59 research outputs found

    International Legal Regulation of Activities for the Safe Use of Outer Space

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    [Purpose] It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without space technologies. International crews of astronauts have been working in orbit as part of the International Space Station for the past fifteen years. The purpose of the study is to assess the problems of legal regulation of activities related to the use of space communications. [Methodology] According to the specifics of the subject and the purpose of the research, we applied dialectical, historical, comparative and system-structural methods. [Findings] The international legal instruments of general statutory load on outer space subjects and specialised regulation with a focus on individual aspects of the safety of space activities were studied. To clarify the scope of relevant objects of outer space, the causes of emerging dangers as a result of space activities were identified. The development of a set of regulations for the commercial use of space communications was demonstrated. [Practical Implications] The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that the safety of space activities in recent years has become one of the most serious problems of space activities.[Purpose] It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without space technologies. International crews of astronauts have been working in orbit as part of the International Space Station for the past fifteen years. The purpose of the study is to assess the problems of legal regulation of activities related to the use of space communications. [Methodology] According to the specifics of the subject and the purpose of the research, we applied dialectical, historical, comparative and system-structural methods. [Findings] The international legal instruments of general statutory load on outer space subjects and specialised regulation with a focus on individual aspects of the safety of space activities were studied. To clarify the scope of relevant objects of outer space, the causes of emerging dangers as a result of space activities were identified. The development of a set of regulations for the commercial use of space communications was demonstrated. [Practical Implications] The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that the safety of space activities in recent years has become one of the most serious problems of space activities.[Purpose] It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without space technologies. International crews of astronauts have been working in orbit as part of the International Space Station for the past fifteen years. The purpose of the study is to assess the problems of legal regulation of activities related to the use of space communications. [Methodology] According to the specifics of the subject and the purpose of the research, we applied dialectical, historical, comparative and system-structural methods. [Findings] The international legal instruments of general statutory load on outer space subjects and specialised regulation with a focus on individual aspects of the safety of space activities were studied. To clarify the scope of relevant objects of outer space, the causes of emerging dangers as a result of space activities were identified. The development of a set of regulations for the commercial use of space communications was demonstrated. [Practical Implications] The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that the safety of space activities in recent years has become one of the most serious problems of space activities.[Purpose] It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without space technologies. International crews of astronauts have been working in orbit as part of the International Space Station for the past fifteen years. The purpose of the study is to assess the problems of legal regulation of activities related to the use of space communications. [Methodology] According to the specifics of the subject and the purpose of the research, we applied dialectical, historical, comparative and system-structural methods. [Findings] The international legal instruments of general statutory load on outer space subjects and specialised regulation with a focus on individual aspects of the safety of space activities were studied. To clarify the scope of relevant objects of outer space, the causes of emerging dangers as a result of space activities were identified. The development of a set of regulations for the commercial use of space communications was demonstrated. [Practical Implications] The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that the safety of space activities in recent years has become one of the most serious problems of space activities


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    This article presents some results of experimental studies of the thermophysical characteristics of melon pulp. The thermophysical characteristics of the pulp of melons of different varieties in the temperature range from 20 º to 70 ºС are determined. It has been established that thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity increases with increasing temperature almost linearly. Empirical expressions for the coefficients of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are obtained. These data will be useful in the thermal calculation of drying installations in the production of dried mel

    The Pedagogical Conditions for Reflexive Culture Improvement of Future Teachers

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    Changes in the socio-political and economic guidelines of modern society have led to the advancement of new requirements for a university graduate to his preparedness level. A market economy with the fierce competition requires specialists who are sensitive to creative work, highly professional, mobile, capable of finding and implementing new, effective forms of organizing their activities.The research problem is to search for pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of professional-pedagogical reflection in future teachers in the process of studying at a university.The purpose of the research is to identify the level of developed skills in reflexive culture and experimentally prove the pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional-pedagogical reflection of the students of the educational faculties and enhance future teacher reflexive culture, especially of the teacher of physical training.Drawing on educational practices at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (KAZNPU) further, this paper presents the results of the future teacher reflexive culture (RC) enhancement process. It presents various content-based approach models-including those that have been developed at the KAZNPU and, examines the decision-making process of future teacher reflexive culture enhancement for a particular educational setting.This research comes to the conclusion that during the development of future teachers' reflexive culture, it is necessary to use the set of methodological tools supporting the educational process

    Adaptation of Regulatory Systems in Schoolchildren, Residing in Industrial Area

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    The article presents the results of the study of heart rate variability (HRT) in apparently healthy volunteers of both sexes without bad habits, aged 16-18, residing in industrial region (Temirtau) and the ones, studying under innovative technologies. HRT was registered with the help of computer-controlled devices “Varikard” (Russia). The changes of HRT spectral indexes towards integral impact of vegetative regulation mechanisms and parasympathetic activity decrease and regulatory systems overexertion, demanding correction methods implementatio

    Ways to Enhance Students’ Learning Activities in the Context of Higher Education

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    The article aims to study scientific and methodological features of the ways to enhance students’ learning activities in the context of higher education. The study's theoretical significance is derived from the in-depth analysis of the development of students' learning activity. The study offers the framework of characteristics for the concept of “students' learning (cognitive) activity". The main used methods were: analysis, peer-assessment, self-assessment. The interview method was used to make a cognitive profile of the participants, taking into account their psychological characteristics. The authors developed and scientifically tested educational model based on module curricula and interactive teaching methods to enhance students' learning activity. The authors also reflected the dynamic of the learning activity of the students with disabilities participating in the experiment. The results proved the effectiveness of the developed model of enhancing students' learning activity by using interactive teaching methods. It was concluded that the module curricular and active teaching methods help enhance students with disabilities' learning activity and make them more responsible in respect to the results of their study

    Fashioning of Students' Research Competence Through Technology of Project Activities

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    Objective: The authors provide justifications for changing the current education system, updating the teaching and methodological approach in school specialised education. The paper investigates the issue of fashioning students' research competence through the technology of project activities.Background: Project activity has become widely used since it combines the theoretical and practical parts of the science under study, which allows to set up a connection between its components. Research competence is an integral feature of a student's personality, which manifests itself in a willingness to take an active research position.Method: The authors conducted an experiment to study the problem of improving the quality of students' knowledge upon studying biology in senior school. The participants in the experiment were 120 students of the 10th and 11th years of a specialised school for children with psychological disorders.Results: The authors developed a methodology for the fashioning of research competence. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed the validity of the initial assumptions regarding the influence of the use of research teaching methods in biology lessons aimed at improving the quality of biological education.Conclusion: Through project activities, students with intellectual disabilities learn to work in a team. Despite the fact that teamwork is uniting, each of the students learns to independently set the purpose and tasks of the study, analyse the sources presented, present the results of their activities to others. The main signs of project activity include the fact that students learn the technique and technology of working with the project. Project activity allows for the fashioning of students' research competence during the lesson, thereby enabling students to unleash their potential

    Assessment of Respiratory Function in Students, Residing in Different Industrial Areas

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    The article considers the results of the examination of three groups of apparently healthy volunteer students of one social group, both men and women, without bad habits, aged 19-22. Students live in three different industrial areas of Central Khazakhstan, containing ironworks (Temirtau) and non-ferrous smelters (Balkhash, Zhezkazgan). It determined the necessity of respiratory function examination, using automated lung tester. The examination of respiratory function determined the decrease of the following parameters: lung vital capacity, maximal expiratory flow volume, forced expiratory volume 1, peak expiratory flow rate, cardiac minute output 25-50 if compared to proper parameters. The examination enabled us to make the conclusion that respiratory function is restricted due to high respiratory load, caused by air pollution. Changes intensity is different and can indicate the pollution in the examined areas

    Sex differentials in the prevalence of behavioral risk factors and non-communicable diseases in adult populations of West Kazakhstan

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    IntroductionThe prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is increasing worldwide. Several modifiable risk factors, such as smoking, alcohol drinking, physical inactivity, and obesity, have been linked to the development of NCDs in both genders. Understanding the prevalence of these risk factors and their associated factors is crucial for effective intervention planning in adult populations. This study aimed to provide an overview of the prevalence and associated factors of these risk behaviors among different genders of adults in West Kazakhstan.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in four regions of West Kazakhstan. A stratified multistage sampling technique was utilized to obtain a representative sample size of 4,800 participants aged 18 -69 years. Trained researchers administered face-to-face interviews using validated questionnaires to gather information pertaining to sociodemographic characteristics, smoking habits, alcohol drinking, dietary patterns, physical activity levels, body mass index (BMI), and prevalent diseases.ResultsThis study, which included 4,800 participants from West Kazakhstan, revealed some striking numerical findings. The overall prevalence rates of behavioral risk factors and metabolic conditions were as follows: smoking was 13.6% (95%CI: 3.2–24.0%), alcohol drinking was 47.0% (27.7–66.3%), current obesity was 22.3% (9.0–35.6%), and physical inactivity was 80.7% (55.4–106.0%). In addition, the overall prevalence rates of metabolic conditions were 25.6% (11.3–39.9%) for hypertension, 7.5% (0.2–15.2%) for diabetes, 11.8% (2.1–21.5%) for high cholesterol, and 13.0% (2.8–23.2%) for cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, a higher prevalence of high cholesterol was observed in men, and a greater prevalence of heart disease was identified in women. Multinomial logistic regression revealed that physical inactivity was associated with hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, while obesity was linked to hypertension, high cholesterol, and heart disease.DiscussionThis study in West Kazakhstan identified variations in the prevalence of behavioral risk factors and NCDs, highlighting gender, age, and regional disparities. Notably, men showed higher rates of smoking and alcohol drinking, while women exhibited a greater prevalence of physical inactivity and obesity. Gender and regional differences were evident, with the West Kazakhstan region standing out for distinct patterns. Tailored interventions are crucial to address these disparities and enhance public health in the region