134 research outputs found

    Is a single photon's wave front observable?

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    The ultimate goal and the theoretical limit of weak signal detection is the ability to detect a single photon against a noisy background. [...] In this paper we show, that a combination of a quantum metamaterial (QMM)-based sensor matrix and quantum non-demolition (QND) readout of its quantum state allows, in principle, to detect a single photon in several points, i.e., to observe its wave front. Actually, there are a few possible ways of doing this, with at least one within the reach of current experimental techniques for the microwave range. The ability to resolve the quantum-limited signal from a remote source against a much stronger local noise would bring significant advantages to such diverse fields of activity as, e.g., microwave astronomy and missile defence. The key components of the proposed method are 1) the entangling interaction of the incoming photon with the QMM sensor array, which produces the spatially correlated quantum state of the latter, and 2) the QND readout of the collective observable (e.g., total magnetic moment), which characterizes this quantum state. The effects of local noise (e.g., fluctuations affecting the elements of the matrix) will be suppressed relative to the signal from the spatially coherent field of (even) a single photon.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Using data of optic sensors and pigment content in leaves for efficient diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition

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    Received: February 23rd, 2022 ; Accepted: May 16th, 2022 ; Published: August 12th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] monitoring and diagnostics of a condition of crops permit to make prompt and proper activities on dressing nitrogen fertilizers. This will allow the plants to use the nitrogen applied efficiently, and therefore reduce their use in field. Since nitrogen that has not been utilized by plants is able to escape into the atmosphere or be washed out of the soil with water. The most accurate diagnostic method is to determine the chemical composition of plants, but it takes quite a long time and requires laboratory conditions, which is not always possible in the field. One of the promising methods is photometric diagnostics of crops using optical instruments. Experiment is carried out in contrasting weather conditions, on soddy-podzolic soil with spring barley and spring rapeseed being investigated. Results of research show the efficiency of using optic sensors (N-testers) for efficient diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition of plants. The readings of the device (N-tester) were compared with the concentration of a and b chlorophyll, determined by a chemical method. Results of diagnostics with portable photometric device ‘Yara’ are correlating with concentrations of chlorophylls a (r=0.96) and b (r = 0.91) in spring rapeseed. Moreover, correlation of rapeseed yield and concentrations of chlorophylls a and b has quantity and inverse relation similar to device indication (r = -0.81 and r = -0.70 respectively). Results of diagnostics with N-tester ‘Spectroluxe’ are strongly correlating with chlorophyll concentration. Device indication correlates stronger with chlorophyll b concentration in spring barley and chlorophyll a concentration in spring rapeseed (rapeseed was investigated in dryer conditions). Thus, such a modern optical device as N-tester, whose action is based on measuring the concentration of leafy chlorophyll, can replace chemical methods and increase the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization, which means increasing the productivity of plants and reducing the negative impact of unreasonable use of nitrogen fertilizers

    The quality of life of patients with ovarian cancer stage I-III via general questionnaire EQ-5D and the special questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30

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    In order to assess the impact of treatment on quality of life of patients with ovarian cancer stage I-III, we have conducted monitoring of 51 patients who were treated in The Primorsky Krai Oncological Clinic from 2014 to 2015, who responded to the overall EQ-5D questionnaire and the special questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30 before treatment and after 6 cycles of chemotherapy. All patients were subjected to the surgery at the first stage. Laparotomia, hysterectomy with appendages, resection of the greater omentum is made for 41 (80,4%) patients, without resection of the omentum was made for 3 (5,9%) patients. Laparotomia, uppervaginal amputation of uterus with appendages, resection of the greater omentum is made 5 (9,8%), without resection of the omenntum was made for 2 (3,9%) patients. The omentum was not removed owing to a lack of technical capacity for resection. The second stage of the complex treatment is adjuvant chemotherapy scheme TCb (Paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 Carboplatin AUC 6) or Paclitaxel 175 mg/m2, Cisplatin 75 mg/m2 (total 6 cycles). Pronounced changes in the quality of life of patients before treatment was owing to the manifestation of the underlying disease, the lack of «expressed concerns» after treatment indicates the effectiveness of anticancer therapy. The increase of «moderate problem» by the components «daily activity», «anxiety and depression», «health condition», compared with how it was a year ago,» indicates the presence of side effects of chemotherapy. The quality of life assessment via special questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30 before treatment and after chemotherapy in patients with stage I ovarian cancer shows significant changes in indicators in the growth of dyspeptic symptoms, improvement of the emotional background (decrease anxiety and depression, sleep), reduced performance of significant physical activity. At the stage II ovarian cancer after chemotherapy increase in a general weakness, a limitation in the performance of daily activities and significant physical exertion are marked. At the stage III ovarian cancer substantial significant changes are noticed as the growth of dyspeptic symptoms, emotional depression, but also at the performance of daily activities and physical exercise, in spite of this, patients assessed the overall health status over the last week by 6 points, where 7 points is excellent health condition. Results show the decrease of the quality of life, in the background of the special treatment and the stage of disease

    Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of neurometabo­lites in the hippocampi of aggressive and tame male rats

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    Proportions of major neurometabolites with regard to their total amount in the dorsal region of the hippocampus were studied in adult male rats of populations selected for long for increase and absence of aggressivefearful response to humans and in unselected vivarium- kept rats by 1H magnetic resonance spectrometry. Tame and unselected males showed no significant differences in the proportions of any neurometabolites studied. Differences in the proportions of some neurometabolites were found in aggressive vs. tame and in aggressive vs. unselected animals. Tame animals showed higher pro­portions of GABA, N-acetylaspartate (NAA), and choline derivatives and a lower proportion of phosphoryl­ethanolamine than aggressive ones. It is likely that the elevated content of GABA, one of the main inhibitory neurotransmitters in the brain, lowers excita­tion intensity in tame pups in comparison to aggressive ones. In comparison to unselected animals, aggressive rats demonstrated higher proportions of glutamine, aspartate, phosphorylethanolamine, and lactate and lower proportions of NAA and creatinine+ phosphocreatinine. Aspartate is one of the main excitement transmitter, and its elevated proportion in the brain of aggressive rats may favor more intense excitation than in unselected rats. In contrast, the elevated proportion of glutamine in aggressive rats vs. tame rats may be indicative of (1) a metabolic disturbance in the glutamate–glutamine cycle, which links neural and glial cells, and (2) decrease in the activity of glutaminase, the enzyme converting glutamine to glutamate (GABA precursor). The reduced NAA proportion together with the elevated proportion of glutamine in aggressive rats point to impaired energy metabolism in comparison to unselected animals. The differences in neurometabolite patterns between hippocampi of male rats of the unselec­ted and aggressive populations suggest the existence of different neurobiological mechanisms governing aggression manifestation

    Measurement of J/ψγηcJ/\psi\to\gamma\eta_{\rm c} decay rate and ηc\eta_{\rm c} parameters at KEDR

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    Using the inclusive photon spectrum based on a data sample collected at the J/ψJ/\psi peak with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+ee^+e^- collider, we measured the rate of the radiative decay J/ψγηcJ/\psi\to\gamma\eta_{\rm c} as well as ηc\eta_{\rm c} mass and width. Taking into account an asymmetric photon lineshape we obtained Γγηc0=2.98±0.180.33+0.15\Gamma^0_{\gamma\eta_{\rm c}}=2.98\pm0.18 \phantom{|}^{+0.15}_{-0.33} keV, Mηc=2983.5±1.43.6+1.6M_{\eta_{\rm c}} = 2983.5 \pm 1.4 \phantom{|}^{+1.6}_{-3.6} MeV/c2c^2, Γηc=27.2±3.12.6+5.4\Gamma_{\eta_{\rm c}} = 27.2 \pm 3.1 \phantom{|}^{+5.4}_{-2.6} MeV.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Measurement of J/psi to eta_c gamma at KEDR

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    We present a study of the inclusive photon spectra from 5.9 million J/psi decays collected with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+e- collider. We measure the branching fraction of radiative decay J/psi to eta_c gamma, eta_c width and mass. Our preliminary results are: M(eta_c) = 2979.4+-1.5+-1.9 MeV, G(eta_c) = 27.8+-5.1+-3.3 MeV, B(J/psi to eta_c gamma) = (2.34+-0.15+-0.40)%.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of the PhiPsi09, Oct. 13-16, 2009, Beijing, Chin

    Measurement of B(J/psi->eta_c gamma) at KEDR

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    We present a study of the inclusive photon spectrum from 6.3 million J/psi decays collected with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+e- collider. We measure the branching fraction of the radiative decay J/psi -> eta_c gamma, eta_c width and mass. Taking into account an asymmetric photon line shape we obtain: M(eta_c) = (2978.1 +- 1.4 +- 2.0) MeV/c^2, Gamma(eta_c) = (43.5 +- 5.4 +- 15.8) MeV, B(J/psi->eta_c gamma) = (2.59 +- 0.16 +- 0.31)%$.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. To be published in the proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Charm Physics (Charm2010), October 21-24, 2010, IHEP, Beijin


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    The regenerative amplification system of femtosecond laser pulses, delivering a laser pulses with peak power more then 1 GW and duration <330 fs at repetition rates 1–10 kHz is presented. This system is applicable in pump-probe spectroscopy with high temporal resolution, as well as for pumping of optical parametric oscillators for generation of infrared femtosecond pulses.Представлена система регенеративного усиления фемтосекундных лазерных импульсов, позволяющая получать лазерные импульсы с пиковой мощностью >1 ГВт и длительностью около 330 фс при частоте следования 1–10 кГц. Данная система предназначена для использования в спектроскопии методом возбуждения-зондирования с высоким временным разрешением, а также других приложениях, требующих высокой пиковой мощности и частоты повторения импульсов, в частности для накачки оптических параметрических генераторов света с целью получения фемтосекундных импульсов в ИКобласти спектра


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    The work is devoted to the study of the influence of anion cadmium salts (chloride, nitrate and acetate) on the ligand function of the ion (CdBr42−)-selective electrode (ISE). The graphical form of the ligand functions of film electrodes in a wide concentration range of Cd2+-ions (from 1 ∙ 10–4 to 0.1 M) is described and the influence of anion cadmium salts on the function of the ISE is explained in details. It is established that the increase in the concentration of Cd2+-ions has a double impact on the response characteristics of the CdBr42−-selective electrode. Also, it is established that the most suitable response characteristics are peculiar to the ligand functions of the CdBr42−-selective electrode based on cadmium acetate. The mathematical model of the ligand functions of the ISE based on trianoniloctadecylammonium is calculated using the system of computer algebra Mathematica 6.0.Работа посвящена изучению влияния природы аниона соли кадмия (хлорида, нитрата и ацетата) на лигандную функцию тетрабромокадмиат-селективного электрода. В качестве анионообменника для мембран ионоселективного электрода использовался образец высшей четвертичной аммониевой соли – иодид тринонилоктадециламмония. Установлено, что рост фоновой концентрации Cd2 +-ионов в водном растворе приводит к снижению верхнего предела обнаружения и возрастанию крутизны бромидной функции, что вызывает увеличение точности определения бромидов в реальных объектах. Но вместе с тем при увеличении концентрации катионов кадмия возрастает нижний предел обнаружения, сужается и смещается в более концентрированную область линейный диапазон бромидной функции. Установлено, что использование ацетата кадмия предпочтительнее, чем хлоридных и нитратных солей кадмия. Проведен теоретический расчет бромидной функции CdBr42−–СЭ через систему уравнений, отражающих закон действующих масс и условия материальных балансов, и установлено, что экспериментальные и теоретические потенциалы совпадают в линейной области градуировочных графиков