25,658 research outputs found
Government support on industrial cluster development: some lessons
In the global market, competition among countries is likely between industrial cluster rather than individual firms. Developed and less developed countries strive to create global competitive and sustainable cluster which can attract investment and develop regional economy. Understanding best practices from the successful cluster development is valuable. This paper presents some lessons from an exploratory study investigating the industrial cluser development in Australia. The Australian government programs on cluster development is presented, and some lessons covering the cluster approach policy, cluster manager appointment, cluster sustainability, networking events, and use of ICT are discussed
E-business in Indonesia: It still has a prospect?
This study is aimed to investigate the current state of e-business in Indonesia and to discuss its prospect. An Internet research method is adopted to search and collect various data from online sources and to analyze e-business websites. The framework of investigation covers three parties: Internet users, government supports, and e-business firms. The findings reveal the mixed pictures. The number of Internet users is quite big but the national average penetration is still low. In terms of government supports in providing ICT infrastructure and regulation, Indonesia is still behind of many countries. However, there is a promising progress recently in this industry such as the emerging payment gateway companies to support electronic transactions, the investment of big global e-commerce firms, and the establishment of e-commerce association. Academics could use the finding as a preliminary outlook to more focused research topics. Investors could use it also as a preliminary thought to invest in this industry
This study investigates Internet retailers in a developing country. It aims to investigate the characteristic of business profiles and operations, and to describe performance measurement implemented and its use. Internet-based research was adopted by combining a questionnaire email survey with web content analysis to study Indonesian Internet retailers. The results show that the majority of Indonesian Internet retailers are immature, small size, and without store-presence. The business operation practices, such as ordering, payment, and communication, indicate some differences from those in
developed economies. Though Indonesian Internet retailers are still immature, they have measured various aspects of
business performance. Those measured more performance indicators are likely to use the information more intensively to support decision making. This study has limitations such as the small number of responses, which might prevent the generalization of the results. The findings could be used by local Internet retailers to improve the business operations and performance measurement, as well as global Internet retailers entering Indonesian market to adopt some local operation practices
Most universities have a website with one of prevalent basic purpose is to provide an information to current
and prospective students. The university web developers quite often neglect the process to incorporate
customers’ voice during the development process, as suggested by the web usability, an area within humancomputer
interaction (HCI) research. As many web users rely on a search engine to seek information, the
inclusion of words that are most likely used by them (called carewords), in a web site are very critical. This
paper aims to present a preliminary investigation of usability aspects in university websites, by focusing on the
web content. This study applies Internet research methods. A simulation of a hypothetical case in which a
prospective university student intends to study in Surabaya is performed. Search-words “kuliah di Surabaya”,
“universitas di Surabaya”, and “kuliah teknik industri” are applied in Yahoo and Google search engines. The
top 20 links obtained from each searching task are analyzed. Secondary data from EPSBED website was supplied to support the analysis. Furthermore, a content analysis using was conducted to selected websites of universities located in Surabaya. Overall, the findings emphasize that mismatch between the terms used by audiences and those presented in the web content could reduce the visibility of the website. Finally, this study suggests the university web developers to be more intensive applying usability principles to make their websites visible and accessible to potential students, as well as usable to other intended stakeholders
Karakteristik Operator Positif Pada Ruang Hilbert
Pada artikel ini akan dibahas mengenai definisi, contoh, sifat- sifat aljabar, dan beberapa karakteristik operator positif pada ruang Hilbert. Untuk menyelidiki karakteristik operator positif diperlukan konsep operator invertibel, operator self adjoint, dan operator normal pada ruang Hilbert. Pada ruang Hilbert terdapat jenis-jenis operator linear terbatas diantaranya operator invertibel, operator normal, dan operator self adjoint. Operator positif memiliki hubungan dengan operator invertibel, operator normal, dan operator self adjoint. Hubungan- hubungan tersebut dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut
Operator Positif
Operator Self AdjointOperator Normal. Hal tersebut kemudian membawa pemikiran untuk menyelidiki karakteristik operator positif. Pembahasan mengenai karakteristik operator positif pada tulisan ini, lebih ditekankan pada memahami definisi, contoh, sifat- sifat aljabar, dan karakteristik operator positif pada ruang Hilbert. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah sifat- sifat aljabar operator positif diantaranya sifat penjumlahan dan perkalian dengan skalar. Selain itu, apabila T operator positif maka T operator self adjoint dan jika T operator self adjoint maka T operator normal. Dengan demikian, apabila T operator positif maka T operator normal.
Kata kunci: Operator Invertibel, Operator Normal , Operator Positif , Operator Self Adjoint , dan Ruang Hilbert
Meskipun telah cukup banyak ritel online yang muncul, pengetahuan tentang bagaimana mereka mengukur kinerja bisnis online tersebut masih belum banyak diketahui. Literatur menunjukkan bahwa pengukuran kinerja mempunyai peran strategis dan operasional. Studi ini bertujuan mempelajari indikator kinerja yang dipakai oleh ritel online di Indonesia. Berdasarkan literature, indikator
kinerja dikelompokkan ke dalam 5 aspek yaitu financial, marketing, customer, operation, dan web. Metode riset yang digunakan ialah survey online melalui email kepada para pengelola ritel online di Indonesia. Temuan studi ini di antaranya menunjukkan bahwa ada 5 indikator teratas yang
digunakan oleh hampir semua ritel online, dengan dua indikator yaitu: on-time delivery dan unique visitors yang khusus untuk ritel online dan tiga lainnya yaitu number of orders, total sales, dan profit margin merupakan indikator yang juga dipakai oleh ritel (toko) tradisional. Temuan lainnya yaitu mayoritas ritel online tidak menekankan pada berbagai indikator tentang customer acquisition dan customer retention. Secara keseluruhan, meskipun ritel online di Indonesia masih dalam tahap perkembangan awal, mereka telah rasional dalam mengevaluasi kinerja bisnisnya yang ditunjukkan dengan kompleksitas indikator yang digunakan
Konsep Jenis Lembaga Jaminan Utang Pada koperasi
In the practice of binding debt guarantees in the Rukun Mekar Savings and Loans Cooperative, there is a conflict between das sollen and das sein, or there is an imbalance between reality/empirical and ideal conditions, namely, regarding the provision of loans with collateral without being encumbered by mortgage or fiduciary rights. The reason for this is that the process of imposing mortgage rights, or fiduciary, is not a simple process, takes a long time and costs a lot of money. Based on these problems, this study aims to find out about the concept of types of debt guarantee institutions in cooperatives, which are different from mortgages, fiduciaries, pledges, mortgages, and warehouse receipts. The research specification is descriptive analytical, with a normative juridical approach, using the main source of secondary data, and the research is carried out in one stage, namely, library research, which is supported by interviews using data collection techniques consisting of library research and interviews, then secondary data and interviews. The results of the interviews inventoried were analyzed qualitatively normatively. This study found the results: the concept of a type of debt guarantee institution in cooperatives, is a concept that offers debt guarantee institutions that apply specifically to cooperatives that are different from mortgage, fiduciary, mortgage, mortgage, and warehouse receipt institutions, the agreement is made in the form of a deed. under a binding hand, the object of the guarantee is all objects, whether movable or immovable, tangible or intangible, whether existing or will be owned by the borrower, which gives a preferred position to the cooperative, the process is simple, fast, low cost, and also has the executive power of slag, namely the object of debt guarantees can be executed by force by the cooperative, if the borrower defaults, without the need for a civil court process, so as to provide legal certainty, justice, and benefit to the parties, especially the cooperatives
Comparison of the physical fitness of karate and taekwondo elite athletes
Introduction. A coach compiles and determines a training program based on the physical fitness profile of the athlete. Central Sulawesi taekwondo and karate athletes have been undergoing independent training since mid-2020.
Objective of the study. This study aims to investigate the comparison in physical fitness of elite athletes in taekwondo and karate
Research methods. This study uses a causal-comparative method, where the researcher seeks to determine the cause or effect of the differences that occur between groups. The sample of this research is 20 elite athletes. Evaluation of physical abilities or physical fitness is an instrument used to measure the physical fitness of taekwondo and karate athletes. An independent sample t-test was used for comparison of independent samples.
Research result and Conclusion. The results and conclusions of the study indicate that descriptively the speed, endurance of abdominal muscle strength, and endurance of thigh muscle strength, agility, flexibility, leg reaction speed, and cardiovascular endurance of taekwondo athletes are higher than karate athletes, while for leg muscle strength and breathing karate athletes are higher than taekwondo athletes. Sig value. (2 tailed) or p-value <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the variable components of physical fitness, abdominal muscle strength, agility, flexibility in leg reaction speed, and cardiovascular endurance between taekwondo athletes and karate athletes. Whereas in the variable components of physical fitness, speed, endurance, thigh muscle strength, and leg and respiratory muscle strength, there were no significant differences between taekwondo athletes and karate
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: (1) mendeskripsikan struktur yang membangun
novel Orang-orang Proyek karya Ahmad Tohari, dan (2) mendeskripsikan konflik
batin tokoh Kabul dalam novel Orang-orang Proyek karya Ahmad Tohari
berdasarkan tinjauan psikologi sastra.
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif
kualitatif. Objek penelitian adalah konflik batin tokoh Kabul dalam novel Orang-
orang Proyek karya Ahmad Tohari. Data penelitian ini berupa data kata, kalimat,
dan paragraf dalam novel Orang-orang Proyek karya Ahmad Tohari. Sumber data
yang digunakan yaitu sumber data primer yakni novel Orang-orang Proyek karya
Ahmad Tohari yang diterbitkan oleh PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2007,
setebal 224 halaman. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik
pustaka, simak dan catat. Teknik analalisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini adalah teknik pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik.
Berdasarkan analisis struktural, tema dalam novel Orang-orang Proyek
adalah idealisme dan kejujuran harus ditegakkan dalam situasi apa pun. Alur dalam
novel ini maju atau progresif. Tokoh utamanya adalah Kabul, sedangkan tokoh
tambahannya adalah Ir. Dalkijo, Pak Tarya, Pak Basar, Wati, dan Mak Sumeh.
Latar novel ini menggunakan latar tempat di sebuah desa yang dialiri Sungai
Cibawor. Latar waktu yakni kurun waktu tahun 1991 sampai tahun 1992. Latar
sosial yang digambarkan adalah kehidupan masyarakat pedesaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya tiga jenis konflik batin yang dialami
tokoh Kabul dalam novel Orang-orang Proyek karya Ahmad Tohari yaitu (1)
konflik mendekat-mendekat, yang terdiri atas (a) konflik batin antara dua pilihan
yang mulia, (b) konflik batin antara perasaan bahagia dengan kesusahan; (2) konflik
mendekat-menjauh, yang terdiri atas (a) konflik batin antara kejujuran dan
kecurangan, (b) konflik batin ketika mempertahankan idealisme, (c) konflik batin
antara tanggung jawab dan beban pekerjaan yang berat (d) konflik batin antara
ketulusan dan paksaan dalam membantu, (e) konflik batin mengenai keinginan
menikah, (f) konflik batin antara perasaan cinta dan merebut pacar orang lain; (3)
konflik menjauh-menjauh, terdiri atas (a) konflik batin akibat terjadi kecurangan di
masyarakat, (b) konflik batin akibat adanya tekanan, ketidaknyamanan, dan
Perancangan LNA Untuk Mobile WiMAX Pada 2,3 GHz
Pada receiver mobile worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) untuk mendapatkan penguatan sinyal radio frequency (RF) tanpa menguatkan sinyal noise maka digunakan rangkaian low noise amplifier (LNA). Di Indonesia mobile WiMAX dialokasikan pada pita frekuensi 2,3 GHz. Karena digunakan pada frekuensi tinggi agar didapat kestabilan yang tinggi, maka LNA yang dirancang berbasis mikrostrip. Metodologi rancangan ini memerlukkan analisa kestabilan transistor dan penentuan rangkaian matching yang tepat. Jadi ada tiga bagian penting dalam perancangan LNA ini, yaitu rangkaian DC bias, transistor, dan rangkaian matching. Spesifikasi LNA yang dirancang mengacu pada WiMAX 802.16e dengan frekuensi kerja pada 2,3 GHz. Perancangan dan pengukuran ini menggunakan software Advanced Design System (ADS). Transistor yang digunakan adalah ATF-55143, karena dapat bekerja baik pada frekuensi tinggi dan memiliki noise figure yang kecil. Dalam perancangan ini terdapat 4 tipe LNA, yaitu LNA single stage dan single stage mikrostrip, serta LNA 3 stage dan 3 stage mikrostrip. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi keempat tipe LNA ini memiliki sensitivitas sebesar -115 dBm. Untuk single stage gain yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 16 dB dan untuk yang LNA 3 stage 44dB – 45 dB. Noise yang dihasilkan kurang dari 1 dB untuk keempat tipe LNA tersebut. Kata kunci : LNA, WiMAX 802.16e, 2.3 GHz, microstri
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