22 research outputs found
Estudio morfológico, isotópico y proteómico de la fauna del Pleistoceno y Holoceno de Cova dos Santos (Abadín, Lugo, NO España)
[Abstract] Cova dos Santos is a karstic cavity in Abadín (Lugo), in a hitherto unexplored area that may have been the natural route between the well-known Quaternary faunas of the Cantabrian Mountain Range and those located further south in Galicia, such as in the Serra do Courel. The surface surveys carried out during the topographic layout revealed the presence of deposits of bone remains, usually extremely fragmented, of medium and large vertebrates. Due to the nature of these remains, different molecular techniques (ZooMS, stable isotopes), radiocarbon dating, and morphological and metric analysis were used to characterise the remains present at the site. Combining these methods, it has been possible to identify different taxa such as Ursus speleaeus, Ursus arctos, Panthera pardus, Cervus elaphus, Rhinocerotidae, and to confirm the occupation of this cave since at least 43000 years ago calBP. The presence of domestic species, such as Ovis aries, Equus sp. and Gallus gallus, also shows the use of this cave in more recent times.[Resumen] Cova dos Santos es una cavidad kárstica en Abadín (Lugo), en una zona hasta ahora inexplorada que podría haber sido la ruta natural entre las conocidas faunas cuaternarias de la cordillera Cantábrica y las situadas más al sur de Galicia, como en la Serra do Courel. La prospección de superficie realizada durante los trabajos de trazado topográfico reveló la presencia de depósitos de restos óseos, generalmente muy fragmentados, pertenecientes a vertebrados de mediano y gran tamaño. Debido al carácter de estos restos, se emplearon distintas técnicas moleculares (ZooMS, isótopos estables), dataciones por radiocarbono, y análisis morfológico y métrico para poder caracterizar los restos presentes en el yacimiento. Combinando estos métodos, se han podido identificar distintos taxones como Ursus speleaeus, Ursus arctos, Panthera pardus, Cervus elaphus, Rhinocerotidae, y constatar la ocupación de esta cueva desde hace al menos 43.000 años calBP. La presencia de especies domésticas, como Ovis aries, Equus sp. o Gallus gallus, también pone de manifiesto el uso de esta cavidad en épocas más recientes.This research was supported by financial assistance from the Sociedad Española de Paleontología ID AJISEP-2019-07121 and funds from the Instituto Universitario de Xeoloxía of the UDC. A. García-Vázquez is supported by a postdoctoral ICUB Fellowship for Young Researchers of the University of BucharestSociedad Española de Paleontología; AJISEP-2019-0712
Alteration of platelet GPVI signaling in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients demonstrated by a combination of proteomic, biochemical, and functional approaches
The platelet-specific collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) is critical for the formation of arterial thrombosis in vivo. We analyzed GPVI-activated platelets from ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients and matched stable coronary artery disease (SCAD) controls in order to provide novel clues on the degree of involvement of GPVI signaling in the acute event. Firstly, platelets were isolated from systemic venous blood and activated with the GPVI specific agonist CRP (collagen-related peptide). STEMI and SCAD samples were compared by a phosphoproteomics approach. Validations were by immunoblotting in systemic and intracoronary blood from independent cohorts of patients. Twenty-six differentially regulated proteins were identified when comparing CRP-activated systemic platelets from STEMI and SCAD patients, 4 of which were selected for validation studies: PLCɣ2, G6f, SLP-76, and Dok-2. Immunoblot analyses showed these four proteins had higher tyrosine phosphorylation levels in response to CRP in platelets from STEMI patients, being these levels more pronounced at the culprit site of coronary artery occlusion. Moreover, platelet aggregation studies showed a higher response to GPVI agonists in STEMI patients compared to SCAD controls. In conclusion, we show an altered activation state of GPVI signaling in STEMI patients, confirming this receptor as a promising anti-thrombotic target for myocardial infarctionhis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) [grant No. SAF2013-45014-R, co-funded by the European regional development fund (ERDF)]. AG acknowledges support from the Sociedad Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia – Fundación Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SETH-FETH). PV is a predoctoral fellow from the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago (IDIS)S
Histological response of soda-lime glass-ceramic bactericidal rods implanted in the jaws of beagle dogs
Bacterial and fungal infections remain a major clinical challenge. Implant infections very often require
complicated revision procedures that are troublesome to patients and costly to the healthcare system.
Innovative approaches to tackle infections are urgently needed. We investigated the histological
response of novel free P2O5 glass-ceramic rods implanted in the jaws of beagle dogs. Due to the
particular percolated morphology of this glass-ceramic, the dissolution of the rods in the animal body
environment and the immature bone formation during the fourth months of implantation maintained
the integrity of the glass-ceramic rod. No clinical signs of inflammation took place in any of the beagle
dogs during the four months of implantation. This new glass-ceramic biomaterial with inherent
bactericidal and fungicidal properties can be considered as an appealing candidate for bone tissue
engineeringThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) under the projects
MAT2012-38645. A.P. Tomsia work was supported by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of
Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH/NIDCR) Grant No. 1R01DE015633S
A New Biocompatible and Antibacterial Phosphate Free Glass-Ceramic for Medical Applications
In the attempt to find valid alternatives to classic antibiotics and in view of current limitations in the efficacy of antimicrobial-coated or loaded biomaterials, this work is focused on the development of a new glass-ceramic with antibacterial performance together with safe biocompatibility. This bactericidal glass-ceramic composed of combeite and nepheline crystals in a residual glassy matrix has been obtained using an antimicrobial soda-lime glass as a precursor. Its inhibitory effects on bacterial growth and biofilm formation were proved against five biofilm-producing reference strains. The biocompatibility tests by using mesenchymal stem cells derived from human bone indicate an excellent biocompatibility.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España)Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)Depto. de MedicinaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu
Histological response of soda-lime glass-ceramic bactericidal rods implanted in the jaws of beagle dogs
Bacterial and fungal infections remain a major clinical challenge. Implant infections very often require complicated revision procedures that are troublesome to patients and costly to the healthcare system. Innovative approaches to tackle infections are urgently needed. We investigated the histological response of novel free P 2 O 5 glass-ceramic rods implanted in the jaws of beagle dogs. Due to the particular percolated morphology of this glass-ceramic, the dissolution of the rods in the animal body environment and the immature bone formation during the fourth months of implantation maintained the integrity of the glass-ceramic rod. No clinical signs of inflammation took place in any of the beagle dogs during the four months of implantation. This new glass-ceramic biomaterial with inherent bactericidal and fungicidal properties can be considered as an appealing candidate for bone tissue engineering.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) under the projects MAT2012-38645. A.P. Tomsia work was supported by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH/NIDCR) Grant No. 1R01DE015633.Peer Reviewe
Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 27 Número 11-12
Suelos de la zona húmeda española. IV. Podsoles, por F. Guitián Ojea y T. Carballas.-- Suelos de los pisos montano superior y alpino de la ladera sur del Mulhacén (Sierra Nev¡¡da), por L. J. Alias y A. Pérez Pujalte.-- Relaciones entre el pH, la materia orgánica y las formas de (fósforo en tres catenas de suelos, por V. Hernando, V. Lombardía y R. de Clerck.-- Evoluciones de macronutrientes durante la dinámica del crecimiento y desarrollo de la hoja de Jimonero. I. En condiciones fisiológicamente normales y bajo la influencia de la. salinidad, por A. Ortuño Martínez, A. Hernansáez Rabay y M. Parra Gilabert.-- Variaciones estacionales de la población microbiana en diversos suelos de cultivo de trigo en secano y regadío, por J. M. Lozano Calle.-- Influencia de diversos factores ambientales y edáficos, sobre la actividad microbiana, por J. M. Lozano Calle.-- Ensayos sobre estructura y estabilidad estructural, por R. Román.-- Estudio comparativo de fertilizantes nitrogenados. I. Sulfato amónico y nitrato amónico, por A. Aguilar, E. Esteban y J. Salazar .-- Vertisoles de la provincia de Granada. por L. J. tllías y A. Pérez Pujalte. Nuevos focos de Heterodera rostochiensis W., 1923 • (nematoda) en las islas Canarias, por A. Bello.—Notas.-- Reuniones del Patronato Alonso de Herrera del C. S. I. C .-- Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Cuarto.-- Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada de; Cuarto (Sevilla).-- Instituto de Edafología y Biología Vegetal Madrid.-- Departamento de Economía Agraria.-- Misión Biológica de Galicia.-- Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (Murcia).-- Instituto de Aclimatación de Almería.-- III Coloquio de Investigaciones sobre el Agua.--VI Congreso Mundial de fertilizantes.-- Sociedad Española de Ciencia del Suelo.-- BibliografíaPeer reviewe
Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 24 Número 11-12
Evolución de un suelo de bosque de Quercus pyrenaica provocada por una plantación de pinus silvestris, por F. Velasco y J. M. Albareda.-- Presencia de compuestos fenólicos libres en tipos de suelos distintos, por F . Martín Martínez y Antonio A. de. Petre .-- Contribución al estudio mineralógico de la fracción arena de las suelos de la Cordillera Cantábrica, por F. Velasco y J. J. Alonso.-- Estudio de un yacimiento de caolín de Cuenca, por S. González, M. Sánchez Camazano y M. T. Martín Sánchez.-- Variaciones del contenido mineral de las tomateras durante el ciclo de cultivo, por C. Cadahía y V. Hernando.-- Relación entre el fósforo total y el fósforo lábil de cuatro suelos característicos andaluces, por P. de Arambarri y L. Madrid.-- Una modificación del aparato de Skinner, Halstead y Brydon para la determinación de calcita y dolomita en los suelos ctalizos, por C. Abrisqueta, A. Lax, M. Romero y González.-- Etude de la structure et de la fertilité physique du sol sur grandes fermes mecanisées, por L. de Leenheer.-- Evaluation de la structure du sol sur le terrain et étude des facteurs pratiques pour la conservation d'une bonne structure du sol, por L. de Leenheer.—Construcción de una mira para la toma de fotografías de perfiles de suelos, por F. Guitián Ojea.—Notas. Consejo . de Investigaciones alemán para la alimentación, agricultura y bosques.-- Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de la Unión Internacional de Ciencias Biológicas.-- Comisión Coordinadora.—Consejeros.- Centros.-- Centro Experimental- Económico Agrario La Mayora.-- Programa de coloquios para el curso 1965-1966, que tendrá lugar en el Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas., Edafológicas y Agrobiológicas de Galicia.-- Invitaciones ·a científicos extranjeros.-- Curso sobre Hidrología General y Aplicada.-- Congresos, Reuniones y Becas.-- Simposio · sobre alteración de materiales pétreos utilizados en los monumentos.Peer reviewe
Recombinant PrP<sup>Sc</sup> shares structural features with brain-derived PrP<sup>Sc</sup>: Insights from limited proteolysis
<div><p>Very solid evidence suggests that the core of full length PrP<sup>Sc</sup> is a 4-rung β-solenoid, and that individual PrP<sup>Sc</sup> subunits stack to form amyloid fibers. We recently used limited proteolysis to map the β-strands and connecting loops that make up the PrP<sup>Sc</sup> solenoid. Using high resolution SDS-PAGE followed by epitope analysis, and mass spectrometry, we identified positions ~116/118, 133–134, 141, 152–153, 162, 169 and 179 (murine numbering) as Proteinase K (PK) cleavage sites in PrP<sup>Sc</sup>. Such sites likely define loops and/or borders of β-strands, helping us to predict the threading of the β-solenoid. We have now extended this approach to recombinant PrP<sup>Sc</sup> (recPrP<sup>Sc</sup>). The term recPrP<sup>Sc</sup> refers to <i>bona fide</i> recombinant prions prepared by PMCA, exhibiting infectivity with attack rates of ~100%. Limited proteolysis of mouse and bank vole recPrP<sup>Sc</sup> species yielded N-terminally truncated PK-resistant fragments similar to those seen in brain-derived PrP<sup>Sc</sup>, albeit with varying relative yields. Along with these fragments, doubly N- and C-terminally truncated fragments, in particular ~89/97-152, were detected in some recPrP<sup>Sc</sup> preparations; similar fragments are characteristic of atypical strains of brain-derived PrP<sup>Sc</sup>. Our results suggest a shared architecture of recPrP<sup>Sc</sup> and brain PrP<sup>Sc</sup> prions. The observed differences, in particular the distinct yields of specific PK-resistant fragments, are likely due to differences in threading which result in the specific biochemical characteristics of recPrP<sup>Sc</sup>. Furthermore, recombinant PrP<sup>Sc</sup> offers exciting opportunities for structural studies unachievable with brain-derived PrP<sup>Sc</sup>.</p></div
Analysis of PK-resistant fragments of recBVPrP<sup>Sc</sup>.
<p>A) Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE of recBVPrP<sup>Sc</sup> treated with PK (see text for more details); numbered bands were excised, digested with trypsin in gel and analyzed as described in the Materials and Methods section. B) MALDI spectrum of the same PK-treated sample; the horizontal line in B indicates unassigned peaks perhaps corresponding to N-,C- doubly truncated fragments.</p
MALDI analysis of PK-resistant fragments in recBVPrP<sup>Sc</sup>.
<p>MALDI analysis of PK-resistant fragments in recBVPrP<sup>Sc</sup>.</p