2,933 research outputs found

    Markov chain techniques for predicting the maximum wind in the maximum dynamic pressure region for launching space vehicles

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    Markov chain techniques for predicting maximum wind in maximum dynamic pressure region for spacecraft launchin

    Revised prediction (estimation) of Cape Kennedy, Florida, wind speed profile

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    The prediction of the wind profile maximum speed at Cape Kennedy, Florida, is made for any selected calendar data. The prediction is based on a normal probability distribution model with 15 years of smoothed input data and is static in the sense that no dynamic principles of persistence or synoptic features are considered. Comparison with similar predictions based on 6 years of data shows the same general pattern, but the variability decreased with the increase of sample size

    An empirical analysis of the 10-15 km maximum winds to determine Apollo and AAP launch opportunities, Cape Kennedy, Florida

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    Empirical analysis of maximum wind speeds in space vehicular dynamic pressure region over Cape Kennedy for Apollo and AAP launche

    Thermopower of Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer with a Quantum Dot

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    We report on the thermopower of an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer (AB) with a quantum dot in the Kondo limit. The thermopower is anomalously enhanced due to the Kondo effect as in heavy fermion systems. In contrast to the bulk systems, the sign of the thermopower can be changed by adjusting the energy level scheme or the particle-hole asymmetry of a dot with the gate voltage. Further the magnitude and even the sign of the thermopower in the AB ring can be changed at will with varying either magnetic fields or the gate voltages.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Understanding the impact of droughts in the Yarmouk Basin, Jordan: monitoring droughts through meteorological and hydrological drought indices

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    This article assesses drought status in the Yarmouk Basin (YB), in northern Jordan, using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), the Standardized Water-Level Index (SWI), and the Percent Departure from Normal rainfall (PDNimd) during the years 1993–2014. The results showed that the YB suffers from frequent and irregular periods of drought as variations in drought intensity and frequency have been observed. The SPI results revealed that the highest drought magnitude of − 2.34 appeared at Nuaimeh rainfall station in 1991. This station has also experienced severe drought particularly in years 1995, 1999, 2005, and 2012 with SPI values ranging from − 1.51 to − 1.59. Some other rainfall stations such as Baqura, Ibbin, Khanasiri, Kharja, Mafraq police, Ramtha, Turra, and Umm Qais have also suffered several periods of drought mostly in 1993. The SWI results show the highest extreme drought events in 2001 in Souf well while other extreme drought periods were observed at Wadi Elyabis well in 1994 and at Mafraq well in 1995. As compared to SPI maps, our SWI maps reflect severe and extreme drought events in most years, negatively impacting the groundwater levels in the study area

    Offenders' Crime Narratives across Different Types of Crimes

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    The current study explores the roles offenders see themselves playing during an offence and their relationship to different crime types. One hundred and twenty incarcerated offenders indicated the narrative roles they acted out whilst committing a specific crime they remembered well. The data were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) and four themes were identified: Hero, Professional, Revenger and Victim in line with the recent theoretical framework posited for Narrative Offence Roles (Youngs & Canter, 2012). Further analysis showed that different subsets of crimes were more like to be associated with different narrative offence roles. Hero and Professional were found to be associated with property offences (theft, burglary and shoplifting), drug offences and robbery and Revenger and Victim were found to be associated with violence, sexual offences and murder. The theoretical implications for understanding crime on the basis of offenders' narrative roles as well as practical implications are discussed

    Facts, Values and Quanta

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    Quantum mechanics is a fundamentally probabilistic theory (at least so far as the empirical predictions are concerned). It follows that, if one wants to properly understand quantum mechanics, it is essential to clearly understand the meaning of probability statements. The interpretation of probability has excited nearly as much philosophical controversy as the interpretation of quantum mechanics. 20th century physicists have mostly adopted a frequentist conception. In this paper it is argued that we ought, instead, to adopt a logical or Bayesian conception. The paper includes a comparison of the orthodox and Bayesian theories of statistical inference. It concludes with a few remarks concerning the implications for the concept of physical reality.Comment: 30 pages, AMS Late

    Floquet scattering theory of quantum pumps

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    We develop the Floquet scattering theory for quantum mechanical pumping in mesoscopic conductors. The nonequilibrium distribution function, the dc charge and heat currents are investigated at arbitrary pumping amplitude and frequency. For mesoscopic samples with discrete spectrum we predict a sign reversal of the pumped current when the pump frequency is equal to the level spacing in the sample. This effect allows to measure the phase of the transmission coefficient through the mesoscopic sample. We discuss the necessary symmetry conditions (both spatial and temporal) for pumping.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Field theory conjecture for loop-erased random walks

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    We give evidence that the functional renormalization group (FRG), developed to study disordered systems, may provide a field theoretic description for the loop-erased random walk (LERW), allowing to compute its fractal dimension in a systematic expansion in epsilon=4-d. Up to two loop, the FRG agrees with rigorous bounds, correctly reproduces the leading logarithmic corrections at the upper critical dimension d=4, and compares well with numerical studies. We obtain the universal subleading logarithmic correction in d=4, which can be used as a further test of the conjecture.Comment: 5 page
