84 research outputs found

    Análisis de la estrategia de comunicación y marketing de Xiaomi en el mercado español en la era de los nuevos medios de comunicación

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    [ES] Xiaomi es una conocida empresa privada de tecnología de la comunicación que produce equipos de comunicación en China. Entró oficialmente en el mercado europeo en 2018. En solo dos años y medio, Xiaomi se ha convertido en la marca china más querida por los europeos después de Huawei. Se puede ver que Xiaomi es muy competitiva, pero se enfrenta a una gran crisis. Huawei, Apple y Samsung son sus competidores, y las marcas europeas de productos electrónicos continúan desarrollándose rápidamente. El mercado, la investigación y el desarrollo científico y tecnológico de la empresa son ciertamente importantes, pero la difusión y comercialización de los productos también son muy importantes. Por lo tanto, formular un plan de marketing viable para la empresa es una opción necesaria para el éxito de la empresa. En la era de los nuevos medios, el rápido desarrollo y la popularización de la tecnología digital y las comunicaciones en red han provocado cambios tremendos en el entorno de comunicación, los métodos de comunicación y las reglas de comunicación. Como una forma importante de comunicación en la economía y la sociedad empresarial modernas, la comunicación de marketing continúa innovando y desarrollándose bajo el impulso de la tecnología de Internet móvil y la tecnología de los nuevos medios. Ha cambiado mucho y ha sido prominente en muchos aspectos tales como contenido de comunicación, puntos de contacto de comunicación, relaciones de comunicación y métodos de servicio. Este tipo de cambio e innovación es particularmente evidente en la promoción de productos de marca. Para la promoción de productos, los periódicos, revistas y publicidad televisiva han evolucionado para depender de la tecnología de comunicación en red para difundirse a través de las redes sociales y dispositivos inteligentes como teléfonos móviles y computadoras. El cambio repentino en la forma de comunicación hace que el método de promoción de la empresa también cambie en consecuencia: quien pueda comunicarse con éxito bajo la ola de los nuevos medios será el ganador final en la competencia de mercado de la empresa. Este trabajo toma a Xiaomi como objeto de investigación. A través del análisis del mercado español, se realiza el análisis de la situación actual de Xiaomi y el análisis de las estrategias de comunicación y marketing existentes de Xiaomi en el mercado español. Se trata de presentar la situación y ofrecer algunas recomendaciones eficaces para la comunicación y marketing de Xiaomi en España, resumiendo la experiencia general de comunicación de la empresa. Al mismo tiempo, al analizar el desarrollo de la empresa china Xiaomi en España, se estudia la experiencia de desarrollo internacional y se proporciona un caso representativo de internacionalización corporativa, que tiene cierto valor de referencia como ejemplo y significado práctico para otras empresas.[EN] Xiaomi is a well-known private communications technology company that makes communications equipment in China. It officially entered the European market in 2018. In just two and a half years, Xiaomi has become Europe's favourite Chinese brand after Huawei. Xiaomi is very competitive, but it faces a huge crisis. Huawei, Apple and Samsung are its competitors, and the European electronics brands continue to grow rapidly. The company's market, science and technology research and development is important, but product marketing communication is also important. Therefore, to develop a viable marketing plan for the company is a necessary choice for the success of the company. In the era of new media, the rapid development and popularization of digital technology and network communication have brought about great changes in communication environment, communication methods and communication rules. As an important communication mode in modern economy and commercial society, marketing communication is constantly innovating and developing under the impetus of mobile Internet technology and new media technology. It has changed a lot and is outstanding in many aspects, such as communication content, communication touchpoints, communication relationships, and service methods. This change and innovation is particularly evident in the promotion of branded products. For product promotion, the shift from newspaper, magazine and television advertising has evolved to rely on network communication technology to spread through social media and smart devices such as mobile phones and computers. The sudden change of communication mode leads to the change of the company's promotion mode: the person who can successfully communicate under the new media wave will be the ultimate winner of the company's market competition. Xiaomi is the subject of this work. Through the analysis of the Spanish market, the current situation of Xiaomi, the existing communication and marketing strategies of Xiaomi in the Spanish market, this paper makes a summary and analysis, so as to provide some effective suggestions for the marketing communication of Xiaomi in Spain and summarize the general communication experience of the company. At the same time, while analyzing the development of Chinese company Xiaomi in Spain, this paper studies the international development experience and provides a typical case of company internationalization, which has certain reference value and practical meaning for other companies.Guo, Q. (2021). Análisis de la estrategia de comunicación y marketing de Xiaomi en el mercado español en la era de los nuevos medios de comunicación. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/175052TFG

    A note on tunnel number of composite knots

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    AbstractLet K be a knot in a sphere S3. We denote by t(K) the tunnel number of K. For two knots K1 and K2, we denote by K1♯K2 the connected sum of K1 and K2. In this paper, we will prove that if one of K1 and K2 has high distance while the other has distance at least 3 then t(K1♯K2)=t(K1)+t(K2)+1

    Search for vector-like leptons at a Muon Collider

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    A feasibility study is performed for searching vector-like leptons at a muon collider, in the context of the "4321 model", an ultraviolet-complete model with rich collider phenomenology together with potential to explain recent existing some B physics measurements or anomalies. In this paper, we perform a Monte Carlo study with various machine learning techniques, and examine the projected sensitivity on vector-like leptons over a wide mass range at a TeV-scale muon collider. We find that a 3 TeV muon collider with only 10/fb of data can already be sensitive to cover the mass range of a vector-like lepton up to 1450 GeV.Comment: CPC Published Versio

    Practical Deep Dispersed Watermarking with Synchronization and Fusion

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    Deep learning based blind watermarking works have gradually emerged and achieved impressive performance. However, previous deep watermarking studies mainly focus on fixed low-resolution images while paying less attention to arbitrary resolution images, especially widespread high-resolution images nowadays. Moreover, most works usually demonstrate robustness against typical non-geometric attacks (\textit{e.g.}, JPEG compression) but ignore common geometric attacks (\textit{e.g.}, Rotate) and more challenging combined attacks. To overcome the above limitations, we propose a practical deep \textbf{D}ispersed \textbf{W}atermarking with \textbf{S}ynchronization and \textbf{F}usion, called \textbf{\proposed}. Specifically, given an arbitrary-resolution cover image, we adopt a dispersed embedding scheme which sparsely and randomly selects several fixed small-size cover blocks to embed a consistent watermark message by a well-trained encoder. In the extraction stage, we first design a watermark synchronization module to locate and rectify the encoded blocks in the noised watermarked image. We then utilize a decoder to obtain messages embedded in these blocks, and propose a message fusion strategy based on similarity to make full use of the consistency among messages, thus determining a reliable message. Extensive experiments conducted on different datasets convincingly demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed {\proposed}. Compared with state-of-the-art approaches, our blind watermarking can achieve better performance: averagely improve the bit accuracy by 5.28\% and 5.93\% against single and combined attacks, respectively, and show less file size increment and better visual quality. Our code is available at https://github.com/bytedance/DWSF.Comment: Accpeted by ACM MM 202

    Stochastic evolutionary game analysis of food cooperation among countries along the Belt and Road from the perspective of food security

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    IntroductionIn recent years, the combination of the public health crisis and the climate crisis has greatly weakened the resilience of food systems. The Belt and Road food cooperation will make outstanding contributions to consolidate food security and reduce global poverty in countries along the Belt and Road.MethodsThis paper constructs a three-party stochastic evolutionary game model from the perspective of food security, distinguishes the difference between large and small countries by calculating the cereal self-sufficiency rate, which studies the cooperation strategy with the Belt and Road cereal large countries, cereal small countries and regulatory committees as the object. In addition, we introduce the Gaussian white noise characteristics to characterize the stochastic disturbance of the game system. Then we combine the mathematical derivation of the stochastic evolutionary game analysis with the simulation method, examine the effect of the stochastic disturbance factors on the cooperation, and find out the factors that affect the cooperation. And finally verifies the model and proves the reasonableness and practicability of the model.ResultsThe stochastic evolutionary game model analyzes the interaction of stochastic disturbance and influencing factors from a dynamic perspective, and the stability of evolution is related to the strength of Gaussian white noise. The level of effort of large cereal countries and the incentives of regulatory committees can have a positive impact, but high income in small cereal countries can lead to instability in the strategic choices of other players.DiscussionTaking the countries along the Belt and Road as the research object, Gaussian white noise is introduced to describe the stochastic external environment, discriminate the stability of the game system through stochastic differential equations, and analyze the influencing factors of the dynamic behavioral strategies of the parties in combination with simulation methods. To improve the capacity of national food security governance and help improve the resilience of the world food system

    Common and Unique Contributions of Decorin-Binding Proteins A and B to the Overall Virulence of Borrelia burgdorferi

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    As an extracellular bacterium, the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi resides primarily in the extracellular matrix and connective tissues and between host cells during mammalian infection, where decorin and glycosaminoglycans are abundantly found, so its interactions with these host ligands potentially affect various aspects of infection. Decorin-binding proteins (Dbps) A and B, encoded by a 2-gene operon, are outer surface lipoproteins with similar molecular weights and share approximately 40% identity, and both bind decorin and glycosaminoglycans. To investigate how DbpA and DbpB contribute differently to the overall virulence of B. burgdorferi, a dbpAB mutant was modified to overproduce the adhesins. Overproduction of either DbpA or DbpB resulted in restoration of the infectivity of the mutant to the control level, measured by 50% infectious dose (ID50), indicating that the two virulence factors are interchangeable in this regard. Overproduction of DbpA also allowed the mutant to disseminate to some but not all distal tissues slightly slower than the control, but the mutant with DbpB overproduction showed severely impaired dissemination to all tissues that were analyzed. The mutant with DbpA overproduction colonized all tissues, albeit generating bacterial loads significantly lower than the control in heart and joint, while the mutant overproducing DbpB remained severely defective in heart colonization and registered bacterial loads substantially lower than the control in joint. Taken together, the study indicated that DbpA and DbpB play a similar role in contribution to infectivity as measured by ID50 value but contribute differently to dissemination and tissue colonization