93 research outputs found

    La Constitution canadienne en traduction : quelques pistes de réflexion

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    Rédigée originellement en anglais, la Constitution canadienne a ensuite été traduite en français. Ce texte de loi consacre le bilinguisme et le bijuridisme sur lesquels le Canada est fondé et, du même coup, la culture de traduction qui est au coeur de la nation canadienne. Or, bien que cet ensemble législatif bilingue soit la loi suprême du Canada, ni les traductologues ni les constitutionnalistes n’ont réalisé une étude comparée des versions anglaise et française de cette Constitution. Dans le cadre du texte qui suit, nous vous présenterons une analyse traductologique relative à deux articles de la Constitution du Canada.Originally written in English, Canada’s Constitution has been translated into French. This legislative enactment entrenches bilingualism and bijuralism on which Canada is grounded, and by so doing, it also establishes translation culture at the heart of the Canadian nation. However, even though this bilingual statute is the supreme law of Canada, neither translatologists nor constitutional experts have ventured to undertake a comparative study of the English and French texts of the Constitution. In this paper, we will outline a translation study related to two sections of Canada’s Constitution

    Chemical protein modification through cysteine

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    The modification of proteins with non-protein entities is important for a wealth of applications, and methods for chemically modifying proteins attract considerable attention. Generally, modification is desired at a single site to maintain homogeneity and to minimise loss of function. Though protein modification can be achieved by targeting some natural amino acid side chains, this often leads to ill-defined and randomly modified proteins. Amongst the natural amino acids, cysteine combines advantageous properties contributing to its suitability for site-selective modification, including a unique nucleophilicity, and a low natural abundanceboth allowing chemo- and regioselectivity. Native cysteine residues can be targeted, or Cys can be introduced at a desired site in a protein by means of reliable genetic engineering techniques. This review on chemical protein modification through cysteine should appeal to those interested in modifying proteins for a range of applications

    Visible-light-mediated selective arylation of cysteine in batch and flow

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    A mild visible-light-mediated strategy for cysteine arylation is presented. The method relies on the use of eosin Y as a metal-free photocatalyst and aryldiazonium salts as arylating agents. The reaction can be significantly accelerated in a microflow reactor, whilst allowing the in situ formation of the required diazonium salts. The batch and flow protocol described herein can be applied to obtain a broad series of arylated cysteine derivatives and arylated cysteine-containing dipeptides. Moreover, the method was applied to the chemoselective arylation of a model peptide in biocompatible reaction conditions (room temperature, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) buffer) within a short reaction time

    La traduction biblique explorée : étude comparative de l'hymne à l'amour de saint Paul

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Visible-light-mediated selective arylation of cysteine in batch and flow

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    A mild visible-light-mediated strategy for cysteine arylation is presented. The method relies on the use of eosin Y as a metal-free photocatalyst and aryldiazonium salts as arylating agents. The reaction can be significantly accelerated in a microflow reactor, whilst allowing the insitu formation of the required diazonium salts. The batch and flow protocol described herein can be applied to obtain a broad series of arylated cysteine derivatives and arylated cysteine-containing dipeptides. Moreover, the method was applied to the chemoselective arylation of a model peptide in biocompatible reaction conditions (room temperature, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) buffer) within a short reaction time

    Steered molecular dynamics simulations reveal the role of Ca2+ in regulating mechanostability of cellulose-binding proteins

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    The conversion of cellulosic biomass into biofuels requires degradation of the biomass into fermentable sugars. The most efficient natural cellulase system for carrying out this conversion is an extracellular multi-enzymatic complex named the cellulosome. In addition to temperature and pH stability, mechanical stability is important for functioning of cellulosome domains, and experimental techniques such as Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy (SMFS) have been used to measure the mechanical strength of several cellulosomal proteins. Molecular dynamics computer simulations provide complementary atomic-resolution quantitative maps of domain mechanical stability for identification of experimental leads for protein stabilization. In this study, we used multi-scale steered molecular dynamics computer simulations, benchmarked against new SMFS measurements, to measure the intermolecular contacts that confer high mechanical stability to a family 3 Carbohydrate Binding Module protein (CBM3) derived from the archetypal Clostridium thermocellum cellulosome. Our data predicts that electrostatic interactions in the calcium binding pocket modulate the mechanostability of the cellulose-binding module, which provides an additional design rule for the rational re-engineering of designer cellulosomes for biotechnology. Our data offers new molecular insights into the origins of mechanostability in cellulose binding domains and gives leads for synthesis of more robust cellulose-binding protein modules. On the other hand, simulations predict that insertion of a flexible strand can promote alternative unfolding pathways and dramatically reduce the mechanostability of the carbohydrate binding module, which gives routes to rational design of tailormade fingerprint complexes for force spectroscopy experiments

    Light-triggered inactivation of enzymes with photothermal nanoheaters

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    Enzymes are crucial for the cell metabolism and in industrial applications such as the manufacture of biosensors and medicines. A method for inactivating enzymes non-invasively and on demand could reveal the role of a biocatalyst in a particular cell function and enable fine-tuning the therapeutic dose of enzyme-based drugs. In this manuscript we introduce a universal method for inactivating enzymes with light. It consists of attaching the enzymes to photothermal nanoheaters (gold nanorods). Upon irradiation with light resonant with their LSPR the plasmonic nanoparticles generate heat, which denatures the enzymes. The resulting increase in temperature is highest in the vicinity of the nanoheaters, which allows the localized inactivation of nanorod-bound enzymes without damaging other proteins or cell membranes present in the same solution. Here we demonstrate this concept by selectively turning off an enzyme cascade via the selective inactivation of one of its components. We also prove that the target enzyme can be inactivated without unduly damaging cells under controlled irradiation conditions. The results shown here pave the way for using the proposed methodology to discern the role of target enzymes in intracellular signaling pathways

    Study of the spatio-temporal structures in the wake of a vertical cylinder under a forcing of both current and waves

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    Nos travaux ont porté sur l’étude des structures hydrodynamiques spatio-temporelles présentes dans le sillage d’un mât d’éolienne en mer, assimilé ici à un cylindre, pour une application future au parc éolien de Courseulles-sur-Mer. L’analyse hydrodynamique s’est focalisée sur le phénomène de synchronisation entre des vagues régulières et le sillage généré par le courant derrière deux cylindres verticaux. Un diagramme d’état résumant les différents régimes de synchronisation par rapport aux fréquences des vagues et amplitudes étudiées, a été établi. Pour compléter les résultats obtenus avec les vagues régulières, la synchronisation a aussi été étudiée en présence de vagues irrégulières. Dans le cas de vagues irrégulières, le coefficient de diffusion de la phase, K a été utilisé pour expliquer la synchronisation des fréquences. Après l’étude du phénomène de synchronisation, des essais ont été consacrés au transport sédimentaire (affouillement et rides) autour et dans un environnement proche d’un cylindre vertical sous l’effet de plusieurs types d’écoulement. Parallèlement aux expériences en laboratoire, une étude numérique a été amorcée. Dans un premier temps, une simulation DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) d’un écoulement d’un courant seul autour d’un cylindre vertical a été effectuée. Un cas d’écoulement plus compliqué (i.e. Comprenant des vagues) et un domaine numérique simulant l’impact hydrodynamique d’un réseau de cylindres (modélisant un réseau de mâts d’éoliennes) soumis à un courant seul ont également été mis en oeuvre. Ce réseau comprend 4 cylindres disposés sur 2 rangées. Après l’étude numérique d’un courant seul, le solveur olaFoam a été utilisé pour imposer un écoulement composé d’un courant et de vagues dans un domaine relativement simple : sans obstacle et avec un fond lisse. Les résultats numériques se sont révélés être en assez bon accord avec la littérature au voisinage de la surface libre, montrant la décélération du courant de surface lorsque les vagues et le courant en entrée se propagent dans le même sens.The various experiments carried out have laid emphasis on the study of hydrodynamic spatio-temporal structures found in an offshore wind turbine’s mast, coupled to a cylinder, which will later on be used at the Courseulles-sur-Mer wind farm. The hydrodynamic analysis focused on the synchronization phenomenon between regular waves and the Von Karman Street generated by a current, behind two different vertical cylinders. A diagram showing the different synchronization regimes with respect to the frequencies of the waves and the amplitudes studied, has been drawn. In addition to the results obtained with regular waves, the synchronization phenomenon has also been analysed using irregular waves. In the case of irregular waves, the phase diffusion coefficient, K, has been used to explain the different frequency synchronization observed. After having studied the synchronization phenomenon, tests were carried out on the study of sediment transport (scour and ripples) under the effect of different types of flows in an environment close to a vertical cylinder. In parallel to the laboratory experiments, a numerical study has also been conducted by studying the DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) of a steady flow of current around a vertical cylinder. In addition to that a more complicated flow of a steady current around a network of cylinders comprising of a series of 4 cylinders arranged in 2 rows (representing a network of wind turbine masts) have also been observed and analysed. After having studied the flow made up by a steady current, the olafoam solver was used to apply a flow made up of both currents and waves in an obstacle free environment with a smooth floor. The numerical results obtained close to the free surface have been found to fairly agree with the findings of other related studies conducted. We observed a reduction in the intensity of the surface current when the waves and the current propagate in the same direction
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