44 research outputs found

    Environmental Impact Assessment of an Intensive Pig Farm

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    Nowadays, the meet industry and intensive farming is in the crosshairs of environmentalists and organizations fighting climate change. In Spain, the controversy arose after the declarations of the minister of consumes, which explained in an interview that the meet sector contributes a 14.5% of the total emissions of CO2 and that the consumption of animal-derived food should be reduced. Slurry, which is the combination of cleaning water, animal excretions, bedding, and food leftovers, has been used during many years as fertilizers, but in these times, the water pollution due to nitrates in some parts of Spain surpasses the allowed by the OMS. Pigs are amenable to many different styles of farming, from intensive commercial units to commercial free-range enterprises, or extensive farming. Commercial farms house thousands of pigs in climate-controlled buildings. The goal of the present study is to assess the environmental impact of an intensive pig farm regarding odors, soil and groundwater pollution and waste treatment. Hence, first, the dimensioning of the farm and the characterization of a treatment plant is performed to later, present different scenarios. This provides hints of specific requirements needed by policy makers to establish minimum requirements for the installation of new facilitiesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats Sostenible

    Generalized Hilbert transforms of the effect of single magnetic sources

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    The generalized Hilbert transforms of potential fields, particularly magnetic fields, provide a useful resource for improving interpretation. Even though - and -Hilbert transforms of a potential field on a plane can be approximately computed from the whole observed field, they are locally independent of the observations when working on reduced areas of the plane, and therefore, on those areas, Hilbert transforms can be combined with them to better constrain and stabilize local inversions. Extended Euler deconvolution, based on Euler’s homogeneity equation, makes extensive use of this principle. We investigated closed-form expressions for evaluating in the space domain the generalized - and -Hilbert transforms of magnetic fields generated by single point sources, given in the form of dipoles, monopoles, and Newtonian potential type sources. Apart from providing a way to calculate Hilbert transforms via equivalent sources, this approach, adding little computer effort, can be applied to solve local inverse problems as a way to improve the definition of a model previous to an inversion over a large area; the solution is modeled by point sources, and it enables matching not only the observations, but also the Hilbert transforms, thus providing stronger constraints. A synthetic example with noisy data demonstrated the resolving power of this approach in locally inverting for magnetization intensities of prismatic bodies using data windows either above or displaced from the sources. In an example from a magnetic anomaly over Sierra de San Luis, Argentina, the magnetization intensities of the basement are locally inverted for at each solution point of an extended Euler deconvolution. Results indicated a more coherent pattern when the Hilbert transforms were incorporated to the inversion, illustrating how local inversions with Hilbert transforms, which do not involve time-consuming operations, can accompany extended Euler deconvolutions to better outline characteristics of a model.Fil: Guspi, Fernando Pedro Victor. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Novara, Ivan Lionel. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentin


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    ABSTRAK Kinerja kolom adsorpsi tunggal aliran downflow dengan adsorben batu apung Sungai Pasak Pariaman sebagai adsorben telah diuji dalam penyisihan Total Coliform dari air tanah. Kolom yang digunakan terbuat dari kaca dengan diameter 2,6 cm, ketebalan 0,6 mm, tinggi 130 cm dan ketinggian bed adsorben 85 cm. Diameter adsorben adalah 0,75-1 mm dan sampel air tanah yang digunakan diambil dari 2 lokasi di Kota Padang. Percobaan dilakukan triplo pada variasi konsentrasi Total Coliform 240 MPN/100 mL dan 1100 MPN/100 mL serta variasi kecepatan alir influen 2 gpm/ft2 dan 3 gpm/ft2. Konsentrasi Total Coliform dianalisis sesuai SNI 01-2332.1-2006 menggunakan metode Most Probable Number (MPN). Pada penelitian ini diperoleh efisiensi penyisihan dan kapasitas adsorpsi tertinggi yaitu 59,19% dan 46,71 MPN/1 g pada konsentrasi 1100 MPN/ 100mL dan kecepatan alir 2 gpm/ft2 dengan waktu jenuh pada menit ke-450. Kondisi optimum penyisihan dengan menggunakan kurva breakthrough terjadi pada konsentrasi tinggi dan kecepatan alir rendah. Peningkatan kecepatan alir dan konsentrasi influen mempercepat pencapaian kondisi jenuh dari adsorben. Dari analisis statistic diperoleh nilai p>0,05 yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dari variasi kecepatan alir dan konsentrasi influen terhadap efisiensi penyisihan Total Coliform dari air tanah. Kata kunci: Adsorpsi, Total Coliform, Batu Apun

    Growth catalysts in successful academic spin offs: the case of Catalonia

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    L’emprenedoria a les Universitats ha tingut resultats discrets a Europa que limiten els retorns de la comercialització de la investigació i la seva contribució a la societat. La majoria de les Spin-Offs acadèmiques (ASOs) no mostren una trajectòria que compleixi amb les expectatives i ni els investigadors ni els directius en tenen una explicació complerta. Son pocs els estudis sobre el creixement de les ASO després de les seves etapes inicials de vida. Tot i que el creixement és un fenomen àmpliament estudiat a la literatura d’emprenedoria, els models i esquemes actuals no expliquen completament el mateix. El propòsit del estudi es desvetllar les actituds, creences, decisions, accions i fites que porten a aquestes companyies a créixer durant un període sostingut de temps després de la seva etapa inicial, des de la perspectiva dels emprenedors de les ASO catalanes d’èxit. S’ha emprat un disseny de mètodes mixta, consistent en un estudi seqüencial explicatiu: Un estudi inicial quantitatiu produeix els resultats dels quals s’alimenta un estudi qualitatiu posterior. Així doncs, primer seleccionem aquelles ASO catalanes que presenten un Alt Creixement entre els anys 3 i 6 des de la seva creació. Posteriorment realitzem entrevistes en profunditat semiestructurades als fundadors d’aquestes companyies. Hem identificat 6 catalitzadors del creixement: La creació del equip directiu i les noves incorporacions, aliances amb socis industrials, un producte o servei innovador i preparat per ser llençat al mercat, un gran recolzament financer i una reorientació estratègica del model de negoci. A més a més, subministrem un model per explicar el procés de creixement i l’efecte causal que els Catalitzadors del Creixement tenen en ell. Aquests Catalitzadors influeixen en totes les etapes del procés de creixement i combinats amb les capacitats desenvolupades pel fundador i el seu equip directiu aconsegueixen accelerar el procés de creixement. Altres contribucions del estudi estan relacionades amb el paper determinant en el creixement de l’equip investigador de les activitats prèvies d’investigació amb la industria, la importància de les tecnologies no patentables, recomanacions sobre les mesures del creixement i les polítiques universitàriesEl emprendimiento en las Universidades ha tenido resultados discretos en Europa que limitan los retornos de la comercialización de la investigación y su contribución a la sociedad. La mayoría de las Spin-Offs académicas no muestran una trayectoria acorde con sus expectativas y ni los investigadores ni los directivos tienen una completa explicación para ello. Son pocos los estudios sobre el crecimiento de las Spin-Offs académicas (ASOs) después de las etapas iniciales de vida. El propósito del estudio es desvelar las actitudes, creencias, decisiones, acciones e hitos que llevan a estas compañías a crecer durante un período sostenido de tiempo, después de las etapas iniciales, desde la perspectiva de los emprendedores en las ASO catalanas de éxito. Para ello, empleamos un diseño de métodos mixto, consistente en un estudio secuencial explicativo: Un estudio inicial cuantitativo produce los resultados que sirven como entrada para el estudio cualitativo. Así pues, en primer lugar seleccionamos aquellas ASO catalanas que según sus datos contables presentaban Alto Crecimiento entre los años 3 y 6 desde su creación. Posteriormente, realizamos entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas a los fundadores de estas compañías, realizando un análisis temático sobre sus transcripciones. Identificamos 6 catalizadores del crecimiento: Creación del equipo directivo y nuevas incorporaciones, alianzas con socios industriales, un producto o servicio innovador y listo para lanzarse al mercado, un gran apoyo financiero y una reorientación estratégica en el modelo de negocio. También suministramos un modelo para explicar el proceso de crecimiento y el efecto causal que los Catalizadores del Crecimiento tienen en él. Estos Catalizadores del Crecimiento influyen en todas las etapas del proceso de crecimiento y combinados con las capacidades desarrolladas por el fundador y su equipo directivo, consiguen acelerar el proceso de crecimiento. Otras contribuciones del estudio están relacionadas con el papel determinante en el crecimiento del equipo de investigadores y de las actividades previas de investigación con la industria en el crecimiento, la importancia de las tecnologías no patentables y recomendaciones clave sobre las medidas de crecimiento y las políticas universitarias de soporte al emprendimiento.Academic Entrepreneurship has historically had discrete results in Europe that limit the returns of the commercialization of research and its contribution to society. Most of the Academic Spin-Off’s in Europe do not show a growth path as expected and neither scholars nor practitioners have a complete explanation of it. Studies on Academic Spin-Offs (ASOs) growth after the earlier stages are scarce. Although Growth is a widely studied phenomenon in Entrepreneurship literature, current models and frameworks fail to explain a great amount of growth. The aim of the study is to uncover the attitudes, beliefs, decisions, actions and milestones that take these companies to grow during a sustained period of time after their earlier stages from the lens of the successful ASO entrepreneurs in Catalonia. We applied a mixed methods design, consisting in a sequential explanatory study: An initial quantitative study that produces the results that are the input for the qualitative study. Thus, first we performed this company selection of successful ASO trough a quantitative study on the Catalonian ASO to locate those companies whose balance-sheet data show a sustained high-growth between year 3 and year 6 after its inception. Second, we performed in-depth semi-structured interviews to the founders of these successful companies and a thematic analysis on the transcriptions of the interviews. We identified six growth catalysts: Top Management Team (TMT) formation and new incorporations, industry partnerships, a market-ready, cutting-edge technical product or service, a big financial support, and a strategic turnaround in the business model. We provided academics with a framework to explain the growth process and the causal effect the growth catalysts have on it. These growth catalysts have an influence in all stages of the growth process and combined with the company capabilities developed by the founder and the TMT, accelerate the growth process. Further contributions of the study relate to the determinant role of the team of researchers and previous industry research activities on growth, the importance of tacit technologies and key recommendations regarding performance measurement and University support policies

    Isolasi dan Karakteristik Bakteri Endofit pada Akar Pepaya (Carica papaya L)

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    Bakteri endofit adalah mikroorganisme yang seluruh atau sebagian hidupnya berada dalam jaringan tumbuhan (Akar, Batang, Daun, dan Bunga). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik bakteri endofit pada akar pepaya (Carica papaya L) secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan yaitu prepasi sampel dan media, isolasi dan karakterisasi melalui uji biokimia. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 2 isolat bakteri endofit yang diberi kode AP1 dan AP2. Pewarnaan gram menunjukkan kedua isolat bakteri endofit berbentuk basil gram positif yang berwarna ungu. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan karakteristik morfologi dan uji biokimia isolat bakteri endofit diduga merupakan genus Bacillus.Endophytic bacteria are microorganisms that live entirely or partly in plant tissue (roots, steam, leaves and flower). The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of endophytic bacteria in papaya roots (Carica papaya L) macroscopically and microscopically. This research used descriptive method, that was conducted in three stages, started from media preparations, isolation and characterization. The results determined two isolates of endophytic bacteria, those were coded AP1 and AP2. Gram staining show that the two isolates of Bacillus endophytic bacteria were gram positive purple. It was concluded that the morphological characteristics and biochemical test of endophytic bacterial isolates suspected to genus Bacilllus

    Deep-tow magnetic anomaly study of the Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone and implications for the geomagnetic polarity reversal timescale and geomagnetic field behavior

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (2008): B07110, doi:10.1029/2007JB005527.The Jurassic Quiet Zone (JQZ) is a region of low-amplitude magnetic anomalies whose distinctive character may be related to geomagnetic field behavior. We collected deep-tow magnetic profiles in Pigafetta Basin (western Pacific) where previous deep-tow data partially covered the JQZ sequence. Our goals were to extend the survey through the JQZ, examine anomaly correlations, and refine a preliminary geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS) model. We collected a series of closely spaced profiles over anomaly M34 and Ocean Drilling Program Hole 801C to examine anomaly correlation in detail, one profile in between previous profiles, and two long profiles extending the survey deeper into the JQZ. Anomaly features can be readily correlated except in a region of low-amplitude, short-wavelength anomalies in the middle of the survey area (“low-amplitude zone” or LAZ). The small multiprofile surveys demonstrate anomaly linearity, implying that surrounding anomalies are also linear and likely result from crustal recording of geomagnetic field changes. We constructed a GPTS model assuming that most anomalies result from polarity reversals. The polarity timescale is similar to the polarity sequences from previous studies, but its global significance is uncertain because of problems correlating anomalies in the LAZ and the ambiguous nature of the small JQZ anomalies. Overall anomaly amplitude decreases with age into the LAZ and then increases again, implying low geomagnetic field strength, perhaps related to a rapidly reversing field. Other factors that may contribute to the LAZ are interference of anomalies over narrow, crustal polarity zones and poorly understood local tectonic complexities.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation grants OCE-0099161 and OCE-0099237. Tominaga was partly supported by funds from the Jane and R. Ken Williams ’45 Chair in Ocean Drilling Science, Education, and Technology

    A geomagnetic record over the last 3.5 million years from deep-tow magnetic anomaly profiles across the Central Indian Ridge

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    International audienceHigh-resolution records of the geomagnetic field intensity over the last 4 Myr provided by paleomagnetic analyses of marine sediments have shown the occurrence of short-lived low field intensity features associated with excursions or short polarity intervals. In order to evaluate the ability of marine magnetic anomalies to record the same geomagnetic events, we have collected six deep-tow (-500 m above the seafloor) and several sea surface magnetic anomaly profiles from the Central Indian Ridge across the Brunhes, Matuyama, and Gauss chrons (i.e., from the ridge axis to anomaly 2A). After removal of topography, latitude, and azimuth effects, we converted distances into time sequences using well-dated polarity reversal anomalies as tie points. We calculated the average signal to test the robustness of the short-wavelength anomalies. The resulting stacked profile is very similar to stacked sea surface and downward continued profiles from the Central Indian Ridge, the East Pacific Rise, and the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. Our results suggest that in addition to polarity reversals, to previously suggested geomagnetic events (subchrons or excursions) within the Brunhes and Matuyama chrons. A new small-scale magnetic anomaly, likely generated by several closely spaced geomagnetic field intensity variations represent the major contributor to the detailed shape of recent marine magnetic anomalies in investigated areas. We observe a dense succession of microanomalies that are correlated excursions (Ontong Java 1 and 2, and Gilsa), is found after the Olduvai chron. The near-bottom results support the existence of three geo-magnetic features between the Gauss-Matuyama boundary and Olduvai. They also suggest three geomagnetic events during the C2A. I n subchron within the Gauss chron. This study emphasizes the potential of deep-tow magnetic surveys in detecting fluctuations in geo-magnetic field intensity and, in particular, short-lived excursions, a poorly constrained part of the geomagnetic field temporal variation spectrum

    Characterization of the in situ magnetic architecture of oceanic crust (Hess Deep) using near-source vector magnetic data

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    Marine magnetic anomalies are a powerful tool for detecting geomagnetic polarity reversals, lithological boundaries, topographic contrasts, and alteration fronts in the oceanic lithosphere. Our aim here is to detect lithological contacts in fast-spreading lower crust and shallow mantle by characterizing magnetic anomalies and investigating their origins. We conducted a high-resolution, near-bottom, vector magnetic survey of crust exposed in the Hess Deep “tectonic window” using the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Isis during RRS James Cook cruise JC21 in 2008. Hess Deep is located at the western tip of the propagating rift of the Cocos-Nazca plate boundary near the East Pacific Rise (EPR) (2°15′N, 101°30′W). ROV Isis collected high-resolution bathymetry and near-bottom magnetic data as well as seafloor samples to determine the in situ lithostratigraphy and internal structure of a section of EPR lower crust and mantle exposed on the steep (~20°dipping) south facing slope just north of the Hess Deep nadir. Ten magnetic profiles were collected up the slope using a three-axis fluxgate magnetometer mounted on ROV Isis. We develop and extend the vertical magnetic profile (VMP) approach of Tivey (1996) by incorporating, for the first time, a three-dimensional vector analysis, leading to what we here termed as “vector vertical magnetic profiling” approach. We calculate the source magnetization distribution, the deviation from two dimensionality, and the strike of magnetic boundaries using both the total field Fourier-transform inversion approach and a modified differential vector magnetic analysis. Overall, coherent, long-wavelength total field anomalies are present with a strong magnetization contrast between the upper and lower parts of the slope. The total field anomalies indicate a coherently magnetized source at depth. The upper part of the slope is weakly magnetized and magnetic structure follows the underlying slope morphology, including a “bench” and lobe-shaped steps, imaged by microbathymetry. The lower part of the slope is strongly magnetized, with a gradual reduction in amplitude from east to west across the slope. Surface morphology and recent drilling results indicate that the slope has been affected by mass wasting, but the observation of internally coherent magnetization distributions within the upper and lower slopes suggest that the disturbance is surficial. We attribute the spatial differences in magnetization distribution to the combination of changes in in situ lithology and depth to the source. These survey lines document the first magnetic profiles that capture the gabbro-ultramafic and possibly dike-gabbro boundaries in fast-spreading lower crust

    Magnetic structure of a slow spreading ridge segment: Insights from near-bottom magnetic measurements on board a submersible

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    International audienceNear-bottom magnetic measurements on board submersible Nautile were carried out on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 21 degrees 40'N segment, and deep-sea geomagnetic vector anomalies along 19 dive tracks were obtained by applying the processing method for shipboard three-component magnetometer data. A forward modeling technique using short-wavelength components of the anomalies arising from local topography and vertical motion of the submersible was designed to estimate the absolute magnetization intensity of the seafloor. In the vicinity of the spreading axis a considerable number of magnetization estimations are reliably confirmed by the high correlation between observed and modeled anomalies, whereas less reliable estimations are obtained off-axis, probably because the sediment buries the basement topography. The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) measured on basalt samples collected during these dives is compared with the magnetization from anomalies. Though both results give a similar range of magnetization intensity, no correlation is confirmed between them, possibly because the magnetization from anomalies represents laterally averaged seafloor magnetization, whereas the NRM has variations at the scale of individual pillow or lava pile. Equivalent magnetization inverted from the sea-surface magnetic anomalies shows axial magnetization increases significantly from the segment center to the segment ends. However, the results of eight dives conducted near the spreading axis at different locations along the segment show much less variation in magnetization intensity along the axis. We ascribe the high equivalent magnetization at segment ends to preferential serpentinization of peridotite near the segment ends and the associated formation of magnetite. The results of three across-axis transects composed of 15 dives running in the spreading direction can be consistently interpreted as recording geomagnetic paleointensity variations during the Brunhes epoch. Although magnetization lows are generally correspondent to periods of low paleointensity, they show deeper drop than predicted from the paleointensity variation

    Central Anomaly Magnetization High documentation of crustal accretion along the East Pacific Rise (9°55′–9°25′N)

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 9 (2008): Q04015, doi:10.1029/2007GC001611.Near-bottom magnetic data collected along the crest of the East Pacific Rise between 9°55′ and 9°25′N identify the Central Anomaly Magnetization High (CAMH), a geomagnetic anomaly modulated by crustal accretionary processes over timescales of ∼104 years. A significant decrease in CAMH amplitude is observed along-axis from north to south, with the steepest gradient between 9°42′ and 9°36′N. The source of this variation is neither a systematic change in geochemistry nor varying paleointensity at the time of lava eruption. Instead, magnetic moment models show that it can be accounted for by an observed ∼50% decrease in seismic Layer 2A thickness along-axis. Layer 2A is assumed to be the extrusive volcanic layer, and we propose that this composes most of the magnetic source layer along the ridge axis. The 9°37′N overlapping spreading center (OSC) is located at the southern end of the steep CAMH gradient, and the 9°42′–9°36′N ridge segment is interpreted to be a transition zone in crustal accretion processes, with robust magmatism north of 9°42′N and relatively low magmatism at present south of 9°36′N. The 9°37′N OSC is also the only bathymetric discontinuity associated with a shift in the CAMH peak, which deviates ∼0.7 km to the west of the axial summit trough, indicating southward migration of the OSC. CAMH boundaries (defined from the maximum gradients) lie within or overlie the neovolcanic zone (NVZ) boundaries throughout our survey area, implying a systematic relationship between recent volcanic activity and CAMH source. Maximum flow distances and minimum lava dip angles are inferred on the basis of the lateral distance between the NVZ and CAMH boundaries. Lava dip angles average ∼14° toward the ridge axis, which agrees well with previous observations and offers a new method for estimating lava dip angles along fast spreading ridges where volcanic sequences are not exposed.The research project was funded by National Science Foundation under grants OCE-9819261 and OCE- 0096468