90 research outputs found

    Acceptable Risk

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    Perhaps the topic of acceptable risk never had a sexier and more succinct introduction than the one Edward Norton, playing an automobile company executive, gave it in Fight Club: “Take the number of vehicles in the field (A), multiply it by the probable rate of failure (B), and multiply the result by the average out of court settlement (C). A*B*C=X. If X is less than the cost of the recall, we don’t do one.” Of course, this dystopic scene also gets to the heart of the issue in another way: acceptable risk deals with mathematical calculations about the value of life, injury, and emotional wreckage, making calculation a difficult matter ethically, politically, and economically. This entry will explore the history of this idea, focusing on its development alongside statistics into its wide importance today

    Increase in Ethanol Yield via Elimination of Lactate Production in an Ethanol-Tolerant Mutant of Clostridium Thermocellum

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    Large-scale production of lignocellulosic biofuel is a potential solution to sustainably meet global energy needs. One-step consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) is a potentially advantageous approach for the production of biofuels, but requires an organism capable of hydrolyzing biomass to sugars and fermenting the sugars to ethanol at commercially viable titers and yields. Clostridium thermocellum, a thermophilic anaerobe, can ferment cellulosic biomass to ethanol and organic acids, but low yield, low titer, and ethanol sensitivity remain barriers to industrial production. Here, we deleted the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase gene in ethanol tolerant strain of C. thermocellum adhE*(EA) in order to allow use of previously developed gene deletion tools, then deleted lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) to redirect carbon flux towards ethanol. Upon deletion of ldh, the adhE*(EA) Δldh strain produced 30% more ethanol than wild type on minimal medium. The adhE*(EA) Δldh strain retained tolerance to 5% v/v ethanol, resulting in an ethanol tolerant platform strain of C. thermocellum for future metabolic engineering efforts

    Mutant Alcohol Dehydrogenase Leads to Improved Ethanol Tolerance in Clostridium Thermocellum

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    Clostridium thermocellum is a thermophilic, obligately anaerobic, Gram-positive bacterium that is a candidate microorganism for converting cellulosic biomass into ethanol through consolidated bioprocessing. Ethanol intolerance is an important metric in terms of process economics, and tolerance has often been described as a complex and likely multigenic trait for which complex gene interactions come into play. Here, we resequence the genome of an ethanol-tolerant mutant, show that the tolerant phenotype is primarily due to a mutated bifunctional acetaldehyde-CoA/alcohol dehydrogenase gene (adhE), hypothesize based on structural analysis that cofactor specificity may be affected, and confirm this hypothesis using enzyme assays. Biochemical assays confirm a complete loss of NADH-dependent activity with concomitant acquisition of NADPH-dependent activity, which likely affects electron flow in the mutant. The simplicity of the genetic basis for the ethanol-tolerant phenotype observed here informs rational engineering of mutant microbial strains for cellulosic ethanol production

    Modular design of heterologous pathways for portability across diverse microorganisms

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    We utilized a method for the high-throughput assembly of heterologous biochemical pathways, and an integration platform for these pathways into the genomes of diverse, non-model microorganisms. Carbon catabolic pathways have been chosen as the first test cases for the pathway design and assembly method. Catabolic pathway optimization has the inherent advantage that growth selections can be used to separate pathways with differing productivities. As such, it provides a tractable testbed for the development of modular engineering approaches. First, we selected pathway enzymes from a group of evolutionarily-divergent host organisms, to capture a wide diversity of possible enzyme structures and pathway configurations. The coding sequences of each pathway have been synthesized and assembled into individual plasmids with unique barcodes, to be combinatorially constructed into pathways using the CombiGEM DNA assembly method 1. These pathways will be assembled in pooled reactions, resulting in the final generation of ~1M pathways. These pathways will be integrated into the recipient microbial host genome using a phage serine recombinase system 2. A “Landing Pad” comprised of three attB sites will be integrated into the host genome using the Tn7 transposase 3. Finally, the designed pathways will be integrated into the recipient genome, through recombination of the Landing Pad attB site, with the respective attP site on the target pathway’s destination vector. Modified hosts will be grown under the selection of the target carbohydrate substrate. The identification and fitness of each pathway will be measured by sequencing the barcodes of the final versus initial pooled populations. In-depth analysis including metabolomics, transcriptomics and proteomics can illuminate regulatory and metabolic changes that result from introduction of the heterologous pathway. Experimental evolution can also be used with poorly-functioning pathways to select for improved variants. Characterizing the resulting mutants can help to identify factors that were initially limiting activity. Comparing successful, unsuccessful, and evolved pathways will help to explain why species differ in their ability to functionally express various heterologous pathways of interest. Ultimately, the final pathway analysis can be used to design modular metabolic units that are highly active and portable across dissimilar microbes. Understanding the requirements for effective use of various heterologous pathways will allow selection of the best pathway for a particular host, based on its unique genetics and physiology. 1. Wong, A. S. L., Choi, G. C. G., Cheng, A. A., Purcell, O. & Lu, T. K. Massively parallel high-order combinatorial genetics in human cells. Nat. Biotechnol. 33, 952–961 (2015). 2. Elmore, J. R., Furches, A., Wolff, G. N., Gorday, K. & Guss, A. M. Development of a high efficiency integration system and promoter library for rapid modification of Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Metab. Eng. Commun. 5, 1–8 (2017). 3. Choi, K.-H. & Schweizer, H. P. mini-Tn7 insertion in bacteria with single attTn7 sites: example Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Nat. Protoc. 1, 153–161 (2006)

    New methods for tightly regulated gene expression and highly efficient chromosomal integration of cloned genes for Methanosarcina species

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    A highly efficient method for chromosomal integration of cloned DNA into Methanosarcina spp. was developed utilizing the site-specific recombination system from the Streptomyces phage PhiC31. Host strains expressing the PhiC31 integrase gene and carrying an appropriate recombination site can be transformed with non-replicating plasmids carrying the complementary recombination site at efficiencies similar to those obtained with self-replicating vectors. We have also constructed a series of hybrid promoters that combine the highly expressed M. barkeri PmcrB promoter with binding sites for the tetracycline-responsive, bacterial TetR protein. These promoters are tightly regulated by the presence or absence of tetracycline in strains that express the tetRgene. The hybrid promoters can be used in genetic experiments to test gene essentiality by placing a gene of interest under their control. Thus, growth of strains with tetR-regulated essential genes becomes tetracycline-dependent. A series of plasmid vectors that utilize the site-specific recombination system for construction of reporter gene fusions and for tetracycline regulated expression of cloned genes are reported. These vectors were used to test the efficiency of translation at a variety of start codons. Fusions using an ATG start site were the most active, whereas those using GTG and TTG were approximately one half or one fourth as active, respectively. The CTG fusion was 95% less active than the ATG fusion

    Complete Genome Sequence of Salinisphaera sp. Strain LB1, a Moderately Halo-Acidophilic Bacterium Isolated from Lake Brown, Western Australia

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    Salinisphaera sp. strain LB1 was isolated from Lake Brown, Western Australia, surface water enriched at pH 4.0 and with 5% (wt/vol) NaCl. The complete genome sequence is presented in this report

    Elimination of Hydrogenase Active Site Assembly Blocks H2 Production and Increases Ethanol Yield in Clostridium Thermocellum

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    Background: The native ability of Clostridium thermocellum to rapidly consume cellulose and produce ethanol makes it a leading candidate for a consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) biofuel production strategy. C. thermocellum also synthesizes lactate, formate, acetate, H2 , and amino acids that compete with ethanol production for carbon and electrons. Elimination of H2 production could redirect carbon flux towards ethanol production by making more electrons available for acetyl coenzyme A reduction to ethanol. Results: H2 production in C. thermocellum is encoded by four hydrogenases. Rather than delete each individually, we targeted hydrogenase maturase gene hydG, involved in converting the three [FeFe] hydrogenase apoenzymes into holoenzymes. Further deletion of the [NiFe] hydrogenase (ech) resulted in a mutant that functionally lacks all four hydrogenases. H2 production in ΔhydGΔech was undetectable, and the ethanol yield nearly doubled to 64% of the maximum theoretical yield. Genomic analysis of ΔhydG revealed a mutation in adhE, resulting in a strain with both NADH- and NADPH-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase activities. While this same adhE mutation was found in ethanol-tolerant C. thermocellum strain E50C, Δ hydG and ΔhydGΔech are not more ethanol tolerant than the wild type, illustrating the complicated interactions between redox balancing and ethanol tolerance in C. thermocellum. Conclusions: The dramatic increase in ethanol production suggests that targeting protein post-translational modification is a promising new approach for simultaneous inactivation of multiple enzymes

    Characterization of Xylan Utilization and Discovery of a New Endoxylanase in Thermoanaerobacterium Saccharolyticum through Targeted Gene Deletions

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    The economical production of fuels and commodity chemicals from lignocellulose requires the utilization of both the cellulose and hemicellulose fractions. Xylanase enzymes allow greater utilization of hemicellulose while also increasing cellulose hydrolysis. Recent metabolic engineering efforts have resulted in a strain of Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum that can convert C5 and C6 sugars, as well as insoluble xylan, into ethanol at high yield. To better understand the process of xylan solubilization in this organism, a series of targeted deletions were constructed in the homoethanologenic T. saccharolyticum strain M0355 to characterize xylan hydrolysis and xylose utilization in this organism. While the deletion of -xylosidase xylD slowed the growth of T. saccharolyticum on birchwood xylan and led to an accumulation of short-chain xylo-oligomers, no other single deletion, including the deletion of the previously characterized endoxylanase XynA, had a phenotype distinct from that of the wild type.This result indicates a multiplicity of xylanase enzymes which facilitate xylan degradation in T. saccharolyticum. Growth on xylan was prevented only when a previously uncharacterized endoxylanase encoded by xynC was also deleted in conjunction with xynA. Sequence analysis of xynC indicates that this enzyme, a low-molecular-weight endoxylanase with homology to glycoside hydrolase family 11 enzymes, is secreted yet untethered to the cell wall. Together, these observations expand our understanding of the enzymatic basis of xylan hydrolysis by T. saccharolyticum

    Deletion of nfnAB in Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum and Its Effect on Metabolism

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    NfnAB catalyzes the reversible transfer of electrons from reduced ferredoxin and NADH to 2 NADP+. The NfnAB complex has been hypothesized to be the main enzyme for ferredoxin oxidization in strains of Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum engineered for increased ethanol production. NfnAB complex activity was detectable in crude cell extracts of T. saccharolyticum. Activity was also detected using activity staining of native PAGE gels. The nfnAB gene was deleted in different strains of T. saccharolyticum to determine its effect on end product formation. In wild-type T. saccharolyticum, deletion of nfnAB resulted in a 46% increase in H2 formation but otherwise little change in other fermentation products. In two engineered strains with 80% theoretical ethanol yield, loss of nfnAB caused two different responses: in one strain, ethanol yield decreased to about 30% of the theoretical value, while another strain had no change in ethanol yield. Biochemical analysis of cell extracts showed that the ΔnfnAB strain with decreased ethanol yield had NADPH-linked alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity, while the ΔnfnAB strain with unchanged ethanol yield had NADH-linked ADH activity. Deletion of nfnAB caused loss of NADPH-linked ferredoxin oxidoreductase activity in all cell extracts. Significant NADH-linked ferredoxin oxidoreductase activity was seen in all cell extracts, including those that had lost nfnAB. This suggests that there is an unidentified NADH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (distinct from nfnAB) playing a role in ethanol formation. The NfnAB complex plays a key role in generating NADPH in a strain that had become reliant on NADPH-ADH activity

    Functional Heterologous Expression of an Engineered Full Length Cipa from Clostridium Thermocellum in Thermoanaerobacterium Saccharolyticum

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    Background: Cellulose is highly recalcitrant and thus requires a specialized suite of enzymes to solubilize it into fermentable sugars. In C. thermocellum, these extracellular enzymes are present as a highly active multi-component system known as the cellulosome. This study explores the expression of a critical C. thermocellum cellulosomal component in T. saccharolyticum as a step toward creating a thermophilic bacterium capable of consolidated bioprocessing by employing heterologously expressed cellulosomes. Results:We developed an inducible promoter system based on the native T. saccharolyticum xynA promoter, which was shown to be induced by xylan and xylose. The promoter was used to express the cellulosomal component cipA*, an engineered form of the wild-type cipAfrom C. thermocellum. Expression and localization to the supernatant were both verified for CipA*. When a ΔcipA mutant C. thermocellum strain was cultured with a CipA*-expressing T. saccharolyticum strain, hydrolysis and fermentation of 10 grams per liter SigmaCell 101, a highly crystalline cellulose, were observed. This trans-species complementation of a cipA deletion demonstrated the ability for CipA* to assemble a functional cellulosome. Conclusion: This study is the first example of an engineered thermophile heterologously expressing a structural component of a cellulosome. To achieve this goal we developed and tested an inducible promoter for controlled expression in T. saccharolyticum as well as a synthetic cipA . In addition, we demonstrate a high degree of hydrolysis (up to 93%) on microcrystalline cellulose
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