46 research outputs found

    Mathematical modeling of the malignancy of cancer using graph evolution

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We report a novel computational method based on graph evolution process to model the malignancy of brain cancer called glioma. In this work, we analyze the phases that a graph passes through during its evolution and demonstrate strong relation between the malignancy of cancer and the phase of its graph. From the photomicrographs of tissues, which are diagnosed as normal, low-grade cancerous and high-grade cancerous, we construct cell-graphs based on the locations of cells; we probabilistically generate an edge between every pair of cells depending on the Euclidean distance between them. For a cell-graph, we extract connectivity information including the properties of its connected components in order to analyze the phase of the cell-graph. Working with brain tissue samples surgically removed from 12 patients, we demonstrate that cell-graphs generated for different tissue types evolve differently and that they exhibit different phase properties, which distinguish a tissue type from another. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Graph run-length matrices for histopathological image segmentation

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The histopathological examination of tissue specimens is essential for cancer diagnosis and grading. However, this examination is subject to a considerable amount of observer variability as it mainly relies on visual interpretation of pathologists. To alleviate this problem, it is very important to develop computational quantitative tools, for which image segmentation constitutes the core step. In this paper, we introduce an effective and robust algorithm for the segmentation of histopathological tissue images. This algorithm incorporates the background knowledge of the tissue organization into segmentation. For this purpose, it quantifies spatial relations of cytological tissue components by constructing a graph and uses this graph to define new texture features for image segmentation. This new texture definition makes use of the idea of gray-level run-length matrices. However, it considers the runs of cytological components on a graph to form a matrix, instead of considering the runs of pixel intensities. Working with colon tissue images, our experiments demonstrate that the texture features extracted from "graph run-length matrices" lead to high segmentation accuracies, also providing a reasonable number of segmented regions. Compared with four other segmentation algorithms, the results show that the proposed algorithm is more effective in histopathological image segmentatio

    Local object patterns for representation and classification of colon tissue images

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper presents a new approach for the effective representation and classification of images of histopathological colon tissues stained with hematoxylin and eosin. In this approach, we propose to decompose a tissue image into its histological components and introduce a set of new texture descriptors, which we call local object patterns, on these components to model their composition within a tissue. We define these descriptors using the idea of local binary patterns, which quantify a pixel by constructing a binary string based on relative intensities of its neighbors. However, as opposed to pixel-level local binary patterns, we define our local object pattern descriptors at the component level to quantify a component. To this end, we specify neighborhoods with different locality ranges and encode spatial arrangements of the components within the specified local neighborhoods by generating strings. We then extract our texture descriptors from these strings to characterize histological components and construct the bag-of-words representation of an image from the characterized components. Working on microscopic images of colon tissues, our experiments reveal that the use of these component-level texture descriptors results in higher classification accuracies than the previous textural approaches. © 2013 IEEE

    Tissue object patterns for segmentation in histopathological images

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    In the current practice of medicine, histopathological examination is the gold standard for routine clinical diagnosis and grading of cancer. However, as this examination involves the visual analysis of biopsies, it is subject to a considerable amount of observer variability. In order to decrease the variability, it has been proposed to develop systems that mathematically model the histopathological tissue images and automate the analysis. Segmentation constitutes the first step for most of these automated systems. Nevertheless, the segmentation in histopathological images remains a challenging task since these images typically show variances due to their complex nature and may include a large amount of noise and artifacts due to the tissue preparation procedures. In our research group, we recently developed different segmentation algorithms that rely on representing a tissue image with a set of tissue objects and using the structural pattern of these objects in segmentation. In this paper, we review these segmentation algorithms, discussing their clinical demonstrations on colon tissues. © 2011 ACM

    A color and shape based algorithm for segmentation of white blood cells in peripheral blood and bone marrow images

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Computer-based imaging systems are becoming important tools for quantitative assessment of peripheral blood and bone marrow samples to help experts diagnose blood disorders such as acute leukemia. These systems generally initiate a segmentation stage where white blood cells are separated from the background and other nonsalient objects. As the success of such imaging systems mainly depends on the accuracy of this stage, studies attach great importance for developing accurate segmentation algorithms. Although previous studies give promising results for segmentation of sparsely distributed normal white blood cells, only a few of them focus on segmenting touching and overlapping cell clusters, which is usually the case when leukemic cells are present. In this article, we present a new algorithm for segmentation of both normal and leukemic cells in peripheral blood and bone marrow images. In this algorithm, we propose to model color and shape characteristics of white blood cells by defining two transformations and introduce an efficient use of these transformations in a marker-controlled watershed algorithm. Particularly, these domain specific characteristics are used to identify markers and define the marking function of the watershed algorithm as well as to eliminate false white blood cells in a postprocessing step. Working on 650 white blood cells in peripheral blood and bone marrow images, our experiments reveal that the proposed algorithm improves the segmentation performance compared with its counterparts, leading to high accuracies for both sparsely distributed normal white blood cells and dense leukemic cell clusters. (C) 2014 International Society for Advancement of Cytometr

    Test-cost sensitive classification based on conditioned loss functions

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    We report a novel approach for designing test-cost sensitive classifiers that consider the misclassification cost together with the cost of feature extraction utilizing the consistency behavior for the first time. In this approach, we propose to use a new Bayesian decision theoretical framework in which the loss is conditioned with the current decision and the expected decisions after additional features are extracted as well as the consistency among the current and expected decisions. This approach allows us to force the feature extraction for samples for which the current and expected decisions are inconsistent. On the other hand, it forces not to extract any features in the case of consistency, leading to less costly but equally accurate decisions. In this work, we apply this approach to a medical diagnosis problem and demonstrate that it reduces the overall feature extraction cost up to 47.61 percent without decreasing the accuracy. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

    Qualitative test-cost sensitive classification

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    This paper reports a new framework for test-cost sensitive classification. It introduces a new loss function definition, in which misclassification cost and cost of feature extraction are combined qualitatively and the loss is conditioned with current and estimated decisions as well as their consistency. This loss function definition is motivated with the following issues. First, for many applications, the relation between different types of costs can be expressed roughly and usually only in terms of ordinal relations, but not as a precise quantitative number. Second, the redundancy between features can be used to decrease the cost; it is possible not to consider a new feature if it is consistent with the existing ones. In this paper, we show the feasibility of the proposed framework for medical diagnosis problems. Our experiments demonstrate that this framework is efficient to significantly decrease feature extraction cost without decreasing accuracy. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Attributed relational graphs for cell nucleus segmentation in fluorescence microscopy Images

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.More rapid and accurate high-throughput screening in molecular cellular biology research has become possible with the development of automated microscopy imaging, for which cell nucleus segmentation commonly constitutes the core step. Although several promising methods exist for segmenting the nuclei of monolayer isolated and less-confluent cells, it still remains an open problem to segment the nuclei of more-confluent cells, which tend to grow in overlayers. To address this problem, we propose a new model-based nucleus segmentation algorithm. This algorithm models how a human locates a nucleus by identifying the nucleus boundaries and piecing them together. In this algorithm, we define four types of primitives to represent nucleus boundaries at different orientations and construct an attributed relational graph on the primitives to represent their spatial relations. Then, we reduce the nucleus identification problem to finding predefined structural patterns in the constructed graph and also use the primitives in region growing to delineate the nucleus borders. Working with fluorescence microscopy images, our experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm identifies nuclei better than previous nucleus segmentation algorithms

    Graph walks for classification of histopathological images

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    This paper reports a new structural approach for automated classification of histopathological tissue images. It has two main contributions: First, unlike previous structural approaches that use a single graph for representing a tissue image, it proposes to obtain a set of subgraphs through graph walking and use these subgraphs in representing the image. Second, it proposes to characterize subgraphs by directly using distribution of their edges, instead of employing conventional global graph features, and use these characterizations in classification. Our experiments on colon tissue images reveal that the proposed structural approach is effective to obtain high accuracies in tissue image classification. © 2013 IEEE

    Unsupervised tissue image segmentation through object-oriented texture

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    This paper presents a new algorithm for the unsupervised segmentation of tissue images. It relies on using the spatial information of cytological tissue components. As opposed to the previous study, it does not only use this information in defining its homogeneity measures, but it also uses it in its region growing process. This algorithm has been implemented and tested. Its visual and quantitative results are compared with the previous study. The results show that the proposed segmentation algorithm is more robust in giving better accuracies with less number of segmented regions. © 2010 IEEE