111 research outputs found

    Human platelet lysate as a potential clinical-translatable supplement to support the neurotrophic properties of human adipose-derived stem cells

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    Background: The autologous nerve graft, despite its donor site morbidity and unpredictable functional recovery, continues to be the gold standard in peripheral nerve repair. Rodent research studies have shown promising results with cell transplantation of human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSC) in a bioengineered conduit, as an alternative strategy for nerve regeneration. To achieve meaningful clinical translation, cell therapy must comply with biosafety. Cell extraction and expansion methods that use animal-derived products, including enzymatic adipose tissue dissociation and the use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) as a culture medium supplement, have the potential for transmission of zoonotic infectious and immunogenicity. Human-platelet-lysate (hPL) serum has been used in recent years in human cell expansion, showing reliability in clinical applications. Methods: We investigated whether hADSC can be routinely isolated and cultured in a completely xenogeneic-free way (using hPL culture medium supplement and avoiding collagenase digestion) without altering their physiology and stem properties. Outcomes in terms of stem marker expression (CD105, CD90, CD73) and the osteocyte/adipocyte differentiation capacity were compared with classical collagenase digestion and FBS-supplemented hADSC expansion. Results: We found no significant differences between the two examined extraction and culture protocols in terms of cluster differentiation (CD) marker expression and stem cell plasticity, while hADSC in hPL showed a significantly higher proliferation rate when compared with the usual FBS-Added medium. Considering the important key growth factors (particularly brain-derived growth factor (BDNF)) present in hPL, we investigated a possible neurogenic commitment of hADSC when cultured with hPL. Interestingly, hADSC cultured in hPL showed a statistically higher secretion of neurotrophic factors BDNF, glial cell-derived growth factor (GDNF), and nerve-derived growth factor (NFG) than FBS-cultured cells. When cocultured in the presence of primary neurons, hADSC which had been grown under hPL supplementation, showed significantly enhanced neurotrophic properties. Conclusions: The hPL-supplement medium could improve cell proliferation and neurotropism while maintaining stable cell properties, showing effectiveness in clinical translation and significant potential in peripheral nerve research

    Time course of risk factors associated with mortality of 1260 critically ill patients with COVID-19 admitted to 24 Italian intensive care units

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    94noopenPurpose: To evaluate the daily values and trends over time of relevant clinical, ventilatory and laboratory parameters during the intensive care unit (ICU) stay and their association with outcome in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19). Methods: In this retrospective–prospective multicentric study, we enrolled COVID-19 patients admitted to Italian ICUs from February 22 to May 31, 2020. Clinical data were daily recorded. The time course of 18 clinical parameters was evaluated by a polynomial maximum likelihood multilevel linear regression model, while a full joint modeling was fit to study the association with ICU outcome. Results: 1260 consecutive critically ill patients with COVID-19 admitted in 24 ICUs were enrolled. 78% were male with a median age of 63 [55–69] years. At ICU admission, the median ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure to fractional inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) was 122 [89–175] mmHg. 79% of patients underwent invasive mechanical ventilation. The overall mortality was 34%. Both the daily values and trends of respiratory system compliance, PaO2/FiO2, driving pressure, arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure, creatinine, C-reactive protein, ferritin, neutrophil, neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio, and platelets were associated with survival, while for lactate, pH, bilirubin, lymphocyte, and urea only the daily values were associated with survival. The trends of PaO2/FiO2, respiratory system compliance, driving pressure, creatinine, ferritin, and C-reactive protein showed a higher association with survival compared to the daily values. Conclusion: Daily values or trends over time of parameters associated with acute organ dysfunction, acid–base derangement, coagulation impairment, or systemic inflammation were associated with patient survival.openZanella A.; Florio G.; Antonelli M.; Bellani G.; Berselli A.; Bove T.; Cabrini L.; Carlesso E.; Castelli G.P.; Cecconi M.; Citerio G.; Coloretti I.; Corti D.; Dalla Corte F.; De Robertis E.; Foti G.; Fumagalli R.; Girardis M.; Giudici R.; Guiotto L.; Langer T.; Mirabella L.; Pasero D.; Protti A.; Ranieri M.V.; Rona R.; Scudeller L.; Severgnini P.; Spadaro S.; Stocchetti N.; Vigano M.; Pesenti A.; Grasselli G.; Aspesi M.; Baccanelli F.; Bassi F.; Bet A.; Biagioni E.; Biondo A.; Bonenti C.; Bottino N.; Brazzi L.; Buquicchio I.; Busani S.; Calini A.; Calligaro P.; Cantatore L.P.; Carelli S.; Carsetti A.; Cavallini S.; Cimicchi G.; Coppadoro A.; Dall'Ara L.; Di Gravio V.; Erba M.; Evasi G.; Facchini A.; Fanelli V.; Feliciotti G.; Fusarini C.F.; Ferraro G.; Gagliardi G.; Garberi R.; Gay H.; Giacche L.; Grieco D.; Guzzardella A.; Longhini F.; Manzan A.; Maraggia D.; Milani A.; Mischi A.; Montalto C.; Mormina S.; Noseda V.; Paleari C.; Pedeferri M.; Pezzi A.; Pizzilli G.; Pozzi M.; Properzi P.; Rauseo M.; Russotto V.; Saccarelli L.; Servillo G.; Spano S.; Tagliabue P.; Tonetti T.; Tullo L.; Vetrugno L.; Vivona L.; Volta C.A.; Zambelli V.; Zanoni A.Zanella, A.; Florio, G.; Antonelli, M.; Bellani, G.; Berselli, A.; Bove, T.; Cabrini, L.; Carlesso, E.; Castelli, G. P.; Cecconi, M.; Citerio, G.; Coloretti, I.; Corti, D.; Dalla Corte, F.; De Robertis, E.; Foti, G.; Fumagalli, R.; Girardis, M.; Giudici, R.; Guiotto, L.; Langer, T.; Mirabella, L.; Pasero, D.; Protti, A.; Ranieri, M. V.; Rona, R.; Scudeller, L.; Severgnini, P.; Spadaro, S.; Stocchetti, N.; Vigano, M.; Pesenti, A.; Grasselli, G.; Aspesi, M.; Baccanelli, F.; Bassi, F.; Bet, A.; Biagioni, E.; Biondo, A.; Bonenti, C.; Bottino, N.; Brazzi, L.; Buquicchio, I.; Busani, S.; Calini, A.; Calligaro, P.; Cantatore, L. P.; Carelli, S.; Carsetti, A.; Cavallini, S.; Cimicchi, G.; Coppadoro, A.; Dall'Ara, L.; Di Gravio, V.; Erba, M.; Evasi, G.; Facchini, A.; Fanelli, V.; Feliciotti, G.; Fusarini, C. F.; Ferraro, G.; Gagliardi, G.; Garberi, R.; Gay, H.; Giacche, L.; Grieco, D.; Guzzardella, A.; Longhini, F.; Manzan, A.; Maraggia, D.; Milani, A.; Mischi, A.; Montalto, C.; Mormina, S.; Noseda, V.; Paleari, C.; Pedeferri, M.; Pezzi, A.; Pizzilli, G.; Pozzi, M.; Properzi, P.; Rauseo, M.; Russotto, V.; Saccarelli, L.; Servillo, G.; Spano, S.; Tagliabue, P.; Tonetti, T.; Tullo, L.; Vetrugno, L.; Vivona, L.; Volta, C. A.; Zambelli, V.; Zanoni, A


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana sistem pengendalian intern penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas yang dilakukan PT. Asuransi Bringin Sejahtera Artamamakmur Cabang Medan dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya guna mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Mulyadi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Kualitatif, dengan teknik analisis data Deskriptif, yaitu dengan terlebih dahulu mengumpulkan data, mengklasifikasikan serta menafsirkan data sehingga dapat memberikan gambaran yang jelas mengenai masalah yang diteliti. Dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi, dimana data yang diambil merupakan data primer yang berupa bukti catatan atau laporan historis yang telah tersusun dalam arsip yang dipublikasi maupun yang tidak dipublikasikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengendalian intern penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas PT. Asuransi Bringin Sejahtera Artamakmur Cabang Medan belum sepenuhnya memenuhi unsur-unsur pengendalian intern, karena masih adanya beberapa hal yang tidak sesuai dengan teori yang ada. Diantaranya, masih ada perangkapan tugas yang dilakukan bagian kasir dengan bagian akuntansi. Demikian juga dalam hal pembagian tugas, dimana bagian kasir diberi tanggung jawab dalam hal penagihan premi, yang sebaiknya tugas ini bukan dipegang unit tersebut. Praktik-praktik ini ditakutkan akan mengurangi keakuratan pencatatan dan juga akan membuka peluang terjadinya penyelewengan terhadap kas yang mengakibatkan kerugian perusahaan. Hal ini juga akan mengurangi keefektifan dalam praktik kerja bagian kasir, karena terlalu banyak memegang fungsi

    Characteristic Metabolism of Free Amino Acids in Cetacean Plasma: Cluster Analysis and Comparison with Mice

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    From an evolutionary perspective, the ancestors of cetaceans first lived in terrestrial environments prior to adapting to aquatic environments. Whereas anatomical and morphological adaptations to aquatic environments have been well studied, few studies have focused on physiological changes. We focused on plasma amino acid concentrations (aminograms) since they show distinct patterns under various physiological conditions. Plasma and urine aminograms were obtained from bottlenose dolphins, pacific white-sided dolphins, Risso's dolphins, false-killer whales and C57BL/6J and ICR mice. Hierarchical cluster analyses were employed to uncover a multitude of amino acid relationships among different species, which can help us understand the complex interrelations comprising metabolic adaptations. The cetacean aminograms formed a cluster that was markedly distinguishable from the mouse cluster, indicating that cetaceans and terrestrial mammals have quite different metabolic machinery for amino acids. Levels of carnosine and 3-methylhistidine, both of which are antioxidants, were substantially higher in cetaceans. Urea was markedly elevated in cetaceans, whereas the level of urea cycle-related amino acids was lower. Because diving mammals must cope with high rates of reactive oxygen species generation due to alterations in apnea/reoxygenation and ischemia-reperfusion processes, high concentrations of antioxidative amino acids are advantageous. Moreover, shifting the set point of urea cycle may be an adaption used for body water conservation in the hyperosmotic sea water environment, because urea functions as a major blood osmolyte. Furthermore, since dolphins are kept in many aquariums for observation, the evaluation of these aminograms may provide useful diagnostic indices for the assessment of cetacean health in artificial environments in the future

    Identification and Validation of Novel Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers for Staging Early Alzheimer's Disease

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    Ideally, disease modifying therapies for Alzheimer disease (AD) will be applied during the 'preclinical' stage (pathology present with cognition intact) before severe neuronal damage occurs, or upon recognizing very mild cognitive impairment. Developing and judiciously administering such therapies will require biomarker panels to identify early AD pathology, classify disease stage, monitor pathological progression, and predict cognitive decline. To discover such biomarkers, we measured AD-associated changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteome.CSF samples from individuals with mild AD (Clinical Dementia Rating [CDR] 1) (n = 24) and cognitively normal controls (CDR 0) (n = 24) were subjected to two-dimensional difference-in-gel electrophoresis. Within 119 differentially-abundant gel features, mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) identified 47 proteins. For validation, eleven proteins were re-evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Six of these assays (NrCAM, YKL-40, chromogranin A, carnosinase I, transthyretin, cystatin C) distinguished CDR 1 and CDR 0 groups and were subsequently applied (with tau, p-tau181 and Aβ42 ELISAs) to a larger independent cohort (n = 292) that included individuals with very mild dementia (CDR 0.5). Receiver-operating characteristic curve analyses using stepwise logistic regression yielded optimal biomarker combinations to distinguish CDR 0 from CDR>0 (tau, YKL-40, NrCAM) and CDR 1 from CDR<1 (tau, chromogranin A, carnosinase I) with areas under the curve of 0.90 (0.85-0.94 95% confidence interval [CI]) and 0.88 (0.81-0.94 CI), respectively.Four novel CSF biomarkers for AD (NrCAM, YKL-40, chromogranin A, carnosinase I) can improve the diagnostic accuracy of Aβ42 and tau. Together, these six markers describe six clinicopathological stages from cognitive normalcy to mild dementia, including stages defined by increased risk of cognitive decline. Such a panel might improve clinical trial efficiency by guiding subject enrollment and monitoring disease progression. Further studies will be required to validate this panel and evaluate its potential for distinguishing AD from other dementing conditions

    The geometry of Generating Functions for a class of Hamiltonians in the non compact case

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    We consider a class of Hamiltonians H:T c6Rn\u27f6R and the related flows View the MathML source, proving the existence and uniqueness of generating functions quadratic at infinity for its graph View the MathML source. As a consequence, we obtain the same results for the Lagrangian submanifolds View the MathML source Hamiltonianly isotopic to the zero section L0 43Rn. This problem was also considered by Chaperon, Sikorav and Viterbo in the case of closed manifolds. The assumption on the class of Hamiltonians is an asymptotic behaviour of polynomial type on the phase space. In particular, we deal with a family of Hamiltonian systems arising from usual mechanical problems, for which we study the structure of the corresponding generating functions, showing their main analytical properties. The results presented in the paper are applied to prove the existence and uniqueness of minmax solutions for a class of Hamilton\u2013Jacobi equations on T c6Rn

    Integral representations for the Schroedinger propagator

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    We consider the Schro \u308dinger equation for a Hamiltonian operator with a potential function modeling one-particle scattering problems. By means of a strongly converging regularization of the Schro \u308dinger propagator U(t), we introduce a new class of integral representations for the relaxed kernel in terms of oscillatory integrals. They are constructed with complex amplitudes and real phase functions that belong to the class of global weakly quadratic generating functions of the Lagrangian submanifolds related to the group of classical canonical transformations. Moreover, as a particular generating function, we consider the action functional A[\u3b3] evaluated on a suitable finite-dimensional space of curves \u3b3 08 W\u302 82 H1([0,t],Rn). As a matter of fact we obtain a finite-dimensional path integral representation for the relaxed kernel