2,216 research outputs found

    New Analyses of Double-Bang Events in the Atmosphere

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    We use CORSIKA+Herwig simulation code to produce ultra-high energy neutrino interactions in the atmosphere. Our aim is to reproduce extensive air showers originated by extragalactic tau-neutrinos. For charged current tau-neutrino interactions in the atmosphere, beside the air shower originated from the neutrino interaction, it is expected that a tau is created and may decay before reaching the ground. That phenomenon makes possible the generation of two related extensive air showers, the so called Double-Bang event. We make an analysis of the main characteristics of Double-Bang events in the atmosphere for mean values of the parameters involved in such phenomenon, like the inelasticity and tau decay length. We discuss what may happen for the ``out of the average'' cases and conclude that it may be possible to observe this kind of event in ultra-high energy cosmic ray observatories such as Pierre Auger or Telescope Array.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, final version to appear in BJ

    Ceramic composite bone tissue scaffolds

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    The repair of broken or diseased bone tissue requires a multitude of strategies ranging from allografts to bone substitutes. Herein we describe a process to create porous all-ceramic scaffolds for bone tissue repair without the need for typical ceramics processing techniques for consolidation (see Figure 1)—a technique that has potential to be used in situ in the operating theatre or in the field. The process uses room temperature and pressure to elicit a reaction within a liquid ceramic precursor to form a silicate-glass binder phase to consolidate bioactive glass frit (of the 45S5 composition). Morphological characterization and mechanical response of the composite scaffolds is reviewed paying credence to design specifications required in biomedical implant materials, such as: formability, structural integrity, porosity, load-bearing capability, bioactivity, and resorbability. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Measuring cosmological bulk flows via the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in the upcoming cosmic microwave background maps

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    We propose a new method to measure the possible large-scale bulk flows in the Universe from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps from the upcoming missions, MAP and Planck. This can be done by studying the statistical properties of the CMB temperature field at many X-ray cluster positions. At each cluster position, the CMB temperature fluctuation will be a combination of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) kinematic and thermal components, the cosmological fluctuations and the instrument noise term. When averaged over many such clusters the last three will integrate down, whereas the first one will be dominated by a possible bulk flow component. In particular, we propose to use all-sky X-ray cluster catalogs that should (or could) be available soon from X-ray satellites, and then to evaluate the dipole component of the CMB field at the cluster positions. We show that for the MAP and Planck mission parameters the dominant contributions to the dipole will be from the terms due to the SZ kinematic effect produced by the bulk flow (the signal we seek) and the instrument noise (the noise in our signal). Computing then the expected signal-to-noise ratio for such measurement, we get that at the 95 % confidence level the bulk flows on scales >100h^{-1} Mpc can be probed down to the amplitude of <200< 200 km/sec with the MAP data and down to only 30 km/sec with the Planck mission.Comment: Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres

    Analysis of Round Off Errors with Reversibility Test as a Dynamical Indicator

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    We compare the divergence of orbits and the reversibility error for discrete time dynamical systems. These two quantities are used to explore the behavior of the global error induced by round off in the computation of orbits. The similarity of results found for any system we have analysed suggests the use of the reversibility error, whose computation is straightforward since it does not require the knowledge of the exact orbit, as a dynamical indicator. The statistics of fluctuations induced by round off for an ensemble of initial conditions has been compared with the results obtained in the case of random perturbations. Significant differences are observed in the case of regular orbits due to the correlations of round off error, whereas the results obtained for the chaotic case are nearly the same. Both the reversibility error and the orbit divergence computed for the same number of iterations on the whole phase space provide an insight on the local dynamical properties with a detail comparable with other dynamical indicators based on variational methods such as the finite time maximum Lyapunov characteristic exponent, the mean exponential growth factor of nearby orbits and the smaller alignment index. For 2D symplectic maps the differentiation between regular and chaotic regions is well full-filled. For 4D symplectic maps the structure of the resonance web as well as the nearby weakly chaotic regions are accurately described.Comment: International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 201

    Does the galaxy correlation length increase with the sample depth?

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    We have analyzed the behavior of the correlation length, r0r_0, as a function of the sample depth by extracting from the CfA2 redshift survey volume--limited samples out to increasing distances. For a fractal distribution, the value of r0r_0 would increase with the volume occupied by the sample. We find no linear increase for the CfA2 samples of the sort that would be expected if the Universe preserved its small scale fractal character out to the distances considered (60--100\hmpc). The results instead show a roughly constant value for r0r_0 as a function of the size of the sample, with small fluctuations due to local inhomogeneities and luminosity segregation. Thus the fractal picture can safely be discarded.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ