16 research outputs found

    Applying the Transdisciplinary Adaptive Systemic Approach to Securing the Long-Term Future of Grassland Ecosystems

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    Contemporary grasslands all exist as complex adaptive systems, specifically complex social-ecological systems – whether these are in protected areas or are part of private or communal agricultural landscapes. These systems are subject to the current planetary condition that includes rapidly growing human populations and demand for natural resources, the widespread use of pollutants, and climate change consequences. All complex adaptive systems have characteristics in common - they comprise multiple elements, which interact, and the multiple interactions cause intersecting feedback loops. As a result, a current system condition reflects its history, future condition is difficult to predict, and interventions have unpredictable outcomes – some positive others negative. The system itself produces emergent properties – new characteristics - through time, out of the multiple element interactions. As complex social-ecological systems, grasslands have all the interactive complexity of both society and ecosystems. This paper uses place-based landscape restoration interventions in the grasslands of the Tsitsa River Catchment, South Africa, and the Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia, to showcase the development and application of the Adaptive Systemic Approach – which we present as an advance in participatory sustainability science

    What Is the Evidence Base for Climate-Smart Agriculture in East and Southern Africa? A Systematic Map

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    More than 500 million USD will soon be invested in climate-smart agriculture (CSA) programmes in sub-Saharan Africa. Improving smallholder farm management is the core of most of these programmes. However, there has been no comprehensive information available to evaluate how changing agricultural practices increases food production, improves resilience of farming systems and livelihoods, and mitigates climate change—the goals of CSA. Here, we present a systematic map—an overview of the availability of scientific evidence—for CSA in five African countries: Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia. We conducted a systematic literature search of the effects of 102 technologies, including farm management practices (e.g., leguminous intercropped agroforestry, increased protein content of livestock diets, etc.), on 57 indicators consistent with CSA goals (e.g., yield, water use efficiency, carbon sequestration, etc.) as part of an effort called the "CSA Compendium". Our search of peer-reviewed articles in Web of Science and Scopus produced 150,567 candidate papers across developing countries in the global tropics. We screened titles, abstracts and full texts against predetermined inclusion criteria, for example that the investigation took place in a tropical developing country and contains primary data on how both a CSA practice and non-CSA control affect a preselected indicator. More than 1500 papers met these criteria from Africa, of which, 153 contained data collected in one of the five countries. Mapping the studies shows geographic and topical clustering in a few locations, around relatively few measures of CSA and for a limited number of commodities, indicating potential for skewed results and highlighting gaps in the evidence. This study sets the baseline for the availability of evidence to support CSA programming in the five countries

    Apparent digestibility and microbial protein yield of Desmodium uncinatum, Mucuna pruriens and Vigna unguiculata forage legumes in goats

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    This study examined the effects of adding forage legumes as protein supplements to poor-quality natural pasture (veld) hay offered to goats on microbial protein yield and nitrogen metabolism. Four indigenous Nguni-type goats were used in a 4 × 4 Latin cross-over design experiment. Goats were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments comprising commercial goat feed (GF), veld hay supplemented with cowpea (CW), velvetbean (VB) or silverleaf desmodium (SD). Microbial protein yields were determined using the purine derivatives technique and nitrogen retention was calculated from the digestible organic matter intake. Total nitrogen intake was significantly higher in the GF followed by CW, SD and VB, respectively. Microbial protein supply, calculated microbial true protein and digestible microbial true protein were affected (P < 0.05) by legume supplementation. Animals on poor-quality forages had the most efficient microbial protein synthesis. However,  supplementation of hay failed to meet the maintenance requirements of animals as evidenced by negative nitrogen balances in VB and SD. The efficiency of utilisation of nitrogen in the supplements could have been limited by unavailable fermentable metabolisable energy in the diets.  Supplementation of poor-quality veld hay with legume forages could improve utilisation, especially in the dry season.Keywords: forage quality, goats, utilisatio

    Degradability of amino acids in selected legume forages using the in situ nylon-bag technique

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    This study was conducted to determine the amino acid profiles and rumen degradability of amino acids of three cultivated forage legumes – velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and silverleaf desmodium (Desmodium uncinatum) – using the in situ nylon-bag technique. Two Friesian cows fitted with 10-cm-diameter rumen cannulae on a complete dairy feed ration (19% crude-protein dairy meal and maize silage) were used. Silverleaf desmodium had significantly (p < 0.05) higher concentration of amino acids compared with cowpea and velvet bean. Aspartic acid showed the highest (p < 0.05) concentration in all legumes and cysteine showed the lowest concentration. Legume forage of cowpea showed the highest (p < 0.05) level of degradability of amino acid followed by silverleaf desmodium and then velvet bean. Readily and slowly degradable components in all amino acids were highest (p < 0.05) in cowpea followed by silverleaf desmodium and then velvet bean. Moreover, silverleaf and cowpea showed higher (p < 0.05) levels of effective degradability of amino acids (at outflow rates p = 0.02, 0.04 and 0.06 h−1) than velvet bean. Total amino acid disappearance was the least in velvet bean, which suggests that it can be used to supply bypass protein to the duodenum of the ruminant animal.Keywords: amino acids, forage legumes, rumen degradabilit

    The Central Massachusetts Oral Health Initiative (CMOHI): a successful public-private community health collaboration

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    OBJECTIVES: The Central Massachusetts Oral Health Initiative (CMOHI) aimed to improve access to quality oral health care in central Massachusetts. METHODS: A broad-based public and private organization partnership with local and national funding created a steering committee to organize school administrators, community leaders, and a medical school to collaborate on five goals: advocate for changes in oral health policy, increase oral health care access, provide school-based dental services for underserved children, establish a Dental General Practice Residency, and educate medical professionals about oral health. RESULTS: A state legislative Oral Health Caucus helped secure sought-after policy improvements; more regional dentists now accept Medicaid; community health center capacity to provide dental services was expanded; school-based programs were designed and delivered needed dental services; a dental residency was created; and methods of educating medical professionals were established. CONCLUSIONS: Significant sustainable gains in oral health care access were created through our multifaceted approach, ongoing evaluation and communication, coordination of CMOHI partner resources, and collaboration with other involved parties