33 research outputs found

    Selective serotonergic excitation of callosal projection neurons

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    Serotonin (5-HT) acting as a neurotransmitter in the cerebral cortex is critical for cognitive function, yet how 5-HT regulates information processing in cortical circuits is not well understood. We tested the serotonergic responsiveness of layer 5 pyramidal neurons (L5PNs) in the mouse medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and found three distinct response types: long-lasting 5-HT1A (1A) receptor-dependent inhibitory responses (84% of L5PNs), 5-HT2A (2A) receptor-dependent excitatory responses (9%), and biphasic responses in which 2A-dependent excitation followed brief inhibition (5%). Relative to 5-HT-inhibited neurons, those excited by 5-HT had physiological properties characteristic of callosal/commissural (COM) neurons that project to the contralateral cortex. We tested whether serotonergic responses in cortical pyramidal neurons are correlated with their axonal projection pattern using retrograde fluorescent labeling of COM and corticopontine-projecting (CPn) neurons. 5-HT generated excitatory or biphasic responses in all 5-HT-responsive layer 5 COM neurons. Conversely, CPn neurons were universally inhibited by 5-HT. Serotonergic excitation of COM neurons was blocked by the 2A antagonist MDL 11939, while serotonergic inhibition of CPn neurons was blocked by the 1A antagonist WAY 100635, confirming a role for these two receptor subtypes in regulating pyramidal neuron activity. Selective serotonergic excitation of COM neurons was not layer-specific, as COM neurons in layer 2/3 were also selectively excited by 5-HT relative to their non-labeled pyramidal neuron neighbors. Because neocortical 2A receptors are implicated in the etiology and pathophysiology of schizophrenia, we propose that COM neurons may represent a novel cellular target for intervention in psychiatric disease

    Neuron Morphology Influences Axon Initial Segment Plasticity

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    In most vertebrate neurons, action potentials are initiated in the axon initial segment (AIS), a specialized region of the axon containing a high density of voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels. It has recently been proposed that neurons use plasticity of AIS length and/or location to regulate their intrinsic excitability. Here we quantify the impact of neuron morphology on AIS plasticity using computational models of simplified and realistic somatodendritic morphologies. In small neurons (e.g., dentate granule neurons), excitability was highest when the AIS was of intermediate length and located adjacent to the soma. Conversely, neurons having larger dendritic trees (e.g., pyramidal neurons) were most excitable when the AIS was longer and/or located away from the soma. For any given somatodendritic morphology, increasing dendritic membrane capacitance and/or conductance favored a longer and more distally located AIS. Overall, changes to AIS length, with corresponding changes in total sodium conductance, were far more effective in regulating neuron excitability than were changes in AIS location, while dendritic capacitance had a larger impact on AIS performance than did dendritic conductance. The somatodendritic influence on AIS performance reflects modest soma-to-AIS voltage attenuation combined with neuron size-dependent changes in AIS input resistance, effective membrane time constant, and isolation from somatodendritic capacitance. We conclude that the impact of AIS plasticity on neuron excitability will depend largely on somatodendritic morphology, and that, in some neurons, a shorter or more distally located AIS may promote, rather than limit, action potential generation

    Electrical Advantages of Dendritic Spines

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    Many neurons receive excitatory glutamatergic input almost exclusively onto dendritic spines. In the absence of spines, the amplitudes and kinetics of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) at the site of synaptic input are highly variable and depend on dendritic location. We hypothesized that dendritic spines standardize the local geometry at the site of synaptic input, thereby reducing location-dependent variability of local EPSP properties. We tested this hypothesis using computational models of simplified and morphologically realistic spiny neurons that allow direct comparison of EPSPs generated on spine heads with EPSPs generated on dendritic shafts at the same dendritic locations. In all morphologies tested, spines greatly reduced location-dependent variability of local EPSP amplitude and kinetics, while having minimal impact on EPSPs measured at the soma. Spine-dependent standardization of local EPSP properties persisted across a range of physiologically relevant spine neck resistances, and in models with variable neck resistances. By reducing the variability of local EPSPs, spines standardized synaptic activation of NMDA receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels. Furthermore, spines enhanced activation of NMDA receptors and facilitated the generation of NMDA spikes and axonal action potentials in response to synaptic input. Finally, we show that dynamic regulation of spine neck geometry can preserve local EPSP properties following plasticity-driven changes in synaptic strength, but is inefficient in modifying the amplitude of EPSPs in other cellular compartments. These observations suggest that one function of dendritic spines is to standardize local EPSP properties throughout the dendritic tree, thereby allowing neurons to use similar voltage-sensitive postsynaptic mechanisms at all dendritic locations.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant R01 MH83806 (ATG), the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (GJS), and NIH grants NS11613 and DC00086 (NTC). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Activity-dependent Serotonergic Excitation of Callosal Projection Neurons in the Mouse Prefrontal Cortex

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    Layer 5 pyramidal neurons (L5PNs) in the mouse prefrontal cortex respond to serotonin (5-HT) according to their long-distance axonal projections; 5-HT1A (1A) receptors mediate inhibitory responses in corticopontine (CPn) L5PNs, while 5-HT2A (2A) receptors can enhance action potential (AP) output in callosal/commissural (COM) L5PNs, either directly (in ā€œCOM-excitedā€ neurons), or following brief 1A-mediated inhibition (in ā€œCOM-biphasicā€ neurons). Here we compare the impact of 5-HT on the excitability of CPn and COM L5PNs experiencing variable excitatory drive produced by current injection (DC current or simulated synaptic current) or with exogenous glutamate. 5-HT delivered at resting membrane potentials, or paired with subthreshold depolarizing input, hyperpolarized CPn and COM-biphasic L5PNs and failed to promote AP generation in COM-excited L5PNs. Conversely, when paired with suprathreshold excitatory drive generating multiple APs, 5-HT suppressed AP output in CPn L5PNs, enhanced AP generation in COM-excited L5PNs, and generated variable responses in COM-biphasic L5PNs. While COM-excited neurons failed to respond to 5-HT in the presence of a 2A receptor antagonist, 32% of CPn neurons exhibited 2A-dependent excitation following blockade of 1A receptors. The presence of pharmacologically revealed 2A receptors in CPn L5PNs was correlated with the duration of 1A-mediated inhibition, yet biphasic excitatory responses to 5-HT were never observed, even when 5-HT was paired with strong excitatory drive. Our results suggest that 2A receptors selectively amplify the output of COM L5PNs experiencing suprathreshold excitatory drive, while shaping the duration of 1A-mediated inhibition in a subset of CPn L5PNs. Activity-dependent serotonergic excitation of COM L5PNs, combined with 1A-mediated inhibition of CPn and COM-biphasic L5PNs, may facilitate executive function by focusing network activity within cortical circuits subserving the most appropriate behavioral output

    Mechanisms Underlying Serotonergic Excitation of Callosal Projection Neurons in the Mouse Medial Prefrontal Cortex

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    Serotonin (5-HT) selectively excites subpopulations of pyramidal neurons in the neocortex via activation of 5-HT2A (2A) receptors coupled to Gq subtype G-protein alpha subunits. Gq-mediated excitatory responses have been attributed primarily to suppression of potassium conductances, including those mediated by KV7 potassium channels (i.e., the M-current), or activation of non-specific cation conductances that underlie calcium-dependent afterdepolarizations (ADPs). However, 2A-dependent excitation of cortical neurons has not been extensively studied, and no consensus exists regarding the underlying ionic effector(s) involved. In layer 5 of the mouse medial prefrontal cortex, we tested potential mechanisms of serotonergic excitation in commissural/callosal (COM) projection neurons, a subpopulation of pyramidal neurons that exhibits 2A-dependent excitation in response to 5-HT. In baseline conditions, 5-HT enhanced the rate of action potential generation in COM neurons experiencing suprathreshold somatic current injection. This serotonergic excitation was occluded by activation of muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptors, confirming that 5-HT acts via the same Gq-signaling cascades engaged by ACh. Like ACh, 5-HT promoted the generation of calcium-dependent ADPs following spike trains. However, calcium was not necessary for serotonergic excitation, as responses to 5-HT were enhanced (by \u3e100%), rather than reduced, by chelation of intracellular calcium with 10 mM BAPTA. This suggests intracellular calcium negatively regulates additional ionic conductances gated by 2A receptors. Removal of extracellular calcium had no effect when intracellular calcium signaling was intact, but suppressed 5-HT response amplitudes, by about 50%, when BAPTA was included in patch pipettes. This suggests that 2A excitation involves activation of a non-specific cation conductance that is both calcium-sensitive and calcium-permeable. M-current suppression was found to be a third ionic effector, as blockade of KV7 channels with XE991 (10 Ī¼M) reduced serotonergic excitation by āˆ¼50% in control conditions, and by āˆ¼30% with intracellular BAPTA present. Together, these findings demonstrate a role for at least three distinct ionic effectors, including KV7 channels, a calcium-sensitive and calcium-permeable non-specific cation conductance, and the calcium-dependent ADP conductance, in mediating serotonergic excitation of COM neurons

    Serotonergic Regulation of Corticoamygdalar Neurons in the Mouse Prelimbic Cortex

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    Neuromodulatory transmitters, such as serotonin (5-HT), selectively regulate the excitability of subpopulations of cortical projection neurons to gate cortical output to specific target regions. For instance, in the mouse prelimbic cortex, 5-HT selectively excites commissurally projecting (COM) intratelencephalic neurons via activation of 5-HT2A (2A) receptors, while simultaneously inhibiting, via 5-HT1A (1A) receptors, corticofugally projecting pyramidal neurons targeting the pons. Here we characterize the physiology, morphology, and serotonergic regulation of corticoamygdalar (CAm) projection neurons in the mouse prelimbic cortex. Layer 5 CAm neurons shared a number of physiological and morphological characteristics with COM neurons, including higher input resistances, smaller HCN-channel mediated responses, and sparser dendritic arbors than corticopontine neurons. Across cortical lamina, CAm neurons also resembled COM neurons in their serotonergic modulation; focally applied 5-HT (100 Ī¼M; 1 s) generated 2A-receptor-mediated excitation, or 1A- and 2A-dependent biphasic responses, in ipsilaterally and contralaterally projecting CAm neurons. Serotonergic excitation depended on extrinsic excitatory drive, as 5-HT failed to depolarize CAm neurons from rest, but could enhance the number of action potentials generated by simulated barrages of synaptic input. Finally, using dual tracer injections, we identified double-labeled CAm/COM neurons that displayed primarily excitatory or biphasic responses to 5-HT. Overall, our findings reveal that prelimbic CAm neurons in layer 5 overlap, at least partially, with COM neurons, and that neurons projecting to either, or both targets, exhibit 2A-dependent serotonergic excitation. These results suggest that 5-HT, acting at 2A receptors, may promote cortical output to the amygdala

    Loss of Neurofascin-186 Disrupts Alignment of AnkyrinG Relative to Its Binding Partners in the Axon Initial Segment

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    The axon initial segment (AIS) is a specialized region within the proximal portion of the axon that initiates action potentials thanks in large part to an enrichment of sodium channels. The scaffolding protein ankyrinG (AnkG) is essential for the recruitment of sodium channels as well as several other intracellular and extracellular proteins to the AIS. In the present study, we explore the role of the cell adhesion molecule (CAM) neurofascin-186 (NF-186) in arranging the individual molecular components of the AIS in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Using a CRISPR depletion strategy to ablate NF expression, we found that the loss of NF selectively perturbed AnkG accumulation and its relative proximal distribution within the AIS. We found that the overexpression of sodium channels could restore AnkG accumulation, but not its altered distribution within the AIS without NF present. We go on to show that although the loss of NF altered AnkG distribution, sodium channel function within the AIS remained normal. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the regulation of AnkG and sodium channel accumulation within the AIS can occur independently of one another, potentially mediated by other binding partners such as NF

    Excitatory actions of GABA in the cortex

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    Little is known about how GABAergic inputs interact with excitatory inputs under conditions that maintain physiological concentrations of intracellular anions. Using extracellular and gramicidin perforated-patch recording, we show that somatic and dendritic GABA responses in mature cortical pyramidal neurons are depolarizing from rest and can facilitate action potential generation when combined with proximal excitatory input. Dendritic GABA responses were excitatory regardless of timing, whereas somatic GABA responses were inhibitory when coincident with excitatory input but excitatory at earlier times. These excitatory actions of GABA occur even though the GABA reversal potential is below action potential threshold and largely uniform across the somato-dendritic axis, and arise when GABAergic inputs are temporally or spatially isolated from concurrent excitation. Our findings demonstrate that under certain circumstances GABA will have an excitatory role in synaptic integration in the cortex

    Cholinergic inhibition of neocortical pyramidal neurons

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    Acetylcholine (ACh) is a central neurotransmitter critical for normal cognitive function. Here we show that transient muscarinic acetylcholine receptor activation directly inhibits neocortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Using whole-cell and cell-attache