20 research outputs found

    Make/shift Pedagogies: Suggestions, Provocations, and Challenges for Teaching Introductory Gender and Women’s Studies Courses

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    Drawing on over four decades of diverse teaching experiences as well as our recent work facilitating the NWSA Curriculum Institute, this article discusses some of the politics and praxis of teaching the introductory Gender and Women’s Studies course in the U.S. academic classroom. While mapping different pedagogical strategies, it offers some suggestions, recommendations, and provocations that inform our commitment to design syllabi, plan courses, and teach materials that introduce students to formative works and concepts in Gender and Women’s Studies, chart current trends, and signal new developments in the field.  RĂ©sumĂ©En s’appuyant sur plus de quatre dĂ©cennies d’expĂ©riences d’enseignement diverses ainsi que sur nos travaux rĂ©cents pour organiser l’institut des programmes d’études de la NWSA, cet article discute certains aspects de la politique et de la pratique de l’enseignement du cours d’introduction Études sur le genre et les femmes dans les classes d’universitĂ© aux É.-U. Tout en exposant diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies pĂ©dagogiques, il propose des suggestions, des recommandations, et des idĂ©es provocantes qui contribuent Ă  notre engagement Ă  concevoir un programme d’études, Ă  planifier des cours et Ă  enseigner un contenu qui initient les Ă©tudiants aux travaux et aux concepts formateurs des Ă©tudes sur le genre et les femmes, rendent compte des tendances actuelles et signalent les nouveaux dĂ©veloppements dans le domaine

    Introduction: Toward an Engaged Feminist Heritage Praxis

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    We advocate a feminist approach to archaeological heritage work in order to transform heritage practice and the production of archaeological knowledge. We use an engaged feminist standpoint and situate intersubjectivity and intersectionality as critical components of this practice. An engaged feminist approach to heritage work allows the discipline to consider women’s, men’s, and gender non-conforming persons’ positions in the field, to reveal their contributions, to develop critical pedagogical approaches, and to rethink forms of representation. Throughout, we emphasize the intellectual labor of women of color, queer and gender non-conforming persons, and early white feminists in archaeology

    Women's Studies: A Retrospective

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    Reviews the status of women's studies and Ford's programs between 1969-1995. Focuses on the mainstreaming of women's studies, the role of women of color, international issues, and future directions of the discipline

    Artist and Influence 1989 : Volume VIII - The Cornucopia

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    "Artist and Influence is published annually by Hatch-Billops Collection as a part of the library's commitment to preserving the history of African-American artists in all disciplines." -- p. v