29 research outputs found

    Índice de perfusión en una reanimación con riesgo biológico, como medida de mala tolerancia fisiológica

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    Introduction: Perform a cardiopulmonary resuscitation requires technical knowledge and minimal physical conditions. Perform this resuscitation a team of individual protection against biological risks level D placed increases the overexertion that encourage rescuers are subjected.The objective of this study is to prove the existence of a pattern of poor physiological tolerance to the use of personal protective equipment level D, category 4-5-6B for action in incidents with biological risk objectified by measuring the perfusion index before and after a simulated resuscitation.Material and methods: We have performed a quasiexperimental not controlled on 96 volunteers chosen through a random sampling, stratified by sex, level of education and professional category, medical and nursing students and professionals doctors and nurses.A decision of the perfusion index before performing the resuscitation and other simulated after resuscitation.Results: A 15% of the volunteers presented a perfusion index lower back to baseline, which translates into a situation of peripheral vasoconstriction after the completion of the physical exercise that involved the clinical case, when expected was a vasodilatation to Increase perfusion.Conclussion: Extrapolating these data, we can conclude that, in the sample for the study, the volunteers who have less perfusion index at the end of that at the beginning do not tolerate well the effort involved in the case.Introducción: Realizar de una forma adecuada una reanimación cardiopulmonar precisa unos conocimientos técnicos y unas mínimas condiciones físicas. Realizar esta reanimación un equipo de protección individual frente a riesgos biológicos nivel D colocado aumenta el sobresfuerzo al que se ven sometidos los reanimadores.El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar la existencia de un patrón de mala tolerancia fisiológica al uso de los equipos de protección nivel D, categoría 4-5-6B para la actuación en incidentes con riesgo biológico objetivado mediante la medición del índice de perfusión antes y después de una reanimación simulada.Material y métodos: Se ha realizado un estudio cuasiexperimental no controlado sobre 96 voluntarios elegidos mediante un muestreo aleatorio estratificado por sexo, nivel de formación y categoría profesional, estudiantes de Medicina y Enfermería y profesionales Médicos y Enfermeros. Se realizó una toma del índice de perfusión antes de realizar la reanimación y otra después de la reanimación simulada.Resultados: Un 15% de los voluntarios presentaron un índice de perfusión posterior más bajo al basal, lo que se traduce en una situación de vasoconstricción periférica después de la realización del ejercicio físico que supuso el caso clínico, cuando lo esperable era una vasodilatación para aumentar la perfusión.Conclusiones: Extrapolando estos datos, podemos concluir que, en la muestra de estudio que nos ocupa, los voluntarios que presentan menos índice de perfusión al finalizar que al comenzar no toleran bien el esfuerzo que supone el caso clínico. &nbsp

    New sources of halophilic lipases: Isolation of bacteria from Spanish and Turkish saltworks

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    High-salinity biotopes in Turkey and Spain have been demonstrated to be a suitable source of lipolytic enzyme-producing halophilic microorganisms. Three strains turned out to grow at high NaCl concentration (greater than 15%) and their ability to synthesize lipolytic enzymes was demonstrated on tributyrin and olive oil-containing plates by the formation of transparent or orangish halos around the colonies. The three isolates were cultivated in liquid medium and one of them was cherry-picked in terms of the enzyme production levels. It was subsequently genetically identified as Halomonas sp. LM1C. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) based on central composite design was used to optimize the culture conditions for lipase production, concluding that the maximum levels of lipase biosynthesis were obtained at 21.6 °C and pH 6.9. The impact of NaCl on the lipolytic activity of the obtained halophilic crude enzyme revealed an improved resistance against deactivation, when compared with a commercial lipase from Candida rugosa. The optimum reaction conditions (obtained by RSM) for the crude enzyme-biocatalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl laurate turned out to be neutral pH and 29 °C. The process at optimum conditions was kinetically characterized by means of logistic equations, obtaining maximum activities near to 250 U/L and the use of a Luedeking & Piret type model allowed elucidating the metabolic characteristics of the synthesized lipolytic enzymes. The present investigation lays the foundation for implementing a biotechnological process to produce highly resistant lipolytic enzymes able to perform its biocatalytic function under extreme salt conditions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CTM2014-52471-RXunta de Galici

    Triggering phase disengagement of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquids by using inorganic and organic salts

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    This study deals with the influence of different inorganic and organic salts made up with sodium, potassium and ammonium cations to induce phase segregation in aqueous solutions of C8C1imCl and C10C1imCl at T = 298.15 K. The experimental solubility values are described by means of four empirical equations and the suitability of the models was analysed in the light of the standard deviation. The capability of the above mentioned salts to further phase de-mixing is discussed on the basis of their different molar Gibbs free energy of hydration (ΔhydG), molar entropy of hydration (ΔhydS) and pH. The efficiency of the separation was evaluated by determining the tie-lines, and these experimental values were fitted to three known models such as Bancroft, Othmer–Tobias and modified Setschenow equations.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CTM2012-31534Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2013/00

    Potential of cholinium glycinate for the extraction of extremophilic lipolytic biocatalysts

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    This work is the first approach to extract extremozymes from aqueous media containing non-ionic surfactants. A biocompatible ionic liquid like cholinium glycinate ([N1112OH][Gly]) has been selected as phase forming agent in aqueous solutions of Triton X surfactants at several temperatures. Then, two in-house synthesized extremophilic lipolytic enzymes (one from Halomonas sp. LM1C, HspL, and one from Thermus thermophilus HB27, TtL) were targeted in order to investigate the extraction capacity of the proposed strategy. It was concluded that the cautious selection of the feed concentration at a given tie-line allowed an efficient extraction of the thermophilic lipolytic enzyme TtL without losing its biocatalytic potential. Thus, protein extraction levels reached about 98% and the activity percentages were near 100%, which clearly surpasses the performance of the commercial lipase from Candida rugosa (CrL). In summary, the glycinate-based ionic liquid can concomitantly be proposed as competitive extraction agent and neoteric medium for biocatalytic reactions.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-094702-B-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2017/4

    Environmentally benign sequential extraction of heavy metals from marine sediments

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    An environmentally friendly heavy metals remediation process from polluted marine sediments is proposed. The efficiency of three organic and inorganic salts (ammonium acetate, ammonium nitrate, and sodium potassium tartrate) to salt out these pollutants was ascertained in sediment washing waters containing nonionic surfactants. The immiscibility regions were correlated by means of three known models, and the experimental data were interpreted in the light of thermodynamic parameters such as Gibbs free energy of hydration and molar entropy of hydration. The proposed process was applied to model aqueous solutions containing two representative heavy metals (zinc and copper). The viability of the suggested strategy was checked in real contaminated marine sediments by including a sequential treatment: marine sediment washing-contaminant extraction, which led to total remediation values higher than 80% for copper and 90% for zinc

    New horizons in the enzymatic production of biodiesel using neoteric solvents

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    Globally, tougher legislation in greenhouse gases emissions is prompting the hunt for more sustainable and competitive strategies to synthesize biodiesel. Although enzyme-catalyzed processes are considered as a more environmentally-friendly option, there are still challenges to be approached like the replacement of traditional solvents due to their well-known disadvantages such as their volatility, toxicity or carcinogenic character. Thus, the emergence of neoteric solvents such as perfluorocarbons, liquid polymers, ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents or supercritical fluids has opened up new opportunities to reach truly green processes. Nonetheless, literature analysis reveals the scarcity of research works, which are exclusively restricted to the last three types of solvents. One of the critical points to take into account refers to the performance of enzymes in this kind of milieu, as this environment may be deleterious in terms of protein structure, leading to enzyme deactivation. Therefore, the final purpose of this review paper is to identify the current trends of research in the field of neoteric solvents applied to enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of biodiesel and to shed light on the possible existing gaps.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2013/00

    Phase segregation in aqueous solutions of non-ionic surfactants using ammonium, magnesium and iron salts

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    Aqueous Biphasic Systems (ABS) are suggested as a separation technique for a great diversity of compounds, making it necessary to characterise fully the solubility data of these kinds of systems. In this study, the non-ionic surfactants Tween 20 and Triton X-100 are proposed as candidates to form ABS, with different inorganic and organic salts ((NH4)2Fe(SO4)2, MgSO4, (NH4)2HPO4, (NH4)2SO4, (NH4)2C4H4O6) at T = 298.15 K. All the solubility data were obtained by means of the cloud point method and the salting-out ability of salts was also evaluated in terms of the Gibbs free energy of hydration (ΔhydG) and molar entropy of hydration (ΔhydS). The Merchuk equation and some variations of this model have been used for correlating the solubility curve. The extraction capacity k was evaluated in terms of tie-lines (TL) data.Xunta de GaliciaMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. IPT-310000-2010-1

    Perfusion index in a resuscitation with biological risk, as a measure of poor physiological tolerance

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    Introducción:Realizar de una forma adecuada una reanimación cardiopulmonar precisa unos conocimientos técnicos y unas mínimas condiciones físicas. Realizar esta reanimación un equipo de protección individual frente a riesgos biológicos nivel D colocado aumenta el sobresfuerzo al que se ven sometidos los reanimadores.El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar la existencia de un patrón de mala tolerancia fisiológica al uso de los equipos de protección nivel D, categoría 4-5-6B para la actuación en incidentes con riesgo biológico objetivado mediante la medición del índice de perfusión antes y después de una reanimación simulada.Material y métodos:Se ha realizado un estudio cuasiexperimental no controlado sobre 96 voluntarios elegidos mediante un muestreo aleatorio estratificado por sexo, nivel de formación y categoría profesional, estudiantes de Medicina y Enfermería y profesionales Médicos y Enfermeros. Se realizó una toma del índice de perfusión antes de realizar la reanimación y otra después de la reanimación simulada.Resultados:Un 15% de los voluntarios presentaron un índice de perfusión posterior más bajo al basal, lo que se traduce en una situación de vasoconstricción periférica después de la realización del ejercicio físico que supuso el caso clínico, cuando lo esperable era una vasodilatación para aumentar la perfusión. Conclusiones: Extrapolando estos datos, podemos concluir que, en la muestra de estudio que nos ocupa, los voluntarios que presentan menos índice de perfusión al finalizar que al comenzar no toleran bien el esfuerzo que supone el caso clínico.ABSTRACT: Introduction: Perform a cardiopulmonary resuscitation requires technical knowledge and minimal physical conditions. Perform this resuscitation a team of individual protection against biological risks level D placed increases the overexertionthat encourage rescuers are subjected.The objective of this study is to prove the existence of a pattern of poor physiological tolerance to the use of personal protective equipment level D, category 4-5-6B for action in incidents with biological risk objectified by measuring the perfusion index before and after a simulated resuscitation.Material and methods:We have performed a quasiexperimental not controlled on 96 volunteers chosen through a random sampling, stratified by sex, level of education and professional category, medical and nursing students and professionals doctors and nurses.A decision of the perfusion index before performing the resuscitation and other simulated after resuscitation.Results:A 15% of the volunteers presented a perfusion index lower back to baseline, which translates into a situation of peripheral vasoconstriction after the completion of the physical exercise that involved the clinical case, when expected was a vasodilatation to Increase perfusion.Conclussion:Extrapolating these data, we can conclude that, in the sample for the study, the volunteers who have less perfusion index at the end of that at the beginning do not tolerate well the effort involved in the case