87 research outputs found


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    Based on data from the Internet survey from independent institutions in the United States named pewinternet as on 6 August 2008 by Deborah Fallow stating that using search engine is the second largest activity of the Internet user after e-mail, so it can not be denied that the main key to the success of a website is how the website domain listed first on the search results of a search engine. One way to ensure this is to have a high SEO score. This makes the writer is interested to conduct experiments on the relationship SEO score and ranking of a domain in search engines. Experiments carried out in an e-business lecture class, where there are 5 groups with their own domain and then we optimized their SEO. The results obtained were surprising, it turns out that high SEO score does not guarantee a high ranking and the top of the list of a search engine. This journal will explain in detail how it is done

    Website Application Security Scanner Using Local File Inclusion and Remote File Inclusion

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    Today many web-based applications developed to be accessible via the internet. The problem that often occurs is commonly found on web application vulnerabilities. Many application developers often ignore security issues when developing applications that can cause substantial losses if a hacker manages to gain access to the system. A hacker can replace web pages, obtain sensitive information, or even take over control of the website. For that reason there is a need for applications that can help developers to overcome these problems. This application is expected to detect the vulnerabilities that exist on a website. Existing processes include: The process of crawling to get the whole link from target websites, attacking process is useful for testing the attacks, and the last is the process of displaying a report about the security hole on the website. This application is developed using Microsoft Visual C # 2010. Based on the results of tests made on this application, it can be concluded that the application can detect vulnerabilities in the website and report any form of link that has a security hole on the website

    2 Metoda Signifikan Pendongkrak Posisi Domain Pada Mesin Pencari

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    Based on data from the Internet survey from independent institutions in the United States named pewinternet as on 6 August 2008 by Deborah Fallow stating that using search engine is the second largest activity of the Internet user after e-mail, so it can not be denied that the main key to the success of a website is how the website domain listed first on the search results of a search engine. One way to ensure this is to have a high SEO score. This makes the writer is interested to conduct experiments on the relationship SEO score and ranking of a domain in search engines. Experiments carried out in an e-business lecture class, where there are 5 groups with their own domain and then we optimized their SEO. The results obtained were surprising, it turns out that high SEO score does not guarantee a high ranking and the top of the list of a search engine. This journal will explain in detail how it is done


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    USCPACK Software from University of Carolina is one of the pioneers of computerized drug dosage system. This software uses Bayesian method. The algorithm that used in this software is known as NPEM (Non Parametric Expectation Maximization). After knowing how USCPACK work, then we made new software that has the same use like USCPACK but with new algorithm that different from NPEM. These paper will describe the how to make the software based on NPAG algorithm. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Software USCPACK buatan University of Carolina merupakan salah satu pelopor dimungkinkannya penentuan dosis obat persatuan waktu tertentu untuk pasien secara umum menggunakan komputer. Software ini bekerja dengan menggunakan metode dasar Bayesian. Algoritma yang digunakan oleh software ini adalah NPEM (Non Parametric Expectation Maximization). Setelah mengetahui cara kerja dari USCPACK maka dibuatlah sebuah software pendosisan obat menggunakan algoritma non parametrik lain selain NPEM. Paper ini akan membahas pembuatan software pendosisan obat menggunakan algoritma newton – raphson dalam penentuan dosis obat terkomputerisasi. Kata kunci: Pendosisan terkomputerisasi, optimasi, Bayesian, NPEM, Newton Raphson, USCPAC

    Aplikasi Teknologi SMS Untuk Transformasi Data Pada PT. X Dengan Menggunakan Database Oracle 9i

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    Saat ini, dalam melakukan suatu USAha / bisnis diperlukan ketepatan dan kecepatan dalam memperoleh informasi yang berkaitan dengan USAha yang dilakukan. Permasalahan yang sering timbul dalam mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan adalah besarnya biaya dan tenaga yang harus dikeluarkan.Penggunaan SMS dalam memperoleh informasi dapat membantu pengeluaran suatu badan USAha menjadi lebih kecil dan mengefisiensikan tenaga kerja yang dimiliki. Dalam mengimplementasikan penggunaan SMS digabungkan dengan suatu sistem database agar dapat secara otomatis mengolah informasi yang didapat menjadi data dan memasukkannya kedalam database tersebut. Penggabungan antar database dan sistem dilakukan dengan menghubungkan handphone ke komputer dan untuk mengakses handphone tersebut digunakan AT Command.Dalam pengujian, SMS berhasil digunakan untuk mengirim data dari suatu sistem ke sistem lain dan merubah database yang dimiliki sesuai dengan SMS yang dikirimkan, dan membalas SMS secara otomatis dengan format tertentu, serta menghemat waktu

    The Use of Instagram to Increase the Outcome in Learning the Reaction Rate in Chemistry Subject

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    The reaction rate is one of the abstract chemical materials so it requires visualization that can describe the reaction rate events in a more realistic way so that it is more easily understood by students. Visualization can help students be able to observe the symptoms that occur, collect data and draw conclusions from the videos or images presented and improve student learning outcomes. Social media such as Instagram is very possible to be applied in the chemistry learning process which requires visualization to explain some chemistry concepts like reaction rate. The use of Instagram can help students observe the symptoms that occur in the reaction rate through the videos or images presented. Instagram is considered very appropriate to be used to convey learning material that requires visualization to increase students' understanding. The research method used was quasi-experimental with the use of experimental class and control class and shaped Posttest-Only Design. Based on the results of the study, the learning outcomes in the cognitive domain average value of the experimental class was 80.83 and the average value of the control class was 73.83 with increased learning outcomes N-gain of 0.26. Assessment of learning outcomes in the affective and psychomotor domains with the use of final score on a scale of 1 to 4. Calculation of the final score uses the score comparison formula obtained with the maximum score multiplied by the maximum score. In the present study, a final score with an average affective and psychomotor score of 3.21 and 3.04 was obtained respectively

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of the work environment and work stress on performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable for employees at CV. Setia Abadi City of Samarinda. The research method used is explanatory research with a quantitative approach, namely statistical analysis with regression analysis and path analysis. Where before testing the hypothesis, instrument trials and classical assumption tests were first carried out. The sampling technique in this study was saturated sampling, where all members of the population were used as samples, namely 10 people. The research instrument used was a questionnaire regarding work environment, work stress, job satisfaction and employee performance. Based on the results of the calculations that have been done, it is concluded that the work environment variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at CV.Setia Abadi Kota Samarinda, then the work stress variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at CV. Setia Abadi Kota Samarinda, and work environment variables and work stress have a positive and significant effect on employee performance simultaneously on CV. Setia Abadi Kota Samarinda
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