194 research outputs found

    Removal Effects on Nitrogen, Phosphorus and COD in Water Body of Shanghu Lake Ecological Wetland in Taihu Lake Watershed

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    AbstractShanghu ecological lake wetland is mostly made up of woody plants. So far, its removal effects on nitrogen and phosphorus are unknown. The removal effects on TN, TP, AmmN and COD in wastewater of Shanghu lake wetland were studied from July, 2008 to May, 2009. The relationship between removal effects on pollutants and temperatures of water body was studied too.192 samples were collected from input point, output point, and 6 points in water body. The results show that the wetland has always a good removal effect on TN, TP and AmmN under different water temperature, the water temperature has influence on removal effects to various extents. First report to removal effects on nitrogen and phosphorus of Shanghu lake wetland and woody plants wetland in China

    Bonding Characteristics of Cold Sprayed Copper Coating on Alumina Coated Q235 Steel Substrate

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    Cold spraying metallic coatings on ceramics (Ceramics Metallizing) are widely concerned in electrical industry due to its high density, low oxidation and high electrical conductivity. However, the bonding reliability of cold spraying coating on ceramics is usually considered to be poor since the metal particles don’t experience melting. The present paper is to exam the bonding quality of a cold spraying copper coating on a thermal sprayed alumina layer influenced by ceramics roughness and copper particle hardness. Pure copper coatings were successfully deposited on Al2O3 coated Q235 steel substrate with different roughness by cold spraying at 260 ℃ and 1.6 MPa using different hardness pure copper powders. The bonding quality and characteristics were studied by analyzing the surface, the cross-sectional microstructure of the coating and its interface after pull-off test. The results indicate that the high bonding quality (ranging from 8.26 MPa to 11.35 MPa) between copper coating and Al2O3 layer attributes to both metallurgical and interlock effect, which is mainly influenced by the hardness of the copper powders instead of Al2O3 surface roughness. The soft character of the pure copper powder makes it ready for deformation, subsequently interlocks with Al2O3, fills into the pores more completely, which increases the bonding quality between the copper coating and the Al2O3 layer

    De novo sequencing and comparative transcriptome analysis of white petals and red labella in Phalaenopsis for discovery of genes related to flower color and floral differentation

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    Phalaenopsis is one of the world’s most popular and important epiphytic monopodial orchids. The extraordinary floral diversity of Phalaenopsis is a reflection of its evolutionary success. As a consequence of this diversity, and of the complexity of flower color development in Phalaenopsis, this species is a valuable research material for developmental biology studies. Nevertheless, research on the molecular mechanisms underlying flower color and floral organ formation in Phalaenopsis is still in the early phases. In this study, we generated large amounts of data from Phalaenopsis flowers by combining Illumina sequencing with differentially expressed gene (DEG) analysis. We obtained 37 723 and 34 020 unigenes from petals and labella, respectively. A total of 2736 DEGs were identified, and the functions of many DEGs were annotated by BLAST-searching against several public databases. We mapped 837 up-regulated DEGs (432 from petals and 405 from labella) to 102 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways. Almost all pathways were represented in both petals (102 pathways) and labella (99 pathways). DEGs involved in energy metabolism were significantly differentially distributed between labella and petals, and various DEGs related to flower color and floral differentiation were found in the two organs. Interestingly, we also identified genes encoding several key enzymes involved in carotenoid synthesis. These genes were differentially expressed between petals and labella, suggesting that carotenoids may influence Phalaenopsis flower color. We thus conclude that a combination of anthocyanins and/or carotenoids determine flower color formation in Phalaenopsis. These results broaden our understanding of the mechanisms controlling flower color and floral organ differentiation in Phalaenopsis and other orchids

    De novo sequencing and comparative transcriptome analysis of white petals and red labella in Phalaenopsis for discovery of genes related to flower color and floral differentation

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    Phalaenopsis is one of the world’s most popular and important epiphytic monopodial orchids. The extraordinary floral diversity of Phalaenopsis is a reflection of its evolutionary success. As a consequence of this diversity, and of the complexity of flower color development in Phalaenopsis, this species is a valuable research material for developmental biology studies. Nevertheless, research on the molecular mechanisms underlying flower color and floral organ formation in Phalaenopsis is still in the early phases. In this study, we generated large amounts of data from Phalaenopsis flowers by combining Illumina sequencing with differentially expressed gene (DEG) analysis. We obtained 37 723 and 34 020 unigenes from petals and labella, respectively. A total of 2736 DEGs were identified, and the functions of many DEGs were annotated by BLAST-searching against several public databases. We mapped 837 up-regulated DEGs (432 from petals and 405 from labella) to 102 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways. Almost all pathways were represented in both petals (102 pathways) and labella (99 pathways). DEGs involved in energy metabolism were significantly differentially distributed between labella and petals, and various DEGs related to flower color and floral differentiation were found in the two organs. Interestingly, we also identified genes encoding several key enzymes involved in carotenoid synthesis. These genes were differentially expressed between petals and labella, suggesting that carotenoids may influence Phalaenopsis flower color. We thus conclude that a combination of anthocyanins and/or carotenoids determine flower color formation in Phalaenopsis. These results broaden our understanding of the mechanisms controlling flower color and floral organ differentiation in Phalaenopsis and other orchids

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Pengembangan Karir, Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan (Diklat) Terhadap Knerja Pegawai Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan

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    . The success of the organization in achieving its goals supported by factors internaland external to the organization, where the internal side of the organization should be get firstattention to achieve maximum performance. This study aims to determine the effect ofcompetency, career development and training on employee performance of the DirectorateGeneral of Fiscal Balance, Ministry of Finance. The method used is descriptive quantitative.The data used are primary data collected by questionnaire and also secondary data. Thepopulation in this study were all employees as many as 387 people. The samples are taken byrandom sampling technique, using the Slovin‟s formula to take 80 people for samples. Thevariables in this study consisted of independent variables that are competency, careerdevelopment and training, while the dependent variable is the performance of employees. Thevariable measured with Likert Scale and hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression byusing t test and F test.Results of this study concluded that: 1) in partially competency hadpositive and significant impact on employee performance; 2) in partially career developmentprovide uneffect on employee performance; 3) in partially training had positive andsignificant impact on employee performance; and 4) in simultaneously competency, careerdevelopment and training have positive and significant impact on employee performance.Competency is the most influence variable on employee performance

    Improving genomic predictions by correction of genotypes from genotyping by sequencing in livestock populations

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    Abstract Background Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) is a robust method to genotype markers. Many factors can influence the genotyping quality. One is that heterozygous genotypes could be wrongly genotyped as homozygotes, dependent on the genotyping depths. In this study, a method correcting this type of genotyping error was demonstrated. The efficiency of this correction method and its effect on genomic prediction were assessed using simulated data of livestock populations. Results Chip array (Chip) and four depths of GBS data was simulated. After quality control (call rate ≥ 0.8 and MAF ≥ 0.01), the remaining number of Chip and GBS SNPs were both approximately 7,000, averaged over 10 replicates. GBS genotypes were corrected with the proposed method. The reliability of genomic prediction was calculated using GBS, corrected GBS (GBSc), true genotypes for the GBS loci (GBSr) and Chip data. The results showed that GBSc had higher rates of correct genotype calls and higher correlations with true genotypes than GBS. For genomic prediction, using Chip data resulted in the highest reliability. As the depth increased to 10, the prediction reliabilities using GBS and GBSc data approached those using true GBS data. The reliabilities of genomic prediction using GBSc data were 0.604, 0.672, 0.684 and 0.704 after genomic correction, with the improved values of 0.013, 0.009, 0.006 and 0.001 at depth = 2, 4, 5 and 10, respectively. Conclusions The current study showed that a correction method for GBS data increased the genotype accuracies and, consequently, improved genomic predictions. These results suggest that a correction of GBS genotype is necessary, especially for the GBS data with low depths

    Characterization of ultra-deeply buried middle Triassic Leikoupo marine carbonate petroleum system (!) in the Western Sichuan depression, China

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    Ultra-deeply buried (>5000 m) marine carbonate reservoirs have gradually become important exploration targets. This research focuses on providing an understanding of the basic elements of the ultra-deeply buried Middle Triassic Leikoupo marine carbonate petroleum system within the Western Sichuan Depression, China. Comprehensive analyses of organic geochemistry, natural gas, and C–H–He–Ne–Ar isotope compositions suggest that the reservoir is charged with compound gases from four source rock units including the Permian Longtan, Middle Triassic Leikoupo, Late Triassic Maantang and Xiaotangzi formations. Approximately a 50-m thick outcrop and 100-m length of drilling cores were examined in detail, and 108 samples were collected from six different exploration wells in order to conduct petrographic and petrophysical analyses. Thin-section and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations, helium porosity and permeability measurements, mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) analysis, and wire-line logging (5,500–6,900 m) indicate that the reservoir lithologies include argillaceous algal limestones, dolograinstones, crystalline dolostones, and microbially-derived stromatolitic and thrombolitic dolostones. Reservoir properties exhibit extreme heterogeneity due to different paleogeographic environmental controls and mutual interactions between constructive (e.g., epigenetic paleo-karstification, burial dissolution, structural movement, pressure-solution and dolomitization) and destructive (e.g., physical/chemical compaction, cementation, infilling, recrystallization, and replacement) diagenetic processes. An unconformity-related epigenetic karstification zone was identified in the uppermost fourth member of the Leikoupo Formation, which has developed secondary solution-enhanced pores, vugs, and holes that resulted in higher porosity (1.8–14.2%) and permeability (0.2–7.7 mD). The homogeneity and tightness of the reservoir increases with depth below the unconformity, and it is characterized by primary intergranular and intracrystalline pores, solution pores, fractures, stylolites, and micropores with a lower helium porosity (0.6–4.1%) and permeability (0.003–125.2 mD). Regional seals consist of the Late Triassic Xujiahe Formation, comprised of ~300 m of mudstones that are overlain by ~5,000-m thick of Jurassic to Quaternary continental argillaceous overburden rocks. Effective traps are dominated by a combination of structural-stratigraphic types. Paleo- reservoir crude oil cracking, wet-gases, and dry-gases from three successive hydrocarbon generation processes supplied the sufficient hydrocarbon resources. The homogenization temperatures of the hydrocarbon-associated aqueous fluid inclusions range from 98–130 °C and 130–171 °C, which suggests hydrocarbon charging occurred between 220–170 Ma and 130–90 Ma, respectively. One-dimensional basin evolution models combined with structural geologic and seismic profiles across wells PZ1-XQS1-CK1-XCS1-TS1 show that hydrocarbon migration and entrapment mainly occurred via the unconformity and interconnected fault-fracture networks with migration and charging driven by formation overpressure, abnormal fluid flow pressure, and buoyancy forces during the Indosinian and Yanshanian orogenies, with experiencing additional transformation occurring during the Himalayan orogeny. The predicted estimated reserves reached ~300 × 109 m3. The results provide excellent scientific implications for similar sedimentary basin studies, it is believed that abundant analogous deeply buried marine carbonate hydrocarbon resources yet to be discovered in China and elsewhere worldwide in the near future

    Postpartum depression in mothers and fathers: a structural equation model

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    open access articleBackground Post-partum depression (PPD) is a growing mental health concern worldwide. There is little evidence in the Chinese context of the relationship between paternal PPD and maternal PPD. Given the growing global concerns this relationship requires further exploration. Methods A survey was conducted with 950 total couples from March 2017 to December 2018. The study was conducted using a standardized questionnaire that included basic demographic information, information on the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, marital satisfaction (both maternal and paternal), and PPD symptoms. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis was used to explore the underlying mechanism for PPD symptoms in mothers and fathers. Results In 4.4% of the couples both the wife and the husband showed depressive symptoms. Maternal marital satisfaction showed a significant mediating effect on paternal PPD (B = -0.114, p < 0.01), and there was a direct effect of maternal PPD on paternal PPD (B = 0.31, p < 0.001). Conclusions This is the first study to investigate the possible correlation between maternal PPD, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship satisfaction, maternal marital satisfaction, paternal marital satisfaction, and paternal PPD. It is important for future PPD interventions to target both maternal and paternal mental health, as well as the mechanisms identified that can lead to PPD

    NLRP3 Inflammasome Promotes the Progression of Acute Myeloid Leukemia via IL-1β Pathway

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    NLRP3 inflammasome has been reported to be associated with the pathogenesis of multiple solid tumors. However, the role of NLRP3 inflammasome in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) remains unclear. We showed that NLRP3 inflammasome is over-expressed and highly activated in AML bone marrow leukemia cells, which is correlated with poor prognosis. The activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in AML cells promotes leukemia cells proliferation, inhibits apoptosis and increases resistance to chemotherapy, while inactivation of NLRP3 by caspase-1 or NF-κB inhibitor shows leukemia-suppressing effects. Bayesian networks analysis and cell co-culture tests further suggest that NLRP3 inflammasome acts through IL-1β but not IL-18 in AML. Knocking down endogenous IL-1β or anti-IL-1β antibody inhibits leukemia cells whereas IL-1β cytokine enhances leukemia proliferation. In AML murine model, up-regulation of NLRP3 increases the leukemia burden in bone marrow, spleen and liver, and shortens the survival time; furthermore, knocking out NLRP3 inhibits leukemia progression. Collectively, all these evidences demonstrate that NLRP3 inflammasome promotes AML progression in an IL-1β dependent manner, and targeting NLRP3 inflammasome may provide a novel therapeutic option for AML
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