access to a quantum computer in order to be evaluated on new data. To solve this issue, we introduce a class of quantum models where quantum resources are only required during training, while the deployment of the trained model is classical. Specifically, the training phase of our models ends with the generation of a ‘shadow model’ from which the classical deployment becomes possible. We prove that: (i) this class of models is universal for classically-deployed quantum machine learning; (ii) it does have restricted learning capacities compared to ‘fully quantum’ models, but nonetheless (iii) it achieves a provable learning advantage over fully classical learners, contingent on widely believed assumptions in complexity theory. These results provide compelling evidence that quantum machine learning can confer learning advantages across a substantially broader range of scenarios, where quantum computers are exclusively employed during the training phase. By enabling classical deployment, our approach facilitates the implementation of quantum machine learning models in various practical contexts

    Analyzing Prospects for Quantum Advantage in Topological Data Analysis

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    Lloyd et al. were first to demonstrate the promise of quantum algorithms for computing Betti numbers, a way to characterize topological features of data sets. Here, we propose, analyze, and optimize an improved quantum algorithm for topological data analysis (TDA) with reduced scaling, including a method for preparing Dicke states based on inequality testing, a more efficient amplitude estimation algorithm using Kaiser windows, and an optimal implementation of eigenvalue projectors based on Chebyshev polynomials. We compile our approach to a fault-tolerant gate set and estimate constant factors in the Toffoli complexity. Our analysis reveals that super-quadratic quantum speedups are only possible for this problem when targeting a multiplicative error approximation and the Betti number grows asymptotically. Further, we propose a dequantization of the quantum TDA algorithm that shows that having exponentially large dimension and Betti number are necessary, but insufficient conditions, for super-polynomial advantage. We then introduce and analyze specific problem examples which have parameters in the regime where super-polynomial advantages may be achieved, and argue that quantum circuits with tens of billions of Toffoli gates can solve seemingly classically intractable instances.Comment: 54 pages, 7 figures. Added a number of theorems and lemmas to clarify findings and also a discussion in the main text and new appendix about variants of our problems with high Betti numbers that are challenging for recent classical algorithm

    High Dimensional Quantum Machine Learning With Small Quantum Computers

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    Quantum computers hold great promise to enhance machine learning, but their current qubit counts restrict the realisation of this promise. In an attempt to placate this limitation techniques can be applied for evaluating a quantum circuit using a machine with fewer qubits than the circuit naively requires. These techniques work by evaluating many smaller circuits on the smaller machine, that are then combined in a polynomial to replicate the output of the larger machine. This scheme requires more circuit evaluations than are practical for general circuits. However, we investigate the possibility that for certain applications many of these subcircuits are superfluous, and that a much smaller sum is sufficient to estimate the full circuit. We construct a machine learning model that may be capable of approximating the outputs of the larger circuit with much fewer circuit evaluations. We successfully apply our model to the task of digit recognition, using simulated quantum computers much smaller than the data dimension. The model is also applied to the task of approximating a random 10 qubit PQC with simulated access to a 5 qubit computer, even with only relatively modest number of circuits our model provides an accurate approximation of the 10 qubit PQCs output, superior to a neural network attempt. The developed method might be useful for implementing quantum models on larger data throughout the NISQ era.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Structural risk minimization for quantum linear classifiers

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    Quantum machine learning (QML) models based on parameterized quantum circuits are often highlighted as candidates for quantum computing’s near-term “killer application”. However, the understanding of the empirical and generalization performance of these models is still in its infancy. In this paper we study how to balance between training accuracy and generalization performance (also called structural risk minimization) for two prominent QML models introduced by Havlíček et al. [1], and Schuld and Killoran [2]. Firstly, using relationships to well understood classical models, we prove that two model parameters – i.e., the dimension of the sum of the images and the Frobenius norm of the observables used by the model – closely control the models’ complexity and therefore its generalization performance. Secondly, using ideas inspired by process tomography, we prove that these model parameters also closely control the models’ ability to capture correlations in sets of training examples. In summary, our results give rise to new options for structural risk minimization for QML models