142 research outputs found
Computation of Sound Propagation by Boundary Element Method
This report documents the development of a Boundary Element Method (BEM) code for the computation of sound propagation in uniform mean flows. The basic formulation and implementation follow the standard BEM methodology; the convective wave equation and the boundary conditions on the surfaces of the bodies in the flow are formulated into an integral equation and the method of collocation is used to discretize this equation into a matrix equation to be solved numerically. New features discussed here include the formulation of the additional terms due to the effects of the mean flow and the treatment of the numerical singularities in the implementation by the method of collocation. The effects of mean flows introduce terms in the integral equation that contain the gradients of the unknown, which is undesirable if the gradients are treated as additional unknowns, greatly increasing the sizes of the matrix equation, or if numerical differentiation is used to approximate the gradients, introducing numerical error in the computation. It is shown that these terms can be reformulated in terms of the unknown itself, making the integral equation very similar to the case without mean flows and simple for numerical implementation. To avoid asymptotic analysis in the treatment of numerical singularities in the method of collocation, as is conventionally done, we perform the surface integrations in the integral equation by using sub-triangles so that the field point never coincide with the evaluation points on the surfaces. This simplifies the formulation and greatly facilitates the implementation. To validate the method and the code, three canonic problems are studied. They are respectively the sound scattering by a sphere, the sound reflection by a plate in uniform mean flows and the sound propagation over a hump of irregular shape in uniform flows. The first two have analytical solutions and the third is solved by the method of Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA), all of which are used to compare the BEM solutions. The comparisons show very good agreements and validate the accuracy of the BEM approach implemented here
Far Term Noise Reduction Roadmap for the NASA D8 and Single-Aisle Tube-And-Wing Aircraft Concepts
A portfolio of noise reduction technologies is applied to two advanced single-aisle class vehicle concepts in order to evaluate the prospects for these aircraft to meet the NASA Far Term noise goals, beyond 2035. TheNASAD8 (ND8) aircraft is an unconventional configuration with boundary-layer ingesting engines mounted in the aft dorsal location. The 160-passenger tube-and-wing (TW160) aircraft is a conventional configuration with podded engines located under the wing, which represents an incremental evolution of current design philosophies. The noise reduction technologies were chosen to be compatible with each aircrafts specific configuration requirements. The acoustic effects were predicted based on experimental and numerical studies, andwere incorporated into the prediction of total system noise usingNASAs research-level Aircraft NOise Prediction Program (ANOPP-Research). Results suggest that the unfavorable Propulsion Airframe Aeroacoustic (PAA) effects of the two aircraft considered here significantly limit their prospects of meeting NASAs Far Term noise goal, and that further development of the technology portfolio is key to ensuring future success in addressing the noise challenges for single-aisle class vehicles
Far Term Noise Reduction Technology Roadmap for a Large Twin-Aisle Tube-And-Wing Subsonic Transport
Interest in unconventional aircraft architectures has steadily increased over the past several decades. However, each of these concepts has several technical challenges to overcome before maturing to the point of commercial acceptance. In the interim, it is important to identify any technologies that will enhance the noise reduction of conventional tube-and-wing aircraft. A technology roadmap with an assumed acoustic technology level of a 2035 entry into service is established for a large twin-aisle, tube-and-wing architecture to identify which technologies provide the most noise reduction. The noise reduction potential of the architecture relative to NASA noise goals is also assessed. The current roadmap estimates only a 30 EPNdB cumulative margin to Stage 4 for this configuration of a tube-and-wing aircraft with engines under the wing. This falls short of reaching even the 2025 Mid Term NASA goal (32 EPNdB) in the Far Term time frame. Specifically, the lack of additional technologies to reduce the aft fan noise and the corresponding installation effects is the key limitation of the noise reduction potential of the aircraft. Under the same acoustic technology assumptions, unconventional architectures are shown to offer an 810 EPNdB benefit from favorable relative placement of the engine when integrated to the airframe
Noise and Fuel Burn Reduction Potential of an Innovative Subsonic Transport Configuration
A study is presented for the noise and fuel burn reduction potential of an innovative double deck concept aircraft with two three-shaft direct-drive turbofan engines. The engines are mounted from the fuselage so that the engine inlet is over the main wing. It is shown that such an aircraft can achieve a cumulative Effective Perceived Noise Level (EPNL) about 28 dB below the current aircraft noise regulations of Stage 4. The combination of high bypass ratio engines and advanced wing design with laminar flow control technologies provide fuel burn reduction and low noise levels simultaneously. For example, the fuselage mounted engine position provides more than 4 EPNLdB of noise reduction by shielding the inlet radiated noise. To identify the potential effect of noise reduction technologies on this concept, parametric studies are presented to reveal the system level benefits of various emerging noise reduction concepts, for both engine and airframe noise reduction. These concepts are discussed both individually to show their respective incremental noise reduction potential and collectively to assess their aggregate effects on the total noise. Through these concepts approximately about 8 dB of additional noise reduction is possible, bringing the cumulative noise level of this aircraft to 36 EPNLdB below Stage 4, if the entire suite of noise reduction technologies would mature to practical application. In a final step, an estimate is made for this same aircraft concept but with higher bypass ratio, geared, turbofan engines. With this geared turbofan propulsion system, the noise is estimated to reach as low as 40-42 dB below Stage 4 with a fuel burn reduction of 43-47% below the 2005 best-in-class aircraft baseline. While just short of the NASA N+2 goals of 42 dB and 50% fuel burn reduction, for a 2025 in service timeframe, this assessment shows that this innovative concept warrants refined study. Furthermore, this design appears to be a viable potential future passenger aircraft, not only in meeting the regulatory requirements, but also in competing with aircraft of different advanced designs within this N+2 timeframe and goal framework
Progress of Aircraft System Noise Assessment with Uncertainty Quantification for the Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project
Aircraft system noise predictions have been performed for NASA modeled hybrid wing body aircraft advanced concepts with 2025 entry-into-service technology assumptions. The system noise predictions developed over a period from 2009 to 2016 as a result of improved modeling of the aircraft concepts, design changes, technology development, flight path modeling, and the use of extensive integrated system level experimental data. In addition, the system noise prediction models and process have been improved in many ways. An additional process is developed here for quantifying the uncertainty with a 95% confidence level. This uncertainty applies only to the aircraft system noise prediction process. For three points in time during this period, the vehicle designs, technologies, and noise prediction process are documented. For each of the three predictions, and with the information available at each of those points in time, the uncertainty is quantified using the direct Monte Carlo method with 10,000 simulations. For the prediction of cumulative noise of an advanced aircraft at the conceptual level of design, the total uncertainty band has been reduced from 12.2 to 9.6 EPNL dB. A value of 3.6 EPNL dB is proposed as the lower limit of uncertainty possible for the cumulative system noise prediction of an advanced aircraft concept
On Noise Assessment for Blended Wing Body Aircraft
A system noise study is presented for the blended-wing-body (BWB) aircraft configured with advanced technologies that are projected to be available in the 2025 timeframe of the NASA N+2 definition. This system noise assessment shows that the noise levels of the baseline configuration, measured by the cumulative Effective Perceived Noise Level (EPNL), have a large margin of 34 dB to the aircraft noise regulation of Stage 4. This confirms the acoustic benefits of the BWB shielding of engine noise, as well as other projected noise reduction technologies, but the noise margins are less than previously published assessments and are short of meeting the NASA N+2 noise goal. In establishing the relevance of the acoustic assessment framework, the design of the BWB configuration, the technical approach of the noise analysis, the databases and prediction tools used in the assessment are first described and discussed. The predicted noise levels and the component decomposition are then analyzed to identify the ranking order of importance of various noise components, revealing the prominence of airframe noise, which holds up the levels at all three noise certification locations and renders engine noise reduction technologies less effective. When projected airframe component noise reduction is added to the HWB configuration, it is shown that the cumulative noise margin to Stage 4 can reach 41.6 dB, nearly at the NASA goal. These results are compared with a previous NASA assessment with a different study framework. The approaches that yield projections of such low noise levels are discussed including aggressive assumptions on future technologies, assumptions on flight profile management, engine installation, and component noise reduction technologies. It is shown that reliable predictions of component noise also play an important role in the system noise assessment. The comparisons and discussions illustrate the importance of practical feasibilities and constraints in aircraft system noise studies, which include aerodynamic performance, propulsion efficiency, flight profile limitation and many other factors. For a future aircraft concept to achieve the NASA N+2 noise goal it will require a range of fully successful noise reduction technology developments
Landing Gear Noise Prediction and Analysis for Tube-and-Wing and Hybrid-Wing-Body Aircraft
Improvements and extensions to landing gear noise prediction methods are developed. New features include installation effects such as reflection from the aircraft, gear truck angle effect, local flow calculation at the landing gear locations, gear size effect, and directivity for various gear designs. These new features have not only significantly improved the accuracy and robustness of the prediction tools, but also have enabled applications to unconventional aircraft designs and installations. Systematic validations of the improved prediction capability are then presented, including parametric validations in functional trends as well as validations in absolute amplitudes, covering a wide variety of landing gear designs, sizes, and testing conditions. The new method is then applied to selected concept aircraft configurations in the portfolio of the NASA Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project envisioned for the timeframe of 2025. The landing gear noise levels are on the order of 2 to 4 dB higher than previously reported predictions due to increased fidelity in accounting for installation effects and gear design details. With the new method, it is now possible to reveal and assess the unique noise characteristics of landing gear systems for each type of aircraft. To address the inevitable uncertainties in predictions of landing gear noise models for future aircraft, an uncertainty analysis is given, using the method of Monte Carlo simulation. The standard deviation of the uncertainty in predicting the absolute level of landing gear noise is quantified and determined to be 1.4 EPNL dB
Modeling and Prediction of Krueger Device Noise
This paper presents the development of a noise prediction model for aircraft Krueger flap devices that are considered as alternatives to leading edge slotted slats. The prediction model decomposes the total Krueger noise into four components, generated by the unsteady flows, respectively, in the cove under the pressure side surface of the Krueger, in the gap between the Krueger trailing edge and the main wing, around the brackets supporting the Krueger device, and around the cavity on the lower side of the main wing. For each noise component, the modeling follows a physics-based approach that aims at capturing the dominant noise-generating features in the flow and developing correlations between the noise and the flow parameters that control the noise generation processes. The far field noise is modeled using each of the four noise component's respective spectral functions, far field directivities, Mach number dependencies, component amplitudes, and other parametric trends. Preliminary validations are carried out by using small scale experimental data, and two applications are discussed; one for conventional aircraft and the other for advanced configurations. The former focuses on the parametric trends of Krueger noise on design parameters, while the latter reveals its importance in relation to other airframe noise components
Aircraft System Noise Assessment of the NASA D8 Subsonic Transport Concept
Avehicle-level noise assessment has been performed for theNASAD8 concept aircraft (ND8) in the NASA Advanced Air Transport Technology Project portfolio. The NASA research-level Aircraft NOise Prediction Program (ANOPP-Research) was used to predict the noise from each source component on the ND8 to build up a noise estimate for the full aircraft. The propulsion airframe aeroacoustic (PAA) effects of the ND8, namely boundary layer ingestion (BLI) with its influence on fan noise, and the noise shielding, reflection, and diffraction mechanisms of the unconventional airframe, were empirically modeled using experimental data. Noise reduction technologies appropriate to the 2025-2035 time frame were included in this study. Including all technologies and PAA effects, the ND8 is predicted to have a cumulative margin to the Stage 4 certification metric of only 7.4 EPNdB. Boundary layer ingestion is predicted to have a detrimental impact on cumulative noise levels on the order of 15 EPNdB. Fan noise is seen to be the primary noise source at all three certification points, even if the BLI noise impact could be entirely suppressed. The impact of engine noise shielding by the airframe is limited by a lack of aft shielding and the presence of horizontal tail reflections in the aft direction. The physical constraint on engine size by the pi-tail is seen as a potential barrier to engine noise reduction through the corresponding limitation on fan bypass ratio. Mildly reduced climb performance (compared to similar reference aircraft) does not provide any benefit through increased noise propagation distance. If the boundary layer ingestion noise penalty could be suppressed such that BLI would have no effect on noise, the cumulative margin to Stage 4 would increase to 22.4 EPNdB, still below the NASA Mid Term goal of 32-42 EPNdB
Aircraft System Noise Prediction Uncertainty Quantification for a Hybrid Wing Body Subsonic Transport Concept
Aircraft system level noise prediction for advanced, unconventional concepts has undergone significant improvement over the past two decades. The prediction modeling uncertainty must be quantified so that potential benefits of unconventional configurations, which are outside of the range of empirical models, can be reliably assessed. This paper builds on previous work in an effort to improve estimates of element prediction uncertainties where the prediction methodology has been improved, or new experimental validation data are available, to provide an estimate of the system level uncertainty in the prediction process. In general, the uncertainty of the prediction will be strongly dependent on the aircraft configuration as well as which technologies are integrated. While the quantitative uncertainty values contained here are specific to the hybrid wing body design presented, the underlying process is the same regardless of configuration. A refined process for determining the uncertainty for each element of the noise prediction is detailed in this paper. The system level uncertainty in the prediction of the aircraft noise is determined at the three certification points, using a Monte Carlo method. Comparisons with previous work show a reduction of 1 EPNdB in the 95%coverage interval of the cumulative noise level. The largest impediment for continued reduction in uncertainty for the hybrid wing body concept is the need for improved modeling and validation experiments for fan noise, propulsion airframe aeroacoustic effects, and the Krueger flap, which comprise the bulk of the uncertainty in the cumulative certification noise level
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