175 research outputs found

    Decriminalization, Safe Supply, and Legalization: How to Reduce Drug Overdoses through Policy

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    This paper was originally written for Dr. Tara Holland’s Geography 266W course, Geography in Practice. The assignment asked students to develop a research question on a geographical topic of our choice, and then attempt to answer it through a review of relevant literature. The paper uses APA citation style. This paper evaluates the successes and limitations of a drug decriminalization policy framework at addressing drug-related overdose deaths. Through a literature review on Portugal, a country that has decriminalized all illicit drugs since 2001, this paper argues that while decriminalization minimizes overdoses by facilitating access to harm reduction, it does not address the toxic illicit drug supply. Therefore, to dramatically reduce the risk of unintentional drug overdoses, a medically prescribed safe supply model must be implemented

    Mesoscopic anisotropic magnetoconductance fluctuations in ferromagnets

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    The conductance of a ferromagnetic particle depends on the relative orientation of the magnetization with respect to the direction of current flow. This phenomenon is known as "anisotropic magnetoresistance". Quantum interference leads to an additional, random dependence of the conductance on the magnetization direction. These "anisotropic magnetoresistance fluctuations" are caused by spin-orbit scattering, which couples the electron motion to the exchange field in the ferromagnet. We report a calculation of the dependence of the conductance autocorrelation function on the rotation angle of the magnetization direction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Enemies at the Gateway: Regional Populist Discourse and the Fight Against Oil Pipelines on Canada\u27s West Coast

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    This paper analyzes discursive storylines of opponents of Northern Gateway—a proposed pipeline and tanker project designed to link Alberta oil sands producers to international markets via Canada\u27s West Coast. It explores how regional concerns about Northern Gateway helped galvanize a movement led by regional First Nations, environmentalists, and settler communities, all of whom opposed Gateway as a means to protect regional ecosystems—and the local communities dependent on them—from “extra-regional” Gateway-backing elites. By articulating arguments against Northern Gateway with salient collective action frames concerning ecological sustainability, regional identity, Indigenous sovereignty, social justice, and democratic agency, this anti-Gateway “discourse coalition” helped contribute to the project\u27s ultimate collapse in 2016. In this paper, we critically engage with Ernesto Laclau\u27s theorization of Populism to analyse this movement as a form of “regional ecological populism,” explaining how a shift in spatial framing from the national to the regional enabled a particular populist narrative to emerge. Furthermore, we relate Laclau\u27s framework to Martin Hajer\u27s concept of discursive “storylines” and William Gamson\u27s analysis of “collective action frames” to provide a grounded analysis of how coalitions articulate populist storylines designed to mobilize diverse movement constituents. To do so we conduct a frame analysis of communications materials produced by several prominent First Nations and environmental organizations publicly mobilizing against Northern Gateway, tracing how these groups articulated a common regional ecological populist storyline. Finally, we end with some thoughts about the possibilities and challenges for scaling up regional ecological populism in Canada


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    SISTEM KOMUNIKASI FULL DUPLEX UNTUK KEAMANAN UJIAN ONLINE CLIENT-SERVER DENGAN METODE ENKRIPSI ALGORITMA BLOWFISH MENGGUNAKAN PLATFORM ANDROID DAN WEB Jan Edward Gunster Fangohoi, NIM 1012716 Dosen Pembimbing : Dr.Eng. I Komang Somawirata. ST. MT Dan M. Ibrahim Ashari, ST, MT Konsentrasi Teknik Telekomunikasi, Jurusan Teknik Elektro S-1 Fakultas teknologi industri Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang Jl. Raya Karanglo Km.2 Malang E-mail : [email protected] ABSTRAK Ujian merupakan salah satu wujud evaluasi dari proses belajar. Sejauh mana pemahaman siswa terhadap bidang studi yang ditempuh diukur melalui hasil yang diperoleh setelah melaksanakan ujian. Perkembangan model pelaksanaan ujian pun kini menyesuaikan perkembangan teknologi dimana saat ini sudah umum diadakan ujian secara online yang menggeser pelaksanaan ujian konvensional yang mengharuskan penguji melakukan evaluasi secara manual pada lembar jawaban. Seiring dengan banyaknya pengguna mobile device di seluruh dunia yang mencapai lebih dari 2,23 miliar [EMR-14], Penelitian ini memanfaatkan mobile device sebagai client dari sistem ujian online. Penggunaan mobile device sebagai alternatif client dari personal computer dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas karena mobile device dapat dengan mudah dibawa kemana saja dibandingkan dengan personal computer. Kata kunci : Ujian Online, Komunikasi full duplex, Blowfis

    The Human Polycomb Group Complex Associates with Pericentromeric Heterochromatin to Form a Novel Nuclear Domain

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    The Polycomb group (PcG) complex is a chromatin-associated multiprotein complex, involved in the stable repression of homeotic gene activity in Drosophila. Recently, a mammalian PcG complex has been identified with several PcG proteins implicated in the regulation of Hox gene expression. Although the mammalian PcG complex appears analogous to the complex in Drosophila, the molecular mechanisms and functions for the mammalian PcG complex remain unknown. Here we describe a detailed characterization of the human PcG complex in terms of cellular localization and chromosomal association. By using antibodies that specifically recognize three human PcG proteins— RING1, BMI1, and hPc2—we demonstrate in a number of human cell lines that the PcG complex forms a unique discrete nuclear structure that we term PcG bodies. PcG bodies are prominent novel nuclear structures with the larger PcG foci generally localized near the centromeres, as visualized with a kinetochore antibody marker. In both normal fetal and adult fibroblasts, PcG bodies are not randomly dispersed, but appear clustered into defined areas within the nucleus. We show in three different human cell lines that the PcG complex can tightly associate with large pericentromeric heterochromatin regions (1q12) on chromosome 1, and with related pericentromeric sequences on different chromosomes, providing evidence for a mammalian PcG–heterochromatin association. Furthermore, these heterochromatin-bound PcG complexes remain stably associated throughout mitosis, thereby allowing the potential inheritance of the PcG complex through successive cell divisions. We discuss these results in terms of the known function of the PcG complex as a transcriptional repression complex

    Influence of aerial seed banks on germination response in three desert plant species

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    © The Author 2016. Aims To determine if the germination response of desert plant species to a period of aerial storage in field conditions (i.e. mature seeds that remain attached to the parent plant) is comparable to seeds harvested at maturity and stored in ambient laboratory conditions, to better understand the role of aerial seed bank in the germination ecology of desert plants, using one annual and two perennial species. Methods Seeds of three desert plants (Anastatica hierochuntica, Blepharis ciliaris and Scrophularia deserti) that matured in June 2014, were collected from wild plants in June and November 2014, and germinated under two photoperiods (0, 12 hours light) and three thermoperiods (night/day temperatures of 15/25, 20/30 and 25/35°C). Important Findings Seeds of B. ciliaris and S. deserti had significantly higher germination percentages when harvested and stored for five months, compared to being stored in the aerial seed bank. Germination percentages of these two species increased with decreasing temperature and in the presence of light. These results indicate that these species use a combination of aerial and soil seed banks to maintain a percentage of viable seeds through favourable germination periods. Germination percentages of A. hierochuntica were high under all tested circumstances, indicating that this species relies mainly on the aerial seed bank to maintain a percentage of viable seeds through favourable germination periods. This study shows that the population survival strategies of an aerial seed bank are species-specific. These results have practical implications for conservation and habitat restoration for these species, and also for their propagation since early collection of mature fruits and ex situ storage will result in greater germination percentages of some species

    Promoting novelty, rigor, and style in energy social science: towards codes of practice for appropriate methods and research design

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    A series of weaknesses in creativity, research design, and quality of writing continue to handicap energy social science. Many studies ask uninteresting research questions, make only marginal contributions, and lack innovative methods or application to theory. Many studies also have no explicit research design, lack rigor, or suffer from mangled structure and poor quality of writing. To help remedy these shortcomings, this Review offers suggestions for how to construct research questions; thoughtfully engage with concepts; state objectives; and appropriately select research methods. Then, the Review offers suggestions for enhancing theoretical, methodological, and empirical novelty. In terms of rigor, codes of practice are presented across seven method categories: experiments, literature reviews, data collection, data analysis, quantitative energy modeling, qualitative analysis, and case studies. We also recommend that researchers beware of hierarchies of evidence utilized in some disciplines, and that researchers place more emphasis on balance and appropriateness in research design. In terms of style, we offer tips regarding macro and microstructure and analysis, as well as coherent writing. Our hope is that this Review will inspire more interesting, robust, multi-method, comparative, interdisciplinary and impactful research that will accelerate the contribution that energy social science can make to both theory and practice
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