119 research outputs found

    A New Soft-Switching Control Technique and Loss Analysis for Parallel Resonant DC-Link Inverter Connected to the Grid

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    This study is recommended to develop a soft-switching control software infrastructure that enables more efficient and effective use of parallel resonant DC link circuits. The fact that the control technique can be easily applied to the soft switching circuit makes it important in this field. With this proposed study, lower voltage ripple and higher efficiency are obtained. To see the results of the technique and to study its effect, a study was carried out on a grid connected inverter. When the frequency changes between 5-15 kHz and 5-10 kW power is transmitted to the grid, the soft switching effect is studied and the efficiency is increased. A software model for calculating the power losses of semiconductor switches has also been established. Using this modeling approach, the power consumption is calculated in detail and the loss analysis is performed using catalog data of semiconductor switches. The accuracy of the obtained results was compared with another simulator. While the PRDCL inverter using the new proposed switching technique transmits 10 kW of power to the grid, the efficiency increased from 97.67% to 98.61% at a switching frequency of 5 kHz, from 96.82% to 98.58% at a switching frequency of 10 kHz, and from 95.61% to 98.55% at a switching frequency of 15 kHz

    Molecular self-assembly in indole-based benzamide derivative: Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surfaces and antimicrobial activity

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    Two new compounds, 1H-indole-7-amine (1) and N-(1H-indol-7-yl)-2-methylbenzamide (2) were synthesized and structurally characterized by NMR and FT-IR spectroscopic techniques. The molecular structure of compound 2 was further elucidated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction technique. Moreover, the crystal packing of compound 2 is analyzed in terms of non-covalent N-H···O, C-H···π, and parallel displaced π···π interactions. Hirshfeld surface analysis and decomposed fingerprint plots of the compound 2 were performed to visualize the presence of strong hydrogen bond N-H···O and C-H···π stacking interactions. Hirshfeld surface analysis and decomposed fingerprint plots show that the structure of compound 2 is stabilized by H···H, N-H···O, C-H···π and π···π intermolecular interactions and these interactions contribute mostly to molecular self-assembly in the crystal. In addition, compound 2 was evaluated for both their in-vitro antibacterial and antifungal activity. The obtained results have been reported, explained and compared with fluconazole and ampicillin used as reference drugs

    Custom-made Gold Implant for Management of Lagophthalmos: A Case Report

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    Lagophthalmos is defined as the inability to close the eyelids completely. This situation may lead to corneal problems such as epithelial defects, stromal thinning, exposure keratitis, bacterial infection, perforation, and blindness. A patient with lagophthalmos underwent insertion of a custom-made gold weight implant. After implantation, the patient was able to close her eye and expressed high cosmetic and aesthetic results. Fabrication of gold weight implant by the means of a rolling machine is an effective and easy way and should be considered in the management of lagophthalmos

    Crystal structure of cis-copper(II) complex with N-(di-n-propylcarbamothioyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide ligand

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    Copper(II) complex, cis-[Cu(L-κ2S,O)2] of N-(di-n-propylcarbamothioyl)cyclohexane carboxamide ligands (HL) has been synthesized and structurally characterized by various spectroscopic techniques and single crystal X-ray diffraction crystallography. The cis-[Cu(L-κ2S,O)2], C28H50CuN4O2S2: Monoclinic, space group P21/n (no. 14), a = 10.025(2) Å, b = 21.724(4) Å, c = 14.848(3) Å, β = 100.60(3)°, Z = 4, Dcalc = 1.259 g/cm3, 22069 reflections measured (5.88° ≤ 2Θ ≤ 50.2°), 5639 unique (Rint = 0.0630, Rsigma = 0.0678) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was 0.0488 (≥2σ(I)) and wR2 was 0.1277 (all data). Single crystal analysis revealed that a square-planar coordination geometry is formed around the copper atom by two sulphur and two oxygen atoms of the related ligand, which are in a cis configuration

    The Evaluation of Water Sorption/Solubility on Various Acrylic Resins

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    Objectives: The absorption of water by acrylic resins is a phenomenon of considerable importance since it is accompanied by dimensional changes, a further undesirable effect of absorbed water in acrylic resins to reduce the tensile strength of the material. Solubility is also an important property because it represents the mass of soluble materials from the polymers. Methods: Ten acrylic resin-based materials were evaluated: two heat cure acrylic resins (De Trey QC-20, Meliodent Heat Cure) and eight self cure acrylic resins (Meliodent Cold, Akrileks, Akribel, Akribel Transparent, Vertex Trayplast, Formatray, Dentalon Plus, Palavit G). To evaluate water sorption and water solubility, thirty square-shaped specimens (20x20x1.5 mm) were fabricated from the wax specimens. One way ANOVA test, Tukey test and Pearson correlation coefficient performed for data. Results: Water sorption mean values varied from 11.33±0.33 to 30.46±0.55 µg/mm 3. Water solubility mean values varied from-0.05±0.23 to 3.69±0.12 µg/mm 3. There was statistically significant difference between mean values of the materials (P<.05). There was no linear correlation between sorption and solubility values. Conclusions: The results of the water sorption and water solubility values of both self-cured and heat-cured acrylic resins were in accordance with the ISO specification. No correlation found between water sorption and water solubility values. (Eur J Dent 2008;2:191-197

    Preparation, characterization and crystal structure of dinuclear zinc(II) carboxylate complex with 1-(pyridin-4-yl)ethanone and 4-methylbenzoate based ligands

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    The centrosymmetric binuclear complex, [Zn2(C8H7O2)4(C7H7NO)2], has been synthesized and characterized by FT-IR and NMR methods. The obtained Zn(II) metal complex has been also characterized by a single crystal X-ray diffraction study. Crystal data for C46H42N2O10Zn2: Monoclinic, Space group P21/c (no. 14), a = 10.4827(3) Å, b = 8.6141(2) Å, c = 24.7582(6) Å, β = 101.066(1) °, V = 2194.07(10) Å3, Z = 4, Dcalc = 1.383 g/cm3, 22545 reflections measured (3.96° ≤ 2Θ ≤ 52.74°), 4465 unique (Rint = 0.0388, Rsigma = 0.0333) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was 0.0489 (I ≥ 2s(I)) and wR2 was 0.1533 (all data). The four nearest oxygen atoms around each zinc ion form a distorted square-planar arrangement, and the distorted square-pyramidal coordination is completed by the nitrogen atom of the 1-(pyridin-4-yl)ethanone compound

    N-(Dibenzylcarbamothioyl)-3-methylbutanamide: Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surfaces and antimicrobial activity

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    The compound N-(dibenzylcarbamothioyl)-3-methylbutanamide as a thiourea derivative was synthesized and structurally characterized by NMR and FT-IR spectroscopic techniques. The molecular structure of compound was also characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction method. Crystal data for title compound C20H24N2OS: monoclinic, space group C2/c (no. 15), a = 19.6882(9) Å, b = 9.4045(4) Å, c = 19.5012(8) Å, β = 98.433(2)°, V = 3571.8(3) Å3, Z = 8, μ(CuKα) = 1.665 mm-1, 25057 reflections measured (9.168° ≤ 2Θ ≤ 144.196°), 3500 unique (Rint = 0.0322, Rsigma = 0.0200) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was 0.0363 (I>2σ(I)) and wR2 was 0.0910 (all data). Intermolecular contacts obtained from X-ray single crystal diffraction study were also explored using both Hirshfeld surfaces and fingerprint plots. Hirshfeld surface analysis showed the occurrence of S···H, O···H and H···H contacts that display an important role to crystal packing stabilization of the thiourea derivative compound. In addition, the compound was evaluated for both their in-vitro antibacterial and antifungal activity

    Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of cis-bis[4-fluoro-N-(diethylcarbamothioyl)benzamido-κ2O,S]platinum(II)

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    cis-Bis[4-fluoro-N-(diethylcarbamothioyl)benzamido-κ2O,S]platinum(II), cis-[Pt(L-O,S)2], was synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, FT-IR and NMR techniques. The obtained metal complex was also characterized by a single crystal X-ray diffraction study. Molecule formula of the title compound is C24H28F2N4O2PtS2: tetragonal, space group I41/a, a = 19.7530(4) Å, b = 19.7530(4) Å, c = 13.7137(3) Å, V = 5350.83(19) Å3, Z = 8, Dcalc = 1.742 g/mm3, 22890 reflections measured (3.62 ≤ 2Θ ≤ 52.72), 2733 (Rint = 0.0272), which were used in all calculations. A square-planar coordination geometry is formed around the Pt atom by two S atoms and two O atoms of the N-(diethylcarbamothioyl)-4-fluorobenzamide ligand which are a cis configuration

    Neuobičajeni klinički slučajevi koji oponašaju akutni diseminirani encefalomijelitis

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    Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is an immune-mediated monophasic inflammatory demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system which poses a diagnostic challenge. We report on six cases of different etiologies that mimicked the clinical and radiologic findings of ADEM. The cases were collected from four different reference hospitals in Turkey. The same radiologist from the Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine examined the magnetic resonance images of all patients. Three (50%) patients had antecedent infections. Initial symptoms of the patients were as follows: fever in 50%, altered consciousness in 33.3% and convulsions in 16.7% of patients. Neurologic examination showed long tract signs in 83.3%, ataxia in 50% and altered consciousness in 50% of patients. Cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed lymphocytic pleocytosis only in case 6. Four patients received steroid pulse therapy and one of these initially underwent intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. The patients’ definitive diagnoses were as follows: paraspinal neuroblastoma-associated paraneoplastic syndrome; histiocytic sarcoma; mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes; and cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy in one patient each, while two patients had hemophagocytic syndrome. The present case series demonstrated difficulties in diagnosing ADEM while revealing extremely rare disorders that mimic ADEM radiologically and clinically.Akutni diseminirani encefalomijelitis (ADEM) je immuno posredovana monofazna upalna demijelinizacijska bolest središnjega živčanog sustava koja je dijagnostički vrlo zahtjevna. Prikazuje se šest slučajeva različite etiologije gdje su klinički i radiološki nalazi oponašali ADEM. Slučajevi su prikupljeni iz četiri različite referentne bolnice u Turskoj. Slikovne prikaze dobivene magnetskom rezonancom u svih bolesnika pregledao je isti radiolog s Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Akdenizu. Troje (50%) bolesnika imalo je prethodnu infekciju. Početni simptomi bili su groznica u 50%, poremećaj svijesti u 33,3% te konvulzije u 16,7% bolesnika. Neurološki pregled pokazao je znakove oštećenja srednjeg ili gornjeg dijela leđne moždine (long tract signs) u 83,3%, ataksiju u 50% te poremećaj svijesti u 50% bolesnika. Pregled likvora otkrio je limfocitnu pleocitozu samo u slučaju br. 6. Četiri bolesnika primilo je pulsnu steroidnu terapiju, a jedan od njih je prvotno bio na terapiji intravenskim globulinom. U bolesnika su postavljene sljedeće konačne dijagnoze: paraneoplastični sindrom udružen s paraspinalnim neuroblastomom; histiocitni sarkom; mitohondrijska miopatija, encefalopatija, laktična acidoza i epizode slične moždanom udaru (MELAS); i cerebralna autosomna dominantna arteriopatija sa subkortikalnim infarktima i leukoencefalopatijom (CADASIL) u po jednog bolesnika, te hemofagocitni sindrom u dvoje bolesnika. Ovaj niz slučajeva ukazuje na teškoće u dijagnosticiranju ADEM-a i istodobno pokazuje iznimno rijetke bolesti koje radiološki i klinički oponašaju ADEM

    RESILIENT Part 2: A Randomized, Open-Label Phase III Study of Liposomal Irinotecan Versus Topotecan in Adults With Relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    PURPOSE The phase III RESILIENT trial compared second-line liposomal irinotecan with topotecan in patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC). PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients with SCLC and progression on or after first-line platinum-based chemotherapy were randomly assigned (1:1) to intravenous (IV) liposomal irinotecan (70 mg/m(2) every 2 weeks in a 6-week cycle) or IV topotecan (1.5 mg/m(2) daily for 5 consecutive days, every 3 weeks in a 6-week cycle). The primary end point was overall survival (OS). Key secondary end points included progression-free survival (PFS) and objective response rate (ORR). RESULTS Among 461 randomly assigned patients, 229 received liposomal irinotecan and 232 received topotecan. The median follow-up was 18.4 months. The median OS was 7.9 months with liposomal irinotecan versus 8.3 months with topotecan (hazard ratio [HR], 1.11 [95% CI, 0.90 to 1.37]; P = .31). The median PFS per blinded independent central review (BICR) was 4.0 months with liposomal irinotecan and 3.3 months with topotecan (HR, 0.96 [95% CI, 0.77 to 1.20]; nominal P = .71); ORR per BICR was 44.1% (95% CI, 37.6 to 50.8) and 21.6% (16.4 to 27.4), respectively. Overall, 42.0% and 83.4% of patients receiving liposomal irinotecan and topotecan, respectively, experienced grade >= 3 related treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs). The most common grade >= 3 related TEAEs were diarrhea (13.7%), neutropenia (8.0%), and decreased neutrophil count (4.4%) with liposomal irinotecan and neutropenia (51.6%), anemia (30.9%), and leukopenia (29.1%) with topotecan. CONCLUSION Liposomal irinotecan and topotecan demonstrated similar median OS and PFS in patients with relapsed SCLC. Although the primary end point of OS was not met, liposomal irinotecan demonstrated a higher ORR than topotecan. The safety profile of liposomal irinotecan was consistent with its known safety profile; no new safety concerns emerged