9 research outputs found

    The different traditional pre-slaughter handling methods for dogs at Jos south Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria

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    The consumption of dog meat has been reported in many countries of the world including Nigeria. Different pre-slaughter handling methods are commonly used prior to dog slaughter in many parts of the country including Plateau State. This study determined the frequency and reasons for the use of the various traditional preslaughter handling methods at the “Angwan Kare” Dog Market Jos. Relevant data were collected from 120 butchers interviewed randomly in groups of 20 for six consecutive days. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics. A total of 120 butchers were interviewed, 114 (95%) used the strangulation method of preslaughter handling. The suffocation method was used by 2 butchers with 1.7% as the overall use frequency. The stunning method was used by 4 butchers with 3.3% as the overall frequency of use. It is evident from this study that the strangulation method with frequency of 95% is the most used of the pre-slaughter handling methods. Dog butchers should be trained and taught proper pre-slaughter stunning techniques to enhance meat quality and dog welfare through the relief of pain, fear and suffering.Keywords: Dog, Frequency, Handling, Market, Pre-slaughte

    Fatal Outbreak of Eimeriosis in a Rabbitry In Ibadan, Nigeria

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    This report investigates an outbreak of coccidiosis in a rabbitry in Ibadan, Nigeria. The rabbits were raised in a commercial breeder rabbitry with a total stock of 700 rabbits. The duration of mortality was 5 days, with an average of 140 rabbits per day giving a total of 635 (85%) mortalities. Clinical signs, necropsy findings, cytological, Histopathological and confirmatory diagnosis were reported and discussed. This case report further showed that coccidiosis in rabbitry is still a serious problem which should be monitored and controlled

    Prevalence of parasitic gastrointestinal diseases of poultry diagnosed in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Jos, Nigeria

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    The adverse effects of parasitic gastrointestinal diseases on poultry production are enormous, especially where birds are kept under extensive or semi-intensive systems, but the diseases are rarely recognized as primary problems except during necropsy examinations. A two-year longitudinal cohort prospective study was conducted from October 2018 to September 2020 to determine the prevalence and diagnostic features of parasitic gastrointestinal diseases of poultry in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. A total of 2,989 cases were diagnosed over the study period, out of which 749 (25.1%) were parasitic gastrointestinal diseases. Protozoan gastrointestinal diseases were more prevalent among cases of parasitic gastrointestinal diseases with a total of 610 (81.4%), while gastrointestinal helminths had 139 (18.6%) cases. The prevalence of helminthiasis was more in the months of August, September, December, January and February, while gastrointestinal protozoan diseases were more in the months of April, May, June, July, October and November. Helminths species commonly diagnosed were Ascaridia galli (8.3%); Heterakis gallinarum (4.7%); Capillaria spp (1.9%); Tetramere spp. (0.5%), Gongylonema spp. (0.1%), Strongyloides avium (0.1%), Raillietina spp (1.5%), Hymenolepis carioca (1.1%) and Davainea spp. (0.4%). The intestinal protozoan parasites of poultry predominantly diagnosed were Eimeria spp. (78.0%) but Histomonas meleagridis (2.7%), Trichomonas spp (0.7%) and Hexamita spp. (0.1%) were also seen. It is concluded that the prevalence of parasitic gastrointestinal diseases of poultry was high and could be some of the leading causes of low productivity and mortality in the study area even in commercial poultry farms under intensive production systems. It is recommended that attention should be given to good litter management where birds are reared on the floor to prevent the multiplication of the developmental stages of the gastrointestinal parasites in the environment, as well as the adoption of other control strategies against parasitic gastrointestinal diseases of poultry

    Gross and histopathological diagnosis of intra-luminal vaginal leiomyoma in an 8-year-old Caucasian bitch: case report

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    Vaginal leiomyomas are uncommon tumours and they may originate from vaginal smooth muscles, local arterial musculature, bladder or urethral smooth muscles. An 8-year-old Caucasian bitch was presented with a round pendulous smooth solid mass of about 5cm in diameter at the junction between the vestibule and vagina. Two other similar smaller masses were seen on the vaginal wall (0.4-0.6cm in diameter). Histopathologically, abundant densely packed spindle cells of uniform size, indistinct cellular borders, eosinophilic cytoplasm, and elongate, blunt-ended (cigar shaped) nuclei were seen. The cells appeared grouped in broad interlacing fibres at angles of 90 degree in a herringbone pattern, typical of smooth muscle tissue. In-depth examination of the reproductive tract should be carried out to avoid missing valuable diagnostic information that could help in proper intervention

    Biliary cystadenoma in an 8-year-old Caucasian bitch

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    Biliary cystadenoma is reported in an 8-year-old female Caucasian dog diagnosed by gross and microscopic examination. The gross lesion observed during postmortem examination on the liver was a 3Ă—2cm cream-coloured raised nodule that extended into the parenchyma and another 2Ă—4cm cyst filled with mucoid fluid. Histopathology showed multiloculated cysts lined by columnar and occasionally flattened epithelial cells, with papillary projections into the lumens. These findings are discussed in the paper

    Outbreak and management of Salmonella Enteritidis infection in 2-week-old Lohmann brown pullets

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    Avian salmonellosis has huge economic and public health impact. In this manuscript, a case of S. Enteritidis and its management within Jos Metropolis was reported. Fiftythree carcasses of 2-weeks old pullets were presented at the poultry and fish clinic of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Jos, Nigeria for investigation. There was persistent mortality despite 5 days medication with 20% Enrofloxacin (Floxinor®, Shijiazhuang Guanghua Pharmaceutical co. Ltd, Hebei, China). Cumulative mortality within 14 days was 203 birds in a flock of 4,000. Necropsy was done and harvested were subjected to microbial analysis for bacterial isolation, identification and antibiotic susceptibility test while portions of these organs were preserved in 10% formalin for histopathology. Necropsy findings were empty crops, hepatitis with petechial hemorrhages, nephritis, congested and consolidated lungs, peritonitis, congested spleens and mild enteritis. Histologically, there were vacuolation and necrosis of renal tubular epithelia cells and interstitial infiltration with heterophils. Severe disorganization of hepatic cords, infiltration with inflammatory cells and mild necrosis of hepatocytes were observed, while there was severe congestion and diffuse hemorrhages in the lungs. Cellular infiltration within the lamina propria of small intestine with stunting and blunting of the villi were observed. Organism isolated on MacConkey agar was identified as Salmonella Enteritidis. Antibiotic susceptibility test showed the organism to be most susceptible to Streptomycin, which was administered via drinking water at dosage of 40mg/kg with good recovery of the flock. It was concluded that the occurrence of Salmonella Enteritidis infection in this flock might be from the hatchery or via ingestion of contaminated feed and water. Day old chicks should be screened for Salmonella infection and strict biosecurity should be instituted on poultry farms. Keywords: Mortality, Necrosis, Pullets, Salmonella Enteritidis, streptomyci

    Retrospective analysis of cutaneous abscess in cattle, goats and pigs slaughtered at the Jos abattoir, Nigeria

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    Food animals slaughtered in developing countries especially in Nigeria have shown prevalence of abscess which is linked to poor animal husbandry. This condition affects the performance of animals hence decreasing their productivity. Secondary data on abscess in cattle, goats and pigs were extracted from the Jos Abattoir record book for a period of five years. Five hundred and ninety-two (1.8%) animals from a total of 33,637 animals slaughtered had abscess. Pigs had more abscess (3.5%) than cattle (3.3%) and goats (1.4%), respectively. Yearly distribution of this condition revealed peak prevalence in all species in 2014.Keywords: Abattoir, Abscess, Cattle, Goats, Pigs, Slaughte

    Polymelia, vent duplex, cloacal bursa duplex and triple caeca in a broiler chick

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    Congenital abnormalities are common among avian and mammalian species. They could be partial or total drift from the normal structural organization of the organ-systems. This article is aimed at reporting the occurrence of multiple abnormalities in a 3-week-old broiler chick. Ante mortem, post-mortem, radiological and osteological investigations were carried out, to ascertain the number and form of abnormalities present in the chick. A total of four different congenital abnormalities were discovered in this chick. These include: polymelia (presence of supernumerary or accessory limb which is usually malformed); double vents (vent duplex); double cloacal bursae (bursa duplex) and triple caeca. Radiological and postmortem examinations revealed the attachment of the accessory limb to the caudal depressor muscle as a form of synsarcosis, via a tendon that originated from the deep fossa of the modified femoral head of the accessory limb. The right vent was patent whereas the left was not. The two cloacal bursae were almost the same size, while the three caeca showed slight variation in length but typical features of the avian caecum (base, middle (body) and apex) were clearly visible. However, most cases of congenital anomalies in the avian species occur as multiple defects, with the most common being polymelia. The latest finding in this report is the discovery of double cloacal bursae (bursae of Fabricius), which has not been reported in the avian species

    Mortality of Clarias gariepinus caused by Aeromonas caviae and nitrite toxicity in a fish farm

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    In Nigeria, farming of freshwater fish, mainly that of Clarias gariepinus has gained prominence as means of improved protein supply and livelihood. Many farmers suffer untold losses in their bid to make a living from commercial fish production. Among the major causes of infectious disease outbreaks in fish farms are pathogenic bacteria of the genus Aeromonas. This is a case report of outbreak of Aeromonas caviae infection complicated by nitrite toxicity in Clarias gariepinus. Carcasses of 17 African catfish juveniles and two water samples were presented to the poultry and fish clinic of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Jos for investigation. The fishes had been on medication (Fish cure antibiotic +®) for over 5 days with cumulative mortality of 230 out of 2,500 fishes (9.2 %). Necropsy was conducted and samples were taken for microbial analysis and histopathology while water samples were subjected to chemical analysis. Gross lesions were broken barbels, cutaneous depigmentation, branchial pallor, ascites, renal and splenic congestion. Histologically, there was dissociation of hepatic cords, necrosis of hepatocytes with vacuolation and mononuclear cellular infiltrations. Also, there was renal tubular epithelial necrosis with mononuclear and heterophilic infiltration while micro abscesses were observed in the brain. Marked Zenker’s necrosis and edema were seen in the skeletal muscles. Organism isolated from livers and kidneys was identified as Aeromonas caviae and was susceptible to enrofloxacin, furaltadone and florfenicol. Nitrite in fish pond water was 1mg/L. Bath medication with enrofloxacin at 33mg/litre of water for 6 hours treatment per day was done to reduce the mortality. The farmer was advised to change the source of water for the fish pond immediately. It is recommended that to avoid losses in fish farming, farmers should check the quality of water intended for use on fish farms and ensure early health check on fingerlings purchased for rearing