1,009 research outputs found

    A Reference Finding Rarely Seen in Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Brown Tumor

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism is an endocrinopathy which is characterized with the hypersecretion of parathormone. During the progress of the disease bone loss takes place due to resorption on the subperiosteal and endosteal surfaces. Brown tumor is a localized form of osteitis fibrosa cystica, being part of the hyperparathyroid bone disease. It is rarely the first symptom of hyperparathyroidism. Nowadays, the diagnosis is made at an asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic stage. We present a male patient presented with a massive painless swelling in the left maxilla as the first manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism due to a parathyroid adenoma. Parathyroidectomy was performed, and there was a regression of the bone lesion, without the need of performing other local surgical procedures

    Efficient distributed machine learning via combinatorial multi-armed bandits

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    We consider the distributed stochastic gradient descent problem, where a main node distributes gradient calculations among n workers from which at most b ≤ n can be utilized in parallel. By assigning tasks to all the workers and waiting only for the k fastest ones, the main node can trade-off the error of the algorithm with its runtime by gradually increasing k as the algorithm evolves. However, this strategy, referred to as adaptive k-sync, can incur additional costs since it ignores the computational efforts of slow workers. We propose a cost-efficient scheme that assigns tasks only to k workers and gradually increases k. As the response times of the available workers are unknown to the main node a priori, we utilize a combinatorial multi-armed bandit model to learn which workers are the fastest while assigning gradient calculations, and to minimize the effect of slow workers. Assuming that the mean response times of the workers are independent and exponentially distributed with different means, we give empirical and theoretical guarantees on the regret of our strategy, i.e., the extra time spent to learn the mean response times of the workers. Compared to adaptive k-sync, our scheme achieves significantly lower errors with the same computational efforts while being inferior in terms of speed

    Attributed relational graphs for cell nucleus segmentation in fluorescence microscopy Images

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.More rapid and accurate high-throughput screening in molecular cellular biology research has become possible with the development of automated microscopy imaging, for which cell nucleus segmentation commonly constitutes the core step. Although several promising methods exist for segmenting the nuclei of monolayer isolated and less-confluent cells, it still remains an open problem to segment the nuclei of more-confluent cells, which tend to grow in overlayers. To address this problem, we propose a new model-based nucleus segmentation algorithm. This algorithm models how a human locates a nucleus by identifying the nucleus boundaries and piecing them together. In this algorithm, we define four types of primitives to represent nucleus boundaries at different orientations and construct an attributed relational graph on the primitives to represent their spatial relations. Then, we reduce the nucleus identification problem to finding predefined structural patterns in the constructed graph and also use the primitives in region growing to delineate the nucleus borders. Working with fluorescence microscopy images, our experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm identifies nuclei better than previous nucleus segmentation algorithms

    Semi-automatic segmentation of subcutaneous tumours from micro-computed tomography images

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper outlines the first attempt to segment the boundary of preclinical subcutaneous tumours, which are frequently used in cancer research, from micro-computed tomography (microCT) image data. MicroCT images provide low tissue contrast, and the tumour-to-muscle interface is hard to determine, however faint features exist which enable the boundary to be located. These are used as the basis of our semi-automatic segmentation algorithm. Local phase feature detection is used to highlight the faint boundary features, and a level set-based active contour is used to generate smooth contours that fit the sparse boundary features. The algorithm is validated against manually drawn contours and micro-positron emission tomography (microPET) images. When compared against manual expert segmentations, it was consistently able to segment at least 70% of the tumour region (n = 39) in both easy and difficult cases, and over a broad range of tumour volumes. When compared against tumour microPET data, it was able to capture over 80% of the functional microPET volume. Based on these results, we demonstrate the feasibility of subcutaneous tumour segmentation from microCT image data without the assistance of exogenous contrast agents. Our approach is a proof-of-concept that can be used as the foundation for further research, and to facilitate this, the code is open-source and available from www.setuvo.com. © 2013 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

    A rare cause of intraabdominal hematoma: rupture of mesenteric artery branch aneurysm

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    Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) aneurysm is the third most common splanchnic artery aneurysm. Unlike other splanchnic artery aneurysm, isolated aneurysms of the SMA branches are rare. They are usually asymptomatic and difficult to detect until they rupture and cause abdominal pain and hypovolemic shock. Thus, most cases are diagnosed after the occurrence of complications. In this report, we described a 76 year-old woman who had two saccular aneurysms in the superior mesenteric arterial branch(es). One of them was ruptured and partly thrombosed. The patient had acute renal failure secondary to massive intraabdominal hemorrhage

    NRAS and BRAF mutation frequency in primary oral mucosal melanoma

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    Oral mucosal melanoma (OMM) is a fatal sarcoma of unknown etiology. Histological morphology and genetic events are distinct from those of its cutaneous counterpart. Mutation and up-regulation of c-kit has been identified in OMM which may activate downstream molecules such as RAS and RAF. These molecules are involved in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway leading to tremendous cell proliferation and survival. NRAS and BRAF mutation and protein expression have been studied in other melanoma subtypes. The purpose of this study was to determine RAS protein expression and NRAS and BRAF mutation in 18 primary OMM cases using immunohistochemistry and mutation analysis. Results showed that RAS is intensely expressed in both in situ and invasive OMMs. However, NRAS mutation was only observed in 2/15 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified cases both of which were silent mutations. On the other hand, BRAF missense mutations were observed only in 1/15 cases with PCR amplification. NRAS and BRAF mutations were independent from previously reported c-kit mutations. The classical V600E BRAF mutation was not found; instead a novel V600L was observed suggesting that the oncogenic event in OMM is different from that in skin melanoma. The low frequency of NRAS and BRAF mutations indicate that these genes are not common, but probable events in OMM pathogenesis, most likely independent of c-kit mutation. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Vitamin D3/vitamin K2/magnesium-loaded polylactic acid/tricalcium phosphate/polycaprolactone composite nanofibers demonstrated osteoinductive effect by increasing Runx2 via Wnt/β-catenin pathway

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    Vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and Mg (10%, 1.25%, and 5%, w/w, respectively)-loaded PLA (12%, w/v) (TCP (5%, w/v))/PCL (12%, w/v) 1:1 (v/v) composite nanofibers (DKMF) were produced by electrospinning method (ES) and their osteoinductive effects were investigated in cell culture test. Neither pure nanofibers nor DKMF caused a significant cytotoxic effect in fibroblasts. The induction of the stem cell differentiation into osteogenic cells was observed in the cell culture with both DKMF and pure nanofibers, separately. Vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and magnesium demonstrated to support the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells by expressing Runx2, BMP2, and osteopontin and suppressing PPAR-γ and Sox9. Therefore, the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway was activated by DKMF. DKMF promoted large axonal sprouting and needle-like elongation of osteoblast cells and enhanced cellular functions such as migration, infiltration, proliferation, and differentiation after seven days of incubation using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The results showed that DKMF demonstrated sustained drug release for 144 h, tougher and stronger structure, higher tensile strength, increased water up-take capacity, decreased degradation ratio, and slightly lower Tm and Tg values compared to pure nanofibers. Consequently, DKMF is a promising treatment approach in bone tissue engineering due to its osteoinductive effects