56 research outputs found

    The genome evolution and domestication of tropical fruit mango

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    Background: Mango is one of the world’s most important tropical fruits. It belongs to the family Anacardiaceae, which includes several other economically important species, notably cashew, sumac and pistachio from other genera. Many species in this family produce family-specific urushiols and related phenols, which can induce contact dermatitis. Results: We generate a chromosome-scale genome assembly of mango, providing a reference genome for the Anacardiaceae family. Our results indicate the occurrence of a recent whole-genome duplication (WGD) event in mango. Duplicated genes preferentially retained include photosynthetic, photorespiration, and lipid metabolic genes that may have provided adaptive advantages to sharp historical decreases in atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperatures. A notable example of an extended gene family is the chalcone synthase (CHS) family of genes, and particular genes in this family show universally higher expression in peels than in flesh, likely for the biosynthesis of urushiols and related phenols. Genome resequencing reveals two distinct groups of mango varieties, with commercial varieties clustered with India germplasms and demonstrating allelic admixture, and indigenous varieties from Southeast Asia in the second group. Landraces indigenous in China formed distinct clades, and some showed admixture in genomes. Conclusions: Analysis of chromosome-scale mango genome sequences reveals photosynthesis and lipid metabolism are preferentially retained after a recent WGD event, and expansion of CHS genes is likely associated with urushiol biosynthesis in mango. Genome resequencing clarifies two groups of mango varieties, discovers allelic admixture in commercial varieties, and shows distinct genetic background of landraces

    The genome evolution and domestication of tropical fruit mango

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    Background: Mango is one of the world’s most important tropical fruits. It belongs to the family Anacardiaceae, which includes several other economically important species, notably cashew, sumac and pistachio from other genera. Many species in this family produce family-specific urushiols and related phenols, which can induce contact dermatitis. Results: We generate a chromosome-scale genome assembly of mango, providing a reference genome for the Anacardiaceae family. Our results indicate the occurrence of a recent whole-genome duplication (WGD) event in mango. Duplicated genes preferentially retained include photosynthetic, photorespiration, and lipid metabolic genes that may have provided adaptive advantages to sharp historical decreases in atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperatures. A notable example of an extended gene family is the chalcone synthase (CHS) family of genes, and particular genes in this family show universally higher expression in peels than in flesh, likely for the biosynthesis of urushiols and related phenols. Genome resequencing reveals two distinct groups of mango varieties, with commercial varieties clustered with India germplasms and demonstrating allelic admixture, and indigenous varieties from Southeast Asia in the second group. Landraces indigenous in China formed distinct clades, and some showed admixture in genomes. Conclusions: Analysis of chromosome-scale mango genome sequences reveals photosynthesis and lipid metabolism are preferentially retained after a recent WGD event, and expansion of CHS genes is likely associated with urushiol biosynthesis in mango. Genome resequencing clarifies two groups of mango varieties, discovers allelic admixture in commercial varieties, and shows distinct genetic background of landraces

    Space advanced technology demonstration satellite

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    The Space Advanced Technology demonstration satellite (SATech-01), a mission for low-cost space science and new technology experiments, organized by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was successfully launched into a Sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of similar to 500 km on July 27, 2022, from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre. Serving as an experimental platform for space science exploration and the demonstration of advanced common technologies in orbit, SATech-01 is equipped with 16 experimental payloads, including the solar upper transition region imager (SUTRI), the lobster eye imager for astronomy (LEIA), the high energy burst searcher (HEBS), and a High Precision Magnetic Field Measurement System based on a CPT Magnetometer (CPT). It also incorporates an imager with freeform optics, an integrated thermal imaging sensor, and a multi-functional integrated imager, etc. This paper provides an overview of SATech-01, including a technical description of the satellite and its scientific payloads, along with their on-orbit performance

    Multi-Automated Guided Vehicles Conflict-Free Path Planning for Packaging Workshop Based on Grid Time Windows

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    In order to solve the problem of multi-AGV path planning in a packaging workshop, this paper proposes a multi-AGV path-planning method based on time windows. A grid method is selected to build a map model. A penalty function is added to the A* algorithm to reduce the number of invalid turns made by AGVs during transportation. The AGV priorities are set according to the differences in AGV transport states. At the same time, the raster time window method is used to describe the five types of conflict that may occur in the process of multi-AGV transport. Combined with the AGV priorities, a multi-AGV anti-collision strategy is provided to realize the conflict-free path planning of multiple AGVs. The algorithm’s effectiveness was verified by simulation, and a reasonable quantity of AGVs was proposed based on AGV sensitivity analysis. The improved A* algorithm combined with the time window method can realize multi-AGV collision-free transportation and improve the efficiency and reliability of multi-AGV transportation

    A feature selection method with feature ranking using genetic programming

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    Feature selection is a data processing method which aims to select effective feature subsets from original features. Feature selection based on evolutionary computation (EC) algorithms can often achieve better classification performance because of their global search ability. However, feature selection methods using EC cannot get rid of invalid features effectively. A small number of invalid features still exist till the termination of the algorithms. In this paper, a feature selection method using genetic programming (GP) combined with feature ranking (FRFS) is proposed. It is assumed that the more the original features appear in the GP individuals' terminal nodes, the more valuable these features are. To further decrease the number of selected features, FRFS using a multi-criteria fitness function which is named as MFRFS is investigated. Experiments on 15 datasets show that FRFS can obtain higher classification performance with smaller number of features compared with the feature selection method without feature ranking. MFRFS further reduces the number of features while maintaining the classification performance compared with FRFS. Comparisons with five benchmark techniques show that MFRFS can achieve better classification performance

    Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling for optimal dosage prediction of olaparib when co-administered with CYP3A4 modulators and in patients with hepatic/renal impairment

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    Abstract This study aimed to develop a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model to predict the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and trough concentration (Ctrough) at steady-state of olaparib (OLA) in Caucasian, Japanese and Chinese. Furthermore, the PBPK model was combined with mean and 95% confidence interval to predict optimal dosing regimens of OLA when co-administered with CYP3A4 modulators and administered to patients with hepatic/renal impairment. The dosing regimens were determined based on safety and efficacy PK threshold Cmax (< 12,500 ng/mL) and Ctrough (772–2500 ng/mL). The population PBPK model for OLA was successfully developed and validated, demonstrating good consistency with clinically observed data. The ratios of predicted to observed values for Cmax and Ctrough fell within the range of 0.5 to 2.0. When OLA was co-administered with a strong or moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor, the recommended dosing regimens should be reduced to 100 mg BID and 150 mg BID, respectively. Additionally, the PBPK model also suggested that OLA could be not recommended with a strong or moderate CYP3A4 inducer. For patients with moderate hepatic and renal impairment, the dosing regimens of OLA were recommended to be reduced to 200 mg BID and 150 mg BID, respectively. In cases of severe hepatic and renal impairment, the PBPK model suggested a dosing regimen of 100 mg BID for OLA. Overall, this present PBPK model can determine the optimal dosing regimens for various clinical scenarios involving OLA

    Effect of Adjuvants on the Wetting Behaviors of Bifenthrin Droplets on Tea Leaves

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    The hydrophobic epicuticle wax on fresh leaves of tea tree (Camellia sinensis (L.) 0. Kuntze) leads to the loss of pesticide droplets, reducing efficacy. In this study, four adjuvants were selected to improve the diffusion and adhesion of bifenthrin droplets on the surface of tea leaves at different growth stages. The coupling effect of bifenthrin and adjuvants on the time-dependent and concentration-dependent wettability of droplets was investigated, and the difference in the wettability between bud and leaf was explained by observing the surface morphology. It was found that adjuvants effectively reduced the contact angle of droplets and accelerated the diffusion speed, and the above phenomenon became obvious with the increase in the adjuvant concentration. The wetting promotion of young leaves was more significant due to the reduced epicuticle wax and the greater roughness compared with fresh buds. The surface tension of the pesticide mixture was negatively correlated with the cosine of contact angle after adding the four adjuvants regardless of the growth stage of tea leaves. The contact angle of 0.2% Silwet L-77 decreased to 0° within 10 s, but the extreme wettability led to the decrease in adhesion with the increase in concentration. However, the wettability and adhesion on the surface of tea leaves were simultaneously suitable with more than 0.1% nonionic surfactant. The minimum concentration of the optimal adjuvant proposed in this study can provide an experimental basis and guide more efficient plant protection in tea gardens
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