44 research outputs found
Landslide damage assessment using the Support Analysis Framework (SAF): the 2009 landsliding event in Calabria (Italy)
In this paper, a simplified methodological approach is used to assess damage
indices related to landslide phenomena that occurred in Calabria (Italy)
between November 2008 and January 2009. This approach, which was designed
for and applied to single landslides, uses the Support Analysis Framework
(SAF), a procedure containing the elements that can be damaged by a
landslide grouped in categories. In this paper, we test wide-ranging use of
the SAF on a number of landslides, assessing landslide damage on a municipal
scale to get a final estimate of the amount of damage caused by all of the
landslides that occurred in a selected municipality.
Data regarding the damage caused by landslides were gathered from the press.
Daily newspapers were systematically collected and elaborated to assess
direct, indirect and intangible damage caused during the abovementioned
period by a rainfall-triggered <i>landsliding event</i>. In the paper, regional- and
provincial-scale results are described, and the methodological approach is
briefly described.
The application of the proposed methodological approach to the 2009
landsliding event shows that the results can be used to summarise landslide
damage from a complex event in order to better plan an intervention strategy
at a regional, provincial or municipal scale.
The availability of newspaper data during the event and the speed of the
proposed approach allow for rapid location of the damaged sectors during the
event, which will continuously upgrade the regional damage framework. This
can all be done almost in "real time".
For regional agencies, this framework can be a starting point to both manage
the emergency and to acquire and interpret data giving a more detailed
damage distribution so that a response can be organised. Moreover, based on
the damage assessment, a characterisation of the landsliding event can also
be carried out and used to describe the damage scenario occurring after each
type of event
Targeting of multiple myeloma-related angiogenesis by miR-199a-5p mimics: in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activity
Multiple myeloma (MM) cells induce relevant angiogenic effects within the human bone marrow milieu (huBMM) by the aberrant expression of angiogenic factors. Hypoxia triggers angiogenic events within the huBMM and the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor-1Îą (HIF-1Îą) is over-expressed by MM cells. Since synthetic miR-199a-5p mimics negatively regulates HIF-1Îą, we here investigated a miRNA-based therapeutic strategy against hypoxic MM cells. We indeed found that enforced expression of miR-199a-5p led to down-modulated expression of HIF-1Îą as well as of other pro-angiogenic factors such as VEGF-A, IL-8, and FGFb in hypoxic MM cells in vitro. Moreover, miR-199a-5p negatively affected MM cells migration, while it increased the adhesion of MM cells to bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) in hypoxic conditions. Furthermore, transfection of MM cells with miR-199a-5p significantly impaired also endothelial cells migration and down-regulated the expression of endothelial adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1 and ICAM-1. Finally, we identified a hypoxia\AKT/miR-199a-5p loop as a potential molecular mechanism responsible of miR-199a-5p down-regulation in hypoxic MM cells. Taken together our results indicate that miR-199a-5p has an important role for the pathogenesis of MM and support the hypothesis that targeting angiogenesis via a miRNA/HIF-1Îą pathway may represent a novel potential therapeutical approach for this still lethal diseas
miR-29b sensitizes multiple myeloma cells to bortezomib-induced apoptosis through the activation of a feedback loop with the transcription factor Sp1
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) with tumor-suppressor potential might have therapeutic applications in multiple myeloma (MM) through the modulation of still undiscovered molecular pathways. Here, we investigated the effects of enforced expression of miR-29b on the apoptotic occurrence in MM and highlighted its role in the context of a new transcriptional loop that is finely tuned by the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. In details, in vitro growth inhibition and apoptosis of MM cells was induced by either transient expression of synthetic miR-29b or its stable lentivirus-enforced expression. We identified Sp1, a transcription factor endowed with oncogenic activity, as a negative regulator of miR-29b expression in MM cells. Since Sp1 expression and functions are regulated via the 26S proteasome, we investigated the effects of bortezomib on miR-29b-Sp1 loop, showing that miR-29b levels were indeed upregulated by the drug. At the same time, the bortezomib/miR-29b combination produced significant pro-apoptotic effects. We also demonstrated that the PI3K/AKT pathway plays a major role in the regulation of miR-29b-Sp1 loop and induction of apoptosis in MM cells. Finally, MM xenografts constitutively expressing miR-29b showed significant reduction of their tumorigenic potential. Our findings indicate that miR-29b is involved in a regulatory loop amenable of pharmacologic intervention and modulates the anti-MM activity of bortezomib in MM cells
Adaptable mobile software for supporting daily activities of people with intellectual disabilities
Many a person with intellectual disabilities (PID) will experience various problems in daily life. The use of mobile applications can help PIDs to cope with these problems and feel more confident. At the present time, the number of applications (apps) that are intended to support the everyday life of PID is growing rapidly. However, different PIDs have different capabilities and limitations. Focusing on a certain category of PID significantly limits the usage of such apps. On the other hand, attempts to cater to a wide range of disabilities can make the app less suitable for most of them. Meanwhile, most PIDs have caregivers who are well aware of the capabilities and limitations of their clients and, if allowed to, would be able to customize mobile apps for each individual user. This situation makes it possible to develop apps for PID that are adaptable by their caregivers. The paper presents an approach to the development of mobile apps for PIDs whose interface can be configured by others who well understand the userâs capabilities and limitations. The mobile appâs interface is to be designed using template-based technologies. The interface templates can include mandatory and optional image elements. Development begins with the design of templates for each app screenshot, showing the mandatory and optional elements, their positions on the screen and sets of possible images for each element. A web service to manage the development of such mobile apps, with adaptable interfaces, and to configure an appâs interface to particular users (PIDs), is described. We then show the suggested approach by the development of two mobile games for PIDs, both with adaptable interfaces.</p
Il linfonodo sentinella nei tumori del colon
Introduzione. I tumori maligni possono dare metastasi seguendo il sistema linfatico in modo sequenziale. In ogni catena linfatica al primo linfonodo che drena la regione dove si è sviluppato il tumore viene dato il nome di âlinfonodo sentinellaââ (LS).
Obiettivo dello studio. Lâobiettivo principale del presente studio è la determinazione del valore predittivo della metodica del linfonodo sentinella nella stadiazione del cancro colico non metastatico.
Pazienti e metodi. Abbiamo effettuato uno studio prospettico arruolando pazienti con adenocarcinoma del colon che soddisfacessero i seguenti criteri: - etĂ minima di 18 anni; - stadiazione con colonoscopia, Rx torace, ecografia o TC addome completo per selezionare pazienti con adenocarcinoma del colon T2-T3 senza metastasi linfonodali ed epatiche; - rischio anestesiologico ASA 1-3; - consenso informato.
A seguito della resezione colica con linfadenectomia è stata eseguita unâiniezione sottomucosa di colorante vitale (patent blue) che ha permesso di identificare il linfonodo sentinella.
I linfonodi sono stati sottoposti ad esame istologico con ematossilina-eosina e successivamente con tecnica immunoistochimica.
Risultati. Dal gennaio a dicembre 2008, 26 pazienti sono stati arruolati in questo studio prospettico. Di questi sono stati considerati elegibili per il nostro studio solamente 14 pazienti. Lâesame con ematossilina - eosina dei linfonodi ha evidenziato: a) in 4 casi su 14 (28,57%) erano presenti metastasi sui linfonodi contenuti nel mesocolon, b) in 10 casi su 14 (71,42%) erano assenti metastasi sui linfonodi contenuti nel mesocolon.
Nei casi in cui non erano presenti metastasi, allâesame con ematossilina-eosina, nei linfonodi del mesocolon è stato eseguito lâesame istologico dei linfonodi sentinella con tecnica immunoistochimica; in 2 casi è stata evidenziata la presenza di micrometastasi. In un caso sono state identificate linee aberranti di drenaggio mesenterico (skip metastasis); il linfonodo sentinella (negativo allâesame con ematossilina eosina) è stato studiato con tecnica immunoistochimica che non ha evidenziato la presenza di micrometastasi.
Conclusioni. Ă possibile affermare che lâesame del linfonodo sentinella è fattibile con la metodica ex vivo. Nel 20% dei casi da noi studiati a livello dei LS sono presenti micrometastasi non evidenziate al classico esame con ematossilina-eosina. Lo studio dei linfonodi sentinella con sezioni multiseriate e tecniche immunoistochimiche consente un miglioramento della stadiazione patologica
Mir-34: a new weapon against cancer?
The microRNA(miRNA)-34a is a key regulator of tumor suppression. It controls the expression of a plethora of target proteins involved in cell cycle, differentiation and apoptosis, and antagonizes processes that are necessary for basic cancer cell viability as well as cancer stemness, metastasis, and chemoresistance. In this review, we focus on the molecular mechanisms of miR-34a-mediated tumor suppression, giving emphasis on the main miR-34a targets, as well as on the principal regulators involved in the modulation of this miRNA. Moreover, we shed light on the miR-34a role in modulating responsiveness to chemotherapy and on the phytonutrients-mediated regulation of miR-34a expression and activity in cancer cells. Given the broad anti-oncogenic activity of miR-34a, we also discuss the substantial benefits of a new therapeutic concept based on nanotechnology delivery of miRNA mimics. In fact, the replacement of oncosuppressor miRNAs provides an effective strategy against tumor heterogeneity and the selective RNA-based delivery systems seems to be an excellent platform for a safe and effective targeting of the tumor