4 research outputs found

    Survival Analysis of Adult Cardiac Patients and Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease Risk factors: A Case study of Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Ethiopia

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    Background:Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the world.  Although a large proportion of CVDs is preventable, they continue to be a burden in hospital mainly because preventive measures are inadequate. This research is aimed to study the survival analysis of cardiac patients and prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors.Methods: The data for this study was collected from Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Jimma, Ethiopia. All cardiac patients who were greater than 15 years of age in cardiac follow up unit between 1st January 2010 and 1st January 2012 was included in the study.Results: The study shows that among 342 CVD s patients, 175 (51.2%) were male while 167 (48.8%) were female. The findings discovered prevalence of various risk factors in the study population. The prevalence of smoking cigarette (15.8%), chew kchat (18.1%), alcohol (12.3%),184(53.8%) regular base line pulse rate and 158(46.2%) irregular base line pulse rate, 321(93.9%) of negative diabetic mellitus and 21(6.1%) positive diabetic mellitus observed. Conclusion: Baseline pulse rate, diabetic mellitus and hypertension have an impact on the life status of patients because they more associated with survival status. So after the diagnosis patients with Baseline pulse rate, diabetic mellitus and hypertension should get enough treatment. Key words: Cardiovascular Disease, Survival Analysis, Prevalenc

    Operative Deliveries: Indications and Post operative Complications at Mattu Karl Hospital, Oromia Regional State, south west Ethiopia

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    Introduction: The normal mechanism of labour leads to spontaneous vaginal delivery in many mothers. Under some circumstances cesarean section, vacuum assisted, use of forceps and destructive deliveries are helpful interventions in saving the lives of the mother and the new born. There is paucity of information on complication of operative deliveries and indications at Mattu Karl Hospital Objective: The main objective of this study is to determine the proportion, indications and postoperative complications of operative deliveries in Mattu Karl hospital. Methods: The records of all mothers who delivered operatively and with cards of full information during the period from January 2011 to Jan2013 were reviewed using pre-prepared checklist. Binary Logistic regression analysis was used to see the statistical association of the variables. The significant factors were declared at p-value <0.05. Result: Out of the total 3346 deliveries during the study period there were 984 (29.4%) operative deliveries. Among 727 (73.9%) were cesarean section, vacuum 190(21.7%), Forceps 45(1.3%) and Destructive delivery 22(0.65%).The main indications for cesarean section were caphalopelvic disproportion 257 (26.1%). Mothers Who had malpresentation as an indication of operative deliveries are 65% less likely to have bad maternal outcome  as compared to caphalopelvic disproportion  with AOR: 0.35, 95% CI (0.144-0.856). Conclusion: prolonged second stage & HDP of labour were major factors associated with immediate neonatal outcome. All stake holders should work to reduce high maternal mortality and morbidity rates by increasing ANC antenatal care follow up. Keywords: Operative deliveries, Mattu Karl hospital, maternal outcome, fetal outcom

    Joint Modeling of Longitudinal Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure Measurements of Hypertensive Patients Receiving Treatment

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    Hypertension is a chronic disease that has a major health problem over thecenturies due to its signicant contribution to the global health burden. Itis also called high blood pressure, described by two numbers Systolic bloodpressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Hence, joint longitudinalmodel was used to address how the evolution of SBP is associated with theevolution of DBP. The objective was to investigate the joint evolution andassociation of SBP and DBP measurements of hypertensive patients andidentify the potential risk factors aecting the two end points. In this thisstudy 354 hypertensive patients with age greater than or equal to 18 years,who were on treatment, and who had measured at least three times wereincluded. For a close examination of the separate and joint models, rst, eachof the outcomes was analyzed separately using linear mixed model. Then,a joint model was considered to study the joint evolution and identify thepotential risk factors aecting the two end points. Fit statistics showed thatthe joint model resulted in better t to the data than the separate models.Based on the joint model, sex, baseline age, and place of residence were thesignicant factors for the progression of blood pressure, while family historyand all the interaction term except age by time did not appear signicant.The result from the joint model suggested a strong association between theevolutions and a slowly increasing evolution of the association between SBPand DBP

    Predictors of time to first symptomatic recovery of major depressive disordered patients: a case study at Jimma University Medical Center

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    Abstract Background Major Depressive Disorder is one of the most common mental disorders, and it is the main cause of disability worldwide with a prevalence ranging from 7 to 21%. Objective The goal of this study was to predict the time it took for patients with severe depressive disorders at Jimma University Medical Center to experience their initial symptomatic recovery. Study design The researchers utilized a prospective study design. Methods Patients with major depressive disorder were followed up on at Jimma University Medical Center from September 2018 to August 2020 for this study. The Gamma and Inverse Gaussian frailty distributions were employed with Weibull, Log-logistic, and Log-normal as baseline hazard functions. Akaike Information Criteria were used to choose the best model for describing the data. Results This study comprised 366 patients, with 54.1% of them experiencing their first symptomatic recovery from a severe depressive disorder. The median time from the onset of symptoms to symptomatic recovery was 7 months. In the study area, there was a clustering effect in terms of time to first symptomatic recovery from major depressive disorder. According to the Log-normal Inverse-Gaussian frailty model, marital status, chewing khat, educational status, work status, substance addiction, and other co-variables were significant predictors of major depressive disorder (p-value < 0.05). Conclusion The best model for describing the time to the first symptomatic recovery of major depressive disorder is the log-normal Inverse-Gaussian frailty model. Being educated and working considerably were the variables that reduces the time to first symptomatic recovery from major depressive disorder; whereas being divorced, chewing khat, substance abused and other co-factors were the variables that significantly extends the time to first symptomatic recovery