32 research outputs found

    Activation and functional connectivity of cerebellum during reading and during arithmetic in children with combined reading and math disabilities

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    Background: Reading and math constitute important academic skills, and as such, reading disability (RD or developmental dyslexia) and math disability (MD or developmental dyscalculia) can have negative consequences for children’s educational progress. Although RD and MD are different learning disabilities, they frequently co-occur. Separate theories have implicated the cerebellum and its cortical connections in RD and in MD, suggesting that children with combined reading and math disability (RD + MD) may have altered cerebellar function and disrupted functional connectivity between the cerebellum and cortex during reading and during arithmetic processing.Methods: Here we compared Control and RD + MD groups during a reading task as well as during an arithmetic task on (i) activation of the cerebellum, (ii) background functional connectivity, and (iii) task-dependent functional connectivity between the cerebellum and the cortex.Results: The two groups (Control, RD + MD) did not differ for either task (reading, arithmetic) on any of the three measures (activation, background functional connectivity, task-dependent functional connectivity).Conclusion: These results do not support theories that children’s deficits in reading and math originate in the cerebellum

    Examining the Central and Peripheral Processes of Written Word Production Through Meta-Analysis

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    Producing written words requires “central” cognitive processes (such as orthographic long-term and working memory) as well as more peripheral processes responsible for generating the motor actions needed for producing written words in a variety of formats (handwriting, typing, etc.). In recent years, various functional neuroimaging studies have examined the neural substrates underlying the central and peripheral processes of written word production. This study provides the first quantitative meta-analysis of these studies by applying activation likelihood estimation (ALE) methods (Turkeltaub et al., 2002). For alphabet languages, we identified 11 studies (with a total of 17 experimental contrasts) that had been designed to isolate central and/or peripheral processes of word spelling (total number of participants = 146). Three ALE meta-analyses were carried out. One involved the complete set of 17 contrasts; two others were applied to subsets of contrasts to distinguish the neural substrates of central from peripheral processes. These analyses identified a network of brain regions reliably associated with the central and peripheral processes of word spelling. Among the many significant results, is the finding that the regions with the greatest correspondence across studies were in the left inferior temporal/fusiform gyri and left inferior frontal gyrus. Furthermore, although the angular gyrus (AG) has traditionally been identified as a key site within the written word production network, none of the meta-analyses found it to be a consistent site of activation, identifying instead a region just superior/medial to the left AG in the left posterior intraparietal sulcus. These meta-analyses and the discussion of results provide a valuable foundation upon which future studies that examine the neural basis of written word production can build

    Relationships between gray matter volume and reading ability in typically developing children, adolescents, and young adults

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    Reading is explicitly taught and foreshadows academic and vocational success. Studies comparing typical readers to those with developmental dyslexia have identified anatomical brain differences in bilateral temporo-parietal cortex, left temporo-occipital cortex, and bilateral cerebellum. Yet, it is unclear whether linear relationships exist between these brain structures and single real word reading ability in the general population. If dyslexia represents the lower end of the normal continuum, then relationships between gray matter volume (GMV) and reading ability would exist for all reading levels. Our study examined this question using voxel-based morphometry in a large sample (n = 404) of typically developing participants aged 6–22 derived from the NIH normative database. We tested correlations between individual GMV and single word reading and found none. After dividing this sample into groups based on age and on sex, we only found results in the group aged 15–22: positive correlations between GMV in left fusiform gyrus and reading, driven by females; and in right superior temporal gyrus in males. Multiple regressions also yielded no results, demonstrating that there is no general linear relationship between GMV and single real word reading ability. This provides an important context by which to interpret findings of GMV differences in dyslexia. Keywords: Voxel-based morphometry, Reading, Dyslexia, Gray matter volume, Neuroimaging, NIH, Normative databas

    Functional neuroanatomy of arithmetic in monolingual and bilingual adults and children

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    Prior studies on the brain bases of arithmetic have not focused on (or even described) their participants' language backgrounds. Yet, unlike monolinguals, early bilinguals have the capacity to solve arithmetic problems in both of their two languages. This raises the question whether this ability, or any other experience that comes with being bilingual, affects brain activity for arithmetic in bilinguals relative to monolinguals. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to compare brain activity in 44 English monolinguals and 44 Spanish‐English early bilinguals, during the solving of arithmetic problems in English. We used a factorial design to test for a main effect of bilingual Language Experience. Based on the known modulating roles of arithmetic operation and age, we used two arithmetic tasks (addition and subtraction) and studied two age groups (adults and children). When collapsing across operations and age, we found broad bilateral activation for arithmetic in both the monolingual group and the bilingual group. However, an analysis of variance revealed that there was no effect of Language Experience, nor an interaction of Language Experience with Operation or Age Group. Bayesian analyses within regions of interest chosen for their role in arithmetic further supported the finding of no effect of Language Experience on brain activity underlying arithmetic. We conclude that early bilingualism does not influence the functional neuroanatomy of simple arithmetic

    Dorsal visual stream activity during coherent motion processing is not related to math ability or dyscalculia

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    Math disability (MD) or developmental dyscalculia is a highly prevalent learning disability involving deficits in computation and arithmetic fact retrieval and is associated with dysfunction of parietal and prefrontal cortices. It has been suggested that dyscalculia (and other learning disabilities and developmental disorders) can be viewed in terms of a broader ‘dorsal stream vulnerability,’ which could explain a range of dorsal visual stream function deficits, including poor coherent visual motion perception. Behavioral evidence from two studies in typical children has linked performance on visual motion perception to math ability, and a third behavioral study reported poorer visual motion perception in a small group of children with MD compared to controls. Visual motion perception relies on the magnocellular-dominated dorsal stream, particularly its constituent area V5/MT. Here we used functional MRI to measure brain activity in area V5/MT during coherent visual motion processing to test its relationship with math ability. While we found bilateral activation in V5/MT in 66 children/adolescents with varied math abilities, we found no relationships between V5/MT activity and standardized math measures. Next, we selected a group of children/adolescents with MD (n = 23) and compared them to typically developing controls (n = 18), but found no differences in activity in V5/MT or elsewhere in the brain. We followed these frequentist statistics with Bayesian analyses, which favored null models in both studies. We conclude that dorsal stream function subserving visual motion processing in area V5/MT is not related to math ability, nor is it altered in those with the math disability dyscalculia

    An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis study of simple motor movements in older and young adults

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    The functional neuroanatomy of finger movements has been characterized with neuroimaging in young adults. However, less is known about the aging motor system. Several studies have contrasted movement-related activity in older versus young adults, but there is inconsistency among their findings. To address this, we conducted an activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis on within-group data from older adults and young adults performing regularly paced right-hand finger movement tasks in response to external stimuli. We hypothesized that older adults would show a greater likelihood of activation in right cortical motor areas (i.e., ipsilateral to the side of movement) compared to young adults. ALE maps were examined for conjunction and between-group differences. Older adults showed overlapping likelihoods of activation with young adults in left primary sensorimotor cortex (SM1), bilateral supplementary motor area, bilateral insula, left thalamus, and right anterior cerebellum, but differed from young adults in right SM1 (extending into dorsal premotor cortex), right supramarginal gyrus, medial premotor cortex and right posterior cerebellum. The finding that older adults uniquely use ipsilateral regions for right-hand finger movements and show age-dependent modulations in regions recruited by both age groups provides a foundation by which to understand age-related motor decline and motor disorders

    The Neural Basis of Hyperlexic Reading An fMRI Case Study

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    AbstractChildren with autism spectrum disorders in very rare cases display surprisingly advanced “hyperlexic” reading skills. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we studied the neural basis of this precocious reading ability in a 9-year-old hyperlexic boy who reads 6 years in advance of his age. During covert reading, he demonstrated greater activity in the left inferior frontal and superior temporal cortices than both chronological age- and reading age-matched controls. Activity in the right inferior temporal sulcus was greater when compared to reading age-matched controls. These findings suggest that precocious reading is brought about by simultaneously drawing on both left hemisphere phonological and right hemisphere visual systems, reconciling the two prevailing, but seemingly contradictory, single hemisphere theories of hyperlexia. Hyperlexic reading is therefore associated with hyperactivation of the left superior temporal cortex, much in the same way as developmental dyslexia is associated with hypoactivation of this area