22 research outputs found

    Diversidad genética del aguacate criollo en Nayarit, México, determinada por ISSR

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    Avocado fruits are nutritious and highly accepted for fresh consumption. Mexico is one of the world’s largest producers and consumers of avocado. The geographical and edaphoclimatic conditions of Nayarit, Mexico, have been ideal for reproducing the genus Persea, hence the large avocado gene pool. This research analyzes the genetic diversity of native Persea americana from Nayarit using the highly polymorphic ISSRs genetic markers. We collected 43 samples of native avocado from five municipalities in Nayarit. The level of genetic diversity detected was 64 %, and the analysis of molecular variance indicated that the most significant variation is within populations (82 %). Dice’s genetic distance clustered the genotypes among groups according to genetic distances, and the clusters were associated with geographical or climatic conditions. Therefore, the information generated by this research can be useful in developing crop conservation and management strategies.  Los frutos de aguacate son nutritivos y de gran aceptación para su consumo en fresco. México es uno de los países con mayor producción y consumo de aguacate a nivel mundial. Las condiciones geográficas y edafoclimáticas de Nayarit, México, han sido idóneas para la reproducción del género Persea, por lo que existe un gran acervo genético del aguacate. El objetivo fue analizar la diversidad genética de Persea americana criollo del estado de Nayarit con los marcadores genéticos ISSR que son altamente polimórficos. Se recolectaron 43 materiales de aguacate criollo en cinco municipios de Nayarit, México. El nivel de diversidad genética detectado fue del 64 %, mientras que el análisis molecular de varianza indicó que la mayor variación se encuentra dentro de las poblaciones (82 %). La distancia genética de Nei y Li (Dice) agruparon los genotipos entre grupos de acuerdo con las distancias genéticas y se observó que la agrupación en la mayoría de los nodos estuvo asociada a la situación geográfica o climática. La información generada de esta investigación puede ser útil para construir estrategias de conservación y manejo del cultivo

    LA U INVESTIGA: Revista Científica. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Volumen 3. Número 2

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    En el presente volumen se distinguen varios ámbitos de la investigación en salud desde artículos asociados a la promoción de salud, prevención de enfermedades, así como investigaciones de casos clínicos que evidencia la experiencia del equipo de salud en patologías específicas. Hay que resaltar que muchos de los artículos presentados en el volumen actual corresponden a los resultados de investigaciones ejecutadas en la academia, propias de la Universidad Técnica del Norte y de otras.1._ Melanoma antebraquial derecho metastásico a pa¬red abdominal y pelvis presentación de un caso clínico. 2._ Carcinoma papilar de localizacion extratiroidea. 3._ Tumores del golfo de la yugular 4._ Estudio comparativo del desarrollo psicomotor en niños/as de 1 a 3 años del Centro Infantil del Buen Vivir “CENTRO PUCARA” y “GOTITAS DE AMOR” del cantón Antonio Ante de la provincia de Imbabura. 5._ Adaptaciones de las técnicas comunicacionales al proceso terapéutico de salud mental infantil. 6._ La dinámica de la investigación científica en la formación de los profesionales de enfermería: una aproximación al problema de investigación. 7._ Las agresiones en las parejas de enamorados en la adolescencia y el equilibrio emocional. 8._ Rasgos de personalidad y su influencia en la calidad de vida en los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa” Las Américas” 9._ Estudio de la postura corporal y su relación con la obesidad y sobrepeso en niños de 6 a 12 años del cantón Antonio Ante de la provincia de Imbabura. 10._ Caracterización de cuidadores informales de personas con discapacidad de la provincia de Im¬babura. 11._ Intervención educativa sobre embarazo en la adolescencia en estudiantes del tercer año de bachillerato de la unidad educativa “Madre Tere¬sa Bacq” Imbabura-Ecuador. 12._ Acceso a la atención de consulta externa de los usuarios del centro de llamadas, que asisten al subcentro de salud San Antonio, Tanguarin Iba¬rra, ecuador 2016. 13._ Prevalencia de disfunción familiar en la parro¬quia urbana de Urcuquí

    IMPACT-Global Hip Fracture Audit: Nosocomial infection, risk prediction and prognostication, minimum reporting standards and global collaborative audit. Lessons from an international multicentre study of 7,090 patients conducted in 14 nations during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Diversidad genética del aguacate criollo en Nayarit, México, determinada por ISSR

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    Avocado fruits are nutritious and highly accepted for fresh consumption. Mexico is one of the world’slargest producers and consumers of avocado. e geographical and edaphoclimatic conditions of Nayarit,Mexico, have been ideal for reproducing the genus Persea, hence the large avocado gene pool. is researchanalyzes the genetic diversity of native Persea americanafrom Nayarit using the highly polymorphicISSRs genetic markers. We collected 43 samples of native avocado from ve municipalities in Nayarit.e level of genetic diversity detected was 64 %, and the analysis of molecular variance indicated that themost signicant variation is within populations (82 %). Dice’s genetic distance clustered the genotypesamong groups according to genetic distances, and the clusters were associated with geographical orclimatic conditions. erefore, the information generated by this research can be useful in developing cropconservation and management strategies.Los frutos de aguacate son nutritivos y de gran aceptación para su consumo en fresco. México es unode los países con mayor producción y consumo de aguacate a nivel mundial. Las condiciones geográcasy edafoclimáticas de Nayarit, México, han sido idóneas para la reproducción del género Persea, por loque existe un gran acervo genético del aguacate. El objetivo fue analizar la diversidad genética de Persea americana criollo del estado de Nayarit con los marcadores genéticos ISSR que son altamente polimórcos.Se recolectaron 43 materiales de aguacate criollo en cinco municipios de Nayarit, México. El nivel dediversidad genética detectado fue del 64 %, mientras que el análisis molecular de varianza indicó que lamayor variación se encuentra dentro de las poblaciones (82 %). La distancia genética de Nei y Li (Dice)agruparon los genotipos entre grupos de acuerdo con las distancias genéticas y se observó que la agrupaciónen la mayoría de los nodos estuvo asociada a la situación geográca o climática. La información generadade esta investigación puede ser útil para construir estrategias de conservación y manejo del cultivo

    Growth Promoting Activity of Annona muricata L. Leaf Extracts on Lactobacillus casei

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    Soursop leaves are a source of phytochemical compounds, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, hydrolyzable tannins, and acetogenins. These compounds can have several types of biological activities. Lactic acid bacteria can uptake phenolic compounds present in plants or fruits. The aim of the present work was to investigate the in vitro effect of hexane, acetone, methanolic, and aqueous extracts of soursop leaves (Annona muricata L.) on the growth, motility, and biofilm formation of Lactobacillus casei, and to determine compounds related to growth. The minimum concentration promoting growth, motility (swimming, swarming, and twitching), and biofilm-forming capacity (crystal violet) were evaluated. The results showed the growth-promoting capacity of acetone and aqueous extracts at low doses 25–50 mg/L, and an inhibition in the four extracts at higher doses of 100 mg/L. The L. casei growth is related to ellagic acid, quercetin rhamnoside, kaempferol dihexoside, quercetin hexoside, secoisolariciresinol, and kaempferol hexoside-rhamnoside. Hexane extract increased the three types of motility, while aqueous maintained swimming and twitching motility similar to control. The four extracts inhibited the biofilm formation capacity

    Novel Edible Coating of Starch-Based Stenospermocarpic Mango Prolongs the Shelf Life of Mango “Ataulfo” Fruit

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    Edible coatings based on 2% starch (w/v) extracted from tropical fruits were applied on stenospermocarpic mango fruits with the objective to prolong its shelf life during storage and give them an added value since they have no commercial value. In this regard, stenospermocarpic mangoes were coated with starch from banana “Pear” (T1 and T2), starch from soursop (T3 and T4), and starch from stenospermocarpic mango (T5 and T6), and two uncoated control treatments (T7 and T8). The fruit of T1, T3, T5, and T7 treatments were stored for 15 days (10 days at 10 ± 2°C and then at 22 ± 2°C for 5 days). The fruit of T2, T4, T6, and T8 treatments were stored for 10 days at 22 ± 2°C. Data were analyzed with a 4×2 factorial experimental design. Weight loss (g), firmness (N), total soluble solids content (%), titratable acidity (%), and color (L∗h∗C∗) were evaluated. The fruit coated with mango starch (T5) showed less weight loss (2.57%), greater firmness (18.6 N), as well as a high content of TSS (28.76%) compared with the control. The T5 extended the shelf life of the fruit up to 15 days (10 days at 10 ± 2°C and 5 days at 22 ± 2°C)

    Phytochemical and Antioxidant Dynamics of the Soursop Fruit (Annona muricata L.) in response to Colletotrichum spp.

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    This work evaluates the effect of the pathogens Colletotrichum siamense and C. gloeosporioides on the response of soursop fruits. The bioactive compounds (total phenols, flavonoids, anthraquinones, coumarins, steroids, terpenoids, alkaloids, and saponins) were evaluated qualitatively in soursop pulp. Positive phytochemicals and antioxidant activity (DPPH•, ABTS•+, and FRAP) were quantified at day zero, one, three, and five. Fruits treated with C. gloeosporioides showed higher disease severity (P<0.05). Early fruit response (day one) was observed with both pathogens, increased the concentration of saponins and repressed the production of quercetin 3-O-glucoside (P<0.05). Likewise, C. siamense decreased total soluble phenols and flavonoids and increased antiradical activity DPPH•. Besides, C. gloeosporioides decreased the levels of kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside and ferulic acid (P<0.05). Regarding the late response (day three), both pathogens decreased the concentration of saponins and increased flavonoids and phytosterols (P<0.05). Nevertheless, C. siamense increased the levels of total soluble phenols, p-coumaric acid, kaempferol, and antiradical activity FRAP (P<0.05). Also, C. gloeosporioides repressed the production of quercetin 3-O-glucoside at day five (P<0.05). Soursop fruits had a response to the attack of Colletotrichum during ripening at physicochemical and oxidative levels, which is associated with the production of compounds related to the development inhibition of pathogens. Even so, soursop fruits showed higher susceptibility to C. gloeosporioides and higher sensitivity to the attack of C. siamense

    Pathogenic Fungi Associated with Soursop Fruits (Annona muricata L.) during Postharvest in Nayarit, Mexico

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    Nayarit ranks first in national soursop production (Annona muricata L.). However, the soursop fruits are perishable and susceptible to microorganisms attack, reaching up to 60% of the postharvest losses. Due to the previously mentioned points, the objective of the present study was to isolate, identify, and determine the pathogenicity of fungi related to postharvest diseases in soursop fruits in the main producing areas of Nayarit, Mexico. Several fungi belonging to the genera Fusarium sp., Rhizopus, Lasiodiplodia, Gliocladium, and Colletotrichum were isolated and morphologically identified. Further, bioinformatics sequence analysis of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the rDNA identified that most pathogen species were Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae, and Nectria haematococca, which cause postharvest diseases in soursop fruit, affecting their quality. Lasiodiplodia causes the highest postharvest damage in soursop among the pathogenic species identified

    Identification of Fungal Pathogens of Mango and Soursop Fruits Using Morphological and Molecular Tools and Their Control Using Papaya and Soursop Leaf and Seed Extracts

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    Fruit and vegetable products are susceptible to the attack of fungi during postharvest handling. Chemical fungicides are the most commonly used technique to control fungal diseases. However, an alternative product is the use of plant extracts, which have been reported in in vitro and in vivo conditions. The objective of this investigation was to identify one of the main pathogens of mango and soursop fruits using morphological and molecular tools as well as to evaluate the in vitro inhibitory effect of papaya and soursop leaf and seed extracts. Two pathogens were isolated and identified by their morphological and molecular characteristics from mango and soursop fruits. We obtained extracts from leaves and seeds of soursop and papaya using five solvents of increasing polarity (hexane, acetone, ethanol, methanol, and water) through the ultrasound-assisted extraction technique at a frequency of 35 kHz and 160 W for 14 min. In vitro evaluations of the extracts were performed using the Kirby–Bauer technique. The extracts with the highest percentage of inhibition were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using standardized techniques of colorimetry and spectrophotometry. Furthermore, we determined the content of total phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, anthraquinones, coumarins, and saponins. As a result, we identified the pathogens as Colletotrichum fructicola and Nectria haematococca. Aqueous extracts (water as a solvent) showed a higher percentage of inhibition of both pathogens compared with the other extracts. Furthermore, the aqueous extract of papaya leaf was the most effective among all extracts. The aqueous papaya leaf extract exhibited a percentage of inhibition of 49.86% for C. fructicola and 47.89% for N. haematococca. The aqueous extracts of papaya leaf and seed (AqEPL and AqEPS) presented the greatest amount of metabolites (except anthraquinones and coumarins). The aqueous soursop leaf extract (AqESL) presented the greatest amount of phenols, tannins, and flavonoids (219.14 ± 8.52 mg GAE/L, 159.84 ± 10 mg GAE/g dm and 0.13 ± 1.12 × 10−4, respectively). The aqueous soursop seed extract (AqESS) had the highest saponin content with 1.2 ± 0.1 mg QSES/g dm and the papaya leaf accusative extract (AqEPL) had the highest alkaloid content (6.413 ± 1 × 10−3 mg AE/g dm) compared with the other extracts. The AqESS had a lower content of secondary metabolites (sterols, alkaloids, and saponins), while AqESL showed no presence of alkaloids and coumarins